Thyron IV Concept RP

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AuthorTopic: Thyron IV Concept RP
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #0
(I know it's a bad title for an RP topic, but I'll probably change it later.)

I just realized something- Most RPs are not defined by rules, but rather, by random postings. This can result in massive WTF-ery. My proposal is that we have an RPG that uses arena-style combat to determine the outcome of battles.

The rules for running arena matches are listed below, along with the rules for Season XIII (which we will be using, until further notice). Various types of monsters and/or characters will have certain ammounts of points in a battle to make an arena design with, and will contribute a certain number of points to all enemies to make an arena design with. The number of points recieved is on the left side of the slash in the parentheses, whereas the points given to all enemies is on the right side of the slash.

PC- (600/*)
Grunt- (300/10)
Monster- (450/10)
Leader- (600/25)
Boss- (1000/0)

* PCs add 50 points each to every boss they fight and 25 points to each PC they fight, but no points to any other type of character.

Other than using arena rules to battle, this RP will work like all other RPs. Your PCs will have the following traits, some limited by nation of birth:

Race- Mannai
Height- 4-7 feet
Weight- 100-250 pounds
Age- 10-2000 years
Eye Color- Red/Blue/Green/Hazel/Aqua
Hair Color- Blond/Black/Brown/Red/Grey
Skin Color- Brown/Peachy/Reddish/Yellowish
Gender- Male/Female
Nation of Origin- Hyzena/Hyzor/Hyzan/Akan/Takmanne/Boromea/Hyzeria/Glyca/Zyphe



In a remote corner of the galaxy lies a star called Thyron. One of its planets, Thyron IV, is home to life and has only one continent. On that planet lives a sentient race of humanoids called the Mannai. The Mannai are quite like humans in terms of their build. They speak different languages and live in different empires, which are peaceful for most of the time. They are not, however, bound by the limits of age. While they can be killed, they also have expansive lifetimes. It is rumored that there are some Mannai still alive who have seen the beginnings of civilization. The Empires of Thyron IV are mostly peaceful, and some are benevolent to their people.
First of the great empires of Thyron IV, Hyzena held easily a quarter of the land on Thyron IV on the western side, holding both Saphurna islands south of Hyzena and west of Takmanne, the Great Western Peninsula, Hazel Isle, and a small colony near Glyca to the east called Eastern Hyzena. Hyzena was easily one of the most technologically advanced empires on the planet, and had a fearsome military. The government was unsympathetic to pretty much anyone’s needs, and developed economically into a classicist state merely by governmental ambivalence. Fifty years ago, the easternmost provinces of which were the hardest-hit by the oppression began a revolt. The vast majority of the military was on the eastern borders, and those in the military who didn’t join the resistance themselves were placed under siege, as virtually all civilians picked up arms to stop trade. The Hyzenian capital city of Thor fell a mere two months into the revolution, and the military forces who were holed up on the border either starved or surrendered, most having ran out of food stores. Hyzena technically could have retaliated with enough force made up of eastern reserves to defeat the revolt, but this new nation called Hyzor had already made a pact with Takmanne to the south. Hyzena was in no situation to take on both nations at once, and begrudgingly accepted Hyzor’s independence. The Hyzenian capital was moved to the nearby suburb of Thor called (rather unimaginatively) Imperial City, where the remaining majority of Hyzena’s army was stationed, to prevent Hyzor from invading. Ten years later, the relatively unguarded eastern half of Hyzena revolted, but the revolt started oddly enough on Hazel Isle, a distant holding approximately two miles in width, used primarily as a fishing harbor. The idealism of the northwestern island brought the civilians who at this point vastly outnumbered the soldiers to revolt. The revolution was equally successful, and Takmanne attempted to gather the two leaders of the nations together to negotiate merging the two nations into one. Unfortunately, Hyzorean prejudices against people with hazel eyes made negotiations with people from an island populated by hazel-eyed people impossible. Hyzena fought this new nation of Hyzan to a standstill, and Takmanne negotiated Hyzan’s sovereignty. In the meetings with Hyzena, Hyzena was forced by the combined pressures of Hyzor, Takmanne and Hyzan to make Eastern Hyzena into the independent nation of Hyzeria. Hyzena has henceforth only been a hollow shell of the empire it once was, but still remains near the top, technologically, and still remains oppressive and best avoided.
PCs from Hyzena may only have Peachy or Brown skin, Green or Aqua eyes (Hazel-eyed people fled to Hyzan), and Black or Grey hair.
Started by Levi Garvey, Hyzor’s beginnings were less of that of a nation and more of that of a revolution. Gaining massive support from the oppressed masses, Garvey led an attack on Thor with unbelievable success. The stronghold fell within two months due to the civilians taking up arms and evicting their oppressors. It is the capital city of Hyzor to this day. With both a fearfully large revolutionary army and Takmannean pressure, Hyzena was forced to allow this new nation its own sovereignty. While Hyzor was a dictatorship like Hyzena, Hyzor was vastly less oppressive, and took some measures to counteract poverty and curb corruption in the government. Levi Garvey is respected and adored by the people, and most are loyal to him. Hyzor refused to join Hyzan based on ethnic prejudices, but would not hesitate asking Hyzan or any other nation for aid in exterminating Hyzena. An uneasy truce hangs between Hyzor and their former oppressors. Hyzor is technologically lacking, but has one of Thyron’s larger armies.
PCs from Hyzor may only have Peachy or Brown skin, Green or Aqua eyes (Hazel-eyed people are usually imprisoned), and Black or Brown hair.
After hearing of Levi Garvey’s successful revolution, the people in the eastern half of what remained of Hyzena realized that the military presence in their area had been reduced. A man named Larson Quiver from Hazel Island began a new revolution by walking into the barracks of Hazel Island, and stabbing the captain of the guard directly in the face. The other guards soon joined the revolution, and kept the revolution going long enough to spread their ideas to other coastal cities of Hyzena. The people of western Hyzena absorbed or destroyed most of the waning military presence in the west, and soon had the iron-laden Great Eastern Peninsula solidly held. Hyzena immediately responded with a swift strike into the peninsula, but found it difficult to defeat the guerilla tactics used by the rebel soldiers. The new nation of Hyzan went to Hyzor in a conference mediated by Takmanne, but failed to convince Hyzor to join forces. Hyzor openly admitted to their prejudices against people with hazel eyes, and the majority of westerners along with Larson Quiver himself had hazel eyes. Hyzena could have technically beaten the uprising, there were fears that Hyzor would attack from the west and collapse the Empire, so Hyzena went to Takmanne to negotiate a peace settlement with Hyzan, and a new nation was formed. King Larson Quiver II rules Hyzan, because Larson Quiver was killed in battle against Hyzena shortly after the conference with Hyzor and Takmanne. The nation’s new government is benevolent, and its people are intelligent but compassionate. Its capital city is the entirety of Hazel Isle, and is rather unimpressive, to say the least. The military strength of Hyzan couldn’t defend itself against a serious opponent and it remains a technologically backwards nation in comparison with Takmanne or Hyzena, but it is an economic powerhouse, if only because of its immense resources.
PCs from Hyzan may only have Peachy or Yellowish skin, Hazel or Aqua eyes, and Black or Grey hair.
Akan started out in the Northeastern Peninsula as a large number of warring tribes, each fairly similar cultures, ethnicity, languages, and customs. They believed that their gods lived in Thunder Mountain, and so two thousand years ago, all of the tribe leaders were summoned to do battle using only their bare fists and feet. The leader of the Akan tribe won, and therefore the other tribes joined the Akan tribe, forming a nation. Eventually, the tribe settled down and formed cities. Akan has no government in the traditional sense, but if Akan actually had a developed infrastructure, then it would be a patriarchal monarchy. Akan signs treaties from time to time, but no traders from any other nations are allowed into Akan. Anyone entering Akan who isn’t of Akan ethnicity and doesn’t speak the language is slain on sight, and it is for this reason that Akan rarely if ever participates in diplomatic affairs. It leaves most other countries alone.
PCs from Akan may only have Yellowish skin, Red eyes, and Red hair. PCs from Akan may not travel with or collaborate with PCs from any other nation until further notice.
Takmanne began as a large number of small, developed city-states that eventually turned into two small nations of Takmannai and Mannemannai six hundred years ago. These two nations had uneasy relations until three hundred years ago, when the Takmannaian Prince Mars and the Mannemannaian Princess Tyrea married, and merged the two nations into Takmanne, with its capital city of Pylimannai. Takmanne has sat in the southwestern corner of Thyron IV for the longest time, and while it has frequently inserted itself into international affairs, it has yet to engage in any wars. Its government is a dictatorship, but the despot only does what he feels is morally correct. Takmanne has only recently acquired South Saphurna Island, and it is especially close allies with Boromea and Hyzan. Its military is certainly not the best out there, but would prove to be a challenge for any invading nation. Technologically, constant peace has allowed Takmanne to grow into possibly the most technologically advanced nation on the planet, with rivals of Hyzena and Boromea.
PCs from Takmanne may have any eye color, hair color, or skin color.
Boromea is a nation occupying most of southeast Thyron IV. Its history isn’t entirely certain, but what is know is that a large tribal army led by the famous general David Sniper three hundred years ago marched southwest from the capital city of Borom, annihilating all opposition in his path and taking control of the area’s city-states, until he reached the newly-formed empire of Takmanne and the superpower of Hyzena. Not having the ability to move further west and not having the desire to move further north, David Sniper extended his grasp towards the south and towards the ocean, by building a large, ironclad fleet, and occupying a large number of small islands. Boromea has focused much less on its actual army, and far more on its impressive navy and technological advancements. Boromea essentially controls the high seas, but has a mediocre land force at best. The Sniper Family, who rule with an ironclad fist, lead Boromea but they let the people govern themselves, for the most part. Economically, Boromea is in the same situation as Hyzan, for many of the same reasons. Boromea has relied on protection from Takmanne on land affairs for protection from its more powerful neighbors, and in return, has pledged to protect Takmanne on the high seas from any hostile powers.
PCs from Boromea may only have Reddish or Black skin, Blue or Aqua eyes, and Blonde or Red hair.
Formerly East Hyzena, Hyzeria is a small piece of land approximately ten miles wide or long in either direction, squished between Akan and Glyca. It is resource-poor, but the land is fertile. It was created in the conference where Takmanne negotiated Hyzan’s independence from Hyzena, and Hyzena in ernest lost very little by losing Hyzeria. After the Hyzenean Army was withdrawn from Hyzeria, this new nation turned to other nations for military aid. Unfortunately, Akan was unviable, and Glyca had no need for Hyzeria, wanting some buffer zone between itself and Akan. Finally, Hyzeria turned to Zyphe. Being in a pinch for food, Zyphe immediately agreed, and Hyzeria became scant more than a possession of Zyphe. Not realizing the scope of their actions, the Hyzerians soon discovered that Zyphe was quite fond of taking all of their food and leaving them little to feed themselves with. Hyzeria is the most impoverished, most starving, most miserable corner of Thyron IV. The people are unable to defend themselves without Zyphean aid, and receiving such aid forces them to give up their food. Hyzeria is the poorest, most technologically backwards, weakest, and most worthless nation on Thyron IV. Most children leave the country when they turn twelve to gain opportunity abroad, or die trying.
PCs from Hyzeria may only have Reddish or Peachy skin, Green or Hazel eyes, and Black or Grey hair.
Glyca was used to describe the Glyca Plains, until fifty years ago, when a large number of communities gathered in Lucinda, after the creation of East Hyzena on the far northeast corner of the Glyca Plains. Realizing that pulling together was necessary, the council gathered at Lucinda decided to create a Republic that the people would be responsible for creating. The Republic was to be led by a council of five, one member coming from each of the five selected regions of the Glyca Plains. The first and foremost action of the Council was to draft a military, and conscription worked wonders. Within a week, a fighting force that could stand up against the Western Imperialism was created. Glyca, with backing from Boromea, was only barely able to have Hyzena recognize Glyca’s independence. While Glyca can defend itself, it is seen by most as the buffer zone between the Western and Eastern empires. If a war were to break out, Glyca would be the center stage, being on the center of the planet’s continent. Glyca is technologically mediocre, not holding a candle to the larger empires, and is economically stable, though far from prosperous.
PCs from Glyca may only have Yellowish or Reddish skin, Blue or Red eyes, and Black or Blonde hair.
Perhaps the most mysterious nation on Thyron IV, Zyphe is one large, walled, sprawling city. It is a palace of sin, where everything is legal, the government doesn’t care about the people, and the majority of the population outside of the military is homeless, sick, dying of starvation, or otherwise afflicted with one of the common symptoms of living in the slums. The nature of Zyphe’s military is completely unknown, as is its level of technological development. Few people who manage to escape Zyphe are able to describe it well, other than its complete and utter corruption.
PCs from Zyphe may only have Brown or Peachy skin, Aqua or Hazel eyes, and Brown or Grey hair.


SCENE: Pylimannai, Takmannean Throne Room

Marble walls flank the room, as a man wearing teal, flowing robes enters the room. He is of sizeable stature, but his skin is virtually stretched over his bones, due to old age. His beard climbs down to his brown, leather belt, and his right hand holds a spiraling, golden scepter, with a blue gem at the tip.

Race- Mannai
Height- 6 feet 5 inches
Weight- 104 pounds
Age- 783 Years
Eye Color- Hazel
Hair Color- Grey
Skin Color- Peachy
Gender- Male
Nation of Origin- Zyphe

He travels across the velvet purple carpet, of which is laid upon a white marble floor. Golden banners line the back of the room, with the Phoenix on them, Takmanne’s emblem. Thyreamus approaches a shallow stairway leading to the king of Takmanne with his eyes closed, and his pace slow. The king smiles as he approaches.

King Red Fist
Race- Mannai
Height- 5 feet 10 inches
Weight- 167 pounds
Age- 470 Years
Eye Color- Red
Hair Color- Blond
Skin Color- Peachy
Gender- Male
Nation of Origin- Takmanne

Red Fist: Thyreamus! It is good to see you once again.
Thyreamus: Old friend, traveling by foot becomes more and more difficult as time progresses. I keep this scepter as not to open my eyes, and reveal a detestable trait about myself.
Red Fist: Rest assured, prejudices against Hazel-eyed people like yourself in Takmanne are minimal, at best.
Thyreamus: This I know all too well. It was the very reason why I fled Zyphe. Had there been no other nations that were tolerant of people like myself, I may have just stayed in that hellhole.
Red Fist: And what a shame that would have been. Indeed so, as I require you to take up a quest for me.
Thyreamus: And that is?
Red Fist: I fear that something ill is brewing. One of my researchers and most trusted advisors warned me of a catastrophe that was to be, only to be found dead that evening.
Thyreamus: Who was the murderer?
Red Fist: I know not. There was not a single bruise, wound, or anything of the like on him. We almost thought he was sleeping, until someone tried to wake him up.
Thyreamus: Was it a poison?
Red Fist: If it was, it was none we had ever seen. Our magicians and alchemists tested for hemlock and holly, but his blood was perfectly clean. We truly have no idea what happened to him.
Thyreamus: That I can see. Am I to figure out what happened to him?
Red Fist: Mayhap you are, if it would help you otherwise. Unfortunately, there is a bigger problem. I fear for what he said. I would not be so convinced as to worry, if such a mysterious death had not he met that very evening. Talk with my chief advisor, he will tell you more. Well, my acting chief advisor, but I doubt that Blood Tears will be coming back, so I already went through the trouble of promoting he who used to be his underling.
Thyreamus: Very well. I will go now. Pleasure seeing you once more, old friend.
Red Fist: Agreed. Drop by here any time you have evidence of what Red Tear may have been referring to.
Thyreamus: Right, right. Be assured, if anything happens, I will head immediately for you.

Thyreamus leaves the way he came in a pace equally as slow as the one he arrived with. After the giant, steel doors close behind him, he turns to his right, and travels down a set of brick stairs, into a large, mahogany structure, with walkways of velvet covering the wooden floors.

SCENE: Pylimannai, Takmannean Research Center

Thyreamus passes by a large number of doors with walkways leading to them, eventually coming up to one with “Terror’s Martyr” etched onto it. He enters the room, only to find a small laboratory with a raised dais in the center, marble tables on both sides, and a large bookshelf towards the back. A man is standing on the dais, with his arms folded.

Terror’s Martyr
Race- Mannai
Height- 6 feet 11 inches
Weight- 215 pounds
Eye Color- Unknown
Hair Color- Unknown
Skin Color- Unknown
Gender- Male
Nation of Origin- Takmanne

The man wears a plate of black armor that has shoulders extending above his head, with golden lining paving the fringes of the entire suit. A skirt armor protects his nether regions and upper legs, while a long, black half-robe covers his legs below his waist and below the skirt armor. Two sword sheaths hang at his side.

Terror’s Martyr: I was expecting you.
Thyreamus: I see they call you Chief Researcher.
TM: As is necessary. An overseeing force of some sort is required, and with Blood Tears’ death, I am the most qualified to fill the position.
Thyreamus: Do you mind showing me into Blood Tears’ lab?
TM: Certainly not. Come with me.

The two leave the room, and walk towards the laboratory at the end of the hallway. The door is made out of iron. They open it, and reveal another set of red brick stairs. They travel slowly down the spiraling staircase, of which is lined with windows. Soon, they are below ground. After a long descent into the depths, the two approach a final iron door. Upon opening it, they find a large, open room. There are three gigantic, blue gems at the far end of the room, and chairs standing before each of them. Towards the right side of the room is a large pedestal with a partially completed journal lying on it.

TM: Apparently, Blood Tears was using these three viewing gems to see into unreachable places. Let’s take a look at his journal.

The two get to work in the lab, and close the door behind them.


After a long day, the iron door opens once again. Thyreamus and Terror’s Martyr emerge, and are still discussing things as they climb up the spiral stairs.

Thyreamus: …So what do you think that was?
TM: I don’t know. But it was underground, somewhere.
Thyreamus: Did you manage to figure out where?
TM: Not really. And what about you? What did you figure out from the journal? Or rather, were you able to understand anything in it?
Thyreamus: I’m not very familiar in many of the languages used, but I do know how to recognize what language is being used. That language is not a language I have ever seen.
TM: I could have sworn it was Zyphean…
Thyreamus: It’s similar. Alas, I’m just as clueless as you are. And why was one of the gems focusing on a single Akanean villager?
TM: I don’t think those odd images can be explained without that journal. I’ll stay back here reading the journal. You should journey to Akan.
Thyreamus: And seek out that one showed in the gem, right?
TM: Exactly.
Thyreamus: I’ll need a cadre of bodyguards, though. I’m definitely not fit to take on any sort of enemy on my own.
TM: Just tell them you’re paying. Here, take this. It has five thousand gold pieces. A hired hand can only cost so much, most will join you for a thousand. Besides, you’re bound to pick up more gold later.
Thyreamus: Thanks by the dozen, friend. I will depart, but I also have a gift for you. It is a blue gem similar to the one in my scepter. When one gem is touched, the other is activated, and both will allow us to speak with each other. I will keep in touch with this.


NOTE: Thyreamus is not PC that will participate actively in combat. In all battles, Thyreamus occupies the NE-most corner of the battlefield, and has the following stats:
30 Armor
Speed 1
Thyreamus cannot be allowed to die. If Thyreamus dies at any time, it is considered a loss for the party.

At this time, five PCs may join the party. Once five PCs join Thyreamus (or I decide that it is taking too long), the adventure will begin. If you join, at least try to gain some understanding on how to design an arena monster, and be prepared to do such often.

We're all amazed but not amused
By all the things that you said you'd do.
You're much concerned but not involved by
Decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song,
Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong,
'Cause if you really want to hear our views,
You haven't done nothin'.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 314
Profile Homepage #1
Originally posted by Red Scare:
[This contained every word of TM's post. Deleted to save on scrolling time.]
tl, dr

[ Tuesday, May 06, 2003 14:10: Message edited by: Alorael ]


ADoS is like a magical punching bag that swings into your fist even when you're not trying to hit it. -Djur
Posts: 554 | Registered: Sunday, November 25 2001 08:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #2
Also to save God. From Scorp.
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #3
*smacks head on table*

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 1359
Profile #4
It looks pretty "WTF-ery" already.


~ §øСüm
©ÿªñ¡Ðë ~
Mission Ridge -- All Your Snow Are Belong to Us.
Posts: 1277 | Registered: Monday, June 24 2002 07:00
Triad Mage Banned Veteran
Member # 165
Profile Homepage #5
The Arena is cool. Sadly, you did something like this once already...

desperance -- je me souviens
arena -- et je me souviens de vous
Posts: 2449 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #6
Someone get me a Dr Pepper and something to get rid of my headache, so I can finish reading the first post of this topic.
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 314
Profile Homepage #7
Originally posted by Lord Lone Flame:
Someone get me a Dr Pepper and something to get rid of my headache, so I can finish reading the first post of this topic.
That was worse than tl, dr.

Oh, and tl, dr.


ADoS is like a magical punching bag that swings into your fist even when you're not trying to hit it. -Djur
Posts: 554 | Registered: Sunday, November 25 2001 08:00
Member # 32
Profile #8
I'll see if I can manage to get a character together for this. However, Alec is right; it is unlikely that this venture will succeed as long as the other RP's have.

Lt. Sullust
Cogito Ergo Sum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #9
Alec- They go simpler as I go along. Rather than having levelling heroes who gain EXP at a certain rate for kills etc..., this one is basically a set of challenge matches. In essence, I'm sick of basically every other Spidweb RP that's been done so far. IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Thyron IV Concept RP_files/tongue.gif)

We're all amazed but not amused
By all the things that you said you'd do.
You're much concerned but not involved by
Decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song,
Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong,
'Cause if you really want to hear our views,
You haven't done nothin'.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 32
Profile #10
See if this works out.

Race: Mannai
Height: 4 ft.
Weight: 100 lbs.
Age: 1878 years
Eyes: Aqua
Hair: Grey
Skin: Peachy
Gender: Male
Nation: Zyphe

Name: Galil
Type: Humanoid
Lv: 20
Hp: 120
Spd: 6
Mag: 7
Res: Mxxx

[ Tuesday, May 06, 2003 17:28: Message edited by: Lt. Sullust ]

Lt. Sullust
Cogito Ergo Sum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #11
Um, if you have 2 points to spare, why do you not have 151 HP? IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Thyron IV Concept RP_files/tongue.gif)
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #12
Thyreamus sighs.

Thyreamus: Are you certain that there aren't any more adventurers in the area?
Galil: Positive.
Thyreamus: Oh, hell. This just sucks.
Galil: Agreed. So wait, I noticed from your name that you come from Zyphe.
Thyreamus: I fled a long time ago. Tell me, what goes on in the realm of steel?
Galil: Many things... Most involving corruption and death.
Thyreamus: Figures. So wait, are you *sure* that there isn't anyone else here we can hire...?

(Just make a character! It's not too difficult to do.)

We're all amazed but not amused
By all the things that you said you'd do.
You're much concerned but not involved by
Decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song,
Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong,
'Cause if you really want to hear our views,
You haven't done nothin'.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #13
Was that first post the longest ever posted on Spiderweb? It must have been... except for TM's, of course.

And while we're at it, could someone kill TM for me?

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Dollop of Whipped Cream
Member # 391
Profile Homepage #14
고도: 6.5 발
무게: 166 파운드
세: 775 년
눈 색깔: 빨간
머리 색깔: 회색
피부 색깔: 복숭아 같은
성: 남성

이름: 너의 파괴
유형: 흡혈귀
수준: 10
HP: 165
특기: 15
속도: 5
공격 손상: 20d5
특별한 능력: 광선을 돌을 던짐
Posts: 562 | Registered: Friday, December 14 2001 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3239
Profile #15
Was the above post written in a foreign language, cuz I can't seem to find out what it is saying

By the way, how long did it take you to write that post? Or did you just copy&paste?

[ Wednesday, November 19, 2003 16:40: Message edited by: Reality Corp. & RealityManiac ]



And since the stupid link won't work, I'll use this one:
Chance Forums
Posts: 203 | Registered: Saturday, July 19 2003 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #16
If you can't understand it then either it's in a foreign language or you're incredibly stupid.

We're all amazed but not amused
By all the things that you said you'd do.
You're much concerned but not involved by
Decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song,
Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong,
'Cause if you really want to hear our views,
You haven't done nothin'.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #17
it's in Korean.

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #18
The other arena-based TMery topic would be a better one to revive.

This one just gets to die a second time.

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It - We're Everywhere
The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00