Profile for void*
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Displayed name | void* |
Member number | 3857 |
Title | Apprentice |
Postcount | 21 |
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Registered | Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
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Daily schedules for NPCs? in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3857
written Saturday, February 12 2005 14:28
In most RPGs (in all the RPGs I know, at least) most NPCs don't have any kind of daily schedule. For example, shops are open 24/7, people wander the streets at any time of day or night, etc. I realize this is an abstraction of reality, one of many that are common in RPGs. But, though I think some abstraction is useful (because is helps avoid micromanagement), I think towns would look more 'alive' if the NPCs went around purposefully following a daily routine. I think this could be done to some extent in BoA. What do you think? is this kind of thing worth the trouble? [ Saturday, February 12, 2005 14:30: Message edited by: void* ] Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Daily schedules for NPCs? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Saturday, February 12 2005 14:28
In most RPGs (in all the RPGs I know, at least) most NPCs don't have any kind of daily schedule. For example, shops are open 24/7, people wander the streets at any time of day or night, etc. I realize this is an abstraction of reality, one of many that are common in RPGs. But, though I think some abstraction is useful (because is helps avoid micromanagement), I think towns would look more 'alive' if the NPCs went around purposefully following a daily routine. I think this could be done to some extent in BoA. What do you think? is this kind of thing worth the trouble? [ Saturday, February 12, 2005 14:30: Message edited by: void* ] Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
How do we perceive fringe groups? in General | |
Member # 3857
written Monday, October 18 2004 19:00
Many jews arond the world are suffering antisemitism. For instance those in central Asia, where US-backed governments are sponsoring true low-intensity pogroms. Incidentally, the result of these US-backed policies is a net flux of settlers towards Israel. But why do all those jewish refugees flee to Israel and not the US or Europe? Why can't jews do like all other people and just buy a home in Spain? In part, because the Israeli govt. actually pays a huge lot of money (US money) to new settlers. That's why many impoverished jewish refugees go to Israel at all, instead of going to some civilized country. I think that the two most objectively antisemitic governments (not peoples) in the world today are the US and Israel -- they are directly responsible for the suffering of the jews and they alone benefit from it. I have a suggesion to end this bloodshed: let the palestinians recover their homes and pay huge amounts of money to any jewish settler whishing to relocate to the US or Europe, to Spain for example -- many Israeli settlers are latin american. In my ignorance, I can't understand what's wrong with that idea :) Except that it would only benefit the settlers and would not give any political advantage to the US govt... Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
How do we perceive fringe groups? in General | |
Member # 3857
written Saturday, October 16 2004 16:20
About the US perception of 'fringe groups' please take a look at this very interesting article: "Of settler crimes and media silence" Some excerpts: "...settlers are routinely attacking children on their way to school... ...We are not talking verbal abuse, taunts and pushes - we are talking punctured lungs, broken arms, fractured ribs and whipping with chains. But Israeli police are not investigating...." It may help you realize how utterly misinformed the average US citizen is. It is a random example taken from today's issue. I could have picked dozens of articles like these in the last few months from the Spanish press alone. But please, go on talking about antisemitism, don't let reality detain you :) Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Bug list and suggestions in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Saturday, September 25 2004 20:03
Trouble with move_to_new_town: When you enter a town using move_to_new_town, the game FIRST executes the initialization code for the town entered and THEN places the party at the specific location within the town. That is, your party will spend an instant in the new town but at their original coordinates. So if your town takes 1 or 2 seconds to initialize the 'jump' is perfectly noticeable; even if it isn't, part of the town map gets revealed. It is a very ugly effect and there is no easy workaround -- other than using an intermediate town. Maybe this can be fixed easily, I don't know... [ Saturday, September 25, 2004 20:07: Message edited by: void* ] Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Graphics Wanted in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3857
written Friday, September 10 2004 10:16
Here's a place with lots of original iso tilesets: Reiner's Tilesets Lots of great, free terrain tiles. The catch is they have to be resized AND reshaped: like most isometric tiles out there, their proportions are diferent to those used in BoA (vertical-to-horizontal dimensions, or vertical angle of view). I have already adapted a few tree tiles to BoA format and sent them to The Louvre. Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Graphics Wanted in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Friday, September 10 2004 10:16
Here's a place with lots of original iso tilesets: Reiner's Tilesets Lots of great, free terrain tiles. The catch is they have to be resized AND reshaped: like most isometric tiles out there, their proportions are diferent to those used in BoA (vertical-to-horizontal dimensions, or vertical angle of view). I have already adapted a few tree tiles to BoA format and sent them to The Louvre. Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
BoA Editor Suggestions in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3857
written Sunday, August 1 2004 19:31
Some things that i'd like to see changed: 1) NPCs initialize after towns. So NPCs can't use SDF values defined in town scripts in their own initialization. 2) There's no call to move NEAR a blocked spot (like approach_ter_script). 3) There is no way to send a message to a NPC before it is spawned (so the message can be used in the initialization of the NPC) 4) There is no way to access NPC cells from other scripts. 5) run_town_script apparently doesn't work before town initialization (so no workaround to #1) 6) There is no way to run a NPC state from other script. Now, the solution to most of the above is messaging, except when you need to set up a lot of things in the one turn that the party enters a town. 7) A couple calls to manipulate the tick counter would be great too. 8) Having more than 8 waypoints per town would make them much more useful. I noticed all of the above while experimenting with a NPC with a complex, 'realistic' daily routine. They are not important (I found the way to do what I wanted to) but force you to use awkward solutions to problems that would otherwise be simple :) Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
BoA Editor Suggestions in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Sunday, August 1 2004 19:31
Some things that i'd like to see changed: 1) NPCs initialize after towns. So NPCs can't use SDF values defined in town scripts in their own initialization. 2) There's no call to move NEAR a blocked spot (like approach_ter_script). 3) There is no way to send a message to a NPC before it is spawned (so the message can be used in the initialization of the NPC) 4) There is no way to access NPC cells from other scripts. 5) run_town_script apparently doesn't work before town initialization (so no workaround to #1) 6) There is no way to run a NPC state from other script. Now, the solution to most of the above is messaging, except when you need to set up a lot of things in the one turn that the party enters a town. 7) A couple calls to manipulate the tick counter would be great too. 8) Having more than 8 waypoints per town would make them much more useful. I noticed all of the above while experimenting with a NPC with a complex, 'realistic' daily routine. They are not important (I found the way to do what I wanted to) but force you to use awkward solutions to problems that would otherwise be simple :) Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
A way to reuse flags in the same scenerio in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3857
written Wednesday, July 28 2004 12:35
I had objected that town variables are not stored in savefiles but, as keep has noted below and I have just checked, they ARE saved. Please ignore this post :) [ Wednesday, July 28, 2004 13:35: Message edited by: void* ] Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
A way to reuse flags in the same scenerio in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Wednesday, July 28 2004 12:35
I had objected that town variables are not stored in savefiles but, as keep has noted below and I have just checked, they ARE saved. Please ignore this post :) [ Wednesday, July 28, 2004 13:35: Message edited by: void* ] Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Empty Expression... I never used an expression(Solved) in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3857
written Friday, July 23 2004 16:42
Looks like there is one ')' too few. Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Empty Expression... I never used an expression(Solved) in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Friday, July 23 2004 16:42
Looks like there is one ')' too few. Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Calls that we wish existed (part two) in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3857
written Monday, July 5 2004 13:58
quote:I guess we could just use any c preprocessor, GNU for instance. Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Calls that we wish existed (part two) in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Monday, July 5 2004 13:58
quote:I guess we could just use any c preprocessor, GNU for instance. Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
BoA Tweaks in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3857
written Thursday, July 1 2004 05:58
Talking about tweaks, how about a new function that would call an external library (DLL in Windows)? It may be really simple (like load library, call function, release library), Spidweb need only publish a .h file with the internal game data structures (or one of the BoA Editor might do) and add a new script function. After that, any desired functionality might be added to the game, without making it open source. Ok, it's a wild idea. But at least it would make a great toy for programmers :D The only bad thing I see is that this might release Spidweb from the need to update the engine :) Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
BoA Tweaks in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Thursday, July 1 2004 05:58
Talking about tweaks, how about a new function that would call an external library (DLL in Windows)? It may be really simple (like load library, call function, release library), Spidweb need only publish a .h file with the internal game data structures (or one of the BoA Editor might do) and add a new script function. After that, any desired functionality might be added to the game, without making it open source. Ok, it's a wild idea. But at least it would make a great toy for programmers :D The only bad thing I see is that this might release Spidweb from the need to update the engine :) Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
A thought about the line number "bug". in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3857
written Saturday, June 26 2004 13:32
Editplus is a great editor for any kind of programming task. The line break format can be configured to Unix, Dos or Windows. And the evaluation version is free. Besides, I've already made a syntax file for BoA Script syntax highlighting :) Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
A thought about the line number "bug". in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Saturday, June 26 2004 13:32
Editplus is a great editor for any kind of programming task. The line break format can be configured to Unix, Dos or Windows. And the evaluation version is free. Besides, I've already made a syntax file for BoA Script syntax highlighting :) Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
What Are You? in General | |
Member # 3857
written Monday, May 31 2004 16:08
quote:I agree. I didn't mean US people are particularly picky with your ethnic origins, quite the contrary ![]() ![]() And nevertheless the US is one of a few places where lots of cultures coexist with minimal trouble. Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
What Are You? in General | |
Member # 3857
written Sunday, May 30 2004 20:17
Spanish as far back as it's possible to know. But that means really nothing, spaniards are a mixture of many many races; like the US with a few more centuries of mixing. Curious how americans care about these things ![]() Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Source code in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3857
written Sunday, April 4 2004 14:35
Thanks! :) Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Source code in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Sunday, April 4 2004 14:35
Thanks! :) Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Source code in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3857
written Sunday, April 4 2004 13:23
Is the source code for the editor included in the Mac download? if it is, how could a Windows user extract it from the compressed file? Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |
Source code in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3857
written Sunday, April 4 2004 13:23
Is the source code for the editor included in the Mac download? if it is, how could a Windows user extract it from the compressed file? Posts: 21 | Registered: Sunday, January 4 2004 08:00 |