Profile for Logalot?
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Displayed name | Logalot? |
Member number | 585 |
Title | Lifecrafter |
Postcount | 780 |
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Registered | Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
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Member # 585
written Sunday, August 10 2003 14:48
^ Spam Drakey: Yes, but you don't have a special title, why not indulge in a little ego boosting fun? -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
[b]RGF Roleplaying Games Forums[/b] in General | |
Member # 585
written Saturday, August 9 2003 14:21
I hate to say it, but Spidweb had every right to remove Misc. These forums are supposed to be about their games, Misc. was simply a side effect of having them. Plus, to a large extent, much of what would be in Misc. is here in General. Bringing back Misc. wont bring back the topics, members, posts, people, and happenings so closely associated with it. -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Exile games you don't want to play in General | |
Member # 585
written Saturday, August 9 2003 14:08
I don't see why that inclines you to shout. Although I have noticed people change a lot when wearing them, the most common change is elevating their ego to the point where they think they're Elvis or similar. [ Saturday, August 09, 2003 14:11: Message edited by: Logalot Beyond ] -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Exile games you don't want to play in General | |
Member # 585
written Tuesday, August 5 2003 04:51
How about playing The Quiet Game with GIFTSs? And thanks, I had almost forgotten about The Grinch, now I'll never be able to stop the nightmares. -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
POLL:An Insane board in General | |
Member # 585
written Tuesday, July 29 2003 07:57
There are many boards with members from or similar to this board that offer a forum for random insanity, or are simply insane overall. I would reccomend (No, I wont check that spelling, I'm on a public computer, and the librarian is watching...)or (Polaris) for those who desire lower standards of mentalitly. Alternatively, you could also go to almost any non-RPg gaming board, as the general IQ in those places tends to be so low you have to dig for it. -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Tuesday, July 22 2003 08:52
Sorry for the double post! [ Tuesday, July 22, 2003 08:53: Message edited by: Logalot Beyond ] -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Tuesday, July 22 2003 08:50
The first thing Logalot felt was a shiver behind him, he turned around to see Tina with a branch in her hand, and a horrible ghoul, that was missing one eye, and the other was horribly mutated and red, on the ground. He didn't have time to thank the sprite. He unsheathed his sword and started slashing at the rest of them. Nothing he seemed to do could do anything more than knock them down. This was less horrifying than the next thing that happened. One of the ghouls picked up a whole tree and flung it at Logalot. He didn't stand a chance of dodging, he ran at the tree and managed to block it with his sword. His weapon shattered into little pieces, the fragments disolved in the earth. That was the sword that the Blood Ruby was smashed with, the one had since he came here. He was angry at himself and the ghouls. Without thinking, he lunged at the ghoul who had thrown the tree and knocked him to the ground. He punched him until his fists were sore. He only managed to do this for a few minutes, because the beast picked him up and flung him at a tree. Maestro was also aggravated, he ran towards the ghoul that had thrown Logalot and stabbed him in the eye. The effect was quite gruesome. The whole body exploded, leaving Maestro and his masterful swords quite messy. Tina cought on and started poking them in the eye with her finger, and by the time it was all done, the clearing was covered with pieces of ghoul. Logalot was still unconscious under the tree, and the true terror of the cult had been revealed. -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Sunday, July 20 2003 06:14
OOC: We haven't complained to you because we're tolderant, but it's beginning to cause problems. There's more to RPing than talking, for example something like this in script: *Tom was walking through the meadow with his friend* Tom: I could use some Ice Cream. Bob: So could I *Tom sees a snake on the ground. Tom jumps back* Bob: Don't be afraid of the snake Would be like this in paragraph form: It had been a long time since Tom and Bob had walked through the meadow together, and it was an enjoyable walk. Tom rubbed his stomach and sighed "I could use some Ice Cream!" His friend Bob laughed and said "So could I..." As he was saying this, Tom spotted a snake on the ground and jumped back in fright. "Don't be afraid of the snake!" Bob was now laughing so hard he was rolling around on the ground. You can see how paragraph form conveys scenery, emotion, and action better. -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
United States Conflict Avatars (Cont.) in General | |
Member # 585
written Friday, July 18 2003 19:25
LET THIS TOPIC DIE SIR. -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Friday, July 18 2003 19:06
OOC: One more post and you'll have 1000 ef, *Clap* -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Post Count Question in General | |
Member # 585
written Friday, July 18 2003 10:53
Sorry about the outburst Alorael, but it did seem like a novel opprotunity to use the word "Thickie", which appears to mean stupid, although no one really knows... -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Post Count Question in General | |
Member # 585
written Friday, July 18 2003 08:13
Order Mage, maybe you just weren't here long enough, or maybe you're simply a thickie, but TM was reffering to his own life on Spidweb. -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Post Count Question in General | |
Member # 585
written Friday, July 18 2003 06:37
Your answer sir: It's not the quantity that counts it's the quality. If you crap everywhere up with 500 Spam posts, that doesn't make you a good member, but if you have just 10 posts and they are insightful and intelligent, you certianly look better than the Spammer. Karma may be a better reflection of member quality than post counts. [ Friday, July 18, 2003 06:38: Message edited by: Logalot Beyond ] -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Friday, July 18 2003 05:15
Much to Logalot's dismay, their peaceful walking was ended by Tina's screaming of "COME OVER HERE RIGHT NOW YOU MEN!" "Ugh, we better go" Sighed Maestro "I suppose..." and so they ran off in the direction of the screaming. After some tense running, they came upon a clearing where Tina was buzzing around. There we bodies of Red Eye cultists all around the clearing. Tina calmed down and confronted them "Look at all these! We need to burn them right now!" "Wait!" Logalot ran over to one "This one has a map..." It was a map similar to the one they had found at the bakery, but this one had an island circled, it was one to the South-East, he had never cared to learn the name. On it was written "Home." "That's Mafor" Maestro frowned. "I've never been there, but I've heard there's a buncha lizard people and all kinds of wierd stuff living there." As the three were studying the map, they didn't notice the bodies behind them rising and standing on their feet... -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Thursday, July 17 2003 15:36
Logalot frowned at the rather nausiating sight of the man with part of his own juggular(sp?) in his hands. He had seen worse, still though, self inflicted like that? He tried to mutter an incantation, and after a few tries he got it right, the body slowly edged itself out of the door and outside where it could decay in peace. It did run into a few walls, but he never did claim to be a wizard. He inspected his own wounds, and he was rather suprised to find a bite mark on his lower leg. It didn't look to be dangerous, but he did notice that one of the bodies on the floor had what looked like a small piece of his leg in its mouth. "Look at this," he motioned to his companions "Not even the most fanatical of cultists would take care to bite my leg in their dying moments, this isn't natural..." "It's almost as if they didn't mind dying." "Oh you silly humans!" Both Maestro and Logalot turned to Tina who was, once again, giggling. "Didn't that cultist man mention rebirth in undeadness or something like that? Maybe they become undead or something? And look, they've lost that horrid eye thing as well." "Hmm... We better burn the bodies to make sure." Logalot remarked. So they burned bodies all afternoon, not a pleasant job, but adventuring never was a walk in the park. The baker was grateful enough that he let them stay in the bakery for a night, and they did so. The next morning Tina woke everyone up with her loud voice shrieking "Look what I found!" Logalot sat up and grabbed the piece of paper Tina was waving in her hand. "It's a map!" Tina yelled excitedly. "Hmm... And it has Sefil circled, and it looks like something is scribbled next to it: "Deliver pastries for attack..." Logalot read. Maestro grabbed his head. "That's my home town! They can't attack there, it's huge..." "There's only one way to find out, we need to go there." "Ugh, more walking?" "'Fraid so you big weenie!" Tina giggled [ Thursday, July 17, 2003 15:38: Message edited by: Logalot Beyond ] -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Yet another story game.... in General | |
Member # 585
written Thursday, July 17 2003 09:52
It relates to Hot Monkey Humping... and I call #1... -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Thursday, July 17 2003 09:11
OOC: Yay! Undine's here! -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Thursday, July 17 2003 07:46
So the trio tromped (And buzzed) for the rest of the day, until they came upon a bakery. Logalot insisted they stop, because he was very tired, and all this travelling wasn't good for an old man. The other two agreed and they sat down at a table. A barmaid brought them some pastried and coffee. They sipped and talked happily about what they would do if they ever came upon a member of the Red Eye cult, and this involved Logalot and Maestro making many "Whiz! and Bang!" sounds, much to Tina's amusement. It wasn't long though until there was a loud knock on the door, a voice called out "Surrender your pastries, this is the Red Eye Cult!" The baker was rather perplexed and scared, and was about to give them all his precious food, but Maestro stopped him. "We can handle them..." Logalot had his sword out and was standing at ready directly to the right of the door. "That's it! We're banging the door down!" The voice called. They were true to their word, after about three huge kicks, the door came down and many black clad people with absurdly red eyes burst in the door, Tina wasted no time in sprinkling a choking dust on them. Logalot charged in on them, they were blindsighted and he managed to stab on in the side of the chest. Maestro joined in as well, after much scuffling and choking, the battle was over. Maestro's swinging black hair was flailed out wildly, and he had a satisfied look on his face. One of Logalot's hands held his sword the other one was on his back. Tina looked curiusly at the cultist who had surrendered. "Well well... who might you be?" said Logalot with a grin. Maybe he could tell them a little more about the cult... Edit: Dolney, why did you change the name of this topic to #1? Obviosly the orignal Join Us was #1. [ Thursday, July 17, 2003 07:53: Message edited by: Logalot Beyond ] -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Thursday, July 17 2003 05:00
OOC: Sorry VWM, I didn't notice your post, I was busy posting mine ![]() -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Wednesday, July 16 2003 14:13
OOC: Maybe for the future we should limit this to one IC post per day, although I know I'm breaking this rule now, who is with me? IC: Logalot was at the edge of town when he saw something that looked like a golden blur fly at him, maybe it was a fireball! Logalot swung his sword at whatever it was and the golden blue moved away and stopped zooming around. "Touchy!" the apparent sprite remarked, giggling. Logalot frowned he didn't much care for sprites, they weren't around in his universe, so he wasn't used to the havoc they often caused here. "Can't be too careful" He frowned the sprite buzzed around giggling. "She ceased giggling and buzzing around and hovered in front of Logalot's face. "I suppose I should introduce myself, I'm Tina the Tiny, and I'm a sprite!" "I noticed" Logalot mumbled "Who are you?" "Logalot" he said simply. "What's an old man like you doing running around with a sword?" "Well, it's like I said, you can't be too careful." "Uh-Huh, right, now come on tell me the truth!" "I need to go!" He started running away from the sprite. She followed him, and she was much faster. Once again she stopped in front of his face. "Well?" "Argh! If you must know, I'm off to adventure, and I don't need you disturbing me while I search for that cult!" "Oh! You mean the Red Eye cult! I can help you find them!" This sparked his interest "Oh, well cmon then." He started walking and she buzzed excitedly around him, giggling. "What do you know about them?" "Well, not much, but let me tell you..." -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Wednesday, July 16 2003 12:29
OOC: For the sake of good ol' Join Us RP, I'll join... IC: Logalot closed his book. It was his third one today. Old age simply didn't suit him. He though that Caston would be a nice place to retire, but it turned out to be intolerably boring. He looked out his window, at all the young people walking about outside. This wasn't how he wanted to go. He didn't want to die of a heart attack or something mundane like that, he'd like to be killed by a rouge king, because Logalot had defied his unjust rule. 'That almost happened...' he reminded himself. He smiled on his old adventuring days, meeting up with Meeko, having Drezin join them, and all the others, destroying the Blood Ruby... It was just another happenence when the energy scattered all of them into a different universe, in different places... He had done some minor things here too, nothing big. He wondered if he was famous back home, how the forest was... He had forgotten almost all his training. He reflected on the past for about an hour before the newspaper came. He opened it up. The headline horrified and pleased him at the same time: 'Thousands slaughtered by evil cult!' He read on a bit... They didn't know the name of the cult, the press never did. Then it occured to him, this was his big chance. He ran up to his mantle and grabbed his sword, old, but it would do. He wondered what his neighbors were thinking as he ran out into the street with a sword. First he had to get out of this mundane city and find out where the action was. He wondered if anyone would join him in his quest for justice, greed, and not going senile. -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 585
written Tuesday, July 15 2003 13:30
Tower of Babil? Do you remember the original "Join Us"? That was one of the best RPs ever, and it really set the precedent for future RPs here. It is plotless, at first, but then you develop the plot. Really though Dolney, the first post of the original one had the world laid out and a description of all the nations, like Onea on Polaris. I might join this, if someone can get a structure up. -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
Yay. An RP site that's FB free. in General | |
Member # 585
written Tuesday, July 1 2003 17:13
Well, there's always Polaris, and SM doesn't post in the RPs thanks to good policy. And there's also the RP Invintational (Shhh!) -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
USA = USSR in General | |
Member # 585
written Wednesday, May 14 2003 13:40
We could always blame it on Alec... -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |
USA = USSR in General | |
Member # 585
written Saturday, May 10 2003 19:11
Yes, it's amazing that the first modern democracy based on civil freedom is now the least civily free democracy in the first world. -------------------- The many faces of Logalot -------------------- Polaris Roleplaying and Debating Board- 'Nuf said -------------------- Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw Posts: 780 | Registered: Friday, February 1 2002 08:00 |