reasons for adventuring

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AuthorTopic: reasons for adventuring
Member # 2940
Profile Homepage #0
If you really want to give a player an adventure they'll enjoy, why not give a poll at the beginning to find they're reasons for adventuring. You can give choices like "to save people", "To find treasure", or "to gain power." Using this can help to make an adventure everyone can enjoy.
Ok, lets do that, this may help future scenario creators.

Why would you adventure yourself in a scenario?

To do goodTo do evilTo gain power (stats, exp,spells)To be filthy rich (gold, items)To be surprisedTo be challengedTo burst with laughterTo waste my time in something
This poll has been moved to another forum.

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying."
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00
Member # 2238
Profile Homepage #1
I voted for: Doing Good, Being Challenged, and To Burst with Laughter.

I always like to play to good guy in games, I love being challenged by someone else's genious, and I have that a lot of designers should stick to just playing the scenarios...

Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00
Member # 2570
Profile #2
As a "normal human",i would adventure for loot and power,but as "Scenario Designer",it is the challenge(events,plot etc.).

Speed and power!
Galaxies explode!
And Kekkonen shall descent to punish us all!
It's armageddon,it's armageddon!
It's the Day of Kekkonen!

"But Dirt Dragon rulz 0k.Dirt Dragon would HäX0r HAL 9000 in 10 seconds if he would get a keyboard!!!!111111YAY DITR DRAONG RULZ 0K YAY LOL OMG WTF!!!!!!11111"

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Iä, Iä my brother...
Posts: 166 | Registered: Sunday, February 2 2003 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3026
Profile #3
What I think somebody needs to do is compile a list of reasons a party would land themselves in a scenario in the first place. The grossly overpopular "mercs for hire" and "shipwrecked sailors" have been so overused that it is rare and surprising when I find a scenario where the party does not start off as one or the other.

And this was very odd because
It was the middle of the night
- Lewis Carrol

well well well aren't we resilient

Oh the fun

Most generalizations are, unfortunately, true.
Posts: 212 | Registered: Sunday, May 25 2003 07:00
Member # 2570
Profile #4
But scenario can still be good,even if the party would have been shipwrecked or hired,right?If not...I have lost all hope...

Speed and power!
Galaxies explode!
And Kekkonen shall descent to punish us all!
It's armageddon,it's armageddon!
It's the Day of Kekkonen!

"But Dirt Dragon rulz 0k.Dirt Dragon would HäX0r HAL 9000 in 10 seconds if he would get a keyboard!!!!111111YAY DITR DRAONG RULZ 0K YAY LOL OMG WTF!!!!!!11111"

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Iä, Iä my brother...
Posts: 166 | Registered: Sunday, February 2 2003 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #5
How about being forcibly drafted by the empire? I don't think that counts as 'mercs for hire'.

Oh and, btw, how often has the one about "adventurers in a time of peaceful quietness, being completely broke, and accepting a seemingly easy job" been used? Just so I know if I should change that to something less generic in my scenario. ;)

[ Monday, June 30, 2003 13:12: Message edited by: Arancaytar ]

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Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 2570
Profile #6
Originally written by Arancaytar:

How about being forcibly drafted by the empire? I don't think that counts as 'mercs for hire'.
But my "Materpiece" relies to the fact you have been bought...Among other atmospherical effects...

Speed and power!
Galaxies explode!
And Kekkonen shall descent to punish us all!
It's armageddon,it's armageddon!
It's the Day of Kekkonen!

"But Dirt Dragon rulz 0k.Dirt Dragon would HäX0r HAL 9000 in 10 seconds if he would get a keyboard!!!!111111YAY DITR DRAONG RULZ 0K YAY LOL OMG WTF!!!!!!11111"

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Iä, Iä my brother...
Posts: 166 | Registered: Sunday, February 2 2003 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3026
Profile #7
XYZ, I'm not about to pretend that the quality of a scenario rests on the reason why the party is in it. Its only one aspect of scenario designing, and it just happens to be a Blades peeve of mine. Some great scenarios have been made using these default beginnings.

River and Leaf, Ahkronath: accented, poetic dialogue - yet you play those dire mercs.

Truffle Days (by my favourite designer, Scott Evans): another overused one, 'Its vcation time for your party! You were going to relax, but then along came trouble and you had to get up and fight it.' Yawn.

Those are two of dozens of scenarios using those plot lines, but they're great scenarios which stand out in other ways. If you absolutely have to use that beginning, I say, use it - just make sure you aren't continually compromising the quality of your scenario that way in other ways. When you think of a story, try to think of how it will affect all aspects of the finished product.

[ Monday, June 30, 2003 14:38: Message edited by: The Great Regression ]

And this was very odd because
It was the middle of the night
- Lewis Carrol

well well well aren't we resilient

Oh the fun

Most generalizations are, unfortunately, true.
Posts: 212 | Registered: Sunday, May 25 2003 07:00
Member # 2238
Profile Homepage #8
You've just given me an idea for another scenario I'll do. (outside of my trilogy of course)

And I don't really think that worrying about good/evil players is that important. Since you made the scenario, the user has the option of playing the scenario or not. If he/she doesn't want to be good, then they can quit the scenario and start another one. So make scenarios based on what YOU would like to see happening... not what the player wants to happen.

Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00
Member # 2189
Profile #9
To be challenged, to be suprised, to waste my time on something
Posts: 187 | Registered: Sunday, November 3 2002 08:00
Member # 342
Profile #10
:confused: Why everyone likes to be doing good things? I'd like weeery much if there also would be missions that would include bad stuff. ;)
That is of course b-cooz i'm tired of being good all the time

Yes, I'm from the faraway-Finland.
Posts: 27 | Registered: Tuesday, December 4 2001 08:00
Member # 2570
Profile #11
Originally written by -Zeroc-:

:confused: Why everyone likes to be doing good things? I'd like weeery much if there also would be missions that would include bad stuff. ;)
That is of course b-cooz i'm tired of being good all the time

Oh my,someone who might actualy enjoy playing my "Masterpiece"...

Speed and power!
Galaxies explode!
And Kekkonen shall descent to punish us all!
It's armageddon,it's armageddon!
It's the Day of Kekkonen!

"But Dirt Dragon rulz 0k.Dirt Dragon would HäX0r HAL 9000 in 10 seconds if he would get a keyboard!!!!111111YAY DITR DRAONG RULZ 0K YAY LOL OMG WTF!!!!!!11111"

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Iä, Iä my brother...
Posts: 166 | Registered: Sunday, February 2 2003 08:00
Member # 2238
Profile Homepage #12
You might as well call it "XYZ's Masterpiece" now. (saying, of course, that's how he/she has refered to it for quite a while...)

Is this is the same "masterpiece" that was once entitled 'An Evil Wizard?'. If so, are you (the player) working for the evil wizard? Or do you just do random bad stuff on top of that.

Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00
Member # 65
Profile Homepage #13
I chose these:

To do goodTo do evilTo gain power (stats, exp,spells)To be challengedTo burst with laughter[/QB][/QUOTE]
After seeing the results, I realise I am the only person to vote to do evil.

Milla-Displacer Beastie

This is also a good site
Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 2570
Profile #14
Originally written by EEP_Karzoth:

You might as well call it "XYZ's Masterpiece" now. (saying, of course, that's how he/she has refered to it for quite a while...)

Is this is the same "masterpiece" that was once entitled 'An Evil Wizard?'. If so, are you (the player) working for the evil wizard? Or do you just do random bad stuff on top of that.

Well,you can work for the "evil" wizard. It's up to you to decide is he evil afterall...

Speed and power!
Galaxies explode!
And Kekkonen shall descent to punish us all!
It's armageddon,it's armageddon!
It's the Day of Kekkonen!

"But Dirt Dragon rulz 0k.Dirt Dragon would HäX0r HAL 9000 in 10 seconds if he would get a keyboard!!!!111111YAY DITR DRAONG RULZ 0K YAY LOL OMG WTF!!!!!!11111"

Join our *wonderfull* "party" at The Club of All!

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Iä, Iä my brother...
Posts: 166 | Registered: Sunday, February 2 2003 08:00
Member # 2238
Profile Homepage #15
Thought so. I just didn't feel like editting my post and putting that on there. (don't take this in a bad way) I'm sure there is going to be a lot of plots similar to that. Choosing who's good or bad. Wait... Small Rebellion...

Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00
Member # 2570
Profile #16
Originally written by EEP_Karzoth:

Thought so. I just didn't feel like editting my post and putting that on there. (don't take this in a bad way) I'm sure there is going to be a lot of plots similar to that. Choosing who's good or bad. Wait... Small Rebellion...
Yes,yes,yes it's done in Small Rebelion,but my "Masterpiece" is somekind of..."A Small Rebelion x2".(Actualy it has endings x3 or x4)

Edit Redux:You know, the scenario doesn't just rely on the "who's good,who's evil" game,it has also some...atmospherical effects.

[ Wednesday, July 02, 2003 08:47: Message edited by: XYZ ]

Speed and power!
Galaxies explode!
And Kekkonen shall descent to punish us all!
It's armageddon,it's armageddon!
It's the Day of Kekkonen!

"But Dirt Dragon rulz 0k.Dirt Dragon would HäX0r HAL 9000 in 10 seconds if he would get a keyboard!!!!111111YAY DITR DRAONG RULZ 0K YAY LOL OMG WTF!!!!!!11111"

Join our *wonderfull* "party" at The Club of All!

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Iä, Iä my brother...
Posts: 166 | Registered: Sunday, February 2 2003 08:00
Member # 760
Profile #17
well I chosed these:

To do good
To gain power (stats, exp,spells)
To be filthy rich (gold, items)
To be challenged

No adventures unless I get money for it! :P

"The Darkness Shall Return!"
Posts: 642 | Registered: Saturday, March 16 2002 08:00
Member # 2126
Profile Homepage #18
I wonder...
What really is more satifying - doing good or evil adventures?

My small Avernum 3 website at
Hi, my name is Khoth, and I'm a male dragon, about 20'4", living in the caves Near Dorngas. I am 3040 years old, and live near my siblings, Sulfras and Athron, givng me a very close family relationship. I am looking for a female dragon, shorter than me, but not too much; about 3000-4000 years old; living in the area accesible in a one day's fly from my cave.

khoth the magic dragon lived in some caves, he wallowed in his unhappiness, til some adventurers came to stay, they said they were from avernum, and "here to save the land",
no matter what the bureaucrats say, we'll rid the surface of plagues....
Posts: 109 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00
Member # 73
Profile #19
Originally written by XYZ:

Yes,yes,yes it's done in Small Rebelion,but my "Masterpiece" is somekind of..."A Small Rebelion x2".(Actualy it has endings x3 or x4)

Edit Redux:You know, the scenario doesn't just rely on the "who's good,who's evil" game,it has also some...atmospherical effects.

Do these "atmospherical effects" involve sex/pornography? I may have been misinterpreting, but that's what I've picked up from some of your earlier posts about the subject. If so, read some reviews for "Promise Island" and you'll see that doesn't go over very well in most cases.
If that isn't what you meant, then forget I said anything.

[ Sunday, July 06, 2003 04:37: Message edited by: The Almighty Doer of Stuff ]

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The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community
The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database
Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database
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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 2570
Profile #20
Doer, no. I *can* resist the urge to sink that low.

Edit: And it's just my imago that i can't let go. Honestly, admit that if i would be talking about my scenario and i would post "Well, the monsters have to come from somewhere... :D " you would start think about *nasty* stuff... Or am i incorrect? :D

[ Sunday, July 06, 2003 05:17: Message edited by: XYZ ]

Speed and power!
Galaxies explode!
And Kekkonen shall descent to punish us all!
It's armageddon,it's armageddon!
It's the Day of Kekkonen!

"But Dirt Dragon rulz 0k.Dirt Dragon would HäX0r HAL 9000 in 10 seconds if he would get a keyboard!!!!111111YAY DITR DRAONG RULZ 0K YAY LOL OMG WTF!!!!!!11111"

Join our *wonderfull* "party" at The Club of All!

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Iä, Iä my brother...
Posts: 166 | Registered: Sunday, February 2 2003 08:00