Dedicated to the GF3 Community of Editors
Author | Topic: Dedicated to the GF3 Community of Editors |
Member # 5986
written Thursday, June 23 2005 15:29
Hello everyone. I've spent a lot of time searching the boards for the perfect GF3 editors/cheatscripts, and I think I've finally got the right combination. Thanks to slight modifications to Hawk King's awesome "Start Super" script (The original can be found here) and Riibu's (Ulrika Jounintytar's) excellently modified version of Croikle's GF2 editor (The original can be found here), I've enabled any "Shaper" class PC to be utterly invincible. I also offer you my modified versions: gf3itemschars.txt, and z2southenddlg.txt In my modified scripts, you'll notice that the editor (located in the First South End sign for those who aren't aware) now has an option that deals with equipment and experience once you select "Use the editor." Picking the option "Equipment! Now!" after choosing "Would you like items or experience?" will give you some custom items I created. These are over-the-top powerful items, but feel free to dump the ones you don't like. Picking the option "Please give me item components" will give you all you need to make any item on an enchanted anvil. And that's about it. If you have trouble getting the scripts to work, try this: 1) Download edited scripts 2) Make at least one copy of the originals 3) Copy changes in the downloaded edited scripts into the original scripts (overwriting lines where appropriate, as in the case of Hawk King's Super Start Shaper Stats in gf3itemschars.txt as well as adding lines where appropriate, as in the case of Riibu's editor in z2southenddlg.txt). And where's the challenge in cheating? Well, there really isn't any. The challenge comes in tinkering with the game effectively to achieve certain user-set goals. This will also let you blow through the game rather quickly, so you don't have to waste too much time when playing GF3 over again. Note: Enemy shapers and creations will move really fast if you use my modified scripts, but you won't have any problem dispatching them as you normally would. Additionally, I have played through the game using these scripts, so you shouldn't have any problems relating to the scripts. If you do, post here and let me know. A special thanks to Hawk King for compiling an item list, Harlequin for inspiring me to add items by posting his own modified script, and Riibu for getting Croikle's GF2 editor to work seamlessly with GF3. Edit: Oh, and I almost forgot. Thank you Spiderweb Software! These games are superb! 7/2/05 Edit: And here's a picture of the modified scripts in action! Those are all maxed out Ur-Drakons. The essence of my shaper is so high due to a custom charm available with the "Equipment! Now!" option in the editor contained in the z2southenddlg.txt script. Also, Enemy shapers and creations should move slowly now, aside from enemy Battle Betas, Terror Vlish, and Thahd Shades. ![]() 7/4/05 Edit: I reorganized my modified version of the editor. Now you can choose items separate from the experience options, and if you desire, you may give your PC every item enhancement component available in GF3 to suit your crafting needs. (If you click on the "Would you like powerful items?" option, there will be three categories of items you can choose from, which are self-explanatory.) I also added an option to max out all of your stats at once with a single click, for those who wish to do so without having to go through each dialogue option. You can reach this option, as well as the option to leave the editor, by clicking on "More..." [ Monday, July 04, 2005 08:21: Message edited by: Slp006 ] -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Member # 3629
written Sunday, June 26 2005 16:35
The problem with these editors is not that they aren't cool; the problem is that they're too simple. Anyone that spends 5 minutes looking through the scripts files can pretty much figure out whats going on. And if they really want a specific item, all it takes is one additional script line in the correct place. And there is really not much point in making yourself "uber-powerful"; that's what the difficulty setting "easy" is for. If you really want to do something worthwhile, script in additional dialogue, create a new subplot. Change the story up a bit. Believe me, just adding a little bit of story dialogue is incredibly time consuming, but ultimately, much more rewarding. PS: The player character uses a different creature defintion than NPC Shapers, so there should be no reason to have player walk speed affect anything else. Posts: 51 | Registered: Friday, October 31 2003 08:00 |
Member # 5437
written Sunday, June 26 2005 18:28
quote:I'm not quite understanding what you are looking for in an editor, or if you feel it necessary to have one at all for that matter. Many people don't know what to do with the scripts, so for them adding items may not be so simple. As for the simplicity of the editor, it seems to give everything needed at different levels, and is well organized. quote:There is a difference in how the game works when one uses the easy setting as apposed to a cheat script. Note that I prefer to play without cheating on torment, but some people prefer the story without the strategy and/or battles. If people have more fun playing the game with maxed out stats, than that is what is fun for them. quote:You are suggesting altering the story, right? I suppose that could be interesting, but most people who want to use an editor just want to be more powerful, and leave the story as is. quote:On that note, my creations are very fast but my Agent is not. Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5986
written Sunday, June 26 2005 19:05
Thank you very much for clarifying, Dolphin– you saved me from a long post. As for the speed of your creations overwhelming your agent's, that comes from the fact that I only made shapers really fast. However, making an agent fast is simple enough. Open up gf3itemschars.txt, and find these lines: begindefinecreature 6; import = 0; cr_name = "Agent"; cr_graphic_template = 120; cr_max_health = 20; cr_max_energy = 20; cr_max_essence = 10; cr_regen_rate = 2; cr_energy_regen_rate = 2; cr_walk_speed = 24; //base_speed; cr_base_level = 1; cr_sound_when_slain = 106; change the walk speed from 24 to 100, and your agent is good to go. EDIT: Of course, that's assuming you were having a problem. If you were merely commenting on how you play with the scripts, then I offer my apologies for providing assistance when it wasn't wanted. [ Sunday, June 26, 2005 20:28: Message edited by: Slp006 ] -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6017
written Monday, June 27 2005 02:41
Um... is there any editor or trainor which would allows me to set skill points at the character creation screen? You see, I just would like to make my character sort of 'extra-charming' and a genious mechanic, so that i can have all the dialogue options and have access to all the locked/hidden items when i play a role-playing game, at the same time enjoying battle. I think it is a bit unfair that i have to sacrifice other abilities to get all the dialogues and items. (but i know it also adds depth to the game... i'm just explaining my personal feeling, you know :) ) Cheat code doesn't work in this situation because it would level me up too much so that i can't level normally and in order to increase my ability to fight, i'll have to cheat again :( So... the bottom line is... is there any such editor? Please help me. Posts: 2 | Registered: Saturday, June 25 2005 07:00 |
Member # 5523
written Monday, June 27 2005 03:34
quote:The problem is you have to spend massive ammounts of time editing half the scripts in the game. You may change somthing that will conflict with another and there would be chaos. I prefer not to upset the balence of the story. I ounce tried to go through all the scripts in gen2 to make it so shanti lived, I soon learned it was more trouble than it was worth so I scraped it. If you want to change the story, please do, but I doubt anyone has that kind of time. -------------------- “Medicine, Law, Business, Engineering - These are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But Poetry, Beauty, Romance, Love-These are what we alive stay for.” Posts: 150 | Registered: Sunday, February 20 2005 08:00 |
Member # 3629
written Monday, June 27 2005 04:23
quote:I know what you're talking about. It's sometimes difficult to find unused variables; but they do exist. I actually have scripted in additional dialogue. A lot actually. I wanted to make Alwan not such a paper thin character. I've created dialogues and redid most of the existing dialogue for the first two islands. As for my previous comments, I don't want to argue much about it, its not really important. There really isn't "a community of GF3 editors"; there isn't actually much demand. When I responded, this thread was near the bottom with zero replies. Also, by "simple" I meant a character editor is fairly simple to do. Not that it wasn't complete or anything (although you should really fix that walk speed thing). Posts: 51 | Registered: Friday, October 31 2003 08:00 |
Member # 5986
written Monday, June 27 2005 05:42
quote:Use Riibu's editor to increase the skills you would like. The link to the thread where you can download it is in the first post in this thread. Making more points appear on the character creation screen would conceivably require a hex-editor, and I'm not about to attempt sending you in the direction of one and violate the Board's code of conduct. However, for what you want to do, Riibu's script should be fine. quote:Yeah, that was a little anti-climactic for me, actually. Based on the number of threads and posts related to script editing, I figured the demand was much higher. :rolleyes: I presumed too much, evidently. [ Monday, June 27, 2005 05:45: Message edited by: Slp006 ] -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |
Member # 5523
written Monday, June 27 2005 09:48
quote:Very Interesting. I thought of doing somthing similar myself. -------------------- “Medicine, Law, Business, Engineering - These are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But Poetry, Beauty, Romance, Love-These are what we alive stay for.” Posts: 150 | Registered: Sunday, February 20 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5986
written Monday, July 4 2005 08:39
For the few who enjoy tinkering with editors like the ones in this topic, I've updated my own modified versions of z2southenddlg.txt and gf3itemschars.txt. The editor is much cleaner, and it also provides you with artifact components and item enhancements if you so choose. Note that if you want to use the "Give me powerful equipment" option after clicking on the "Would you like powerful items?" option, you must download and place BOTH z2southenddlg.txt and gf3itemschars.txt into the scripts folder of GF3. If you do not want fast moving creations, custom equipment or a high level for your Shaper PC, then just download z2southenddlg.txt and click on the first sign you see after you leave the school. I figured I should bring this post to the top so that newbies don't have to search so long for this. Thanks goes to Indeterminatus for reminding me that some people are interested in this kind of thing, thus inspiring me to improve on these scripts, as well as the feedback of Dolphin and Travers earlier in this post. heir responses gave me ideas on how to improve the scripts. 7/12/05 EDIT: All three classes should move like the wind. I also eliminated the massive level increases, because I figured that few people actually want to start out that high just for the heck of it. If you need massive amounts of essence, one of my custom items (the Mental Focus charm) will give you more than you'll ever need. It has the added benefit of being dumpable if you decide you don't want the boost anymore. I figured the editing would be more user-end this way, as it should be. As always, let me know if you run into any problems. [ Tuesday, July 12, 2005 05:24: Message edited by: Slp006 ] -------------------- Wu wei... it's the only way Posts: 154 | Registered: Monday, June 20 2005 07:00 |