GF1 Sect question
Author | Topic: GF1 Sect question |
Member # 27
written Saturday, February 17 2007 08:37
I'm playing a Shaper in GF1 and want to go pro-Awakened. However, before I do this I want to join the Obeyers to take all of their goodies. Unfortunately, I've already responded pro-Awakened to the Awakened serviles and I can't seem to revert my opinion enough to persuade Rydell that I'm Obeyer material. I have enough leadership to avoid the initiation quests. My main question is: If I've already given pro-Awakened responses to the Awakened serviles can I still join the Obeyers? More importantly, can I join the Obeyers and, after stealing their goodies, revert back to the Awakened? Also: If I want to join the Awakened, could I join the Takers (I have enough leadership to avoid killing Elirah) first? Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Saturday, February 17 2007 09:41
I believe one of that FAQs in the forum header has a section on "Powergaming the Sects." -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Member # 27
written Saturday, February 17 2007 11:48
The FAQ mentions joining the Obeyers first. I already responded to many Awakened, so I'm wondering if my chances at joining both are shot. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2759
written Saturday, February 17 2007 12:53
Learned Darian will probably be able to fix it for you (may have to wait a while, though). -------------------- "I can't read this thread with that image. But then, that's not a complaint." -Scorpius Geneforge 4 stuff. Also, everything I know about Avernum | Avernum 2 | Avernum 3 | Avernum 4 Posts: 1104 | Registered: Monday, March 10 2003 08:00 |
Member # 6816
written Saturday, February 17 2007 13:27
shift+d is your friend. :D theres also serviles who can radically alter the sects opinion of you. however those serviles tend to hide in isolated swamps filled with nasty nasty things. -------------------- i eat serviles for breakfast. I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. Posts: 42 | Registered: Monday, February 20 2006 08:00 |
Member # 5531
written Saturday, February 17 2007 20:20
Just like Adal said. . . If you are really desperate, use the shift-d cheat to reset your rep, clearallsects to reset and iloveserviles/ihateserviles. Also, I can't remember where, but there is at least one person who gives you a free rep change. [ Saturday, February 17, 2007 20:21: Message edited by: Oni of Chaos ] -------------------- Trouser Snake. Mustakrakish. Infiltrators? No. Agents? YES!! Posts: 79 | Registered: Monday, February 21 2005 08:00 |
Member # 869
written Saturday, February 17 2007 21:25
The trouble with Learned Darian is that she only resets your reputation once. So even if you use her to join the Obeyers, you may then find yourself unable to join the Awakened. If this is your first playthrough, don't worry too much about powergaming; just play. You'll have more fun. -------------------- The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure! Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Member # 6600
written Saturday, February 17 2007 21:35
It's G1, so Learned Darian is actually a him. :rolleyes: Anyway, if you've only given your opinions to the Awakened, you could probably give enough anti-servile opinions to the Obeyers, the Takers, and elsewhere to be able to join the Obeyers without needing Learned Darian. Dikiyoba believes that most of the Obeyer's goodies can be gotten from a high mechanics skill and some living tools anyway. Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Member # 6816
written Saturday, February 17 2007 23:12
quote:Then use Darian to change back. quote:Or rampant destruction. Or you could just stop caring about the sects and wipe them away in a mind-boggling genocide. Somehow that always happens to me. can't figure out why... -------------------- i eat serviles for breakfast. I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. Posts: 42 | Registered: Monday, February 20 2006 08:00 |
Member # 8014
written Sunday, February 18 2007 06:23
You can kill the leader of the Obeyers without getting in troble. And with the key you can unlock many things, while still being pro Awakened/Taker. And if you kill the leader of the Awakened(I did) while being Awakened, then you can join the Takers, making many areas a lot easier. -------------------- I can transform into almost anything, though not sanity. Of course it would be quicker if you were a mod and were able to do the linking yourself -Micawber Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00 |
Member # 7488
written Sunday, February 18 2007 07:18
quote:The same is true for the other sects. I also find level or two of Unlock to be quite useful when taking this route, as well as a high Leadership skill. -------------------- Either I'm crazy, or everybody else is nuts. And I know I'm not crazy because the little man who lives on my shoulder told me so. If people don't think there's something wrong with you, there's something wrong with you. Posts: 558 | Registered: Friday, September 15 2006 07:00 |
Member # 27
written Sunday, February 18 2007 08:06
I just joined the Awakened and plan on returning to Pentil later, with a higher mechanics stat. I'd kill Rydell but I feel sorry for him. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 27
written Tuesday, February 20 2007 13:14
*bump* Few new questions: There is this Dryak that lives next to Learned Darian. He offers you information, items, and magic for your unused skill points. I prefer to use my skill points. I kill the Dryak. Why can't I loot his lair? Why does the game hate you for joining the Awakened? They don't do anything. When you join you don't get anything cool or useful (except for some combat techniques which my Shaper doesn't need), nor do any new doors open up. Ellhrah basically says, "Hey cool, you're an Awakened now. A quest? No, no, that's Taker talk my friend. You can sit around on your butt all day though. It's kind of what we do around here." I take back what I said earlier, the Awakened do do something. Apparently, if you leave their super secret special awesome club, Ellhrah restricts you from rejoining because you hurt his feelings. So, not only do I not have anything to do while an Awakened, I also cannot lie my way around other sects to get their cool stuff. Did I miss something important or am I just supposed to wander randomly around the island, averting my gaze from the interesting pro-Obeyer/pro-Taker quests until I find Trajkov and the Geneforge? I don't need spoilers for this last question, just a simple yes or no. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 7472
written Tuesday, February 20 2007 13:33
quote:[/b] Because it require the Dryak to open the doors for you. Don't worry, there's only a couple canisters and some equipment behind those doors. quote:You're supposed to wander randomly. Sort of disappointing. -------------------- Scenarios need reviews! Please rate these scenarios at the CSR after playing them! Amnesia • Dilecia • The Empire's New Grove • Express Delivery Twilight Valley • Witch Hunt • Where the Rivers Meet Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00 |
Member # 7276
written Tuesday, February 20 2007 14:02
Well, there is one more aspect. Each of the sects has a different idea of what you should do with the Geneforge - and since you are talking about it, you know enough to know that the Awakened are the ones who want you to use it to empower yourself. Whether that is good or bad for you, I won't say. Posts: 63 | Registered: Tuesday, July 4 2006 07:00 |