Blades Coverage

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AuthorTopic: Blades Coverage
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #0
Maybe I'm blind and missed the other three threads that dealt with this topic, but I'm curious and don't feel like sifting through the whole forum, so I'll ask my questions here. If Jeff & co have already stated their positions on this, then would someone politely paraphrase/quote them? Anywho, the questions:

Q1) With the release of BoA scenarios, will you resume (or considering the lack right now, re-initiate) coverage of Blades of Exile? You know, what with updating new scenarios as they're released and some-forth.

Q2) Can we expect better coverage for BoA than BoE? Unless I'm mistaken, often complaints about the scenarios that are sent to you guys are often not relayed back to the designers.

Q3) Bug fixes. I understand that a certain ammount of consistency is always required and that massive overhauls can sometimes be impossible after the initial release, but Blades has many minor bugs (such as the Stairway-on-connecting-town bug, empties, the resetting 0,0 flag, etc). Will bugs like these be fixed post-release in BoA?

If I'm going to buy this product and potentiall design it, I'd like my money to be backed up by a degree of insurance that the company will take some participation in keeping it running, rather than leaving all of the burden to its userbase (though props to the BoE community et al for keeping it going through the years). Thanks.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 2238
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I think it's safe to assume that BOA will receive much, much more support than BOE. In the last couple years, Jeff has really stepped it up. I also do believe that in some post lost in time, we discussed why we should stick with Spiderweb on BOA, giving the past relations we've had. Jeff expressed want to help us out more, so I think we're going to have plenty of patches and scenario support.

Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00
BoE Posse
Member # 15
Profile Homepage #2
I truly hear what you write, TM. I agree that SW should offer support to players and developers. The level of that support is not clear in my mind.

On one hand, having structures like Alexandria, scenario reviews, etc. are great. But I'm concerned that if we expect that level of support from SW and actually get it, we'll slow down SW's development of new things.

So I guess I am looking for that happy medium, where both the user community and SW put forth their best efforts in the areas that make the most sense. By spreading out the work intelligently, we all win.

As to how to divide this work up, I think the community side is covered well. We'll have a scenario DB, a graphics DB, a scenario review area, Q&A, etc.

So what do we really want to see from SW?

All that we see, or seem, is but a dream within a dream.

Visit the Louvre, the BoA Graphics Database at
Visit Alexandria, the BoE Scenario Database at
Posts: 653 | Registered: Thursday, September 27 2001 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #3
First off, these boards and the site are a hub for activity- something that I feel can and should benefit the community. Announcements should be made regarding BoA contests *apart* from only the first so that more people are aware of them. I mean, who actually knew that Olympia was still holding scenario contests until the boards first started up? It's not that hard to write up a few lines of HTML, and placed in the right location, those few lines could draw dozens of judges/competitors (which were sadly missing from the last two contests).

I'm also in support of a better reviewing system- most likely, transposing CSR from Lyceum to Spidweb. (FYI, CSR stands for "Comprehensive [BoE] Scenario Rankings", and can be found here: ) Admittedly, this draws in more idiots on account of Spidweb's having more cumulatively, so I'd also be for adding more mods and lowering the number of ratings that result in the highest and lowest being lopped off. Still, if the designers know what EVERYONE in the community thinks about their scenarios, then it would benefit EVERYONE in the sense that they would be getting more feedback from more people. I'd be willing to moderate such a thing if Spidweb would be willing to host it.

Bug fixes. If lots of minor bugs pop up after beta-testing (and they will- nobody's perfect, and nobody will completely know how to work with the editor), I'm sure everyone would appreciate it if these bugs had means by which to be fixed in a timely manner.

This should go without saying, but in light of the treatment BoE has been receiving (which saddens me- I can't be the only one still actively working with BoE), it has to be said. I want Spidweb to either actively keep its scenario tables, or I want custody of the scenario tables in the hands of the community and linked to by Spidweb therein. I understand that you have lots of time constraints- this is perfectly understandable. If so, then hand over the reigns to Brett+Alex like you should have done years ago.

Graphics are already taken care of by the community- props to Brett for the Louvre. CSR aside, I still see the merit in actually having a scenario review archive for more in-depth critiques, and that would be the responsibility of the community. Individual scenario sites will always exist (I know I'll be keeping up TMU when and if I switch to BoA), and individual graphics sites will always exist.

In essence, most of what I'm proposing still puts the workload on the community- the biggest difference from what I propose and the status quo, however, is that I at least want Spidweb to take some time to recognize and aid the achievements of its designers, graphic artists et cetera.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 246
Profile #4
Originally written by Haamana:

Q3) Bug fixes. I understand that a certain ammount of consistency is always required and that massive overhauls can sometimes be impossible after the initial release, but Blades has many minor bugs (such as the Stairway-on-connecting-town bug, empties, the resetting 0,0 flag, etc). Will bugs like these be fixed post-release in BoA?
I seriously doubt these bugs will be present. Most likely BoA is using a completely different engine. And if not, then I would think those bugs would be fixed before BoA got released as beta.
Posts: 117 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00
Member # 3121
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Frobozz, first get a clue, and post only after that, please. You obviously have missed the things TM meant.

The Great Mister[/url]
Posts: 761 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Member # 2238
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My site (nothing there yet for obvious reasons) will offer VERY indepth reviews of what me and the team view as good, quality scenarios; preferably by noted designers. I find it hard to believe that our team will actually move to any standardized rating system. I have a system of my own (that my team has welcomly accepted), based part on ESRB for content rating( for more info), and a simple Ups-and-Downs technique for actually reviewing the gameplay.

I understand your anger in the lack of support, but it could be worse. I won't go off giving examples, but other developers are definitly less tolerate of community feed-back.

I'll also take this time to formally introduce EEP. In short, it's a BOA development team. We'll be very active in the community for as long as we can. We'll be providing everything from scenarios and graphics to scripts and tutorials. Our goal is to be a prominent force in this great community, and to help people with any and everything they need. Sitting on a mere 3 members at this time doesn't look to good. We'll be more than happy to accept new members, you need only ask for information on what you'll need to do. Basically we're looking for experience in the community, and knowledge of the both the game and the game world are great attributes.

I don't think we need to fear this coming. BOA will surely be great, even without support from Spiderweb. But Jeff is a great guy, and we should trust him in him saying that he will help us. Just have fun :cool:

Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00
Member # 3149
Profile Homepage #7
You're so trusting. It's sweet yet sad at the same time.

I've got a pyg in a poke.
Posts: 999 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #8
Karzoth- If you're trying to become the Lyceum of BoE, then that's great- but clearly you weren't reading what I was saying. I'm all for placing most of the burden on the community- quite honestly, avid players of the game should by all means have more potential to successfully handle many things involved. I at least want some measure of support for the established community on Jeff's behalf, though. The Lyceum did quite well on its debut contest, but every contest since has gotten fewer scenarios and judges, seeing how it just didn't have enough publicity. Like it or not, while we're all 99% independent, some company support would have helped (and will help) immensely.

Djur- Sad fact, but Pyg won't draw in as many users as BoA will. I might use Pyg if it's decent and all, but if BoA ends up being decent in both product and coverage, then it would reach a larger audience by nature of Spidweb's greater notorioty and therefore be worthwhile to design in.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 2238
Profile Homepage #9
No no no no no... I wouldn't dare do any contests. As if I would be able to keep up with all of that :rolleyes: . We'll be providing scenarios, graphics, scripts, tutorials, and reviews for all the former. But honestly, our main goal is give a backbone to the community by establishing ourselves as an 'elite' group of developers and know-it-alls. How well that's gunna turn out is quite unclear, but that's what we're trying to get at.

I understand your frustration with Spiderweb's lack of support, and wholly agree with you. But I DON'T see why you would give up on BOA simply for the support issues. And yes I do trust Jeff... he hasn't really let me down yet. I'm an avid and long-time gamer, so maybe I'm just used to bugs and programming issues. I've seen more than my share of problematic games and developers. We'll just have to see.

Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 1207
Profile #10
Originally written by Haamana:

Maybe I'm blind

You could be. Can you see the computer screen in front of you? I think it's a bad sign if you can't. ;)

Originally written by Haamana:

Q3)Will bugs like these be fixed post-release in BoA?

Isn't that what people like Drakey are for in this situation? Wheedling out every last bug?
Posts: 316 | Registered: Saturday, May 25 2002 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #11
Beta-testers can't find every bug - it's inevitable that some will come up years down the road when people try to do things with the editor that we never dreamed of while testing.

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Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00