Recommend me books!

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AuthorTopic: Recommend me books!
Member # 2476
Profile #25
Oh, now I envy you, I really do, X. I've read everything he put on the market, although I haven't seen his books around for a long while. He triggered a feeling of strange foreboding, and I knew even then that he was right, and that things would move in the directions he pointed. As they did.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Member # 1823
Profile Homepage #26
Both of Zadie Smith's books (White Teeth an The Autograph Man).The Beach (I can't recall the author's name, but it's a famous enough book to be found).Lord of the Flies, by whoever.Nineteen Eighty Four by Orwell, obviously.Spuddy the Potato.

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I trust I can rely on your vote
Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00
Member # 126
Profile Homepage #27
I think someone asked a bit earlier if I could provide you with some of teh books I've already read, so here's the ones I can pull gfrom memory...

A wizard of Earthsea (That's the first one of the 3, right?)
The Hobbit + The 3 main LotR books (still haven't seen the the second movie though. blah.)
Animal Farm.
Lord of the Flies.
The first few chapters of 1984 (Gave up on it, will return when I can collect the willpower to properly read it.)
Romeo and Juliet.
Julius Caesar.
The first 4 books of the Hitchikers... etcetera.(there's more right?)
2 Dirk Gently's (there's only the 2 of them, isn't there?)
God Emperor of Dune

Uhm... that's all I can remember at this point. I think there's a few more.

To be honest, I've got a limited access to books. there're only 2 sources of them in town, the library, and the small bookstore in the mall run by the nice old lady.

I think I saw something in the Library titled 'Equal rites' That's by... ehm... Pratchett, right? Maybe I'll go look again.

Check out the DIARY, why doncha? It won't bite. Probably.

"We were heart companions,
We were companions in the woods,
We were fellows of the same bed,
Where we used to sleep the balmy sleep.
After mortal battles abroad,
In countries many and far distant,
Together we used to practice, and go
Through each forest, learning with Scathach".
Posts: 161 | Registered: Monday, October 8 2001 07:00
Member # 3084
Profile #28
Some quick recommendations.

I won’t repeat the great suggestions that others have already posted (although I have to second the Tolkien recommendation if you haven’t already read Rings).

Some of these fit the “light summer reading” category, some don’t, but here goes:

Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury.
It’s set in an ugly future dystopia, but unlike 1984, A Brave New World, etc., it leaves you with at least a shred of hope for humanity.  It’s definitely my favorite “message” book, probably because I agree with the message — anti-censorship — so strongly.  Something that’s strange to note, given the book’s dim portrayal of TV and movies, is how cinematic the story is.  (Of course, the Truffaut version had too much ’60s baggage for my tastes; we’ll see if Darabont does better.)

Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson.
…In my opinion, better cyberpunk than Gibson’s Neuromancer (but in fairness, Stephenson was standing on the shoulders of giants).  Anything by Stephenson is a lot of fun, actually.  The last time I checked, his next novel (Quicksilver) is due out in September.  Of course, Stephenson might be among those whom X calls “today’s vacuous sci-fi cyber-hypers.”  If so, I would humbly disagree.

House of Leaves, by Mark Danielewski.
…Postmodern overload.  Six or seven separate stories that interweave, refer to each other obliquely, and more or less turn narrative on its head.  Some people complain that the book is gimmicky or self-indulgent (“stunt” layout, footnotes within footnotes, etc.), but I liked it a lot.  Funny, weird, and downright scary in places — and it’s much more readable than the bizarre formatting suggests.

Just about anything by Harlan Ellison.
…He can be angry, funny, disturbing — often at the same time — but his writing is always interesting and intelligent.

You Shall Know Our Velocity by Dave Eggers.
…Two friends on a badly planned round-the-world mission of charity.  They have noble intentions, but not much actual ability to carry them out.

The Demon-Haunted World: Science As a Candle in the Dark, by Carl Sagan.
…Sagan’s last book, and possibly the best statement of his belief in science as the ultimate defense against ignorance.  I don’t agree with all of Sagan’s politics, nor his wholesale dismissal of religion as self-delusion, but overall his points are well made.  It’s not exactly fluff reading, but it’s very accessible and rarely boring.

And now for some truly light reading…

Early Carl Hiaasen.
…He’s been compared to Elmore Leonard, but I like Hiaasen’s first few books better than anything I’ve read by Leonard (admittedly not a lot).  His books are quasi-mysteries set in modern Florida, which is apparently populated by a handful of virtuous characters and a whole swampful of quirky, funny, and often violent sleazeballs.  I recommend his early stuff because he’s used the same formula in every book, but with diminishing returns.

Early Clive Cussler.
…Big, dumb fun: kind of like reading a Jerry Bruckheimer movie.  Sure — the characters are cardboard, the “science” is sketchy at best, and the dialogue makes you laugh out loud, but I still insist that most of Cussler’s early stuff (up to and including Treasure) was a lot of fun.  Why not his later books?  Well, he also suffers from the “same formula, diminishing returns” syndrome, but it’s more than that.  His later novels lack a certain edge that the early ones had.  In other words, there was some humor in the early books, but in the last fifteen years, Cussler almost seems to be parodying himself: too many in-jokes, lazy clichés, and a ridiculously melodramatic tone.  More than anything, it’s the James Bond effect: when you know — absolutely and certainly — that the hero won’t die, the plot’s danger loses its thrill.

Mind Over Matters, by Mike Nelson.
…Yes, that Mike Nelson, from Mystery Science Theater 3000.  This book is similar to a collection of Dave Barry essays, but smarter and less repetitious (for instance, he never once observes, “that would be a good name for a rock band”).  Lots of laughs.

Enough from me … get me talking about books, and I won’t shut up. :)

[ Thursday, June 26, 2003 11:55: Message edited by: Churl ]
Posts: 37 | Registered: Monday, June 9 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #29
I agree with a lot of the suggestions here, but there are a few more I can add...

Roger Zelazny: A lot of his books are similar to each other in many ways, but the Amber series is excellent and one other book should give you a taste of his odd immortality/godhood books. And for a different flavor, read Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming.

C. S. Friedman: All good books, although some suffer from completely unlikeable protagonists. The Coldfire books are the best in my opinion (Black Sun Rising, When True Night Falls, Crown of Shadows).

—Alorael, who believes the short story of Flowers for Algernon was written before the novel. It was so popular the author extended his work and changed the tone quite a bit in the process.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #30
Thanks, I'll definitely go get that book. I'm glad my mom is a librarian, since my town has an awesome public library (literally one of the best in the area) and so I can get pretty much any book I want to read very quickly. It's nice.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

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Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 517
Profile #31
I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Patrick O'Brien yet. If you read the Hornblower series and liked it, well, his books have a similar setting, but they're much, much better.

Also, a very long but very rewarding book is While Christ and His Saints Slept, which is about the first English Civil War. (The one between Stephen and Maude, not the Cavaliers and Roundheads one.)

Lastly, Iain M Banks has written some amazing books. And some truly disturbing books, but some amazing ones as well.


Let them eat cake!

Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially.
Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #32
Patrick O'Brian... what are some of his more popular books? I recognize that name, I just don't know where from.

Also, Rosemary Sutcliff isn't bad... her books can be a bit dry at times, but they're good historical fiction and really easy reading, if you need a break.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 734
Profile #33
Tolkien is a must read. Zelazny is definitely good.

Piers Anthony-Isle of Man, Shame of Woman, Hope of Earth, Muse of Art (Geodyssey series). The adept series. Xanth if you love puns. Juxtaposition is good.

Ursula K LeGuin- Just about all of her books but especially Lao Tzu The Toa Te Ching (a more modern interpretation), Lathe of Heaven, The Dispossed? Utopia novel, desert planet very hard to exsist. Lush green homeword. LOL guess which is the utopia?

Slyvia Plath-The Bell Jar

Terry Brooks-The Shannara Books

David Eddings-everything!!! But especially The Belgariad and The Elenium

Anne McCaffrey-Just about everything she has written with the exeption of the Acorna series

Julie E. Czerneda-Trade pact universe

Marion Zimmer Bradley-Forrest House etc, The Avalon series

Shakespeare-A Midsummers Night Dream, Twelth Night, & Much ado about nothing.

David Guterson-Snow Falling on Cedars-Awesome book the movie sucks in comparison.

The new Harry Potter book is out & not too bad.

Da Vinci's Daughter was good.

Probably still required reading but To Kill a Mockingbird is good.

Robert Heinlein?- Friday

Chopra- Lords of Light

Mercedes Lackey, Kate Elliot, R A Salvatore, Juliet E McKenna, Terry Goodkind, Melany Rawn, Tom Clancy, & Raymond E Feist are also good authors.

EDIT: OOPS forgot few good authors.

[ Saturday, June 28, 2003 01:17: Message edited by: devlish ]

Instant Human-Just add liberal doses of Coffee.
Posts: 87 | Registered: Sunday, March 10 2002 08:00
Member # 496
Profile #34
I actually read that thing about the Anarchy. Amusing thinking of Maude shinning down Oxford Castle's walls like that. It only ceased to be a prison a few years back - one of my mates was one of its last inmates. We used to go up the back wall where Maude escaped and throw cheery comment and cigarettes up to him.
Posts: 2333 | Registered: Monday, January 7 2002 08:00
Member # 517
Profile #35
You might also try some A.A.Milne books...


Let them eat cake!

Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially.
Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00
