Profile for Ahbleza
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Displayed name | Ahbleza |
Member number | 2626 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 257 |
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Registered | Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
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Secnario idea. in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Wednesday, January 11 2006 04:26
Also, in line with what you asked, realize that you can take your Party from one Scenario into another. There are several Scenarios that are sequentially written for that very reason. Although there are others, one set that everyone is familiar with is done by the Author, Alcritas. They're often referred to as, "The Arc". The stories are "linked" so there is a progressing story line and certainly sufficient activity. Also, as most of us have found, a Scenario that is very long wears on you after a while, so if it doesn't have something to hold your interest, redundant battles and treasures will turn you off rather than on. Look around. Play a few of them. Then, I believe, your idea of an "infinite" scenario will fade like a snow Florida. me [ Wednesday, January 11, 2006 04:27: Message edited by: Ahbleza ] Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
How do you take a screenshot? in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Monday, January 9 2006 14:15
Again, ya' can't hurt anything. All you could do would be to lose the image and have to go back and re-"print screen" it. Play around with them. Then when you decide to start collecting pictures, etc. they'll come easy. Try patching several sections of an outdoors together. That's a good start. If it's too hard to keep them from jumping around, change the setting on your mouse to a slower tracking speed. Then set it back when you're done. me P.S. Sounds like someone else wants to start making full folders of the Scenarios, eh? ;) Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
How do you take a screenshot? in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Monday, January 9 2006 11:29
Hoping you're on a PC.......... If you haven't noticed, when you've clicked on one of the separate windows, such as the Auto Map, you'll notice that the colored strip at the top of that window is activated and you are working in that screen and you can't move the characters on the Main Screen with the four cursor keys. But, if you use the mouse and click on the Main Screen, then you can move them on the Main Screen. Sorry to elaborate. I just wanted to point out why the OS is called "Windows". If you hold down the "alt" key and press the "print screen" key, the OS, (windows), will put the image of the entire screen into a buffer, or section of memory as a temporary file. If you turn off your machine, it will be lost. If you want to make an image of someting such as the Auto-Map that shows where you are: First click on that window to make it active, rather than the entire screen. Then, hold down the "alt" key and press the "print screen" key. Now the image stored in the buffer is only the one of the Auto Map, not the entire Screen. Next, open MS Paint. When it comes up, there will be a blank section that you're going to put the image onto. BUT...... You need to make sure the blank area is large enough for you to place the image and for you to work with it. If you've saved an image of the Auto Map, it will be around 300 Pixels square. Assuming you want to cut the actual picture out of the frame, you'll need a blank area at least twice that size. I'd recommend 800 x 800, especially if you're going to add other sections to it. (The Auto Map won't show an entire Town, if it's large.) If you're not familiar with MS Paint, From the Drop Down Menus, click on Image, then, Attributes, (also ctrl + E). You'll get a screen that allows you to set the values, or size of the blank you need to use. Regardless of what came up, change it to something else, such as 800w x 800h. You should see the white working area change size. Now, click on Edit, then Paste. The OS should put your image of the Auto Map onto the top left of the working area. Use the Tool Bar that is probably on the top left and choose the dotted rectangle. On the image you've pasted, put the cursor on the top left corner of the picture only, not the entire image with the BoE Logo, etc. Now, holding down the left button, move the mouse so the cursor goes to the bottom right of the picture, then let go of the button. You'll see a dotted outline of the picture. If you place the cursor anywhere on the picture, then hold down the top left button, you can move the picture anywhere you want on the white work area. That's Window's Drag & Drop. I've made this too long already, so I'll cut it short here, but..... Remember that you can't hurt anything, but to lose the image. Go back and do it over. You'll "do over" lots of times. It's normal. Including when you mess up a picture. Try all the options on the drop down menus and the tool bar. You'll learn to erase mistakes, write the name of the image, etc. Play with it a while. If you have any more questions, just ask, If I can't help there are others here much better at this than I. me ;) [ Monday, January 09, 2006 11:31: Message edited by: Ahbleza ] Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Blades won't open in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Tuesday, December 20 2005 11:49
Not knowing where the bug came in, nor what it has affected, you should remove everything to clean it out. I've done the same as you're asking, saved some of the files, but eventually had to remove everything, then start all over. Give it a try, to only remove the BoE files, keeping your *.sav files and the Scenarios. The worse that can happen is the contamination is on them, so you'll have to do the whole thing anyhow. It's probably worth the try. I'm more concerned that you have a bug that's deeper in your system and you'll eventually have to reformat the Hard Drive. I'd think that if you caught something from a Scenario, other Players would have let us all know. And as "new" as I am to BoE, I haven't heard anyone say anything about catching something here. You'll know if the problem keeps coming back. Myself, I've reformatted twice on this machine, but I don't surf like most people do. Give it a whirl. It is a frustrating experience, but, like finding secrets in a Scenario, more than worth the effort in the long run. I have a son who programs for a living and he reformats as a matter of normal maintenance. me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Blades won't open in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Monday, December 19 2005 14:47
Ruthie, *Read first, before you start doing any of this. You haven't said you have/have not an Anti-Virus Program and/or Spyware/Adaware Type Program running on your machine. Most machines do, either individually, or via your I.S.P. This should have alerted you of a potential problem. Next, if you did pick up a bug, (Let's say via a contaminated BoE Scenario.), then it may have only affected BoE. If you have a VALID BoE Program on Disk - no "junk", then..... Delete everything you have that is associated with BoE. (If it's all in a Main Folder then simply delete that Folder.) (What you've done is to only erase the "marker" for all the Files. They're actually still on your Hard Drive.) Next, depending on which System you're running, find "System Tools" and one of the Programs should be named, "Disk Defragmenter". Or, something similar. What this does is what a File Clerk would do if told to clean up the File Cabinet. They would take all the Files out of the Cabinet. Then clean out the Cabinet of all "junk". Then put all the Files back neat and orderly in a manner you told them to. The Degragmenter Program sorts out all the Files, writing over everything and compacting the Files so the System will run smoother. The thing you want the Machine to do is to write over any "junk" that may have been on the Hard Drive Disk. This won't remove, or foul up anything. It will simply "sort things out" cleanly. Most people run their Disk Cleaning Programs a minimum of once per month, and I'd recommend weekly if you spend any time at all, on the 'Net. This includes Disk Cleanup, and any others you want to. It may take a couple of hours, so do it at a time you're not using the Machine, like at night while you're watching TV. By the time you go to bed the Machine will have gone through a "House Cleaning". Last comment. You can't hurt the machine by running these Programs too much. They only make it clean and effective. It's a preventative maintenance thing. me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Blades won't open in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Sunday, December 18 2005 14:20
It sounds like you're right. It's the machine, not the Game. Assuming you have a good AV program and Spyware, etc. running to inspect incoming files: Is this the only program this happens to? Did you turn off the machine, then restart? When you removed the program, did you run the "Disk Defragment" program before you reloaded BoE? Because, when you run "Defrag", you can select how to "stack" the Files. Doing so, everything gets overwritten. So, the entire HD is written over. If you don't defrag, the machine may simply write files over the contaminated sector of the Drive and never truly remove the bug. ??? me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
The Notes in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Monday, December 5 2005 04:12
Since, "I really don't care" seems to say it all, I guess I'll just drop it here. me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
The Notes in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Sunday, December 4 2005 15:25
Time out. This "Package" is the same type Walk Through & *.bmp pics I've sent to Gizmo in the past for other Scenarios. I have simply added the detailed Walk Through and *.bmp pictures to the files included by the original Author and named it, "Scenario" on my Machine. I have done several of them so far, but they are not new, or found, Scenarios. As a "Package", it simply contains all the components, rather than their being in several sections at different locations. Certainly the Community is welcome to them. That was my intent and purpose; preservation of Scenarios, as initially stated many months ago. I even include a "Disclaimer" paragraph in the Walk Through. But in the past, no one but Gizmo had shown any interest. Even at that, she indicated that this style was pretty large for an individual to host on a site as they have to pay for the volume used. Numerous *.bmp pictures can really eat up storage space. After all, it is a "voluntary" thing when a person "Rents" space to put up a Web Page. Again, I'm simply trying to "Document" Scenarios for posterity, (and present). Even if an Author leaves the Community, their work will be preserved. A good example was when I ran into a problem with the Scenario, "Rubacus". The Author, Leon Lin, is no longer around and I got no responses to a couple of questions I had. Thankfully, Drakey had a "link" to Leon's location and, graciously, Leon answered me PLUS he sent along the password to the Scenario, so any of you who know how to "Read" a Scenario, now may do so. My original point was that I think you have posted an incorrect name to the noted Scenario. You've posted it as, "The Missing Notes", whereas it should(?) be, "The Stolen Notes", as indicated on the Scenario Title Page when loaded into the "Bladscen" folder. I've taken up much more space, (again), than I wanted to, so I'll stop after this. Just a last note that I'll see what I have and post a list here and at the Lyceum. From there on, they're for whoever wants them. However, individual mailings are MUCH less efficient than posting them somewhere. If anyone has a "somewhere" available, let me know. Tx, me [ Sunday, December 04, 2005 15:30: Message edited by: Ahbleza ] Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
The Notes in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Sunday, December 4 2005 04:43
Just a passing comment..... You have a Scenario listed above as, "The Missing Notes". It didn't ring a bell with me, so I checked my "Scenarios" file and see none by that name. Therefore, I presume your listing is for Aaron Waddington's, "The Stolen Notes". Is this so, or have I misunderstood? I question the name as, "The Stolen Notes" is the title on the opening page of the work by A. W. As to it being "Untried", If anyone's interested, I have what I call a "Packaged" form of it, which means: The Author's files, My Detailed Walk Through and *.bmp pictures of the important areas. As above, just passing through. Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Yes! in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Tuesday, October 25 2005 03:24
Want to start a real debate? There is no good or evil, no right or wrong. There is only perspective. me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Just curious; are people still interested in new BOE style graphics? in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Saturday, October 22 2005 08:31
What you've done is really good. There are never enough graphics. BoE is still growing. Keep 'em coming & let people know when and where they're available. me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
How much encumbering armor do you use? in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Monday, October 10 2005 05:01
Milu: Not to belabor the subject, but..... Assuming we're talking about armor as it becomes available during a Scenario, Magic & Mithral are best included in a high level Scenario and rarely found in low to mid level ones. Iron, or Steel, seem to be more than adequate for the "top of the line" armor in the majority of the "normal" level scenarios. The Fighters can bear the weight of any armor, but the Plate always seems excessive and pointless to me. You gain two points of protection and loose the ability to move around well. As I've stated before, I don't go looking for Battles, but prefer to search areas for all I can find. At a Level 1, beginner, start, I tend to use Forcefield on each side of the Party and Wall of Force to "funnel" the monsters into the two Fighters. Then, as everyone seems to do, I Bless and Haste the two Fighters. Or, if the location warrents it, I'll place the two Fighters on the two sides of a Door or Passage, with the Spell Casters safely to the sides, beyond them. That is my "normal" tactic for quite a while until the Spell casters attain more powerful spells. And, it shows that only the two Fighters need the weapons and armor. I very rarely equip Spell Casters. As I said in the previous post, giving Spell Casters any form of weapon seems really pointless to me. To have any effect at all, you must waste skill points on strength, rather than Intelligence, Spell Points and Mage/Priest Levels. Also, I tend to "get" everyting I can, then "sell" it to build up a supply of money to buy "training", or better weapons and armor for the Fighters. At the higher Levels, the Fighters have done their duty are now no more than a "shield" to protect the Spell Casters, once they have the ability to cast more powerful spells. Lastly, and being honest, that is how I'd treat, or play a Scenario "straight", or "true". Since it takes a long time to attain the first few levels and it is always fight, fight, fight, I often start a Scenario with a Level 3 Party with 500 gold and Bronze weapons & armor on the Fighters. I admit that this is a "cheat", but after so many Scenarios, it becomes very tedious playing those first few levels over and over and over and over. Also, although some Scenarios spend the time in those first few Levels, giving the Party information and clues as to what they will need to do, a great many Scenarios do not. Not all Scenarios are "well written" in that they are no more than repetitive Battles without giving the Player a decent, "interesting" story. IMNSHO, that's what sets the really good Scenarios apart from the others. The world of Exile is based on the way of the Sword, but a story is still what should be the purpose of the Scenario. I think there are more than enough Scenarios to sharpen one's abilities at Battle. What I find most enjoyable is a "playable" story that accomplishes something, not just, "go kill something and I'll reward you". I'd like to think the "Dark Ages" were long past. Maybe that's why I don't listen to, or read, the news. ;) me [ Monday, October 10, 2005 05:03: Message edited by: Ahbleza ] Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
How much encumbering armor do you use? in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Friday, October 7 2005 09:28
I don't know if you're asking about what you'd put into a scenrio you're writing, if this would be for a special, (edited), party, or if you're asking how much we would have each type party member use as it becomes available in a scenario. Also, I think it depends greatly on the playing style of the individual; Fighting, Treasure Hunting, etc. I prefer to Treasure Hunt with a party consisting of 2 Fighters, 2 Priests and 2 Mages. The second Fighter usually has 3, or 4 points of Traps & Locks and both Fighters are ambidextrious and get assassination equally with strength and weapon skill. Defense is minimal until the offensive skills are well established. I rarely "start" a battle. Occasionally, the monster you see may have some importance and often doesn't fight at all. (I think there should be more of this in scenarios, hint, hint.) Unless the scenario requires it, I never use Archery, Alchemy, nor any weapons other than edged. This is based upon the damage done by each type weapon. I want to use the basic skills of Fight and Cast Spells. I don't feel that any of the "extras" are nearly as effective as those two basic skills and, certainly, weapons in the hands of Spell Casters are not. (*Much more to be said on any of this at another time.) Sorry to ramble on, but as to the armor: I keep the two fighters at Breastplates, not full Plate. The encumberance isn't worth the couple of points more protection. If I can have Magic, or Mithral armor, I'll put chain on the Priests and Mages, otherwise it's the best available: Fighters with Breastplate, Priests with Chain Mail & Bucklers, Mages with Studded & Bucklers. This will probably contradict with what many others may say, but, as above, we all have our own styles of play. I'd like to get into a discussion some time about style of play and why the selection I described, but I think I've used up far too much of this subject already. Thanx, me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Editer in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Thursday, October 6 2005 13:35
"I meant what I said and I said what I meant. Thuryl is right, one hundred percent." Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Editer in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Thursday, October 6 2005 04:15
As long as this things is getting to be a rainy morning medly: I believe "kowtow" should have been, "cow toe", from the way a herd animal follows the crowd. :D :D :D me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
what did you name your characters, and why? in The Exile Trilogy | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Wednesday, October 5 2005 02:38
I love languages and have learned some Lakotah, (Sioux), so I name the characters from that language. Hard to show how to pronounce, but: mat-O: Bear; Fighter. shun-GHI-la: Fox; Fighter, Thief. wa-KHAN wiCHA: Mystery Man; Priest. pay-JU-tah wiCHA: Grass Roots Healer; Priest. pay-TAH: Fire; Mage. KA-hah: Ice; Mage. On occasion, I'll change a couple of characters, but only for what a specific Scenario calls for. me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Editor, again in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Thursday, September 8 2005 07:03
Makes a lot of sense. Just from what I've been doing, I've ended up with a lot of scraps of paper, each referencing the other. By writing it in a "Basic" style, it becomes a simple list of each Node "loop". Now, I'll have a much neater, and more easily readable, record of what I've done. Thanks, me :D Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Editor, again in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Thursday, September 8 2005 03:44
Shucks! Just when I thought I was beginning to get the hang of this thing. It's a heck of a lot easier to understand in the "Basic" format you explained. That, I can "see". It's a shame I can't write it like that. I type pretty well and understood Basic since the kids were on C-64's. This really is a confusing way of doing things. N E how.... Back to the book. Thanks a bunch to both of you. me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Editor, again in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Wednesday, September 7 2005 12:51
I'm not sure I'm asking in the correct terminolgy, so please bear with me. I think, (am asking), EVERY function is done by a Node, Y/N? "Node" appears to be the name for a "Token", or "Bit" that is checked for status of the required function, Y/N? It's the NODE, itself, which is the SDF because it becomes an SDF when the Author so designates a NODE to do a certain function, Y/N? As such, there isn't a listing of the 10 x 300 SDF's. It's just a maximum amount of designations allowed in this particular Editor, Y/N? So, if I want to have the Party acquire an item, I set a Node to "Get Item". But, I have to use another Node to see if they already "have" that item, Y/N? This, in turn, allows, (or not), the Party to get the item, ( or so it seems). So, the minimum number of Nodes needed to acquire an Item would be two; one to "Get Item" and another to check to see if they already "Have Item", Y/N? If this is right, then it all seems perfectly logical to me. The only problem is the terminology, which is what the original writer of the Program decided upon. And the terminology seems to be what must be learned ONLY by familiarizing one's self by using the Editor. If what I've just said seems a bit excessive, I think it's because I'm beginning to "get it". Now, if I can just apply this to the If/Then thingy-do, I'll be fine. :eek: In advance, thanx, me :D Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
BoE Editor, again. in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Monday, August 29 2005 13:52
That's kind of what I've been doing. I made the beginning sample, then put things in one of the towns, send the Party to do the deed, then go look at the Stuff Done Panel to see what I did. Being new, (and impatient), I've looked at a couple of established Scenarios thinking I'll learn faster. WRONG!!!!! Lost as a Vestal Virgin in a camp of Troglodytes. You're all right. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, stupid. I just have to be patient. It's gettin' there. Just seems like it's taking too long. Also, I think it's unrealistic to think I'm going to remember what all the sub-catagories, (Types), do. I won't need to look up things I use regularly. I'll just "know" them. I just need to be patient and "evolve". Again, thanks all, me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
BoE Editor, again. in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Monday, August 29 2005 02:54
The Stuff Done A & B did appear to be the coordinates, but I'd swear they came up different a couple of times, so I thought I had misunderstood them. Thanks a bunch for verifying that. I don't have any problem "seeing" a grid such as this in my mind. Logical layout and relative commands are "normal". I guess the majority of my problem is that there are so many items and I can't seem to remember, or make them relate. Again, I think I've reached the point where I'm confusing myself by trying to absorb to much, too soon. Misunderstand something and it compounds. I think it was easier to remember strings of tokens than this. :( I guess I just have to accept that this is gonna take a lot longer than I thought and simply keep at it until it sinks in. Again, thanks a bunch, me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
BoE Editor, again. in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Sunday, August 28 2005 13:49
Just a quick response to say thanx for the replies. I'm havin' a heck of a time understanding the logic(?) of the Stuff Done A & B, then extras, 1a & 1b, 2a & 2b, then all the Type numbers. It all makes no sense at all yet. There doesn't seem to be any logical order to any of it. It's like each new thought was assigned the next number, without any association. To me, Red items should do Red Jobs, Blue items should do Blue Jobs, etc. I thought Stuff Done A & B were the coordinates of the Stuff Done Flag, but that doesn't seem to work. Nor, do they, nor the extras relate to any of the Type numbers. And now, I've read so much, trying to figure it out, I'm getting even more confused. I really appreciate the replies, but I think I'm just too confused for any of it to make any sense. I've got to get away from this for a while. I'm gonna go cut some lawn, split some firewood, then come back to try again in a few days. Again, I really thank you all. me :confused: Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
BoE Editor, again. in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Sunday, August 28 2005 08:10
Knowing this Board is used primarily for Q&A regarding Game Play, etc., Is there a different, or preferred Board, (chatting or posting), where I can ask a couple more questions about the Editor? I guess I'm self conscious about gobbling up space. I tend to elaborate my conversations. I get the gist of the thing and it looks like 99% of it is familiarity, but I still have a couple of those "beginner" style questions that aren't really "clear" in the documentation and I can't find basic answers in Al's Forum. Tx, me Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
BoE Editor in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Friday, August 26 2005 02:42
Like most things, the only way to truly learn is to do. I've read and read but most of what's there is really just data. The more you read, the more confusing it gets, even the Q&A lists I don't think I'd ever be an Author. The number of really good Scenarios is far more than I'll be able to play for years to come. I don't play the Games as an Adventurer, but more of a Treasure hunter. Sometimes the "Monster" isn't a "Monster", but rather a source of information in a game, so I don't attack it, (them), unless I'm attacked first. I'm not looking at how I can make the Editor do something, but rather how the Editor does things. I guess you'd say that I'm more the Maintenance Mechanic than the Machine Operator. So, rather than just learning a few basics, like learning to put trees in an Outdoor Section, I'm trying to understand the whole scope of the Editor at once, so I'll be able to use the appropriate section to disassemble Scenarios and find the "Treasures" within them. I'm looking for the puzzles within the puzzles, or the game within the game. Since the Editor is so involved, the littlest flaw, like terminology, makes the whole thing confusing. By trying to learn it all at once, I'm just making it harder. Guess I'll go back to installing trees and specials, then examine the Node window to see what I did. Thanks for verifying that I had the latest version and that the terminology was actually the Editor and not something I didn't understand. me :) [ Friday, August 26, 2005 02:44: Message edited by: Ahbleza ] Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
BoE Editor in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2626
written Thursday, August 25 2005 14:43
At this age, I'm fadin' fast. I don't know if I'll have enough time, but I'll give 'er a go. Right now I'm trying to understand all the "extra" which-a-ma-callits on the window that comes up for the Nodes. This could take a while. :D Posts: 257 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |