Legends of Divinity IC

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AuthorTopic: Legends of Divinity IC
Member # 7298
Profile #75
Geltor "Yumi the storm Seoth summoned killed some of you butterflys. He went thats." Geltor points in the direction Seoth went off in. Yumi runs off in that direction.

Geltor then looks at James whos is partly obscured by the lighting "James I guess its just you and me now." Geltor then chants his version of the vampires lord's spell. Unlike the vampire he can't use it control a god but he can use it to wrestle away their creations if they leave it alone. Geltor draws the lighting into his sword regaining what ever strength it may have lost. Geltor finshes the spell and the storm goes away as soon as it cames. Now nothing stands in the way of Geltor and James. Geltor raises his sword once more this time ready to attack.

[ Thursday, April 26, 2007 17:43: Message edited by: Lord Safey ]

A rock has weight whether you admit it or not
Posts: 479 | Registered: Wednesday, July 12 2006 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #76
Geltor swung his mighty sword at James, which James promptly dodged with lightning speed. "Um, Geltor, quick question," James stated, "I you can't hit me, what good is your blade? And your crappy little substance you claim is poisonous?" "If you're so confident that demon's blood won't harm you, then why don't you cower?" "Sorry," James replied, "I expected more from a Demon God. Also, I would like to apologize in advanced for destroying whatever the hell it is you have that resembles a soul." James rushed up to Geltor, drew his katana, and shouted, "Stone Cleaving Sword," as he cut Geltor's sword in half. "Hmmmm," James said to himself, "I'd also like to apologize for the sword. If it makes you feel any better, I actually was aiming at you."

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #77
Lauraziel rocked and stared and rocked. He was a door, a mother's soothing hand, a father's final farewell. Her children went to him when they left her, and she could not follow them, so she stared and stared and watched them leave while tears slipped silently down her face. But her children weren't hers after they left her, and the ones that remained claimed all her attention, so much so that she had little to spare for herself.

"Who are you?" he whispered, and the words spun out in a splash of turquoise and sparkling cobalt.

She reached out a hand to catch the play of colour and sound; they slipped through her fingers like clouds, as they always did, so she brought her hand up to settle lightly against him instead. There was no cheek and no face, but she paid it no mind, and touched him. And, oh, the need was a deep ache within her, beating in the hearts of her children. He gave them what she could not, what she so desperately longed to give.

Confused, trembling, she said, "I want ... I want ..." and watched the silvery green words flow into stone, into the pits and crevices of road and building. She looked at him with one golden eye then, and in a brief flash of lucidity like a ray of sunlight piercing through the stormclouds, she remembered. "Home," she said wonderingly, and that word held both the simple desire of a mortal child and the ageless, constant longing of something more that, for one instant, had settled all its awareness on one spot.

Somewhere, snake temple shamans lit braziers and filled the air around their seer with the smoke of enlightenment, though the young woman needed it not. As they pressed close about her cage and listened for the hissed ramblings that they translated into prophecy, the seer slithered on her flat dirt-streaked belly and cried out in her heart, desperately lonely on the chaotic paths that had trapped her since childhood. Her call was answered; warmth spread through her soul, the knowledge that she was not alone easing her fears, though she had not the awareness to recognise the comforting touch wrapping her in a mother's embrace her body had never known.

Her attention was drawn away, scattered like leaves in the wind, and the brief moment of clarity was gone. Lauraziel looked at him with curiosity and longing both, and said, almost shyly, "I like the colours of your words." She repeated what he had said, but her words did not taste of black feather and white silk, twisting instead upon themselves in a pale coral whirlwind.

[ Friday, April 27, 2007 04:11: Message edited by: premonition ]
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
Member # 6700
Profile Homepage #78
Noric remained standing where he had been for the full course of the interchange: Roughly five yards behind James. Ever since sending the undead on a wild goose chase with a magical decoy, he had simply stood there, invisible, watching the whole thing. The butterflies had been rather amusing, as did the antics of the demon, with the fire, and the whole storm.

The storm actually had Noric a little worried, in that the water now dripping off of his body would be a surefire giveaway to anyone who was paying attention. It did appear, however, that only the chimeral skeleton figure was not engrossed in the fight.

It had rather surprised Noric that the invisibility spell had even worked on gods; in the past, it had a habit of failing around life-detecting undead. Truth be told, he had only cast it to be rid of the undead; the fact that the other three gods (if all of their odd taunting, conversation, and displays of power could be believed) seemed to think that he had run off was a sheer stroke of fortune. Noric had been using the ruse in order to better understand his godly peers.

As James shattered the demon's weapon with a conjured blade, Noric heard the angry howling of zombies in the distance.

Damn. The decoy must have run through a rock.

-Lenar Labs
What's Your Destiny?

Ushmushmeifa: Lenar's power is almighty and ineffable.

All hail lord Noric, god of... well, something important, I'm sure.
Posts: 735 | Registered: Monday, January 16 2006 08:00
Member # 2080
Profile #79
"Well, Geltor," James said, "This is quite unfortunate. I wanted to completely destroy you, but it seems my 1-shot kill trick failed. And to top it off, I destroyed your really nice sword, which is currently the most tragic thing about this fight. Really good swords are hard to find. Tell you what, I'm going to put away the sword, before I accidentally drop in a storm drain or it flies out of my hand and kills a small child or something like that, and we'll just battle each other with nothing more than our own bodies with magics, psionics, and raw power." With that said, James returned his sword to his sheath, placed his sheath in one of his countless jacket pockets, and began to cast a spell...

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 5360
Profile #80
...When a bolt of lightning streaked downward toward Seoth. It gathered around his gauntleted bone hand, and shot directly at James. The streak of light stopped in midair, hitting Noric instead. He keeled forward into James, his invisibility dispelled. James was startled, and was interrupted in mid-cast Seoth clanked forward, his lightning sword blazing, undead still clawing out of the earth at his feet.

May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it.
Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00
Member # 7298
Profile #81
James failed to noticed when, Geltors sword shattered ,Geltors demon blood stone rolled right underneath him. That combined sudden attack by Seoth gives Geltor the disraction he needs. Geltor focuses on the stone and shatters its the demon blood Geltor and those of countless other demons hurled upward into James. Infecting James with blood of a thousands demon includeing Geltor. Geltor then morphed in to a cloud of flame and acid blood, all a demon really was made of, and swarmed James with an intese wave of heat and fire, clinging to every inch of James skin.

A rock has weight whether you admit it or not
Posts: 479 | Registered: Wednesday, July 12 2006 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #82
"Oh what the hell," James said with a heavy tone of anger in his voice, "you know what, forget the spells... This turning out to be pretty bad. In my haste I'd forgotten my own ineptitude. Seoth, you are a fool and will probably die, though not by my own hands. Noric, you probably would have been better off running away." James then reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a black orb the size of a marble and tossed it at Geltor, who promptly dodged it. James then said, "Geltor, I apologize for the poor quality of this fight, not that you really care I'm sure, but there are too many distraction here to give you the attention you deserve. We will continue this later. Keep that communication orb. When I am ready and able, I will contact you." With said, James grabbed Noric and teleported off.

Geltor picked the orb up and examined it. "What is this I feel," Geltor thought to himself. The orb had this strange familiarity to him, as if he had seen something like it before. He soon noticed ancient arcane writings on the object, which even he could not figure out the meaning of." As he studied the orb, it resonated a strange, yet familiar dark energy. Within seconds he had the answer. "How would a god have one of those," Geltor thought to himself, "and why would he give to me?"

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 5360
Profile #83
Seoth watched James flee with mild amusement. So, James didn't realize it yet, did he? Ah, well. Seoth had performed beautifully, so it was to be expected. He was the master of deceit, after all. He morphed back into his original form and floated silently towards Geltor. As he moved closer, he sensed the orb James had given him. He declined to comment.

The storms were beginning to clear. Noric lay unconscious on the ground, covered by mud from the downpour. Geltor hadn't noticed him.

"So, Geltor," Seoth rasped, "Are you going to cure me of your corrupted blood or not? And I don't suppose that you have a cure for vampirism as well?"

May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it.
Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00
Member # 7298
Profile #84
Geltor stops stareing at the orb since he first laid eyes on it "Demon blood posion works by corruption of your essence,it is how demons are made ones essnces becomes so corrupt that one is a demon. The moment in time when one become a demon is never a sure thing one more fades into it. The only way is one to focus ones essnces into stone of pure essence ,that is incrediably rare. Normally the infected demon must give its constent or be destoryed however my predecessor told me he knew of another way but he never shared it with me. The method might be applicable for vamprism as well but that you need to research your self. Since the demon and vampire who infected you are dead the only problem is locateing a stone of pure essence. You might want to try the ruins of Trantite you might also want to experiment with undead demons while your at it." Geltor then reachs out and touchs Seoths forehead and transfers abilty to focus one essence the stone of pure essence. Geltor then picks up a piece of the broken blood stone"If you have any questions you should beable to contact me through this" Geltor "I'll see you around I going to do some research about this orb." Geltor then teleports away.

A rock has weight whether you admit it or not
Posts: 479 | Registered: Wednesday, July 12 2006 07:00
Member # 6600
Profile Homepage #85
Fourty entered the Forsaken camp and looked around. The camp seemed to be one large wagon, an open space with a few small fires, and several large tents. The sun was just beginning to rise, but most of the Forsaken were already up and working. Some were preparing breakfast while others were rolling up sleeping pads and taking down tents. There appeared to be about 200 thin, ragged people, all talking or arguing as they worked. But something seemed odd.

Everyone stopped and stared at him when he entered. Talsh led Fourty over to where an elderly man sat in one of the few chairs and a stern, fit-looking man in his forties stood.

"This is Zvalt, a priest of Ashataro. Zvalt, this is Bucklar, our chief priest, if he were allowed to claim that title..." Talsh gestured towards the elderly man. "...and this is Rab." Talsh nodded at the stern-faced man.

A woman about Rab's age rushed over. "A visitor? Talsh, I'm nobility. You should have introduced me first."

Talsh sighed. "I'll introduce him to everyone in time. You weren't going to be left out. Zvalt, this is Alexandria."

Alexandria looked slightly offended "My full name is Lady Alexandria Madeline Stonehurst. I will be satisfied with Lady Alexandria."

Talsh led Fourty over to meet another group. "Just ignore her haughty airs. Everyone else does. Now, this is..."

It wasn't until Talsh introduced Fourty to a small, black-haired girl only about seven years old that Fourty realized what was wrong.

"And this is..."

"Talsh, where are all the children?" Fourty asked.

"Do you know why we are out here?" Talsh asked quietly.

Fourty nodded.

"Then you should know that Harath no longer hears our prayers or grants our blessings. The priests interpreted that to mean no rituals or ceremonies. No naming ceremonies, no weddings, no last rites, nothing. We kept our names because it would be impossible to live without them, but all titles were stripped and all marriages were nullified," Talsh said.

"Ah. I see. Harath is a very traditional god. So, no naming ceremonies? What is her name?"

"Noname." Talsh said simply. He led Fourty to the wagon, where everyone was congregating. "I'll have to introduce you to everyone else later. A meeting is about to begin. Of course, you probably don't remember most of the names anyway."

Fourty smiled. "I have a surprisingly good memory." He had had a very long time to work on it, after all.

"Are we all here? Can I start?" Toby asked. Without waiting for an answer, he began. "So, me and Bev just got back from a quick trip to Ischara village. You know, the one closest to the haunted forest? Apparently, they're having a wolf problem."

"A wolf problem?" a fifteen-year old girl named Hava asked incredulously. "But wolves are sacred to Harath!"

"Ay. A wolf problem," Toby said.

"Then one of the farmers must have done something to anger Harath. Losing a few livestock is the least of his or her worries!"

"But it's not like that. The wolves are much larger than normal, with red eyes and no fear of humans at all. They're possessed by spirits or demons or something," Toby said.

"Did you actually see these wolves?" Bucklar asked.

"Well, no..." Toby began.

"Then it's nothing more than a rumor. You know how rumors are," Bucklar said dismissively.

"...but I did see the temple after the attack."

There was a collective gasp.

"Harath's temple?" Rab asked.

"Of course. There aren't any other temples! The wolves got into the village somehow one night and went straight for it. They completely ignored the executed criminals and went for the priestesses. Killed 'em both and fled. None of the wolves were killed."

"But... but that's impossible!"


"Nothing like that has ever happened. Nothing!"

"Maybe they were worgs?"

"Worgs? Those are just a legend. Besides, they're properly called wargs."

"I've always heard it as worgs."

"What do you know?"

Suddenly, Bev bleated in terror. Noname screamed and pointed. Everyone turned to look. Three large wolves had somehow snuck up on the camp. Their red eyes were focused on Fourty.

Fourty stared back. "Oh dear."


Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00
Member # 5814
Profile #86
It was six months ago that Cassius had originally arrived in Mannik. The city was relatively large and had an ample population, two things which attracted him. Cassius had heard that Harath ruled the city, but had seen little evidence of it in his time there.

Now, between him, Barbados, and Kuberr, the city's ancient structure was beginning to crumble. Kidnappings, assassinations, and minor crimes had seen a sharp upsurge since that fateful meeting between the three. Cassius was fine with serving as the head muscle; it was more or less like his previous existence, except now his violent acts had an actual purpose behind them. Barbados operated as an intermediary and coordinated with the rest of the vampires. Kuberr procured a steady stream of targets as well as profits.

However, Cassius found the job a bit stressful. There was much more sitting and talking, as well as more rules and secrecy. Cassius thought it all a bit much; he had been keen on the idea of operating openly, but Barbados and Kuberr were opposed for their own reasons.

The twins Lamia and Lemnus entered his private chamber. Since his rise to power, they had become his lieutenants. They didn't speak much and they weren't the most amiable, but they had a sort of roughness and air of action about them which Cassius respected and shared. The two bowed. "We have the west river sector, and Kathleen has been cleared out." Kathleen was a vampire who had been controling the trade in the area. "What would you like us to do now, my lord?"

Cassius thought. The inter-clan war was going well, and soon all dissident vampires would be purged or thrown out of the city. The time had come to reveal the next step of the plan to the lower ranks. "Come closer. This is a very important matter. We have made powerful enemies, and we must be ready for an attack."

Lemnus shook his head. "The followers of Harath are nothing; they are chaff in the wind." Lamia also spoke. "There is only one clan now, and it is yours. If there remain any outside, we will find them."

Cassius admired how much the twins had managed to deduce and find out, considering no one told them much. "No, the city itself is now ours. But there are powerful forces outside, and they may at any time come for us."

The twins exchanged a look of suprise. Lemnus said, "Who, my master? Who would stand against all our might?"

Cassius sighed. "I have made a bad decision. And that is all I will tell you. Keep what you have heard secret, but be prepared. The time will come when all we have built will be challenged. Now go."

The twins hesitated and glanced at each other. Then they nodded. They approached Cassius, drawing daggers from their sleeves as they came. "This is for the best," Lemnus said. As Lamia lunged forward with her dagger, she muttered, "Barbados sends his blessing."

Cassius dodged the blow. "That backstabbing old fool! He wants this for himself, does he? He's welcome to it! Let's see how far he gets with you two traitors!" While he was speaking, Lemnus slung his dagger at Cassius. It hit him in the stomach, but pierced nothing vital. Cassius roared and seized both by the throat, one in each hand. "Suffer!", he shouted. And he poured pain itself into the two. They screamed and twisted in agony. It hurt Cassius as well, but not nearly as much. After a few moments, he dropped them to the floor. They remained there, wailing. Panting and clutching his wound, Cassius stumbled out of the room.

He assumed that Barbados would have most of the vampires on his side. Barbados was old, and would soon die. He was also not much of a fighter, but he was a talker. The vampires would gravitate to him because he could bring them more power, and because they would be able to oust him later. Cassius managed to leave unseen, and found one of his old haunts where he could recuperate in peace. He seriously contemplated the wisdom of his recent actions, and resolved to not mix himself in anything larger than himself for the near future.

Originally written by Kelandon
Well, I'm at least pretty

Posts: 1115 | Registered: Sunday, May 15 2005 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #87
In a bright, fiery flash, James and Noric appeared in an open field near one of the first towns James had been to during his stay in this realm. James quickly healed Noric to the best of his abilities. "Noric," James said, in an uncharacteristically serious tone, "You're a good person. You stuck with me and I appreciate it. However, while I really could use your help, I can't in good conscience get you into any more trouble than I already have. It's best for you to lie low for a bit. I'll take you anywhere I've been before, and then we'll go our separate ways. So where do you want to go?"

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 5360
Profile #88
Seoth drifted over the veritable lake of blood where the city had been. A aura of darkness surrounded him. "How the hell am I supposed to find anything in here? Part the waters? Dry up the lake? Half of it's ****ing demonic. I can't dispel ****ing demonic." Seoth drifted around the surface aimlessly for a few more minutes.


He drifted some more. "Well, I'll do this the hard way." He turned to a contingent of zombies. He sprayed them with oil from a store he had tapped. He stopped for a moment. "Sigh. It's really a pity to waste undead this way. Ah, well. They'll make decent skeletons when I'm done." A bolt of lightning shot from his hand and chained between the oily zombies, setting them violently on fire. They marched into the lake, which he had polluted with oil. The lake caught completely on fire.

After a few hours, the fire went out. The water line had receded by about a hundred yards. The lake was still extremely large. Seoth sighed. He tapped more oil. He dumped it into the lake and sprayed some more zombies with it. This was going to take a while.

May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it.
Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00
Member # 7298
Profile #89
Geltor sensening Seoths attempt to get the city decided to make it a bit easier. Geltor causes the blood to seep into the surronding soil and the rest foces it down the river. Leaveing only a trace of demon blood and the lake at a much lower level. Useing the blood shard stone "Try the east part of the town at the hall of research."

Geltor was being unusally freindly towards Seoth all thing considered. However he wanted Seoth strong for the moment becuase ally or not he could do much damage to his enemies and cause much chaos. Chaos usually benfited Geltor. Also ally or not Geltor wouldn't have to deal with him till much later.

More importantly on his mind was the orb of communications. It did allow communication but it was also much more. It was a Ral tar stone. It was a very powerful demon artifiact and supposedly had been destroyed. Geltor urgnetly need to find out how James got a hold of this and how much James new about the orb.
Drigy had been running for days from demons and finally the were geting close, real close. He came across signs of a fight, a shattered sword and t he earth here was scarred and muddy. Drigy didn't have time to study it and kept moveing. Drigy slipped in the mudand a shard from the demon blood stone cut him on his side. Drigy got up and hurry off. Barley noticeing the cut.

[ Saturday, April 28, 2007 08:27: Message edited by: Lord Safey ]

A rock has weight whether you admit it or not
Posts: 479 | Registered: Wednesday, July 12 2006 07:00
Member # 4248
Profile #90
I so wish I had eyes to close, Marras thought as he was desperately trying to avoid looking at the woman. She had not answered his question, but he know had a good hunch what she was: a homeless, starving, insane god, but a god nonetheless. If his mind would've been fit to grasp the irony at the moment, he probably would've laughed. But his mind was still reeling from the plunge it had taken, and a part of him believed it would never fully recover. What does it mean when one stares into the eyes of madness, and sees one's self? he pondered while watching the woman slowly rock from one side to another. The strings his body was composed of were twitching nervously, as if the souls inside had been thrown out of balance because of her.

"If you really want to know, my name is Marras" he replied after a while of thinking. "If you really want to, you can come with me. I, too, need a place to stay for the night, it won't be too much trouble if I pay for you also..."

"That's great! I hope we get to see many pretty fish, too!" she replied, her gaze wandering around wildly but aimlessly. Marras turned his head around just to make sure he would never again catch glimpse of her eyes. The mention of fish made him even more nervous. Can she read my thoughts?, he wondered, And if she can, what does it mean? These thoughts caused many unpleasant memories flood into his mind. How many times he had felt like loosing a part of himself while absorbing one of the dying?

"Every single time", he muttered as he slowly began walking walking away from the alley, towards the city walls and better parts of Kirkwood. He stopped periodically to listen whether the woman was still following him; he never dared to actually look, in fear of seeing the golden sea of her insanity again. And so, the gods of lunacy and death slowly made their ways through the streets, unknown to and unnoticed by the mortals. Maybe it's true that ignorance is a bliss...

I have nothing more to do in this world, so I can go & pester the inhabitants of the next one with a pure concscience.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #91
"I suppose Kirkwood will do," Noric replied. With that said, James teleported with Noric to Kirkwood. "Again," James said, "I'm sorry things turned out the way they did. I wish you luck in your future endeavors. Perhaps one day we'll meet again and during better circumstances." "Perhaps," Noric responded. Without any further dialog, James teleported away, leaving Noric alone to ponder the recent events...

In his overly-flashy way, James appeared in an open field, a few miles away from a fortress town known as Solaris. "She's nearby," James said to himself. After about an hour of walking, he had finally arrived at Solaris. He quickly surveyed the area, observing that the majority of the town guards were female, all were surprisingly beautiful, and many of them wore what appeared to be leather outfits made from the skin of lizard people. "What an interesting choice for guards. This will be even easier than I thought," James muttered to himself. Unfortunately, it wasn't low enough to escape the attention of a nearby guard, a woman with black hair and red eyes, who approached James. She looked him over and said, "I haven't seen you around here before. Who are you and what is your business here?"

"No real business," James replied, "I am simply traveling. My name is... um, come to think of it, I can't remember my name." "Oh my," said the guard, "We should take you to the temple right away to remedy that." Before James could even respond, he found himself under attack by the guard. "Fool," the guard shouted, "Like anyone would believe that poorly thrown together lie! Surrender now or feel the fury of Serena, Captain of the Guard for the Holy Order of James." By this point, James was tired of fighting and the attention this little skirmish was getting him. James lifted his arms in the air and said, "Okay. I give up. Please don't... Um, yeah, I give up."

"What is that," Serena said, "You're going to resist arrest and make me have to use deadly force?! As you wish..." "Are you insane," James shouted, while dodging the orbs of black fire that Serena threw at him, "I'm giving up!" "What? You're going to use the most powerful black magics in the universe to destroy this entire town if I don't stop you," Serena responded, "I guess that means I have to stop holding back, hoping to subdue you without killing you...." Serena then conjured another of her black energy balls, only this one was far bigger and looked like it could take out an entire building.

"For the safety of Solaris," Serena shouted as she threw her massive deathball. As soon as it came near him, James simply knocked it towards the sky, where it ultimately dissipated as it reached the end of its range. "I'm impressed," Serena said with a smile, "It would appear that I will have to use raw physical force to crush you." Serena began running towards James with all her speed. As she reached him, she drew her sword and swung it at James, who casually dodged the attack. James quickly grabbed Serena. "No," Serena shouted, "The evil man has me in his grip! I must escape before he does something horrible to me!"

"Okay," James whispered in Serena's ear, "I was just going to knock you out and be on my way, but if you insist..." Before Serena could react, James kissed her, then let go of her. She tried to move to attack him for doing that, but found herself incapable of moving her body. Soon she found herself smiling for the first time in her life that didn't involve her killing a man. Taking advantage of Serena's incapacitated state, James quickly walked off, leaving her standing there, dazed. James managed to escape from the sight of the amazed crowd who had witnessed the fight.

"Wow," James thought to himself, "Just wow... Someone should get that woman some therapy. Oh well, enough dwelling on that. It would appear that it would be best for me to use my stealth magics to continue my little mission." James quickly cast a spell, rendering him invisible to most mortals and proceeded towards the temple in Solaris.

[ Tuesday, May 01, 2007 11:27: Message edited by: Gaara of the Funk ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 7298
Profile #92
Geltor senses something is was very minor but could be useful awhile from now, Drigy was infected with his own blood, he proably wouldn't survie but if he did he could become very useful. More importantly he had to rebuild his force so he use his gods owers to contact his remaining 5 demon assiasins the ones that where hunting Drigy.Geltor"Demon assiasn you hae new orders: Coutal and Lotar go to what remains of Trantite gather those who have are turning into demons. Sentia, Frelorn, and Solork go to borders of Trantite find villages in the near by nations, infect their water supplys with your blood.Once the villagers start on their path to demonhood return and gather them. Keep far from the any of the gods."
With that done Geltor had one more person to contact, to find out more about the orgins of this Orb of Demons. Geltor telported too the to portal into the realm he was banished too. It wasn't a portal too hell but he could change its location it went too. Geltor starts chanting the portal starts to warp. Suddenly the portal burst into flames. Geltor stops chanting and walks through the portal.
Once on the otherside Geltor is greeted by the gate keeper of hell. Geltor "Greetings gatekeeper its a been a long time.How have things been going?" Gatekeeper"Better then has been for you. What is it that you want?" Geltor "I found a demon orb in a another realm in possesion of a god name James, in this realm all the orbs were destroyed by the gods, Since hell is the only place one can be made I was hopeing you could tell me how he got it." Gatekeeper "Their was one name James awhile back, became a fairly powerful demon and I remeber right became a god, eventually he left. Not sure how even gods can't pass the gates of hell without geting my permission. He was in engaged in some wars with some of the demonlords before he left prehaps he took one of theirs which would have angered them to the point of war, god or no god." Geltor "Thanks gatekeeper you have been most helpful." Geltor returns to the surface and stops maintianing the spell on the portal and it turns back to a regular old portal.

A rock has weight whether you admit it or not
Posts: 479 | Registered: Wednesday, July 12 2006 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #93

Sliros stood atop one of the crumbled spires of Joth, surveying the domain that had always been his. From the birth of the very first city, Sliros had stood watch over the downtrodden, the defeated, and the eternally forgotten. The poor, the imprisoned, and the downcast had always looked to him for guidance, and he had always been willing to provide it, for a price.

Only after you've given up all hope have you truly hit rock bottom, and only then can you start on the path to salvation.

So it had gone for centuries, with Sliros watching over his ragged flock like the dutiful shepherd he was. It had always been one of the ironies of his task that his most successful followers frequently forsook him, turning to the weak and fickle gods of fortune and fame, or putting their faith in newly-risen gods too intent on furthering their own power. Sliros never needed to reclaim those, because they inevitably perished from their foolishness. Their flames sputtered and died like the petty gods they backed... but Sliros persisted.

Until that day. Saluc came, taking the world in his burning claws and twisting it to his will. Sliros' followers perished, and the few that lived could only turn to the goddess of sorrows, Li-Fom. Sliros slipped into the void, and slept.

Now, he could breathe Kalandha's clean air again, and return to the maintenance of his flock. But he could feel the changes in the pantheon since his disappearance. Tuoni had vanished, which could not be good... Sliros could feel a new presence in that role, but he could not yet bring himself to trust it. The god of harsh justice, Harath, was nowhere to be found. If he was still alive, he was very well-hidden. Burrard was still present, which Sliros smiled at... at least something was still certain in this world. And unless Sliros was mistaken, Saluc had come again during his absence. Li-Fom had surely benefited.

However, it was the new gods that truly disturbed Sliros. The mantle of fortune and ambition had been taken up by a newcomer to the pantheon, and Sliros could feel his influence stretching across the city, which bothered him. Yet mixed in with the followers were potential followers for himself... truly, this newcomer did not know how to care for believers. Similarly, Sliros could feel the hatred emanating from a force that was vainly trying to fill the forked shoes of Saluc. The pretender... who all but broadcasted his presence to the world as Geltor, Demon God (Sliros imagined the voice as a shrill scream, which made him chuckle). The idea that this one could replace the ancient king of demons, Makroangkeen, was laughable at best... and the thought that this weakling wanted to replace Saluc was pathetic. Sliros would surely deal with him soon enough, assuming the god could avoid fizzling like so many before him. And then, there was a... well, a confused god. Clearly he had once been the god of Love, but the aeons had not been kind to him, and his grip on the reality of Kalandha was obviously slipping. No matter, Sliros would leave him to his own devices.

More pressing now were the cries. Sliros could hear them all, shouts of anguish, laments of despair, and screams of terror. They gave him strength, and they reassured him of new followers. He just had to support them. He could rebuild Joth to something resembling its former glory, but it would take time. Time that Sliros was not sure these new gods would allow him.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 5360
Profile #94
Seoth felt a pang through his consciousness. So, then, Sliros was casting his eyes outward, was he? Interesting. He caught a whiff of contempt. The god was doubtlessly reestablishing his worshiper base. That was always Sliros' advantage. An enormous amount of worshipers. He had gleaned that from reading Ashataro's records. Without the gods' knowledge, of course. No matter. He was no threat to Seoth yet. Curing himself was the first priority.

He was finished draining the blood lake. Charred skeletons littered the ground in the ruined city, most of them his zombies. They were slowly beginning to reanimate themselves around him. So were the skeletons of the former townsfolk and demons. Some of the more powerful mages were even developing into liches. It looked like a war was going to break out soon, and Seoth would be prepared. As soon as they could walk, the undead began destroying what little was left of the ruins, searching for a shard of the essence stone the mages had detonated. Seoth was raising a pedestal of magically reinforced bone out of the ground. It would serve as the foundation.

Every so often, a skeleton wandered up, handed a piece of stone to Seoth, and went back to searching. He needed a whole essence stone to focus on. He needn't worry about being discovered. The land was a blighted ruin for miles around. No human, animal, or plant life had survived. Nobody would bother investigating for weeks, at least.

After a day and two nights of searching, his undead had finally assembled the entire stone, and the foundation was finished. Walls now began to rise out of the bloody swamp. With the stone shards arranged in the appropriate pentagram in front of him, Seoth began to merge them together. They melted into their pure essence, and then coalesced into a blindingly white perfect orb. Seoth grasped it in his slender hand of bone, and it reddened, deepening into a hateful, suppressing corruption. A face-like thing materialized in the rock, screaming in rage. It was the very idea of a demon. Geltor would want this. He wouldn't get it. Now that Seoth wasn't infected by anything Geltor could cure, Seoth had no need to be overly friendly. Geltor would only betray him in the end, no matter what he did. It was up to Seoth to do it first. Balance was key.

A stream of blood flowed up from the soggy ground, entering Seoth's thirsting mouth. It soaked directly into the fangs jutting out of the jawbone. The vampire's guild would most likely know how to deal with that. It would be an undeniable lure for their more reluctant members. "We can cure you. All you have to do is do this for us, and then this and this and this. . ." But vampires were undead, in a sense. They owed allegiance to him, even if they didn't know it.

Speaking of not knowing, he remembered Sliros' search. He would try to claim his worshipers, his necromancers, thieves, and weather-worshiping savages. No matter. He might finally make his appearance to the mortals, after his fortress was finished. It was undeniable that something as overt and obvious as a fortress of bone, surrounded by undead, would be noticed by necromancers, at least. They would come. And later, an army would follow, made up of self-righteous paladins and frightened townsfolk, preaching that undead were naturally evil. They would be no threat.

So far, this particular escapade had brought Seoth no gain. He had been enslaved by a vampire lord, infected by a demon, and now he was revealing himself. The Balance had even been thrown off! Seoth was angry, no doubt. The skies showed it.

May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it.
Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00
Member # 6700
Profile Homepage #95
I wander, thus I wander
O'er hill and vale I wander
Seeking all that I can quest;
Knowing only kings and only gods
Know for sure where they can rest.


Home... sweet... home...

Noric rolled around fitfully in the lumpy bed that dominated the room in the Tael district inn. It was true that he didn't need sleep, but damned if he didn't just take a lightning bolt for that James character, and damned if he didn't feel like complete **** for it. Hell, getting struck by lightning didn't hurt any less the third time, either.

So he was back in Kirwood; exactly someplace where he did not want to be.

True, Kyros had found the lot of them on the streets here, a team of down and out adventurers starving to find their next job and meal. True, his father had been a powerful merchant in the Port district once, many years ago. But Stephen Hedges had been a proud little ranger, and insisted on making his own fortune instead of inheriting the family business as everyone had planned. Damned merchants were a hypocritical rabble anyway.

But now Stephen Hedges was Noric, some poor fool destiny-damned deity stuck in an existential quandry, involuntarily reliving the worst moments of his mortal life.

Why the hell had he said Kirwood?

He supposed it was because Sveltas was coming this way. If the teleport was instant, as James had claimed, he was a week's travel ahead of Sveltas. Unless, of course, Sveltas grew wings and could fly over the Wertel mountains... Yes, Sveltas would be the one to pull it off, though...

The two had met almost eleven years ago in a convoy from Keldagrim, back before Kalazar and Keldagrim had gone to war. Noric was helping his master guide the convoy through the mountains between the two countries. Sveltas was a defrocked monk of Ashataro, evading the Keldagrim Mounties.

Suffice to say, before the trip was over, Stephen was unemployed and Sveltas was still a fugitive.

A ranger and a smuggler, sticking together out of a need to survive. A ranger and a smuggler, turned adverturers, with a band of allies that could hunt dragons, solve crimes, and cause general mischief. Ah, the old days...

But that had been years ago, before Kyros and Saluc. Carol and Frank had since gotten married and moved off to some far away land to enjoy their happily ever after. Denver finally got accepted into the Bard's guild. And that stupid mage that they picked up after Marty quit... Drix, or Drigen, or something, he could never remember; he never found out what happened to him. But they were all off enjoying life. Sveltas had become High Priest of Noric, falling back into the old habit of using a shrine as a smuggling post. And Noric had gone on a journey to find himself...

And now the Ranger and the Smuggler were a god and a high priest; stuck, trying to find their way again.

Damn. Damn life. Damn Kirwood. Damn legacy.

Damn lightning.

Gods, his chest hurt.

-Lenar Labs
What's Your Destiny?

Ushmushmeifa: Lenar's power is almighty and ineffable.

All hail lord Noric, god of... well, something important, I'm sure.
Posts: 735 | Registered: Monday, January 16 2006 08:00
Member # 2080
Profile #96
Serena quickly rushed to the Temple to see the high priestess. Half out of breath, Serena arrived before Minoko, High Priestess of James the Deity. "How many times do I have to tell you that you're not allowed to come near, let alone in, the temple," Minoko said in a harsh tone. "You... don't... *pant* understand," Serena struggled to say, "There's... *gasp* a powerful... man in town..." "So," Minoko interrupted, "Just because your people don't have them doesn't mean that humans don't." "But," Serena continued, "He was..." "At least catch your breath first," Minoko said with some irritation in her voice.

Serena stopped talking and rested for a few minutes before continuing, "He was much more powerful than me. He stopped everything I threw at him without even the slightest effort. And then, he violated me." "Excuse me," Minoko interjected , "He did what to you?!" "That monster grabbed me and kissed me," Serena replied, "With tongue. Then he just left me there. If he could do that so easily to me, imagine what he could do to any of the other women in the area. A vile monster like that must be stopped." "You stupid, stupid woman," Minoko shouted, "I don't have time to deal with some random guy you're having romantic problems with. You have about five seconds to get out of my sight before I kill you."

Serena reluctantly left, saying on her way out, "I hope he does worse that you..." "Why haven't I killed that moron yet," Minoko said to herself after Serena had left. "I could ask myself the same about you," James said as he became visible, "I will admit, though, no one else has the administrative skills you did. You were quite hard to replace." Minoko turned to the direction the voice came from. Upon seeing James, she froze in sheer terror. "I don't believe," she thought to herself, "Why did he track me down?! Why now, when I've just now started to find happiness. So many regrets..." Soon tears were going making their way down her cheeks. "Wow, I've never seen you cry," James in a serious tone, "I'm sorry. *pulls out box of kleenex and hands it to Minoko* Here you go."

As Minoko began to wipe away her tears she managed to say, "So you're not going to kill me?" "Of course not," James replied with a smile, "I need you." At the sound of those words, Minoko began to perk up. "How do you need me," she said with a more happy expression on her face. "I think you know what I need," James replied. Minoko did not need any further instruction. She quickly embraced James and kissed him passionately, much to his surprise. When she was done, James managed to get out, "Apparently you don't... I need you to do your old job. I need my right arm."

Minoko jerked away from James and turned her back to him. "You don't get it do you," she shouted angrily, "You never did. I don't want to ever see you again!" "You've got some nerve saying that to me," James shouted back, "After all I did for you. You just turned your back on me. When I needed your help the most, you were gone." "It's not like you really missed me anyway," Minoko retorted, "You're so wrapped up with trying to get that evil, psychotic, heartless beast, Suki, that you completely ignored everything that should have been important." "You wanna talk about me, fine," James replied, "After you stopped being my assistant, I had to face the most powerful threat I'd ever face. I asked Suki for help, and, despite all that she had done to try to destroy me in the past, when everyone else turned me down, she stepped up to plate and turned everything around for me. So don't you dare bad mouth her like that again, or I WILL kill you!"

[ Saturday, May 05, 2007 18:02: Message edited by: Gaara of the Funk ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #97
There was a song in the air, of thunder and lighting and selfless deeds, of memory and history and newborn age. Lauraziel hummed with it, though she did not understand it, as she wandered after Marras, skipping from one side to another, ambling, twirling in time to a dog's howl. She was not often at his heels but she was, always, in his shadow. Marras drew her, held some part of her attention, like none other save her children had for a long, long while. There had been others, once. She did not remember them. And so she followed Marras, a leaf afloat on a river's current.

"Here!" Lauraziel cried, stopping outside one inn. There was nothing about it that set it apart from all the others, save the arrowhead of lightning through its heart. She reached out to touch it, and touched instead the smooth wooden door. The wood grains whorled beneath her fingertips, leading her deep into their maze of seed and sapling and full-grown tree. "He doesn't understand," she told Marras with solemn gravity.

Then she giggled.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
Member # 7298
Profile #98
Drigy had been on the run for over a week. While he expected to be worn out and tired. He notice he was sick, extremly sick. He stumbled past the main gates of kirwood looking for help finding none finally tired and exhuasted he collapes however before he passes he sees someone he hasn't seen for years and groans "Stephen is that you?" and then passes out.
The river guardian was on the alter; someone had defaced two altars to the water god and killed another river guardian. This time would be different he was the bait and the water god was the trap. A villeger come to draw water from the river was comeing. The river guardian however sensed something wasn't quite right about the villager. The storm clouds gathering in the back ground reflected the guardians feelings. Gaurdian "You there stop." Then with unhuman speed the villager lungs at him at same time morhping into a demon lord. As that happend the a blast of water hit him squarley in the chest. The demon was nock back and landed on his feet. The Water god morphed out of the river "You deface my alters and kill my guardians you have overestimated your self demon now you will pay fro your mistakes" The demon lord then reachs his hand for the sky and a bolt of lighting hits claws then demon then redirects the bolt of lighting at the water god and river guardian instally vaporsizeing the water gaurdian and stunning the water god. The demon then lungs at the stuned water god and strikes with a dagger of lighting in the water god draing his life force. The demon lord then transforms into his true form, Geltor,"I did all this to capture you and to steal your powers.You are the second god whos powers have stolen." The water god's body fades away. Geltor teleports away and in that moment a terrible dryspell reachs out over the land.

A rock has weight whether you admit it or not
Posts: 479 | Registered: Wednesday, July 12 2006 07:00
Member # 5814
Profile #99
"I really can't say I approve of your latest maneuver, Barbados."

"Nonsense, Kuberr! Have you any idea how much trouble Cassius would have made if we kept using him? Such a temper, and no head nor patience for business at all!"

"And you felt it would be a good idea to turn him against us, and to send assassins who were sure to fail after him?"

"Well, I don't deny that that was the best plan, but the fact remains that Cassius is now gone. And be quiet, I've gotten the spell ready."

"This better be good..."

Barbados and Kuberr were standing atop a high tower, with the full moon overhead and the wind swirling about them. They were staring downward at a silver bowl upon a tripod, within which the night sky was perfectly reflected. Barbados whispered, "None escape the eye... Nothing is hidden, as long as light still shines and the moon still reigns..." The reflected image in the pool suddenly shifted. It traced a line of perspective from the pool to the moon and then backwards; now everything in the pool was revealed from the moon's point of view. Barbados and Kuberr were watching themselves watching a pool, which was in turn watching them...

Barbados twisted his fingers elegantly, and the image shifted to reveal events transpiring a hundred yards to the east. A brave merchant, who had refused the offer of protection extended by a minor vampire lord, was now paying the price. Henchmen were ransacking the shop and destroying its wares, while another one held a knife to the merchant's wife and the merchant himself watched helplessly. Kuberr nodded curtly.

Now Barbados and Kuberr were watching as a ship rocked serenely a in a harbor a few miles away, on the coast. A bird cawed throatily, and suddenly shadows separated themselves from the darkness and revealed themselves to be vampires. They struck the deck guards, hurled them overboard, and descended into the lower holds. After much screaming, they emerged holding cases which contained valuable treasures. Kuberr now motioned to Barbados, and the image again changed.

Lemnus and Lamia, the two experienced assassins whom Cassius had previously relied upon, were sneaking onto the grounds of an impressive manor. They moved quietly and through the shadows, evading sentries and sleeping servants. They came to an impressive-looking door, nodded to each other, and entered quietly. A man was sleeping; they woke him up.

Lamia slammed the man's mouth shut and pinched his nose. Lemnus slapped him until he became fully awake. Lamia allowed him to breath in bursts. Lemnus said, "You're pretty brave. Only a few have had the heart to stand up to the Triumvirate. But that ends now. Doesn't it?" The man's eyes darted fearfully from Lamia's cold eyes to Lemnus's angry ones. He nodded jerkily. Lemnus and Lamia began outlining the terms of his concession, most of which dealt with shipping fees and tariffs. Kuberr waved his hands, and the reflection followed its path up to the moon and back down.

Kuberr said, "I suppose things could be going worse. I think we should consider expanding. With your men and my contacts-" Barbados suddenly broke in. "Hush! I see something!" Kuberr sounded annoyed. "I beg your pardon?"

Barbados stabbed his finger at a large, silvery monument a long distance away; it certainly hadn't been there the last time he had checked. It was surrounded by blighted land and had mindless, shambling undead moving around it. Barbados and Kuberr both leaned closer for a better look. "What the hell is that?"


Cassius was back to his old ways. The vampries that he saw knew better than to interfere with his work, so he was able to act more or less as he had before, spreading chaos and ruin to everyone he could. Barbados seemed to think that ignoring him would be the best course of action, and Cassius didn't exactly mind. He liked being a free agent again, and picking his own enemies. It was quite refreshing.

Originally written by Kelandon
Well, I'm at least pretty

Posts: 1115 | Registered: Sunday, May 15 2005 07:00
