Sdf errors

Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/
AuthorTopic: Sdf errors
Member # 8014
Profile #0
Neither BoA or Alint are picking up any errors, yet I can see them. This dialog option, which used to go away when used once, is staying even though it used to work before. Also, this dialog option that is supposed to come up when the sdf is reached is not appearing.
Is this a bug or something?

Don't judge a sentence until you know all the words.

Be grateful you have your unsellabe trowels -Goldenking

My scenario: Muffins n' Hell
Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #1
There are script errors, and then there are bugs in your code. Script errors involve formatting problems and the like (and that's what BoA and Alint check for). Bugs in your code involve you telling the computer to do something that's not what you want it to do.

Post the problematic script and I can tell you the problem.

[ Sunday, April 27, 2008 13:48: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

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Post Navel Trauma ^_^
Member # 67
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When you have problems with a script, you pretty much always have to post the whole thing, or there's nothing people can go on.

Barcoorah: I even did it to a big dorset ram.

New Mac BoE
Posts: 1798 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 7472
Profile Homepage #3
It could be any number of things. Unfortunately, without the related code, I can only guess at what the problem is. More than likely, you're either forgetting to set a flag somewhere, or you are also using the flag for something else.

Hz'ii'zt a'iiencf coxnen a'bn'z'p pahuen yzpa'zuhb be'tt'phukh'kn az'ii'ova mxn't bhcizvi'fl?

Nioca's Citadel - A resource for BoA graphics and scripts, as well as my scenarios.
Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00
Member # 8014
Profile #4
Unfortunately, the problem is in something that is more than 8k long, so that is why I didn't post it. Also, I checked it. I don't think I used the wrong sdfs.

Don't judge a sentence until you know all the words.

Be grateful you have your unsellabe trowels -Goldenking

My scenario: Muffins n' Hell
Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00
Member # 7472
Profile Homepage #5
Originally written by Iffy:

Unfortunately, the problem is in something that is more than 8k long, so that is why I didn't post it.
The forums are fairly flexible. There's no harm in posting the script, at any rate, so just go ahead and post it. Otherwise, you could wind up staring at the same piece of code for hours and never figure out what the problem is. Believe me; I've been there.

Hz'ii'zt a'iiencf coxnen a'bn'z'p pahuen yzpa'zuhb be'tt'phukh'kn az'ii'ova mxn't bhcizvi'fl?

Nioca's Citadel - A resource for BoA graphics and scripts, as well as my scenarios.
Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00
Member # 8014
Profile #6
I removed as enough spoilers as was necessary.


begintalknode 1;
state = -1;
nextstate = 1;
question = "Mayor Marth";
text1 = "Mayor Marth is sitting at her desk looking through papers when she notices you.";
text2 = "_How may I help you._";

begintalknode 2;
state = 1;
nextstate = 2;
condition = (get_flag(3,10) == 0);
question = "We heard that you needed help.";
text1 = "Spoiler removed.";
text2 = "Spoiler removed.";
text3 = "Spoiler removed.";
text4 = "Spoiler removed.";
text5 = "Spoiler removed.";

begintalknode 3;
state = 2;
nextstate = 1;
condition = (get_flag(3,10) == 0);
question = "Yes, we will help.";
text1 = "Spoiler removed.";
code = set_flag(3,10,1);
code = toggle_quest(0,1);

begintalknode 4;
state = 2;
nextstate = 1;
condition = (get_flag(3,10) == 0);
question = "No, I'm sorry.";
text1 = "Spoiler removed";
code = set_flag(3,10,2);
begintalknode 5;
state = 1;
nextstate = -1;
question = "So how is everything?";
text1 = "Spoiler removed.";

begintalknode 6;
state = -1;
nextstate = 3;
question = "Lyra";
text1 = "Lyra looks up at you. _Do you need any help?_";

begintalknode 7;
state = 3;
nextstate = 4;
condition = (get_flag(3,11) == 0);
question = "Can you talk to us about your nightmare?";
text1 = "Spoiler removed.";
text2 = "Spoiler removed";
text3 = "Spoiler removed.";
text4 = "Spoiler removed.";
text5 = "Spoiler removed.";
text6 = "Spoiler removed.";
text7 = "Spoiler removed.";

begintalknode 8;
state = 4;
nextstate = 5;
question = "What happened after that?";
text1 = "Spoiler removed.";
text2 = "Spoiler removed.";
text3 = "Spoiler remove3.";
text4 = "Spoiler removed.";

begintalknode 9;
state = 5;
nextstate = -1;
question = "Then what happened?";
text1 = "Spoiler removed.";
text2 = "Spoiler removed.";
text3 = "Spoiler removed.";
text4 = "Spoiler removed.";
text5 = "Spoiler removed.";
text6 = "Spoiler removed.";
text7 = "_After that, nothing. I woke up._";
code = set_flag(3,11,1);

begintalknode 10;
state = 3;
nextstate = -1;
question = "Anything else you want to say?";
text1 = "_No, I just want to think right now._";

begintalknode 11;
state = -1;
nextstate = 6;
question = "G.";
text1 = "You notice a little boy standing on a table with someone sitting at it, probably his mother, telling him to get off.";
text2 = "He turns towards you. _Hey! My name is G.! What is your name?";
text5 = "G. is still standing on the table, with his mom still yelling at him to get off.";
action = INTRO;

begintalknode 12;
state = 6;
nextstate = 7;
condition = (get_flag(3,12) == 0);
question = "Interesting...I am...";
text1 = "_Hey guess what! I want to be a commander of a fort named after me some day!_";

begintalknode 13;
state = 7;
nextstate = -1;
question = "Good for you.";
text1 = "_Thank you! Oooh! Your weapons are shiny! Can I play with them?_ The mother gave a 'No!' sign. But you weren't going to anyway. You just walk on.";
code = set_flag(3,12,1);

begintalknode 14;
state = -1;
nextstate = 8;
question = "Captin Jack";
text1 = "Captin Jack is sitting at a table with numerous papers when he looks towards you. _What the hell do you want?_";
text5 = "The Captin glares at you. _What do you want now?_";
action = INTRO;

begintalknode 15;
state = 8;
nextstate = -1;
condition = (get_flag(3,10) == 1);
question = "Can you help us with the problem?";
text1 = "Spoiler removed.";

begintalknode 16;
state = 8;
nextstate = -1;
question = "How is the situation going?";
text1 = "_Fine, just fine. Three dead, sixteen wounded, two unknown. So as you can see, just fine._";

begintalknode 17;
state = -1;
nextstate = 9;
question = "Bob";
text1 = "He looks up towards you. _What do you want?_";

begintalknode 18;
state = 9;
nextstate = 10;
question = "I would like to buy something.";
text1 = "_Are you deaf, stupid? We are C-L-O-S-E-D!_";

begintalknode 19;
state = 10;
nextstate = -1;
condition = (get_flag(5,11) == 0);
question = "Well is there anything you can sell?";
text1 = "Spoiler removed.";
code = set_flag(5,11,1);

begintalknode 20;
state = 9;
nextstate = 11;
condition = (get_flag(3,10) == 1);
question = "Can we have it now?";
text1 = "Spoiler removed.";

begintalknode 21;
state = 11;
nextstate = -1;
question = "*Pay him*";
text1 = "_Here it is then. Good luck on your mission._";
code = change_coins(-400);
code = reward_give(453);

Don't judge a sentence until you know all the words.

Be grateful you have your unsellabe trowels -Goldenking

My scenario: Muffins n' Hell
Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #7
Originally written by Iffy:

begintalknode 3;
state = 2;
nextstate = 1;
condition = (get_flag(3,10) == 0);
question = "Yes, we will help.";
text1 = "Spoiler removed.";
code = set_flag(3,10,1);

begintalknode 21;
state = 11;
nextstate = -1;
question = "*Pay him*";
text1 = "_Here it is then. Good luck on your mission._";
code = change_coins(-400);

So with the code fragments in dialogue scripts, you don't need to put "code =" in there twice. Just put it in there once, then the code, then break;

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 7472
Profile Homepage #8
Node 3 and 21 - When you use a code tag, you put all of the code you want the node to execute in a single tag. This is probably what's causing the problem.

Node 1; text 2 - Questions end with a question mark.

EDIT: Dang. Beaten to it.

[ Sunday, April 27, 2008 16:44: Message edited by: Nioca ]

Hz'ii'zt a'iiencf coxnen a'bn'z'p pahuen yzpa'zuhb be'tt'phukh'kn az'ii'ova mxn't bhcizvi'fl?

Nioca's Citadel - A resource for BoA graphics and scripts, as well as my scenarios.
Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00
Member # 8014
Profile #9
Ah, I see. Since I placed two, BoA only played the second one and Alint didn't detect anything because there technically wasn't anything wrong in the first place. I get it now.

Don't judge a sentence until you know all the words.

Be grateful you have your unsellabe trowels -Goldenking

My scenario: Muffins n' Hell
Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00