What is the highest lvl for all avernum games?

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AuthorTopic: What is the highest lvl for all avernum games?
Member # 8344
Profile #0
Tell me What is the lvl limit?

Poll Information
This poll contains 1 question(s). 2 user(s) have voted.
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function launch_voter () { launch_window("http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=poll;d=vote;pollid=PPlQMIJfsrYc"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window("http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=poll;d=view;pollid=PPlQMIJfsrYc"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = window.open( url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window IMAGE(votenow.gif)     IMAGE(voteresults.gif)
Posts: 57 | Registered: Sunday, March 18 2007 07:00
Member # 8014
Profile #1
Why in the name of insanity did you make this a poll?

I think it might be 100. That is, if you do it normally. Though I might be wrong...

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Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00
Member # 7472
Profile Homepage #2
1-4 have their limits somewhere in the 50 range. I think BoA has it somewhere around 30000 (though through normal play, it's extremely difficult to get it past 100, and the HLPM god party only goes to 250).

[ Sunday, August 19, 2007 11:31: Message edited by: Nioca ]

Scenarios need reviews! Please rate these scenarios at the CSR after playing them!
AmnesiaWitch HuntWhere the Rivers MeetFoul Hordes
Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
Profile #3
Avernum 1 is limited to 40. The others have higher limits that shouldn't be reachable during a real game.

When you saw that you were creating a poll, you should have cancelled the topic and started over. This isn't an opinion question.
Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00
Member # 5360
Profile #4
Long before you get to level 30000 in BoA, your health will wrap around to -30000, though Nalyd isn't sure if that instantly kills you or not.

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Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00
Member # 1934
Profile Homepage #5
I remember getting -30000 gp in BoE. That made me sad.

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Posts: 1169 | Registered: Monday, September 23 2002 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
Profile #6
Originally written by Andraste:

I remember getting -30000 gp in BoE. That made me sad.
It happened to me too. I think I eventually used the character editor to fix that.
Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #7
A2 has a level cap at 50, which is apparently reachable. I've never made it there.

—Alorael, who doesn't consider more than quadruple digit caps a cap at all. They're more like cheating disincentives and possibly dead man's switches.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 7125
Profile #8
I'm not really sure what you mean bu I do know the experience is over 1000000000000.

I an a related to a witch who was burned in the Salem Witch Trials. I study magic,witchcraft and other paranormal stuff. I love BOA and Avernum 3, Sims 2 and Nancy Drew!
Posts: 130 | Registered: Saturday, May 13 2006 07:00
Member # 7488
Profile #9
Originally written by Dead Alorael Semiweek:

A2 has a level cap at 50, which is apparently reachable. I've never made it there.


Try playing with some disadvantages to get a high XP bonus. I've done this in A1, so it should work for A2 too.

Either I'm crazy, or everybody else is nuts. And I know I'm not crazy because the little man who lives on my shoulder told me so.
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Oh well. Another day, another dementia.
Posts: 558 | Registered: Friday, September 15 2006 07:00
Member # 8014
Profile #10
I remember getting -30000 gp in BoE. That made me sad.
I got that after Backwater Calls. Apparently, the scenario gives you a certain amount when you leave (victorious). And since it made my gold count over 30,000 (the limit), it jumped into the negatives.

I fixed this by loading a save in the scenario and spending more gold so that it wouldn't be enough to jump into the negatives.

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