Profile for Lamorak

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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
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Mac Gamers in General
Member # 2773
Profile #0
Now, I'm aware how many people here own mac's, so, this one's for you.

Click Here

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00
Anti-Americanism in General
Member # 2773
Profile #18
I understand that the british are by no means perfect, and in many cases a bunch of uptight snobs and can also be very arrogent and ignorant.

But just cause I'm being hypocritical, dosen't mean I have to like America.

And I suppose, yes, it's because we realise how pathetic and puny we are to America, we resent them.

As you may have gathered I don't particularly like Britian at the moment either.

Lets just go live on a island somewhere.

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00
Troglodytes, the other dark meat in General
Member # 2773
Profile #28
Poor goblins, who knows, if we stopped exterminating them and using them as slaves, they might grow into a fruitful civillisation.

I'm always lenient with the little ones.

Most likely the empire threw almost everything they could find down into avernum if they didn't kill it.

I find the idea of cave giants ironic.

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00
Anti-Americanism in General
Member # 2773
Profile #7
Im not terribly fond of america, to put it lightly,

However I am british, and there are a number of factor that lead to my dislike.

-Our Prime Minister has his head up your presidents arse.

-We percieve you to be big-headed, arrogent, and have a vendetta against the enviroment.

-When we watch hollywood films about the first and second world war which depict all American heroes that were the saviours of us we feel bitter considering the millions of British, Russian and French soldiers that died and that have been portrayed as failures. Also when American films about the battle of britain focus on american aces etc etc.

-I our eyes you think you did everything in the world and yet know nothing about it.

-You always go on about how nasty the british are (as seen with the numerous british villains in your films) and then are offended when we dont like you.


-Their legendry inability to bomb the right targets, a popular phrase over here is, "The red cross isnt an idication of where to aim"

-And I'll add more as I think of them.

[ Saturday, January 31, 2004 02:04: Message edited by: Lamorak ]

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00
Troglodytes, the other dark meat in General
Member # 2773
Profile #18
Maybe some of them got shoved into avernum like the rest of the races.

Personally, I believe the sliths were far more advanced, having player through Avernum going donw into lost basskarwhatever shows you that the sliths you meet in avernum are actually the rejects from thier homeland just like the avernites are the rejects from the surface. The sliths having been created by the Vahnatai presumably still dwell in lower caves, though not having played Avernum 2 through I cannot say if you actually meet them there.

Perhaps someone in the know would like to inform us on this matter.

[ Thursday, January 29, 2004 13:13: Message edited by: Lamorak ]

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00
A little thought experiment in General
Member # 2773
Profile #21
Box A just to be akward.

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00
Avernum Story in General
Member # 2773
Profile #15
Theres just so many unfinished stories in A/E :

the first expedition, micah, grah-hoth, early history.

You enter avernum in the first game and its already established, a central government, several large towns, organised armies and great library's of learning.

I want to know what it was like for the people that built that society, when the first prisoner stepped through the portal, what did he do. When fort avernum was built, where were thier next footsteps.

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00
Avernum Story in General
Member # 2773
Profile #3
Thank you.

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00
Avernum Story in General
Member # 2773
Profile #0
Is there any chance I could get my hands on a copt of the complete avernum story. That is from the first vanhati (or whatever they are) through the creation of the sliths, the dragons arriving, the origin of the big demon guy, to the first expedidtion and right the way through to the end of avernum 3?

It would be nice to be able to read the history and formation of avernum and relive some of the adventures.

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00
Tables and chests in Blades of Avernum
Member # 2773
Profile #4
What do you mean an extra click? What does that matter?
Could you post the URL to the thread so I could read it please.

[ Sunday, March 16, 2003 04:14: Message edited by: Lamorak ]

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00
Tables and chests in Blades of Avernum
Member # 2773
Profile #0
In the Avernum series its possible to get things off tables and out of chests, but it isnt possible to put them back, would add a nice visusal touch and would prevent all the items strewn on the floor (which i think look too messy)
if it's not too much work.

If we assume that at the start of the first game, Micah has been ruling for 20 odd years, and we take into account that he was atleast 30 by the time he took the throne. If we add a year for the events of the first game, then 5 years untill the second, a year for that game and the seven years untill the begginning of the third, then take a year to account for the last one...
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, March 15 2003 08:00