Beta Call for Echoes:Renegade

Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/
AuthorTopic: Beta Call for Echoes:Renegade
Member # 6193
Profile Homepage #0
On TM's behalf:

Echoes: Renegade is the next installment in the Echoes series. It is a BoA scenario (unlike the other Echoes scenarios, which are all for BoE). It does not require any foreknowledge of Echoes lore to be understandable, although it draws heavily from Mad Ambition. It's for level 20-25 parties. I generally accept everyone who applies, but just for posterity's sake:

Previous Testing Experience:
Previous Designing Experience:
Are You Imban:

I should send it out a week or two from now. Watch this space!!(The Lyceum)
Name: Lazarus
Platform: Win XP
Previous Testing Experience: None
Previous Designing Experience: 1 BOA scen
Are You Imban: That is currently classified information.

[ Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:43: Message edited by: Lazarus. ]

Guaranteed to blow your mind.

Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot?
Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00
Member # 7195
Profile #1
Name: Anarhiztok
Email: anarhiztok (at)
Platform: Win 98 SE
Previous Testing Experience: None
Previous Designing Experience: Almost as much as I have testing experience - althouhg I'm progressing SLOWLY
Are You Imban: Although my name starts with I and has five letters, I must disappoint you, but I'm not him/her. :)

[ Wednesday, August 16, 2006 13:17: Message edited by: Anarhiztok ]

I don't care what you say, I'm punk and Hardcore all the way!
Posts: 185 | Registered: Sunday, June 4 2006 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3174
Profile Homepage #2
Name: Arrna
Platform: Win XP
Previous Testing Experience: Currently testing Exodus, and seem to be doing an ok job :D
Previous Designing Experience: none
Are You Imban: Last time I checked I was still me...

Aa' menle nauva calen ar' ta hwesta e' ale'quenle, melloneamin.
Finder of impossible beta testing errors.
Posts: 364 | Registered: Saturday, July 5 2003 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #3
Name: Imban
Platform: Windows XP
Previous Testing Experience: ...
Previous Designing Experience: None
Are You Imban: We are all Imban. Especially me.
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 5814
Profile #4
Name: rakshasi
Platform: Windows something or other
Previous Testing Experience: I'm supposedly testing Exodus as we speak
Previous Designing Experience: I can code, but I can't produce a scenario
Are You Imban: I think you would know better than me

Edit: "Code" in Avernumscript.

[ Wednesday, August 16, 2006 16:48: Message edited by: **** ]

Originally written by Kelandon
Well, I'm at least pretty

Posts: 1115 | Registered: Sunday, May 15 2005 07:00
Member # 6292
Profile #5
Name: Synergy
Email: synergy67 [at] verizon [dot] net
Platform: Mac OS 9.2.2 or OS X.4.7
Previous Testing Experience: Avernum 4/Geneforge 4
Previous Designing Experience: I made some killer levels for Loderunner a long time ago.
Are You Imban: Nope, but I did write an especially fond and glowing review of Canopy last year, and i'd like more punishment.

A4 ItemsA4 SingletonG4 ItemsG4 ForgingG4 Infiltrator NR Items
Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00
Member # 5576
Profile Homepage #6
Name: Niemand
Email: chniwe(at)hotmail(dot)com
Platform: Mac OS 10.3.9 build 7W98
Previous Testing Experience: AGB, Dilecia, DoK, and working on Exodus.
Previous Designing Experience: One practice BoA scenario, one for real scenario nearing completion
Are you Imban: I don't think so; no can't be; wait, maybe; no. Let's go with no.

I'm ready to fight that table. On guard, you clumsy piece of furniture!

Überraschung des Dosenöffners!
"On guard, you musty sofa!"
Posts: 627 | Registered: Monday, March 7 2005 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #7
Name: Thralni
Email: B.J.van.Soldt AT
Platform: Mac OS 10.4
Previous Testing Experience: Shipwrecked, bit of MoC, bit of AGB.
Previous Designing Experience: designed one: Where the Rivers Meet, currently usy with the second.
Are You Imban: I don't think so, no. Does it matter?

I can't promise you I will be reliable. I will try as best as I can to test regularly, but there may be periods that I can't work on it entirely, with school starting again in a week or so.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

Give us your drek!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 5186
Profile Homepage #8
Name: Universe_JDJ
Platform: Windows XP/2000/98SE/98
Previous Testing Experience: Undead Valley, Currently working on Exodus and A2Template.
Previous Designing Experience: None, but can understand some of the code.
Are You Imban: No.

BTW: Kel, Hope you don't mind.
Posts: 64 | Registered: Friday, November 12 2004 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3174
Profile Homepage #9
and with all that, theres been nothing more seen...

Aa' menle nauva calen ar' ta hwesta e' ale'quenle, melloneamin.
Finder of impossible beta testing errors.
Posts: 364 | Registered: Saturday, July 5 2003 07:00
Member # 7362
Profile Homepage #10
Maybe a fresh offer would help?

Name: The Paladin or Grail
Email: grail-shadowblade (at)
Platform: Win 98/wherever I drag my USB off to (normally 2000 or XP)
Previous Testing Experience: None
Previous Designing Experience: 1 item workshop, with custom creatures and convos. One unfixable test scenario and one major claasified one
Are You Imban: Nope, and I am not to be.
Posts: 52 | Registered: Tuesday, August 8 2006 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #11
Name: Ephesos
Email: ephesossh (at)
Platform: Mac OS 10.3.9
Previous Testing Experience: Shipwrecked, Undead Valley, A Good Beginning, Dilecia, Avernum 4
Previous Design Experience: Druids of Krell

Imban and I are not one.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #12
TM's still working on it, and hopefully is almost finished - I was helping him debug one of the major bosses two days ago.

It's pretty safe to say that the... interesting combat that TM usually brings to the table will still be present in Echoes: Renegade.
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 6193
Profile Homepage #13
Well TM said he'd send it out in 1-2 weeks, so I'm not obligated to start complaining until next Thursday. I am required to have a tantrum in the eventuality that I don't receive it by then, although it doesn't have to be spirited or rambunctious tantrum. It's part of the contract.

Guaranteed to blow your mind.

Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot?
Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #14
TM is planning on sending out at least the Mac betas by the end of <s>today</s> Thursday, although he's been vexed by some strange problems with the PC version.

EDIT: PC BoA is hate.

[ Wednesday, August 30, 2006 14:56: Message edited by: Imban ]
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #15
Mac betas are being sent out now. PC betas are pending a fix to a PC-specific crash bug.
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 5576
Profile Homepage #16
Beta received; now processing.

Überraschung des Dosenöffners!
"On guard, you musty sofa!"
Posts: 627 | Registered: Monday, March 7 2005 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #17
Got it, will probably start testing in the weekend.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

Give us your drek!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #18
Right, got it. I'll start testing ASAP.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 6193
Profile Homepage #19
TM's sending out a new .bas file. All testers should restart, as this is fixing a problem that makes the scenario unfinishable.

Guaranteed to blow your mind.

Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot?
Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00
Member # 6292
Profile #20
Got the fixed version. Will begin playing sometime this weekend.


A4 ItemsA4 SingletonG4 ItemsG4 ForgingG4 Infiltrator NR Items
Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #21
Originally written by Lazarus.:

TM's sending out a new .bas file. All testers should restart, as this is fixing a problem that makes the scenario unfinishable.
Wasn't that just for Windows users?

EDIT: Nevermind, checked my email.

[ Friday, September 01, 2006 08:07: Message edited by: Ephesos ]

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 6193
Profile Homepage #22
Windows testers: The Windows version of Echoes is experiencing some problems right now. TM is waiting to hear back from Jeff on how its possible to fix them. Windows testers should expect to receive ER whenever TM gets word from Jeff.

Guaranteed to blow your mind.

Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot?
Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00