BOE->BOA Translating

Error message

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AuthorTopic: BOE->BOA Translating
Member # 2238
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Try not to get off topic with this one...

I remember talking a lot back in the day (the day being the beginning of the boa area of forums) about the ability to translate BOE scenarios into BOA scenarios, all you needed was the password. Then no one talked about it for a long time... so I'm wondering if we still know thats possible. Maybe Jeff ran into some code problems with it, I don't know. Or changed his mind. But are we still going to have this feature?

If so, it's a good idea to go ahead and start your scenario now, in BOE, for obvious reasons.

Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00
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Personally I don't see how it would work. Transporting terrain data might be possible, with a few hiccups, ie. walls and custom graphics. Nodes -> scripts on the other hand I can see being a problem.

If there is a translator, I'd expect it to be very buggy, and far from being able to click, wait, and then have a BoA scenario.

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I don't think its goinf to happen. Why?

1)Jeff is optimizes the time he uses. ;)
2)As Jigga said it would be buggy as an anthill.

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I think that the BoE-BoA translator could very well be available for use. However, it certainly wouldn't create a perfect mirror, as with custom graphics being an obvious hurtle among likely dozens upon dozens of other things (Conversations being another definite item, as well as puzzles regarding things like "Place the item on X-pedestal here" or "type this specific response"). I think Jeff could create a node to scripting translator if he really felt like it, but once again, this is a maybe, and some features of BoE won't be available do to the differences in engines. And even more so, you'd have to change a lot of text in most scenarios, going though and turning all use of the word "Exile" to "Avernum" in a lot of cases...
If the option is there, there is no doubt that many designers will indeed take the time to re-release their old scenarios from BoE for BoA, but it certainly won't be an easy task.

---Your BoE-less Maniac (I lost the installation disks... ._.), Necris Omega

Razordisk Frisbee Golf
Posts: 168 | Registered: Saturday, October 26 2002 07:00
BoE Posse
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I'll be dumbfounded with amazement that borders upon stupefaction if this actually works with anything beyond the simplist scenario.

[ Wednesday, July 02, 2003 11:33: Message edited by: Void Master ]

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Its not that hard really. All that would happen is you would have to remake your custom images. Sure, programming the converter would take time, but it would work.

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Posts: 34 | Registered: Wednesday, July 2 2003 07:00
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All said is true, but Jeff promised one in the beginning. My guess is he has something up his sleeve that'll make us all go "oh man! I can't believe I didn't think of that!" Let us just pray...

Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
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A scenario translator would have to accomodate for walls between spaces rather than in them, different monsters, weapons, items, and spells. It would have to deal with the disappearance of special node circles, the changed perspective, height, and everything else.

—Alorael, who does doubt that such a translator could work in a worthwhile fashion. Besides, new scenarios are better than even good remakes.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Law Bringer
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Only question remaining: In what way should the above post be interpreted? :P ie., "Geez, I'd never have been able to think of such crap." :D
EDIT: Alorael was faster. :P I was referring to EEP_Karzoth's one.

I can make a few guesses as to what to expect:

Custom graphics can't be converted automatically. It's a big step from 2d to 3d. Whether this means that
- the converter will reject all scenarios with any custom graphics at all,
- or it demands that a corresponding BoA custom sheet be made (there are many BoA graphics already after all), which then automatically replaces the old references in the monsters, terrains and items lists (now THAT would be cool! :cool: )
I don't know, but, judging from Jeff's seeming antipathy towards all custom things in scenarios, I rather expect the former. :(

Cities will probably be rather distorted because of the different walls and floors. It could work out, but it probably requires editing afterwards.

The node --> script thing might well be the most useful and workable feature of the editor, because the functions of the nodes are pretty rigid, and you could probably emulate all of them with the script.

[ Thursday, July 03, 2003 05:12: Message edited by: Arancaytar ]

EncyclopaediaArchivesMembersRSS [Topic / Forum] • BlogPolarisNaNoWriMo
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"- or it demands that a corresponding BoA custom sheet be made (there are many BoA graphics already after all), which then automatically replaces the old references in the monsters, terrains and items lists"

Thats EXACTLY what I mean. Doing that wouldn't be hard. All you need to do is convert the map data to a format which Avernum can read. Now...I didn't know walls were between spaces...that presents a problem.

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Fighter, 8-bit Theatre
Posts: 34 | Registered: Wednesday, July 2 2003 07:00
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Hey, even if you did have to edit it afterwards, it would be better than making it from scratch. A lot of tyhe work would be done already... ;)

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Posts: 151 | Registered: Sunday, June 22 2003 07:00
Member # 2189
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Originally written by XYZ:

I don't think its goinf to happen. Why?

1)Jeff is optimizes the time he uses. ;)
2)As Jigga said it would be buggy as an anthill.

1) LOL!!!!!! MEGALOL! :D :D :D

2) Well it just as well could be done.. but it would still be buggy as hell
Posts: 187 | Registered: Sunday, November 3 2002 08:00
Member # 73
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Actually, it has been suggested many times before that a BoE wall could be simulated in BoA with a square of walls, surrounding the terrain tile the wall is supposed to be on.
As for spells, that also poses a problem. There are nodes in BoE that give spells, and many of these spells are not in BoA. This could easily render entire sidequests completely useless to the player, if the reward is a few spells that don't exist.

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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
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Exactly. The same about stat increases, items, and basically all of the things. We have to accept Avernum has a different system than Exile. It might be possible to replace 'Avatar' with 'Divine Warrior'. There is no replacement for a spell such as 'Sticks to Snakes' (bit useless really), or 'Divine Thud'. Area spells are abolished - and I don't think they'll be in BoA -, and replaced with arrow spells.

So I'd say, remake the scenario in BoA from scratch, it's a great way to learn how to handle the editor without having to search for new ideas first, and also a great way to improve the scenarios by going over them again. :)

EncyclopaediaArchivesMembersRSS [Topic / Forum] • BlogPolarisNaNoWriMo
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Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
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Originally written by Arancaytar:

...- or it demands that a corresponding BoA custom sheet be made (there are many BoA graphics already after all), which then automatically replaces the old references in the monsters, terrains and items lists...
This idea is all fine and good, but once more the differences in the engine and that which BoA lacks from BoE unfortunately may dissolve this. Why? One has to take into account things such as Dialogue and talking pictures that would throw off correspondence. Further, 1x2 monsters (BoE Giant/guardian Roach, Giant Slug, Zakazi Run's Deep Beast, ect.) would also get complicated as there are no 1x2 graphics in the Avernum Engine.
All and all, I think one would have to reassign all custom graphics by hand like a lot of things in the conversion. But who knows? I could very well be wrong. Jeff is a excellent programmer (I've seem very few games like Geneforge in which your character will take into account obstacles in his/her path on his/her way to their destination) and may surprise us all.

---Your programming illiterate maniac, Necris Omega

Razordisk Frisbee Golf
Posts: 168 | Registered: Saturday, October 26 2002 07:00
Law Bringer
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For that reason, the game would need to analyze the references, and make a list as to which slots are called for what purpose. It's too complicated IMHO. Not that it's not possible; i've seen more complicated features in programs (at least I think they were more complicated, I know nothing of programming).

However it may be, I'm not sure whether Jeff will invest a lot of time into programming something that the designers can also do themselves - after all, he wouldn't want them to become fat and lazy would he? :P

EncyclopaediaArchivesMembersRSS [Topic / Forum] • BlogPolarisNaNoWriMo
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
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Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00