Erotic or offensive art question
Author | Topic: Erotic or offensive art question |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Wednesday, September 24 2003 07:23
That might work, but it would not be fair to the artist if I modified their work (not to mention illegal, and also there's the fact that I'm a rather poor artist myself so would probably bungle it). Best I can do is cut off the bottom third or so, that would make it less offensive I'm sure. By the way I've posted some images in this topic;f=1;t=001243 so that people can see if they're offensive and/or poor quality. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Member # 59
written Thursday, September 25 2003 04:18
I can't see the pictures at all... Posts: 950 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 1467
written Thursday, September 25 2003 09:15
them vaylkeries post a threat in the game but honestly, this game i assure you will not appeal to a young age group. perhaps a very very small section. i am slightly appealed to it, but im only 13. and to be honest anyone at my age would not play civilisation. i had a Go at civilisation, and it was ok. that was about it, jus tok. however peopel like my older brother and larger teens at about 18-22 would find great interest in a game of this style. thats just my opinion -------------------- Brother Glorat The world is merciless, why should i care? Posts: 82 | Registered: Tuesday, July 9 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3484
written Thursday, September 25 2003 17:38
Some things might be distasteful but i'm more concerned with the tasteful ness and lack of unGodly temtations your images may or may not provide! Your mage graphic is good and not inmoral ![]() -------------------- I am just a zAnY gUy oh YES I AM! Posts: 6 | Registered: Thursday, September 25 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3475
written Thursday, September 25 2003 18:09
I don't see what's wrong with the first one all it's just a mage wearing a bikini and casting a spell - so what -as for the others they might offend some people I know. Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 22 2003 07:00 |
Member # 73
written Friday, September 26 2003 04:38
Am I seeing things, or does the blue fairy have too many elbows? The first one is unnecessary too. As I'm sure you all know, Americans have a very different stance on nudity than many European countries. What doesn't seem offensive at all to a European could really anger an American parent. I say you should remove that one as well, just to be on the safe side. -------------------- My BoE graphics archive is finally getting started! Yay! I hope you like my graphics.My BoE Graphics An absurdly fun Flash game- Refridgerator Raid! --------- The Lyceum- A board for BoE. Yes it is. Really. Stop staring at me! Stop it, I say! Oh, sorry... Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3149
written Friday, September 26 2003 05:24
To hell with Americans. Personally, I'm not hot on 3D art in any case, but I don't see anything wrong with tasteful nudes. I don't remember any huge backlash against Daggerfall (which used a paper-doll inventory that allowed character nudity). As long as you don't put any hardcore porn in, nobody who's likely to play your game is likely to reject it for a few nudes. Posts: 999 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
written Friday, September 26 2003 06:48
As to Ekanda (the mystery woman). Devlish made the following solution by editing slightly: Myself I've made the following solution by cutting off the bottom: Let me know what you think please. Alex -> Either your browser settings are off, or quit using Lynx. BrTarolg -> I agree, it is not intended for children under 13 anyways. But for people aged 16 or so, their parents may object. And for any age, the players themselves may object. While it is true that most players probably would not, there's no real reason to offend the minority group. Zanyman -> some other images are available in the thread;f=1;t=001243 I'm not sure if I understand your meaning, you're probably telling me that portrayal of sexual acts would offend people? I agree, and there are no such pictures in the game. Hykoda -> Which other pictures do you mean, exactly? I'd like to remove the worst offenders. ADOS -> You're referring to the numbering in the other thread I believe? The first one is the two gladiators fighting... I know I'm European but I honestly don't see any nudity in that one. Now that you mention it the blue fairy does seem to have a wrong perspective in her left arm. But I can't do much about that. Ready Man -> Haven't heard of that incident. But background pictures are seen far more often and therefore more likely to catch attention. -------------------- Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilighthum! Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng getheilt, Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Pieter Simoons aka Radiant Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00 |
Member # 87
written Saturday, September 27 2003 10:59
daggerfall (esII) also had topless dancers (in the temples) Morrowind (esIII) didn't have any of that. No nipples anywhere at all. so there must have been some complaint. the first solution is pretty good. the second is also, but the first is better. )This post brought to you by generations of celibacy. yah, celibacy. [ Saturday, September 27, 2003 11:00: Message edited by: Death, the Anti-Drug ] -------------------- Tip of the Day: #13 Stand clear the closing door. That's treason. (THNIK)(Peculiar James, FP productions co, inc) Posts: 816 | Registered: Friday, October 5 2001 07:00 |
Member # 73
written Saturday, September 27 2003 11:49
I was talking about that one that you cut the bottom off of. Even though she isn't nude, it's still enough to offend people. [ Saturday, September 27, 2003 11:50: Message edited by: The Almighty Doer of Stuff ] -------------------- My BoE graphics archive is finally getting started! Yay! I hope you like my graphics.My BoE Graphics An absurdly fun Flash game- Refridgerator Raid! --------- The Lyceum- A board for BoE. Yes it is. Really. Stop staring at me! Stop it, I say! Oh, sorry... Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3094
written Monday, September 29 2003 09:19
why don't people ever post a picture of a leading Male character that has ripped abs.. crazy muscles.. and has the perfect body shape? It's only "offensive" because the picture is of a women... oh no.. portraying men in this respect is fine, but a women oh no.. thats offensive... <cough> These discussions are stupid. Of course it will be offensive, it is appealing to teenagers & men. not to 10 year old girls... ****... get over it.. now if it was a photo of your "mom" in a bikini with crazy face paintings and such then I suppose you'd have a valid argument. I have yet to see a non-stereotypical game. the barby game for girls about makeup.. or the RPG/Action/ etc.. game with sexy female characters for boys... it ain't changing anytime soon. lets repeat after me... "virtual" see that wasn't very hard. Hank- PS: Just for reference I am responding to the first page of this thread... I didn't bother reading most of the other responses.. so who knows someone could have said this already. -- I just felt like venting -- [ Monday, September 29, 2003 09:21: Message edited by: Loki ] -------------------- My game will be out soon!...... no really it will! Posts: 9 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 87
written Monday, September 29 2003 09:28
thank you. )this post brought to you by whitespace characters. -------------------- Tip of the Day: #13 Stand clear the closing door. That's treason. (THNIK)(Peculiar James, FP productions co, inc) Posts: 816 | Registered: Friday, October 5 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3457
written Saturday, October 4 2003 04:54
it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be Posts: 61 | Registered: Sunday, September 14 2003 07:00 |