Who canned me, and why?

Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
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  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).


AuthorTopic: Who canned me, and why?
Member # 2339
Profile #0
The title explains it all, I want an explaination before this topic gets closed.

My guess is Imban, am I right?

[ Tuesday, June 17, 2003 15:15: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, The Windwarrior ]

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One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #1
Because you spam, and because a lot of (not all) people here don't like you.


And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 2339
Profile #2
I haven't spammed recently(As in today.). And I have a feeling some of the people here are starting to cool down a bit about me.

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We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Triad Mage Banned Veteran
Member # 165
Profile Homepage #3
Drakey is the only person capable of these things, so he gets the blame.

Asked. Answered. Locked?

desperance -- je me souviens
arena -- et je me souviens de vous
Posts: 2449 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #4
I thought mods could change titles, too.

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We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 3042
Profile #5
Not on UBB. At least, I don't think so, as everyone who wants a custom title goes to Drakefyre.

The Club of All
Chance Forums
I was once member #2475, but then my account was deleted because of a bug.
Post count=406+whatever it says below.
Posts: 402 | Registered: Thursday, May 29 2003 07:00
Dance the Banned Dance
Member # 3052
Profile #6
No mods can't. Only admins. Jeff has the ability to do so, but your title was given before I saw him here this afternoon. RPing topics, that was called spam. (The ones that got locked) They told you they never wanted you there, but you kept pushing it.
xxo, even on regular boards (at least the ones I went to) mods couldn't change titles.

[ Tuesday, June 17, 2003 15:30: Message edited by: Cement Cube ]
Posts: 543 | Registered: Sunday, June 1 2003 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #7
Why, Drakey? I don't care about my karma, but I DO care about my title, I wanted to keep a non-custom title.

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Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
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We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Dance the Banned Dance
Member # 3052
Profile #8
Jeez, read the posts. canned is for people who have spammed a lot. Hey, I'm trying to get better, I have gotten better than before actually. :P Well, my above post confirms it all. Unless you never read it, which you should've read it. If you don't care about your karma, turn the karma off. It's that simple.
Posts: 543 | Registered: Sunday, June 1 2003 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #9
Imban started a topic in the mod board about your canning. Schrodinger and Drakey agreed with it, and Saunders said that you should be strangled humanely.

We're all amazed but not amused
By all the things that you said you'd do.
You're much concerned but not involved by
Decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song,
Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong,
'Cause if you really want to hear our views,
You haven't done nothin'.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 14
Profile #10
Saunders is not always as nice as she seems. But that's what we love about her.

Dragyn Bob

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!"-The Divine Comedy
Posts: 1481 | Registered: Thursday, September 27 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #11
Originally posted by Bad Deacon:
Imban started a topic in the mod board about your canning. Schrodinger and Drakey agreed with it, and Saunders said that you should be strangled humanely.
You're allowed into the Moderator board?

How am I going to improve when I'm punching mad!? I AM NOT GOING TO GET ANY BETTER WHEN I'M THIS MAD!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Tuesday, June 17, 2003 15:38: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, The Windwarrior ]

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 2080
Profile #12
You can't improve by being a jerk and pissing darn near everyone off.

Besides, I got the canned title for much less, so shut up.
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #13
You are best not to trifle with powers not of your knowing, Ka No Su.

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 2080
Profile #14
For the love of... We've been over this already. Your powers are nothing compared to mine.

You can't beat me, so don't even bother.

[ Tuesday, June 17, 2003 15:47: Message edited by: Ka No Su ]
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Dance the Banned Dance
Member # 3052
Profile #15
Yeah, if you didn't know already, TM was once a mod before. He got stripped of his powars :) and I guess he still has them back again. Forget that RP crap. Whats best of more powerful is what is in real life, not some made up thing thats fun. I admit, I like RPs. ;)
Hey all 3 of us have the same title, so that's not a power thing. But I'm going to try and get rid of it somehow.

[ Tuesday, June 17, 2003 15:49: Message edited by: Cement Cube ]
Posts: 543 | Registered: Sunday, June 1 2003 07:00
Member # 14
Profile #16
TM does not have his powers back. Usually when people are demodded, they are still allowed in the mod board because the admin is too lazy to uncheck access to that board. You can be banned from specific boards too, I believe.

Dragyn Bob

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!"-The Divine Comedy
Posts: 1481 | Registered: Thursday, September 27 2001 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #17
Originally posted by Zephyr Tempest, The Windwarrior:
You are best not to trifle with powers not of your knowing, Ka No Su.
an angry bratty 11-year-old trying to threaten somebody around my age, this is gold. sorry FB, but you're not intimidating anyone. and it's advised that you shut your big mouth before they shut it for you.

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #18
Originally posted by Ka No Su:
For the love of... We've been over this already. Your powers are nothing compared to mine.

You can't beat me, so don't even bother.

You shouldn't underestimate me, I AM powerful.

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 869
Profile Homepage #19
Could someone please put this topic out of my misery?

I believe there are 15 747 724 136 275 002 577 105 653 961 181 555 468 044 717 914 527 116 709 366 231 425 076 185 631 031 296 protons in the universe, and the same number of electrons. -- Sir Arthur Eddington
Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00
Dance the Banned Dance
Member # 3052
Profile #20
How do we know that? Exactly my point: we don't. Powerful, mods and admins. Everyone else is like little townspeople or soldiers in the games of avernum or exile.
Posts: 543 | Registered: Sunday, June 1 2003 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #21
Yes, I know that.

AND I WANT MY ERUDITE TITLE BACK. What is an Erudite(Besides someone herw ho has between 500 and 1000 posts.)?

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Dance the Banned Dance
Member # 3052
Profile #22
I'm afraid once we get a canned title we have to earn the old titles back. I don't know how though.
Here's what I got:

[Middle English erudit, from Latin rudtus, past participle of rudre, to instruct : -, ex-, ex- + rudis, rough, untaught; see rude.]
eru·ditely adv.
eru·diteness n.
Word History: One might like to be erudite but hesitate to be rude. This preference is supported by the etymological relationship between erudite and rude. Erudite comes from the Latin adjective rudtus, “well-instructed, learned,” from the past participle of the verb rudre, “to educate, train.” The verb is in turn formed from the prefix ex-, “out, out of,” and the adjective rudis, “untaught, untrained,” the source of our word rude. The English word erudite is first recorded in a work possibly written before 1425 with the senses “instructed, learned.” Erudite meaning “learned” is supposed to have become rare except in sarcastic use during the latter part of the 19th century, but the word now seems to have been restored to favor.
Posts: 543 | Registered: Sunday, June 1 2003 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #23
It WAS Drakey! My profile(Before I disabled my karma rating.) said it was updated by Drakefyre!

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Triad Mage Banned Veteran
Member # 165
Profile Homepage #24
Traditionally, the "canned" title is given to those who spam. You have spammed. You post useless, annoying posts, and have the audacity to get pissed off when people call you on it politely.
If it were up to most of us, you'd have been banned by now.
Asked! Answered! Locked!

desperance -- je me souviens
arena -- et je me souviens de vous
Posts: 2449 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
