Get in before it's gone
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Author | Topic: Get in before it's gone |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Monday, June 4 2007 20:46
It seems that the Richard White Games forum will be eliminated soon. It should go out in a burst of dubious glory. So everyone who wants to be able to say, in after years, "I remember the old RWG forum, noob! I posted in it!", should head on down there and post something soon. Ancient peoples used to bury their dead with food. This is kind of the same idea. -------------------- We're not doing cool. We're doing pretty. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
written Monday, June 4 2007 21:12
I will be able to say that I remember the old RWG forum! In fact, I was the impetus for its creation! (Kind of. Who remembers my involvement?) I almost feel like making a poll. Who here would've registered Lost Souls if it had a level editor and multiplayer? Who has played Rock Solid?! Post now or forever hold your peace!! -------------------- Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens. Smoo: Get ready to face the walls! Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr. Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Monday, June 4 2007 21:37
Pff. Its creation? Hardly. They merely renamed it. :P --- Also, I would like to remind you that my Piperbot is still backlogged and will require around 70-80 more hours to complete its present run. Only after that point can it return to the RWG forum and get the threads of the past month. (After this point, it will also be returning about once an hour, so further posts will not be a problem). So if you could avoid forcing Jeff to wipe the board before then, we'd all be happier. -------------------- Encyclopaedia • Archives • Members • RSS [Topic / Forum] • Blog • Polaris • NaNoWriMo Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. I have a love of woodwind instruments. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
written Monday, June 4 2007 22:11
Pfft! The directions clearly state: quote:Not here, there. :rolleyes: -------------------- WWtNSD? Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00 |
Lack of Vision
Member # 2717
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 10:29
RWG forum, circa 2005, was THE forum on Spiderweb. No other forum achieved that level of dada humor, religous fanaticism, stoic disregard for good taste, and volumes of needle/ferrets. It shall be missed. Ischi has been gone for a long time. Am I the only remaining fan of Galactic Core? Has anyone else registered it? -------------------- Pan Lever: Seventeen apple roving mirror moiety. Of turned quorum jaggedly the. Blue? Posts: 186 | Registered: Thursday, February 27 2003 08:00 |
Member # 5360
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 11:14
Nalyd's a fan. He hasn't registered it, seeing as he can't afford to. -------------------- May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |
Member # 7420
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 11:26
Registered. But never finished it. -------------------- You lose. Posts: 2156 | Registered: Thursday, August 24 2006 07:00 |
Member # 7557
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 11:53
And when it dies Galdoh will be there to send in on its way and send any blasphemus cultists on their way. -------------------- The force is with ME! I'm not so sure about YOU! Trust me, you do not want to click this link Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00 |
Member # 5360
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 11:54
Nalyd is conducting official funeral rites. -------------------- May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 13:25
I really wish you kids would knock it off. If you want to run around playing necromancers, find an appropriate RP thread and do it there. This brand of inane gimmickry is really annoying. Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00 |
Member # 5360
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 13:27
Thanks, but no thanks. Nalyd will exercise his soon-to-be-gone right to be extremely nerdy. -------------------- May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 13:32
quote:I like the royal plural. —Alorael, who is now tempted to camouflage RWG as something else. Who wants an Exile 4 forum? Or a very odd A5 speculation forum? Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Member # 5360
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 13:42
Blades of Geneforge forum. Definitely. -------------------- May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |
Member # 7557
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 13:50
quote:Galdoh is conducting Funeral rights but would welcome another defender to ward off the mis-guided minions of the RW cult. -------------------- The force is with ME! I'm not so sure about YOU! Trust me, you do not want to click this link Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00 |
Member # 5360
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 13:52
Nonsense! Nalyd started the topic, and he will staunchly (and retroactively) defend the forum with the rest of his cult! -------------------- May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |
Member # 7557
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 13:57
Then he shall fall as the protector of the true Richard White smites the infidels! -------------------- The force is with ME! I'm not so sure about YOU! Trust me, you do not want to click this link Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00 |
Member # 6600
written Tuesday, June 5 2007 14:12
Nija, you're not funny. In the slightest. What you are doing is annoying and idiotic. Stop stealing other people's gimmicks and stop posting in RWG related threads. And Nalyd, please stop encouraging him by responding in kind. Dikiyoba. Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Member # 7557
written Wednesday, June 6 2007 04:47
So now I am being prohibited from responding to a Necromancer's challanges and the manifestations of a blasphemus cult? BEGONE Heathen! Or I shall rip away your flesh and feast on your soul! Do not think that post-count can protect you, I fear not your skill for it pales to the wrath of my master and his immortal rage against the heathens that defile his sacred sites! quote:Then he will meet me on the battlefield! quote:1: I'm not trying to be funny. 2: Whats your evidence that I "stole" these gimmicks? 3: Most of RW is annoying an idiotic, plus you are a member or defender of a cult that is far more annoying and idiotic then I could ever be. 4: Stop saying he's encouraging me. 5: I think I'll feast on your soul anyway as you have now begun to be more then a passing annoyance to our cause. 6: Stop taking it so seriously. And thats the SHOW! *Vanishes in a puff of logic* -------------------- The force is with ME! I'm not so sure about YOU! Trust me, you do not want to click this link Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Wednesday, June 6 2007 05:01
quote:Sh. They'll hear you. Also, I second the proposal that the local Necromancing Noob Brigade knock it off. -------------------- Encyclopaedia • Archives • Members • RSS [Topic / Forum] • Blog • Polaris • NaNoWriMo Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. I have a love of woodwind instruments. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Wednesday, June 6 2007 05:08
Maybe someone could comb through Aran's archives to put together a 'best of RWG Forum' page. I remember a few good things back in its earlier time as the 'Galactic Core Forum', too. -------------------- We're not doing cool. We're doing pretty. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Member # 8691
written Wednesday, June 6 2007 11:43
quote:As a lurker I tried to browse through the forum, and found that most of the old posts were gone. If there is another archive, I'd be glad to go through and sort/rate threads and posts. Edit: SP [ Wednesday, June 06, 2007 11:44: Message edited by: zhirzzh ] Posts: 9 | Registered: Thursday, May 10 2007 07:00 |
Member # 73
written Wednesday, June 6 2007 11:54
Ha ha. The Galactic Core Forum Historical Society. "These two men have beards, thus making this entry valid." -------------------- My Myspace, with some of my audial and visual art The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database BoE Webring - Self explanatory Polaris - Free porn here Odd Todd - Fun for the unemployed (and everyone else too) They Might Be Giants - Four websites for one of the greatest bands in existance -------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
written Wednesday, June 6 2007 12:35
quote:And this, boys and girls, is what happens when implants don't take. Long lived Richard White! -------------------- WWtNSD? Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00 |
Member # 5310
written Wednesday, June 6 2007 12:45
Fortunately. Posts: 57 | Registered: Monday, December 20 2004 08:00 |
Member # 7557
written Wednesday, June 6 2007 12:48
![]() Need I say more? -------------------- The force is with ME! I'm not so sure about YOU! Trust me, you do not want to click this link Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00 |
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