Profile for Klintor Tazzankah
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Displayed name | Klintor Tazzankah |
Member number | 4936 |
Title | Apprentice |
Postcount | 22 |
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Registered | Sunday, September 5 2004 07:00 |
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What do you think of A4 in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 4936
written Saturday, July 15 2006 10:03
Nepharim, my party always be (in all Avernums) composed by non-humans characters, so I totally agree with you. We need more slith and nephil skins... a full slith party just have two slith models, it's ridiculous see different PCs with the same shape... In close battles, I've clicked sometimes in enemy slithzerakai/nepharim warriors thinking was mine slithy/nephil party members.... so boring... There's no shapes to mages/priests non-human characters either. All graphics are much like warriors/rebels/berzerkers, without wizards physics/compleition and different "pieces of cloth". Hugzzzzzz, Klintor. -------------------- ***************************************** Wisssdom isss the path to the immortality. Long Life to the Ssslithss. Posts: 22 | Registered: Sunday, September 5 2004 07:00 |
What do you think of A4 in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 4936
written Tuesday, July 11 2006 03:41
Thuryl said: "I don't much like the other new monsters-built-around-graphics either, but the eyebeasts have been there since Exile/Avernum 1." No no, what I was trying to mean [sorry the english, i'm a little out of practice, since i'm a portuguese speaker...] is that the Gazer/eyebeast/beholder graphic extracted of Geneforge and placed in A4 amused me. And it was the only one cause is the "same look" creature in both worlds. Hehehe, and this graphic is pretty much scary, so i feel a little fear when i see one in the screen, even the fight isn't truly hard, hehehe. Creepy! I remember when the eyebeast graphic was a pink multi-eyed grossing mass - not much like a beholder, i always thought that it was another species. But in A4 the gazer/beholder graphic is called eyebeast too, if i'm correct. Really, I don't want see Geneforge creatures graphics used to be Avernum creatures. The scenarios are good, the people, well, okay; but the monsters, those who i've grow fearing and dreaming about are too important in my point of view to be mess up [poetic time, LOL]. Let's begging a few more terrific monsters graphics like the new demons, and the wolves, and the Vahnnnies! Hugzzzzz, Klintor. -------------------- ***************************************** Wisssdom isss the path to the immortality. Long Life to the Ssslithss. Posts: 22 | Registered: Sunday, September 5 2004 07:00 |
What do you think of A4 in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 4936
written Monday, July 10 2006 04:08
Green Apple said: "One point I found interesting was using nature lore to make enemies non-hostile. I always imagined the PCs hiding in some cave while the goblins passed them." I completly agree with this. One awesome add on in Avernum 4 is the Nature Lore. It sucks kill creatures that don't give anymore XP. Avoid them with NL skill makes sense in all sides. Was a good idea. It's odd, but in Geneforge, I'm used to the system and i really like it fot THIS game. But the "transformation" of Avernum gameplay – that was not fully translated in all its good things – make me a little unsatisfied. I'm a little unconfortable too in see some forged creatures graphics used as wyrms, shamblers, etc. Are very different world and so the creatures (The eyebeast, a beholder, i forgive) and warriors, dervishes, mages, assassins like the 3 playable characters of Geneforge. I know that make "3D" graphics is a little more complicated... but mixing the appearance of the two games made it confusing. It isn't the more important thing to upgrade in the next version, but a good point, cause i respect very much both universes and in my imagination, i have a clear image of those worlds, and these images are very different between itself. I hope don't see Vlishes and Fyoras in the next Avernum. Hughzzz, Klintor. -------------------- ***************************************** Wisssdom isss the path to the immortality. Long Life to the Ssslithss. Posts: 22 | Registered: Sunday, September 5 2004 07:00 |
What do you think of A4 in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 4936
written Saturday, July 8 2006 06:03
In my humble opinion, A4 is the borest plot in comparihson to the others Avernums. A3 has the most addictive storyline, and the plagues that torment the surface are well balanced, well placed and very, very tied up for the purposes of the manace. Besides that, A4 has a harder battle overrall. I rememeber that to my 20th level party, the vahnathai in Sulfurous Flats was very hard to win and so, a little earlier, the ogre's chief, Uggluk, or something, in TC cercanies. I think that "harder fights" is like a little failure in the balance of the game, which don't offers armor/weapons/XP/spells in the very order enough to beat with some confort lesser enemies. At the ending, a rainstorm of magical itens and spell books at very close places try to compensate this unbalanced line of giving things. The not-rest-feature – which new first aid system trial to make it fair – made the game pretty though to my taste. For example, again in the ending, Bargha is too far away of Rentar's Keep and energy elixirs to priests and even mages are escasse (I've saved herbs to knowledge brews - I've made a choice that i don't know if were the best one. The pylons, a easyway to make the battle unbalanced, are really, really, annoying, and make me remember too much Geneforge. There are a constant PCs dead-restoring life-after-the-battle (cause I don't like read a earlier saved game to fight again the same battle cause one of my siblings died, i sense i'm cheating LOL). This is a mana eater, like Arcane Shield/Haste process before a map chief, pylons camp or a bunch of Inferno wyrms fight. The game is fun, i'm not really sure if a liked the same game engine of Geneforge – by the problems once told here, no far sight, no move mountains, no terrains levels, no symulacrum/capture soul, no secret doors, no boat tripping, no animations, no scenario creator etc etc. BUT, i've enjoy it, and I can't wait to the A5. Hugzzz, Klintor, immortal slith whom crossed Avernum since the beginning. PS I hope that Rentar-Ihrno stay DEAD forever. [ Saturday, July 08, 2006 06:07: Message edited by: Klintor Tazzankah ] -------------------- ***************************************** Wisssdom isss the path to the immortality. Long Life to the Ssslithss. Posts: 22 | Registered: Sunday, September 5 2004 07:00 |
Ghall-Ihrno's comfort. in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 4936
written Saturday, July 8 2006 05:20
I've completed that quest very late (in comparison to the time that i've get it in the castle job board). I found a Fine waveblade only in the lands west Fort Remote (then after, i've found others) – the Basalt Fortresssss of Rentar. Ghall-Ihrno is a very fancy guy, just wears the best. The prize was good, if i'm correct. Hugzzz, Klintor. [ Saturday, July 08, 2006 05:22: Message edited by: Klintor Tazzankah ] -------------------- ***************************************** Wisssdom isss the path to the immortality. Long Life to the Ssslithss. Posts: 22 | Registered: Sunday, September 5 2004 07:00 |
Lark's Scrolls [spoiler] in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 4936
written Saturday, July 8 2006 05:11
Well, when i arrived home and finally found Lark's House, i've notice in the dialogue box that yes, i'm just got a part of the scrolls... Sorry sorry, the plot is ever well tied up. Avernum is really the best RPG ever (after Exile)! I'm now glad to increase some Priest and Mage spells, I dont think that Khoth's Ruins was very hard, in fact i've cleaned up the map too fast for my taste, but the prize was good, really good. And now, Rentar's Keep... Thankssss all. Klintor. -------------------- ***************************************** Wisssdom isss the path to the immortality. Long Life to the Ssslithss. Posts: 22 | Registered: Sunday, September 5 2004 07:00 |
Avernum V ideas in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 4936
written Friday, July 7 2006 12:48
Hi all, I don't know if anyone told that in this topic, but here it goes: I'll love if in Avernum 5 I can play with a Vahnathai in my party. Like Nephils and us, the Sliths, the vahnathai has discounts in some atributes and are good in others, or XP penalties, wherever. A new tunnel and then the pylon transport can link Olgai to Upper Avernum - to explain the goods Vahnathais walking among the "usual" population. Thus, I'd like to go in Waterfall Warrens again and the old ruins of the bad slith village (A2), in deeper caves. And don't be bad if some missions or a plot's part is ambiented in the surface, and for it, is need to leave the party's vahnathai(s) in some city, or especific room - cause de sun burns their skins, or blind their eyes, wherever. Then, the quest only can be done with 3 members, or without your mage etc, some hard task, adding a little tricky path, with a very good final prize on it. So, thatsss my ideasss. Hugzzz to all, Klintor, rebel slith. -------------------- ***************************************** Wisssdom isss the path to the immortality. Long Life to the Ssslithss. Posts: 22 | Registered: Sunday, September 5 2004 07:00 |
Lark's Scrolls [spoiler] in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 4936
written Friday, July 7 2006 08:27
Okay. I dont remember where are the scrolls. But i will search in FM when i'm in home (job, damn job)... To say the truth, I think that if I have a copy of them, WHY, for God sake, I can't translate the copy, only the originals? Jeff anf his pratical jokes... Now, I'm hating a little less Lark. Sliths Hailssss to all, and thanksss. Klintor. [ Friday, July 07, 2006 08:28: Message edited by: Klintor Tazzankah ] -------------------- ***************************************** Wisssdom isss the path to the immortality. Long Life to the Ssslithss. Posts: 22 | Registered: Sunday, September 5 2004 07:00 |
Lark's Scrolls [spoiler] in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 4936
written Friday, July 7 2006 04:45
Hello all, I'm feeling a little stupid to ask but i think that something strange happening in my Translate de Scrolls Quest. I've cleaned up Khoth's Ruins, read the book that allows me to translate the damn scrolls, so I head back to Fort Monastery. When I talk with Lark, a new dialogue option is available: "I've been in Khoth Ruins blabla and now I know how translate the scrolls." Okay. Then, I choose it, and Lark answers: "So do it, the curiosity is killing me [sigh]!" And... Nothing happens. In fact, my party knows how translate them but I don't. The quest still stands in my quest journal, I don't know what i need to do to really translate them. Now, I hate Lark. Hate the scrolls, and hate Fort Monastery 'cause I'm spinning around my own slith tail and can't complete the quest to get more levels of some spell – the game tells me that a part of a spell... so... H-E-L-P M-E! Thanks everybody, Klintor. ************************************************ -------------------- ***************************************** Wisssdom isss the path to the immortality. Long Life to the Ssslithss. Posts: 22 | Registered: Sunday, September 5 2004 07:00 |