Porting between Mac and Windows

Error message

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  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
AuthorTopic: Porting between Mac and Windows
Shock Trooper
Member # 7662
Profile #0
When porting a scenario from PC to Mac or vice versa, as I understand the situation:

Scripts are equally useful on both PCs and Macs, ditto bas files. As a consequence you can read the scenario data script on both computer types.

Rich text format files may be a problem; they are used for ReadMe files. Should there be a problem there is something called Word for Macintosh. If all else fails they can be replaced by ordinary text files.

Compression needs to be addressed. Going from PC to Mac there is a Windows version of Stuffit, it produces “Stuff – itX” (.sitx) files. To open such files recipients will need the (free) program Stuffit Expander, available in both Mac and Windows formats: http://www.stuffit.com/expander

Custom graphics are the problem. Is there a Windows program, preferably free, that converts bitmaps into cmg files? Returning the favor, is there a Mac program that converts cmg into bmp?

If not, the only alternative here is to avoid custom graphics altogether, ouch. Unless you can use the graphics in an already ported scenario, this would require the player to download the relevant scenario and copy the graphics into the folder of the graphic – less scenario.
Posts: 292 | Registered: Monday, November 13 2006 08:00
Member # 5977
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Okay, now lets see:

scripts and bas files indeed work without any converting;

rtf-texts are no problem: like Windows, Mac comes with its own texteditor, which can read rtf texts. So even if you don't have a program like Office or an equivalent of it (OpenOffice.org), you can still read it on a Mac.

Compression is as you said: going to Windows you use zip, going to Mac you use .sit. I don't know about windows, but Mac has no problem whatsoever with both of them. for sit you will have to get yourself stuffit expander, though.

Custom graphics: no. Windows can not make cmg files, and I don't know of any program that can do it on Windows. You'll have to send your graphics to a Mac user so he can do it for you. I would have done it, but I'm quite busy...

And yes, Niemand's graphic adjuster automatically converts a cmg file to bmp files. You can also use any image editor, like GraphicConvertert or Appleworks to manually make the custom graphics, one by one into bmp files. It requires more time and work, though.

So as you see, basically you can make scenarios for Mac and Windows without problems, but Windows can not always succesfully produce scenarios for both Windows and Mac.

[ Sunday, August 05, 2007 23:33: Message edited by: Thralni ]

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RTF files are indeed fine, and some people also use html files for ReadMe files.

As Thralni says, it's not possible for a Windows program to create the resource files used by the Mac version of the game, as they use an odd, deprecated file format, that cannot even exist on on non HFS file systems. Probably the best method it just to post something here asking for assistance, and one of the Mac users will be happy to turn a copy of your custom graphics into the necessary cmg file.

As far as compression goes, I'd say just go with zip or perhaps gz; they may not be the most spectacular formats but they get the job done and everyone should be able to open them.

Überraschung des Dosenöffners!
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Off With Their Heads
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Basically, if you're a Windows user, all you have to do to port your scenario to a Mac is ask a Mac-user to port the graphics for you and then send you the result in a sit or zip file.

Note that you should not uncompress the file that you get back: not only can't Windows make cmg files, but putting a cmg file on a Windows machine corrupts the file, so you need to keep the sit or zip compressed after you receive it and while you upload it to the Internet (or whatever).

[ Monday, August 06, 2007 05:52: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

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Leaving out custom graphics to avoid having to make a CMG would be a bit of an overreaction. There's always someone willing to convert it, and even if worst comes to worst you could always get Jeff to make one for you-- you'd just have to wait until spiderweb updated its tables.

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Originally written by Ishad Nha:

When converting a scenario from PC to Mac or vice versa, as I understand the situation:
1. Write scenario.
2. Beta scenario.
3. Give scenario to a Mac user and ask them to convert it.
4. Receive an archive file from your Mac user.
5. Announce release of scenario and point people to both Mac and PC version.
6. Bask in the glory.

Contact Tyranicus if you need a place to host your scenario.

Edit (this was a FYT)

[ Monday, August 06, 2007 08:54: Message edited by: Jumpin' Sarcasmon ]


Synergy - "I don't get it."
Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00
Member # 4231
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Please don't use .sit files. Macs are quite happy to open .zip or .tar.gz.

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Law Bringer
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.sit has been used so much because prior to 10.4, it was the default Mac archive format. 10.4 started using .zip. Now, the newest Macs don't even come with StuffIt Expander installed. I am goin to be converting all the archives on my site to .zip at some point soon because of this. Ishad Nha, I haven't put your scenario up on my site yet because I generally don't host beta versions. If you would like me to put it up anyway, just say the word. I will be more than willing to make a Mac version for you as well. :)

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Law Bringer
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Originally written by Octavo:

Macs are quite happy to open .zip or .tar.gz.
.tar.gz? What? Never, ever have I heard of that being used for Macs.

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Member # 4231
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gz is short for gzip is short for GNU zip; it's a more GNU / Unix file compression. Mac OS X, with its Unixy heritage, handles it just fine. Windows PCs don't like it so much, though, so it's safer to zip.

Also, Expander's content to unZip, so it's supported everywhere Spiderweb runs.

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As I understand it, the standard compression method for Mac OS X is .dmg, while it, at first, was .sit.

I have seen .tar.gz, but only very, very few times. I recommend that you use either .sit or .zip, and stay with that. Using extensions that aren't quite standard (like .tar.gz) will only add to the confusion of newbies, meaning that we will have to answer the same questions over and over again, while strictly speaking that would be unnecesary.

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Member # 5576
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dmg is not about compression, its purpose is to mimic a volume, like a CD. Applications are commonly distributed a dmg, but usually the disk-image is then compressed as well.

I personally like the sit and sitx formats a lot, but they just aren't as convenient for everyone to use. I'm leaning more these days towards just using zip as a lowest common denominator.

It's also worth noting that .tar.gz is very much standard; it is a pair of extensions specifying that a tarball has been gzipped. However, your point about not confusing people is valid, and I agree that we should try to stick to something simple.

Überraschung des Dosenöffners!
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Posts: 627 | Registered: Monday, March 7 2005 08:00
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DMG is arguably the best form of compression (or whatever disk images are) but .zip is the most convenient for porting and such.

Of course, those gzipped tarballs are probably plotting our downfall as we type.

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Sigh... someday, a GNU day will dawn...

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Law Bringer
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Someone needs the title "Gzipped Tarball".

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Member # 5977
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Originally written by Niemand:

dmg is not about compression, its purpose is to mimic a volume, like a CD. Applications are commonly distributed a dmg, but usually the disk-image is then compressed as well.
Usually? I have only seen that been done with probably 1 out of 10 downloads...

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Member # 7633
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And it's entirely unnecessary as well, as the DMG format supports compression already.

Could be worse, though. I've seen a .dmg.gz.tar.hqx once.
Posts: 66 | Registered: Saturday, November 4 2006 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 10488
Profile #17
What about save files, for a scenario that uses a prefabricated party? Are they portable?
Posts: 334 | Registered: Friday, September 14 2007 07:00
Member # 5576
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They are not; separate Windows and Mac versions must be made.

Überraschung des Dosenöffners!
"On guard, you musty sofa!"
Posts: 627 | Registered: Monday, March 7 2005 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 7662
Profile #19
One solution to the graphics translation problem is to have Jeff do a quick patch on the Mac version of BoA. The program would look for cmg graphic sheets and if it could not find any, it would then accept Bitmaps. If Mac users want to have cmg graphics they can then convert the Bitmaps themselves.

Another solution is to have a totally bowdlerized scenario data script that does not use custom graphics, it only uses the default graphics and anything found in the four official scenarios.

Converting save game files would presumably require a separate program. This can only come from Jeff, because only he has the source code for the save files.
Posts: 292 | Registered: Monday, November 13 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
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Originally written by Ishad Nha:

a totally bowdlerized scenario data script that does not use custom graphics,

TM: "I want BoA to grow. Evolve where the food ladder has rungs to be reached."

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 5459
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[quote=Ishad Nha]
a totally bowdlerized scenario data script that does not use custom graphics,

Some of these BoA scenarios might be good:
Backwater Calls, Magus of Cattalon, Rats Aplenty, Outpost Valley
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Posts: 211 | Registered: Sunday, January 30 2005 08:00
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
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Originally written by Ishad Nha:

have Jeff do a quick patch on the Mac version of BoA.

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Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 10488
Profile #23
Originally written by Ishad Nha:

One solution to the graphics translation problem is to have Jeff do a quick patch on the Mac version of BoA.
In the unlikely event that this happens it would be wonderful (in my opinion) if he also patched the Windows version to search first in the scenario directory for built-in graphics (allowing you to make custom cave wall, mountains, or beams). The Mac version already does this (a side-effect of the Resource Manager, I think).
Posts: 334 | Registered: Friday, September 14 2007 07:00