The 1/10 Contest - Closed and Judging Instructions

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AuthorTopic: The 1/10 Contest - Closed and Judging Instructions
Member # 5132
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Judging Deadline: May 6, 2007
Mail To:[/url]

You may have visited the official site of this contest already, but if you haven't, here it is:

The Entries

I've said this before, but: You judge the scenarios by ranking the ten scenarios from best to worst, and email them to the above address. They will be totaled. If there is a tie, the majority vote wins (e.g. if Scenario A and Scenario B tie for third, and 3/5 judges have scenario B higher on their rankings, and 2/5 judges have scenario A higher on their rankings, then Scenario B takes 3rd, and Scenario A takes 4th.) Comments are recommended but not required.

The judges are:

(Terror's Martyr)

I'll put you in bold once you submit your rankings. I'll post the final results a week after everyone submits their rankings (in case everyone finishes early) or on May 7th, whichever comes first.

Aran has also brought to my attention about his scenario, Express Delivery:

Line 31 in "t0backus.txt" should read:

if (get_flag(2,6)==1 && get_flag(0,7)<2)

I'll try to have the corrected script on the site as soon as possible. However, until then, please change it so it works. I don't want the scenario penalized for a small typo like this.

That's about it. Have fun!

[ Wednesday, May 02, 2007 13:38: Message edited by: BainIhrno ]

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I refuse to take part in the judging as long as TM's two entries are disqualified. Half an hour over the deadline should not matter, especially when it will increase the number of scenarios by 25%. I hereby refuse to judge and ask that the other judges do so as well.

[ Monday, April 16, 2007 12:43: Message edited by: Tyranicus ]

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Originally written by Tyranicus:

I refuse to take part in the judging as long as TM's two entries are disqualified.
I hate to say it, but seconded.

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Originally written by Tyranicus:

I refuse to take part in the judging as long as TM's two entries are disqualified. Half an hour over the deadline should not matter, especially when it will increase the number of scenarios by 25%. I hereby refuse to judge and ask that the other judges do so as well.
Um... He's not disqualified because he's over the deadline, he's disqualified because he's judging. The rules clearly stated that he couldn't judge and have scenarios in this contest simultaneously.

I tried to think of something witty to put here.

Needless to say, I failed.
Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00
Member # 5132
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TM didn't enter them at all anyway. He chose not to enter them.

[ Monday, April 16, 2007 13:03: Message edited by: BainIhrno ]

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According to him, he entered it, but sent it 41 minutes late and to the wrong address, bihrno instead of the contest box.

So I guess I'm Spartacus too.

This is my first contest and it really means a lot to me, so this didn't come easily. But I realize that the whole thing will be tarnished in my eyes if overshadowed by such a ridiculous technicality.

Especially when I just got a break myself.

It wasn't a typo. Writing (10,1) instead of (2,6) is not a "typo", it's a bloody bug caused by last-minute messing without taking into account all the consequences. On its own, that flag is the most trivial error you could imagine, but if you see it in context, it's just not fair that I get to make this adjustment and Settlers and Bonus Army are disqualified for 41 minutes and the wrong email address.

[ Monday, April 16, 2007 13:13: Message edited by: Dr. Johann Georg Faust ]

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You might want to fix Dintiradan's name on the entries list.

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Sorry, Geocities has shut down temporarily. I can't do anything about it until I can access Geocities again.

EDIT: Ah, I didn't even check my own box. His scenarios will be up once Geocities is active again, but for now, just use Shadowvale. So that we can have five judges, if someone would like to take his place, feel free. All the scenarios are BoA (BoE scenarios would have been accepted, but there weren't any BoE submissions), so you can judge even if you don't own BoE. You just can't have an entry.

The total count is 10 entries. However, this is it. No more submissions or corrections.

[ Monday, April 16, 2007 13:26: Message edited by: BainIhrno ]

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TM's suggestion on judging:

Have judging be available to anyone, even participants. Have it be by ranking. HOWEVER. Only allow judge's rankings to apply when their own scenarios are in no way involved.
Tabulate the scores determining 1st place first, then tabulate them determining 10th place first, then average 'em.
So the same format as the final round of the 8th contest. It's obvious that we need more than 4 judges, and this seems the easiest way.

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1. I managed to find a way around the shutdown, and TM's scenarios are added to the list. Dintiradan's name is fixed.

2. As to TM's suggestion, make it so. I would have preferred that this be talked about before the deadline, but we sorta do (even though a short contest doesn't call for much). We also don't have any more time for arguing. I'm still holding the four listed above to it though.

3. To come to think of it, I think we've set the record for the amount of scenarios in a short contest. And we were worried about cancellation.... :)

[ Monday, April 16, 2007 14:07: Message edited by: BainIhrno ]

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Dikiyoba is willing to judge.
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Law Bringer
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If TM's scenarios are in, I have no problem with judging.

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Excellent. Just so that we're clear, I just wasn't aware that TM submitted his scenarios. If I was, I would have included them right away.

[ Monday, April 16, 2007 15:04: Message edited by: BainIhrno ]

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Well, then this was all much ado about nothing. :)

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I apologize for my hasty reaction. I asked TM, why he hadn't submitted them to the contest, and he said he had, so he and I jumped to conclusions.

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And Tyran in turn notified me, and having only TM as a second source, I quickly jumped to the same.


The above-mentioned fix to the SDF flag is implemented in this version of the script:

[ Monday, April 16, 2007 17:59: Message edited by: Dr. Johann Georg Faust ]

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Originally written by Dr. Johann Georg Faust:

And Tyran in turn notified me, and having only TM as a second source, I quickly jumped to the same.
Yeah, same here. Sorry.

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TM is willing to judge. I am also willing. This would bring our count to 7 judges.

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Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot?
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Two more weeks for judging. I only have my own scores.

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Since Nalyd is apparently judging, do you mind telling him how?

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Member # 5132
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I have stated how to judge on the first post of this thread.

[ Sunday, April 22, 2007 09:03: Message edited by: BainIhrno ]

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Member # 7472
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True, but you also said you would implement this:
Have judging be available to anyone, even participants. Have it be by ranking. HOWEVER. Only allow judge's rankings to apply when their own scenarios are in no way involved.
Tabulate the scores determining 1st place first, then tabulate them determining 10th place first, then average 'em.
So I'm not surprised he's a little confused.

I tried to think of something witty to put here.

Needless to say, I failed.
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Well, the idea is you rank from best to worst. That doesn't affect how the judges do it, only how I calculate it.

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Nalyd's email has decided to not work, for mysterious reasons. He'll PM you.

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Member # 5132
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Your scores have been received, thanks for judging.

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