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New Zealand in General
Member # 6659
Profile #20
Okay, another question.

Is there anyone on here over the age of 25? :cool:
I'm not gonna say how much older than that I am but it seems that most people I have talked to seem very young..... :P
Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
New Zealand in General
Member # 6659
Profile #13
Originally written by Kingy:
Well, I'm glad to see I was remembered.
I've been away for a week on a family vacation (which sucked by the way) so I havent had access to a computer. But I live in good ol' sunny Dunedin. Where abouts in Dunedin do you live white_dove?

I live in Halfway Bush but I see you are studying at the University and I work there in the Dunedin School of Medicine / Otago School of Medical Sciences. :)
Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
Foreign Language topic! in General
Member # 6659
Profile #17
Quanda el professor entre de la classe dice "Buenos dias ninos".

Sorry about the bad spelling. I learnt Spanish in French while not being able to speak either at the time when I was 11 in France. :confused:
Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
New Zealand in General
Member # 6659
Profile #9
Hehe.....All true and interesting stuff but I'm still keen to see if anyone else is from Dunedin. The world is a small place and stranger things have happened.

Thanks for the history lesson though. It took me back to when I was 8 and learned all about Abel Tasman. :cool:
Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
New Zealand in General
Member # 6659
Profile #2
Okay, don't shoot me but is that in the North Island?? I don't even know where that place is.
But to be honest the only place in the North Island I really like is Wellington so I don't really take much interest in the rest.
Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
Romeo and Juliet. Thoughts? in General
Member # 6659
Profile #1
I love Shakespeare. I studied 6 plays at high school, one of which was Romeo & Juliet.

Sure, its a love story, its melo-dramatic and completely over the top but is so much more. Shakespeare just about covers every possible emotion in his complicated plots and storylines. He manages to write stories that appeal to both upper and lower classes. In this story there was no obvious lower class sub theme (like Midsummer Nights Dream for example) but it would have appealed to the masses because it was a glimpse for them into the life of the higher class and I'm sure they were comforted by the fact that they had similar problems as basic as disobedient head-strong children.

Chances are even if Romeo & Juliet had got together they would have found out that its very unusual for you to actually last with your first love and the feeling would have passed in a few years. :D

To be honest, I actually prefer some of Shakespeares other plays even though this is the most famous one but it has some great moments in it that leave you very frustrated. For example, it was complete chance that the priest (or messenger?? I can't remember) missed Romeo coming the other way and wasn't able to deliver the message that Juliet wasn't really dead. If I recall in the original movie, the priest was doing his business on the side of the road when Romeo galloped past on his :D

Anyways, as for love at first sight, well I'm with you...I never believed in it either until it happened to me just over 6 years ago and now I'm a believer cause I'm living it!!! :cool:
Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
New Zealand in General
Member # 6659
Profile #0
Hey there,

I know there are a few kiwi fans out there but I'm curious to see how many.....So who else is from New Zealand? And since I live in Dunedin, I'm really curious to see if anyone else is from there specifically? :cool:
Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
Map for Avernum 3 in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 6659
Profile #5
Thank you!!

That one page map was exactly what I wanted. I totally love Rache's Avernum 3 website..its very complete and very helpful but I wanted a one page map that I could print out and at a glance look to where cities are so that I can make some money by doing some courier jobs. After spending 8K on that mansion in Lorelei (its kind of nice having a little space I like to call my own :D ) I need money for spells real bad!!

I ran into a little problem with the game though...I kept starting new quests and going to new Blackcragg Fortress...without finishing a whole bunch of quests underground and in newbie areas. I think it was my curiosity about unexplored places so I need to go back and do heaps of quests that I got ages ago and ignored for greener pastures. :rolleyes:
Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
Map for Avernum 3 in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 6659
Profile #0
I'm happy to make one myself but on the off-chance that there's an existing one somewhere....

I am looking for a complete map of Avernum 3 that combines all the regions and towns on the surface. I have like 10 maps or something ridiculous that my characters have to carry around and I am continually getting the message. You're character has too many items. They have A LOT of strength but there the limit to the number of items they can carry is annoying.

I think this would be particularly useful when accepting courier jobs so I know straight away where things are in relation to where I next want to go.

So, rather than spend some time putting together myself does anyone have one out there already?

Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
General Enquiry in Avernum 4
Member # 6659
Profile #5
Thank you for all the helpful replies already!!

I have played the demos of the other Avernum games but I think I will replay them to familiarise myself with them as it was some time ago. I seem to remember struggling with the game when the Vahnatai were introduced into the game but I can't remember whether it was because I didn't enjoy that gameplay or whether I couldn't figure it out.

Also, I had a sneak peak at Avernum 4 on a Mac at work. Am I missing something obvious or is there no longer, or never was a "Camp" button to regenerate your health and mana overnight?

I will also replay the Exile series Demos as I vaguely remember really enjoying those demos when I played them years ago and if I enjoy them as much as I remember the full game I would imagine, only add to that.

The thing is, I'm an avid World of Warcraft fan and gamer so the question is now.....When am I going to have time to fit all of this in??

Thanks again for those helpful posts.
Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
General Enquiry in Avernum 4
Member # 6659
Profile #0
So, I have recently remembered how much I like Spiderweb Software games but until now I have been a poor student unable to afford them and had to make do with the demos. I am eagerly anticipating the Window's version of Avernum 4 and am thinking about actually buying the full game....BUT I have only ever played the demos of the previous 3 games and Blades of Avernum also.

My question is:

How important / worthwhile do you guys think it is to start at the beginning and understand what has led up to Avernum 4? Bearing in mind that it could take a while to play through 5 games.

Also, this isn't strictly related to Avernum 4, but are there any other games that are a must for playing? I have the full version of Geneforge 2 but I don't remember enjoying it as much as the Exile or Avernum series, but again I only played the demo versions.

I must just about be the furtherest (if thats a word) away Spiderweb Software fan as I live in New Zealand. For those of you that don't know where that is its Lord of the Rings, King Kong and Narnia country.
Posts: 12 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00