Suomalaisia? (Finnish)?

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AuthorTopic: Suomalaisia? (Finnish)?
Member # 3542
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Onkos täällä kuinka monta suomalaista Exile/Avernum sarjojen faneja, itse aloitin jo exileillä ainakin 4 vuotta sitten eikä ja vielä jaksaa vaikka seuraavat kymmen vuotta, hieman kyl harmittaa et avernum 4 käytetää pohjanan tota geneforgen moottoria, se on mun mielestä ruma kuin sika pienenä. Sorry all if you dont understand this, but it would be really nice to know some finnish Exile/Avernum fans.
Voitas vaikka perustaa joku Exile/Avernum Faniklubi tai jotain sellast :P

Spidersoft maniac
Posts: 17 | Registered: Friday, October 10 2003 07:00
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Yes, there are a quite a few Finnish fans here. I can currently only remember Riibu, though. TGM is still banned(?), and I can't think of anyone else.

Either the Finnish translator I used is awful, or Finnish is an odd language. :P

Onkos here how many suomalaista Exile Avernum sarjojen faneja , yourself motion already exileillä anyway 4 skin ago nor and furthermore manage although ensuing ten skin , slightly kyl annoy et avernum 4 will substratum tota geneforgen engine , it is mun thoughts unsightly like swine less.
However, I believe that most people here think the same about Avernum 4. :)

[ Friday, September 23, 2005 01:41: Message edited by: Arancaytar ]

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Machine translation generally doesn't work very well on agglutinative languages.

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I don't know finish. I can say somehting in Estonian though: Vis ka viss (did I spell that correctly?)

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Probably another 's' on 'vis'. But then agaain, probably not.

There's Frozen Feet who's Finnish. too.

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That translation went quite wrong :D , i can translate it if you want --> Is there any, and how many finnish exile/avernum series fans, myself i started with exiles about 4years ago, i am quite dissapointed with the new avernum 4 engine, the following i cant translate becouse its a finnish idiom <-- or how you spell it, so it wont make any sense to you :) . And lastly, we could create/make somekind of Exile/Avernum fanclub or something like that. :)

Spidersoft maniac
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I recall someone named Milla here, i think she is finnish as her name is finnish shortened version of Millamari

Spidersoft maniac
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No she isn't. Her real name is Ashleigh, and I think she lives in Australia (or US). :P

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Whats agglutinative?
Posts: 54 | Registered: Monday, April 11 2005 07:00
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I dont know what agglutinative means. The quest of seeking finnih soulmates continues :P , if you are a finnish exile/avernum player pls post here :) .

Spidersoft maniac
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Strictly speaking, an agglutinative language is one that can create words by combining sound units (typically syllables). Consider in English the word "regicide," consisting of two parts: regi, meaning "king," and cide, meaning "to kill," creating the word "regicide" meaning "to kill the king." The root reg also produces words like "regal," also relating to "king."

Agglutinative languages can do this a LOT more than English can, so that "many-bad-things-speaking" could be turned into a normal word.

Finnish is an example of an agglutinative language, which is part of the reason why it's hard to translate with a computer translator.

[ Friday, September 23, 2005 11:38: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

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Juu... No sanotaan että jos joku perustaa sellasen faniklubin, niin mä voin kyllä liittyä siihen :)

Itse oon pelannu Exileitä 90-luvun lopusta, pidän niistä eniten mutta kyllä Avernumitkin menettelee. Nelonen on tosiaan vähän pahaenteisen näkönen, mut sikäli kiinnostaa, et lopulta tulee jotain uutta siihen sarjaan.

Suomalaisia tuntuu olevan erikoisen paljon täällä, tai ehkä ne vaan on niin näkyviä... :P

Finnish is an example of an agglutinative language, which is part of the reason why it's hard to translate with a computer translator.
Also, we can write our spoken language very differently from our formal language - more than English speakers do, I'd guess.
Posts: 259 | Registered: Saturday, June 1 2002 07:00
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Mulla meni sillein että olin ihan koukussa exile 3 ja blades of exileen, sitten tuli avernumit, nethergatekin oli tosin siinä välissä. Juu jonkinlaista suomalaista spidersoft yhteisöä voisi alkaa perustamaan, katsotaan jos saataisiin vähä isompi aloitus poppoo kokoon :)

Spidersoft maniac
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Ohhoh herra , nyt kuluva Finnish kielenkäyttö on arpa ulkomuoto arpa enemmän häkellyttävä kuin Espanjan kieli! Herra , I-KIRJAIN don't osata jokseenkin nämä ilmaista koodikielellä asettaa. Ainakin hi jokainen polveutua Suomi! Tokko TGM tähän he'd hankkia jokin jotta sananvalta. :D


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Mitä helvettiä sinä yrität sanoa?

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
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Hikkinen hirvi.

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Hyva suami :P

Spidersoft maniac
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Elä ihmeessä. Kunpa pikkuveljenikin osaisi kirjoittaa noin hyvin :P

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
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No nyt meitä olisi jo 3 suomalaista :)

Spidersoft maniac
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Ei , I-KIRJAIN ajaa ei haastaa Finnish aikaa aivan , tokko että on mikä te toivoisin olevani anova. Että by online kielenkääntäjä parhaiten kilvoittelu. :)


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Taas hyvä esimerkki miksei kaikkea kannata tehdä koneilla :P

Somebody PLEASE turn the heat on.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Shock Trooper
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Ben, I had to use an online translator to translate what you just said back to English to make any sense out of it.

Joo, kyllä mäki täällä sillon tällön lymyilen ja on täällä vielä ainaki kolme suomalaista sikäli ku mä oon huomannu.

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Juup, kaikki online translator on aika roskia varsinkin vaikeimmissa kielissä kuten suomi.

You cant really translate finnish to english by any machine becouse of the grammar and all.

No nyt meitä on jo 4 :) ja ehkä ne muut 3 :D

Spidersoft maniac
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Everything I have to say on the subject can pretty much be summed up as "WTF?"

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quis homines huiusmodi intellegere potest?
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Fo shizzle, my lord.

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Originally written by Hjolmar:

You cant really translate finnish to english by any machine becouse of the grammar and all.
Which is why I can't understand a single thing about this thread, so I think I'll leave the pseudo-Finnish alone now. :P

I'll wager the translator I was using was doing a pretty crappy job. :P


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