Power Corrupts

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AuthorTopic: Power Corrupts
Member # 5437
Profile #125
I first commented on you post because you said the questions you presented disproved the existence of God, and in the end we started discussing various religious beliefs.

It wasn't my intent to derail the current discussion, so if it interferes with what others are discussing I'm fine with letting it go.
Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00
Member # 6700
Profile Homepage #126
Alo: Point made.

On that note, I would like to point out that the Bible has been proven historically accurate, where it touches upon documented history.
So we'll call it half-blind faith.

But that does not mean that religion cannot possibly accept evidence.

Originally written by I Would Have Been Your Daddy:

[QB]If God is all about forgiveness, then why is there Hell? [QB]
Justice. Perfection. I once heard "balance" thrown into the mix, but I don't necessarily agree with it.

Essentially, a perfect God must have a perfect, balanced judicial system. Everyone who intentionally violates His perfect will must be punished, because it is an act of defiance (or somesuch). Justice must be served out because this is a perfect system.
The forgiveness bit comes in because there is apparrently a loophole in the perfect system (makes you wonder about the nature of perfection), in that even though someone has to be punished, it doesn't have to be the one who transgressed. So, through some strange working of great theological and metaphysical significance that I don't really understand (i just know that it works), the way things work out is that hell is for two kinds of people: People who are still defiant of God, and those that don't want forgiveness.

The Silent Assassin once attempted to use self-hypnosis to make himself forget about a certain job.
It took me four hours to figure out how to get him out of the trance.

-Lenar Labs
What's Your Destiny?

Ushmushmeifa: Lenar's power is almighty and ineffable.

All hail lord Noric, god of... well, something important, I'm sure.
Posts: 735 | Registered: Monday, January 16 2006 08:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #127
Er, there are some parts of the Bible that seem to reflect historical fact, but they are few and far between. It kind of has the same status as the Homeric poems as far as historicity: a lot of people would like it to be true, and there are some tantalizing pieces of evidence, but there just isn't enough to say anything definitive about most of the story. In other words, I'd be careful with your wording, there, not that you've said anything false, but just that you might be misinterpreted as saying more than you actually are.

(Actually, the Homeric poems are more likely to reflect actual history, but that's another issue.)

[ Monday, April 24, 2006 20:11: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #128
Originally written by Lenar Labs:

Originally written by I Would Have Been Your Daddy:

[QB]If God is all about forgiveness, then why is there Hell? [QB]
Justice. Perfection. I once heard "balance" thrown into the mix, but I don't necessarily agree with it.

Essentially, a perfect God must have a perfect, balanced judicial system. Everyone who intentionally violates His perfect will must be punished, because it is an act of defiance (or somesuch). Justice must be served out because this is a perfect system.

Locke and Plato, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...

I'm sorry, but when I think of "perfection," "people suffering for all of eternity" is not what I had in mind. Consider:

1. You take my cookie. I punch you in the face and break your nose. End results: you no longer take my cookies (hopefully, unless you're dumb enough to get your jugular ripped out next time), and I got my rocks off to beating the living tar out of you.
2. You take my cookie. I explain to you that I was going to eat that cookie, and how it was inconsiderate for you to have taken it without asking. End results: you no longer take my cookies.

For (1) to be somehow better than (2) implies that there is an inherent value to vengeance (hence my referencing Locke earlier), which is:
1. Incredibly unproductive, since you now have a gaping wound after I mauled you
2. Outright evil, since if harming people is evil, I have perpetrated an evil myself (which is why I find it strange that you discount "balance," seeing as how you need as many ideological props as you can scrounge up to justify your insatiable yet holy bloodlust).

If your god is truly as vengeant as it says in the bible and as you are claiming, then send me to hell PLEASE, since I would much rather burn for eternity than spend five seconds in a room with such a self-centered asswipe.

The forgiveness bit comes in because there is apparrently a loophole in the perfect system (makes you wonder about the nature of perfection),
...makes you wonder about the nature of perfection? There are only two interpretations of this:
1. Perfection does not involve brutally slaying people, in which case I would be curious as to how hell could EVER be justified by such a so-called "perfect" god
2. Perfection involves the most gory violence and carnal torture as possible, in which case offering all white males a legal loophole out of torture is somehow sparing those who can and must be butchered for sake of perfection

On the one hand, you're defeating yourself. On the other hand, you're abjectly evil.
Eh, your pick. But anyway:

in that even though someone has to be punished, it doesn't have to be the one who transgressed. So, through some strange working of great theological and metaphysical significance that I don't really understand (i just know that it works), the way things work out is that hell is for two kinds of people: People who are still defiant of God, and those that don't want forgiveness.
Emphasis. Added.


If you're saying that to deny the almighty chirst is to continue to sin, and yet christ died to forgive all sins, then wouldn't your sins become forgiven as you made them, up to and including defiance of god?

Or alternatively: If your argument is that all of the sins you could ever commit are wiped away only by accepting christ, then you've changed the game a bit. It's not that jesus had died to forgive all sins anymore, merely those commited by those who believe. And okay, maybe he had the intentions that all would come to believe in him, preferably making it so that all sins would be forgiven through him.

Fat chance.

Consider that his religious movement, starting post-partum, starts with a very small and concentrated number of people, globally speaking.

Which poses a riddle: What if someone in China dies 2-3 days after christ ascended into heaven, with no chance of hearing of Judaism, nevermind jesus? But let's ignore people who had absolutely no chance to hear of christ in their entire lives, since it would be incredibly vindictive to damn them, right?

Well, okay. But let's say we're talking about modern-day times in an area that isn't totally christian, but in which christianity might be spread. Say, ohh, Iraq, in which missionaries are (or at least WERE, under saddam-- though that's likely no longer the case) allowed, but Islam is very much the dominant religion. And what if Ahmed speaks with a missionary one day for a little while-- say, a 5-10 minute discussion-- but they can't (for whatever reason) find a way to continue communications after the first meeting. (Let's say, for instance, that this was the missionary's last day in the country.) Can Ahmed reasonably be damned for not accepting christ? Ahmed knew that christ existed, and he even had a missionary chat it up with him for a while! But it might be considered unfair to damn him, since he hasn't been given any exposure beyond a glossing and whatever his culture might say about this bizarre, seemingly cannibalistic religion.

Let's say that god damns Ahmed. This presents two situations:
(a) Ahmed had a message in his "soul" when the missionary spoke to him, and it was actually his "choice" to deny christ
(b) Ahmed had no such message in his "soul," and god judged him equally in comparison to someone from the bible belt, whose exposure to christ is far more prevalent (and perhaps even cult-like, but that's extraneous).

Under scenario (a), you are making the assertion that all people are truly equal under god, which is better than (b) (but more on that in a bit). But then, why the extreme prevalence of christians being raised in areas that are predominately christian? Aren't all people compelled to convert to christ equally, allowing their free will to determine whether or not they accept jesus? The math simply doesn't add up: if all souls have completely equal opportunity to be saved, then wouldn't the distribution of christians be more equalized than what we have today?

But let's assume that the inequal distribution of saved persons is sheer happenstance, or (as pastors might love to say) that many people in the bible belt are less saved than they might think. (And again with the south being one big cult, but let's skip that.) Still, your argument has one striking conclusion that makes it absolutely unpalatable:

If accepting christ or not is ultimately a test of merit and nothing more since all souls have equal opportunity, then you are saying that you have merit over all of the unsaved for having made the transparent (ie, easily discerned) choice of buying into true christianity. And when "look at how much better I am than you" is a consequence of your argument, you will find that you might even hinder attempts to convert others.

Which brings me to scenario (b).

If Ahmed (or, more accurately, Ahmed's soul) actually DIDN'T have the same opportunities as yours did, then why? Many reasons begin popping up (one of which might be "because he's not stupid enough to believe such nonsense," but we'll leave that one be). Being born in an Islamic country is probably a huge influence. OR it could be that missionaries did a terrible job at converting him.

But wait, doesn't that mean that Ahmed's soul was disadvantaged from the get-go? And that even if there is some element of free will in whether or not Ahmed accepts christ, that you have automatically been given a handicap that he hasn't had the chance to accept? And what if his odds of accepting chirst become so minimal based on everything that happens to him, whereas your odds of accepting christ are somewhere approaching 90%? Can your god truly be so cruel?

Or perhaps it truly was your duty to convert Ahmed before he died in his sins, only to be slain by a snake-tongued redskin for all of eternity over and over again. But doesn't that mean that you, a man of god, are at least partially to blame for Ahmed's fall into the pit? And yet he suffers all of the consequences of his actions, whereas yours are entirely forgiven.

And if that is the closest your god can ever come to justice, then it is either cruel and merciless to the extent that heaven is hell-times-hardcore, or it is stupid to the extent that not even the outhouses in heaven work, and the ground is strewn with the true believers' fecal matter, intellectual or otherwise.


So okay. Let's just go with my point from a few pages above stating that jesus, by his own logic, should forgive all sins, even the sin of not wanting to be forgiven. In other words, everything is forgen. And that's nice. But at that point, why believe?

And if you disagree with any of this points, you are now well obliged to respond.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 1814
Profile #129
Believe me God has good reason to look full of himself. He really is just that great. He's also, oddly enough the nicest person I've ever met. Seriously, once you know him you see that he's completly right in all that he does.

All souls have equal oppertunity provided God's messanger do their job. However, only those who would accept God will hear and understand the message and thereby obtain salvation. All will hear it but few will accept it.

As for hell, Do you know just what kind of people go there? Theres only two kinds of people in the world and unless their true colors just come out under the right conditions only God can see the end of all things possible in that person.

To be forgiven through Jesus you must give to him your life. Otherwise you're still on you're own. Spiritual laws are pretty different but quite similar to the physical laws of this world.

I know God, he wouldn't let anyone fall through the judicial cracks in the system. There are none. He isn't so rigid that people around before christ are doomed.

The only reason to believe in God is out of love for him.

Also, there are no loopholes. Things are set up for this kind of thing. What Jesus did was predestined before the world began. It look like a loophole to some but I also look like the last person to speak in the name of God at this moment. So don't go by appearences. The basis for faith, knowing or believing how something works despite contrary "visual" proof.

The great light bulb converses its thoughts in a fashion most particular to its complicated nature.

Neither twenty-one nor forsaken any longer, I now stand in freedom through Jesus Christ.
Posts: 215 | Registered: Friday, August 30 2002 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #130
Originally written by GremlinJoe:

He's also, oddly enough the nicest person I've ever met.
That seems like escapism to me - do you believe in religion because the real world is too horrible to bear?

Sorry. This might look like trolling. :rolleyes:

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My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
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Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 6652
Profile #131
Originally written by GremlinJoe:

The only reason to believe in God is out of love for him.

You have deep love for a guy in a book someone told you to read? Love enough to worship him? And you accept that love as evidence of God?

This is why some people in this topic are yelling about blind faith and that stuff.
Originally written by Dolphin.:

I first commented on you post because you said the questions you presented disproved the existence of God, and in the end we started discussing various religious beliefs.

It wasn't my intent to derail the current discussion, so if it interferes with what others are discussing I'm fine with letting it go.

Well, we seem to be discussing it in here now, despite ADoS's wishes. :D

But I don't want to ride the elevator.
Posts: 420 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
Member # 869
Profile Homepage #132
Hey, guys, y'know, if you want to have a rational debate with someone, it might be better to do it with someone who is not by his own admission suffering from psychosis.

I'm just sayin'.

The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure!
Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #133
Believe me God has good reason to look full of himself. He really is just that great. He's also, oddly enough the nicest person I've ever met. Seriously, once you know him you see that he's completly right in all that he does.
Yeah, I gotta admit, Hitler was a surprisingly nice man. Sure, he let a lot of people burn, but oddly enough he's the nicest person I've ever met. Seriously, once you know how truly awful those nasty jews, communists, gypsies and homosexuals are you see that he's completely right in all that he does.


I am not using this argument lightly OR sarcastically. This entirely blind faith you are preaching makes ANY moral or ethical proposition instantly correct.

If I were to say ANYTHING here (including, sadly enough, this small bit of text), I would be repeating myself. I have already pre-empted your argument before you made it, and you have post-emptively ignored it.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #134
TM, he wasn't making an argument. He was preaching.

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 22
Profile #135

[ Tuesday, April 25, 2006 08:45: Message edited by: Morgan ]
Posts: 2862 | Registered: Tuesday, October 2 2001 07:00
Member # 5437
Profile #136
Originally written by I Would Have Been Your Daddy:

Well, we seem to be discussing it in here now, despite ADoS's wishes. :D
In that case :P

Originally written by I Would Have Been Your Daddy:

Suppose a person decides to overthrow the government. They are successful and enjoy a happy lifetime of luxury and opressing people as a dictator.
Presumably after this person dies they will go to hell, and be punished for their misdeeds.
This raises the question: Why would God wait until someone dies to punish them? He could just as easily do it while they're alive. Yet he doesn't. There are numerous records, in history and today, of criminals that were never caught and never punished; dictators that opressed happily for the rest of their lives.

Now suppose, in the future, someone discovers how to live forever. Perhaps cryogenics work; perhaps it's a miracle drug; it doesn't matter. Suppose it becomes widespread. If one
of the people that lives forever becomes a criminal and is never caught, when is God going to punish him?

The thing is I don't look at hell the way the bible does, so I can't justify its doctrine to you. I don't believe you to go hell for doing bad deeds, but rather to burn off hate. I don't want to start preaching Buddhism, so I'm going to leave that alone.

Are you implying the man that lives forever would never suffer in his eternal life? This seem farfetched to me, as everyday we experience something in life that is less than heavenly.

Aside from that argument, the whole position feels rather phony to me. God says "Do what you want, but if you do something bad, I'll punish you." What is the general purpose of punishment? An incentive not to do something. The police fine criminals as an incentive to not commit the crime again. Punishing us isn't going to do any good if we're stuck in hell and can't reform or fix our mistakes.
Again, all I can offer to questions like this are personal beliefs, as you are asking me to justify theoretical outcomes. The way I look at this "bad deed" and "sins" are measured in severity based on the whether or not the person knows that was wrong, and for that matter what their intent was while doing it.

I don't think people are bound to the laws of other people faiths. Christians made a regular practice of sacrificing animals to their god, and animals are considered lower than humans so this is not seen as murder. To a Hindu, Buddhist, or Taoist all creatures (animals and humans alike) have a soul and will enlighten over time, so that would be considered murder. To a vegan or vegetarian that would be considered murder. Who is right? Did the Christians murder the animal or just make a common offering?

Okay. The rock was a metaphoric example. Let's switch the "falling flat on his face" with "dying". Let's switch the rock with "cancer". The man contracts cancer and dies. I trust that you would prefer not to die? We cannot learn from our mistakes (if indeed there's anything to be learned by catching a disease) if we're dead.

If God does not protect us from trivial mistakes, he should at least protect us from deadly ones. I'm not talking suicide, which clearly falls under "free will." I'm not talking being shot, which falls under others's free will. Cancer is nobody's fault.

The answer this would be different if based on biblical beliefs or those based on reincarnation. As I see it though not all suffering is a punishment.
Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00
Member # 73
Profile #137
*cries for the molested thread*

I'd tell GremlinJoe to die and TM to stop feeding the troll and destroying a perfectly good discussion any further than it already has been, but I'm not a member of the moderatorial team.

[ Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:27: Message edited by: The Almighty Do-er of Stuff ]

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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 6652
Profile #138
You don't need to be a moderator to yell at people. Only a moderator can actually act on it, of course, but yell all you want ;) .

Okay, here's my official position.

If we remove all assumptions about God other than the fact that he created the universe, the argument becomes very, very hard, if not impossible, to argue. As I pointed out before, the atheists say "Where did God come from?" and the theists say "Where did the Big Bang come from?".

You may think that there is still evolution to debate about. However, as was also pointed out earlier, God could have easily created evolution. Any other question can simply be answered by a "God does not care." or "On a whim."

How am I able to still believe in atheism on this level? It comes down to a personal-belief stalemate. I, personally, believe in Occam's Razor. Something not existing is fundamentally simpler than something existing, if there is no evidence either way. If you don't believe in Occam's Razor, like Student of Trinity, then there is an equal chance that God exists and an equal chance that he doesn't. I claim no irrefutable evidence that God does not exist at this level.

It is entirely possible that there is something I did not think of or that I am simply wrong on a point in this post. If I am, please point it out and I shall continue debating the question of God with no assumptions.

However, if there is not, then I would ask Dolphin to PM me, if not Christianity, what she does believe so we have a solid base to debate about. I would then continue my separate arguments against Ash and Dolphin and leave this thread to GremlinJoe and TM.

EDIT: I'm not implying that the hypothetical immortal criminal would not suffer at all, but that he would not suffer especially more than a good and law-biding person would.

[ Tuesday, April 25, 2006 11:11: Message edited by: I Would Have Been Your Daddy ]

But I don't want to ride the elevator.
Posts: 420 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
Member # 73
Profile #139
Oh, hell, I give up. I'll just ask that someone archive this thread once it dies, so that we can remember the good bits of it, and accept that it's been gangraped to the point where there's virtually no chance of recovery. I wish someone would prove me wrong though.

Originally written by I Would Have Been Your Daddy:

If you don't believe in Occam's Razor, like Student of Trinity, then there is an equal chance that God exists and an equal chance that he doesn't. I claim no irrefutable evidence that God does not exist at this level.
This is exactly the point of agnosticism: Since there is no irrefutable evidence for or against the existance of god(s), an afterlife, or souls, there's no point worrying about it. Agnosticism, by definition, implies accepting that we can not know whether or not God exists. However, I take it a step further and refuse to make even that assumption (There's no evidence that would imply that a god couldn't tell us it exists with undeniable proof.). I find it affords me wonderful flexibility and freedom.

Maybe when I'm a minotaur, I can find a hot medusa (not the ugly kind, the hot-chick-with-snake-hair-and-perhaps-a-snake-tail-too kind, which might exist in the afterlife. Imagine what she could do with all those tongues...) to marry and join in international territorial warfare, which hopefully is only allowed in certain places so those who want a peaceful life can have it!

[ Tuesday, April 25, 2006 11:31: Message edited by: The Almighty Do-er of Stuff ]

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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 5437
Profile #140
Originally written by I Would Have Been Your Daddy:

However, if there is not, then I would ask Dolphin to PM me, if not Christianity, what she does believe so we have a solid base to debate about. I would then continue my separate arguments against Ash and Dolphin and leave this thread to GremlinJoe and TM.

I'll send you a PM if you would like to continue, but in the end I'll argue for both sides. Though you've seen me primary argue on the side of God's existence, I see God more as the life force than as a being with a voice and face.

As an aside, believe me I'd love to ask people how they can say that God is "completely right in all that he does". While God does nothing as he watches his devout followers getting murdered, raped, and beaten every day, and dismisses their suffering by telling them that heaven waits for them after the torture ends. A discussion with people who practice completely blind faith won't go anywhere, so there's no point aside from the satisfaction of the rant.
Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00
Member # 59
Profile #141
Originally written by Kuranes-:

I think we might have had this discussion before. "Holy" means filled with holes.
Does this mean women are holier than men? :(
Posts: 950 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 6652
Profile #142
Originally written by Alex:

Originally written by Kuranes-:

I think we might have had this discussion before. "Holy" means filled with holes.
Does this mean women are holier than men? :(

I declare this thread officially lost.

But I don't want to ride the elevator.
Posts: 420 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #143
Originally written by Alex:

Originally written by Kuranes-:

I think we might have had this discussion before. "Holy" means filled with holes.
Does this mean women are holier than men? :(


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My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
Polaris is dead, long live Polaris.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 4445
Profile #144

Hell exists (or it doesn't, but you know what I mean) as a necessary consequence of free will.

(From my reading of the bible, free will exists under a Judeo-Christian theology - I know you disagree, but bear with that assumption for the sake of argument)

If humans have no choice but to experience supreme bliss post-mortem, then free will is an illusion, variation at the quantum level ultimately meaningless at the macroscopic scale of an eternal existence. As has been pointed out in this thread, it is by no means a universal Judeo-Christian belief that hell is torment; the only common belief is that hell is distance from God and lack of the joy derived from closeness to/unity with God. The Catholic concept of purgatory even implies that repentance is possible after death, which further implies that free will extends into the afterlife.

The Ecumenically-inclined Christian sects believe at least that virtuous members of other belief systems are free from damnation. "Accepting Jesus" and "loving God" don't have to mean anything more than following "love your neighbor as I have loved you," because Jesus himself said that if you are kind to your neighbor, if you love your neighbor, then you love him, and acceptance is rather a necessary component of love, don't you think?

Bible-belt protestants don't represent the concept of religion, and morally bankrupt philosophies held by bible-belt protestants don't extend to the very concept of religion.

Originally written by Thuryl:

Hey, guys, y'know, if you want to have a rational debate with someone, it might be better to do it with someone who is not by his own admission suffering from psychosis.

I'm just sayin'.

Who's that?

[ Tuesday, April 25, 2006 12:30: Message edited by: PoD person ]
Posts: 293 | Registered: Saturday, May 29 2004 07:00
Member # 869
Profile Homepage #145
Originally written by PoD person:

The Catholic concept of purgatory even implies that repentance is possible after death, which further implies that free will extends into the afterlife.
Actually, in Catholic theology Purgatory doesn't have anything to do with repentance; it's simply where souls undergo temporal punishment for sins which aren't serious enough to merit eternal punishment.


Hey, guys, y'know, if you want to have a rational debate with someone, it might be better to do it with someone who is not by his own admission suffering from psychosis.I'm just sayin'.

Who's that?

He's made similar statements before, so that wasn't a throwaway comment.

[ Tuesday, April 25, 2006 14:36: Message edited by: Thuryl ]

The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure!
Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #146
Hell exists (or it doesn't, but you know what I mean) as a necessary consequence of free will.

(From my reading of the bible, free will exists under a Judeo-Christian theology - I know you disagree, but bear with that assumption for the sake of argument)
Okay, sure. I can go with that.

The Ecumenically-inclined Christian sects believe at least that virtuous members of other belief systems are free from damnation.
Except for the current papacy: Remember, it was Ratzinger who originally censored the works of Rahner.

"Accepting Jesus" and "loving God" don't have to mean anything more than following "love your neighbor as I have loved you," because Jesus himself said that if you are kind to your neighbor, if you love your neighbor, then you love him, and acceptance is rather a necessary component of love, don't you think?
Wow- nice use of logic. (Not being sarcastic here.)

As has been pointed out in this thread, it is by no means a universal Judeo-Christian belief that hell is torment; the only common belief is that hell is distance from God and lack of the joy derived from closeness to/unity with God.
Well, okay. Let's take this definition, then.

But let me make a proposition:

Let's take a random person. We'll call this person "Pat." Now, Pat's parents abused her/him in the worst ways possible, Pat had no friends in school, and s/he was unsuccessful for her/his entire life. These things happen, unfortunately.

Now certainly, Pat did not experience a life that was particularly condusive into making her/him a loving, caring person. And let's say that Pat had free will.

But. Let's say there is another individual whom we will call "Chris." Chris grew up in a genuine, caring and economically stable household, and was placed into a situation by birth that was much more condusive into making her/him a loving human being.

Now let's say that what is statistically bound to happen to both Pat and Chris respectively happens: Pat leads a loveless life and ends up being quite "far" from god, whereas Chris lives a wonderful live and ends up quite "close" to god. But this leads me to a proposition I made earlier:

What of these two individuals who led lives so oppressive that the odds of their both going against what is statistically bound to happen is so slim as to be a macrocosmic impossibility? Is Pat truly held to the same standards as Chris? Is Pat's eternal afterlife supposed to be that much worse than Chris' because of what Pat's parents did to her/him? How can an ultimately fair god not take into account how alienated Pat was when allowing her/him to be so far away from it?

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 1814
Profile #147
Whoa, hey now, my physcosis is only because of some horrible horrible events that I've seen happen to my friends family and self. I've suffered a great deal for Jesus. People have done unheard of things in my life. Watch "casualties of war" and tell me I have no reason for my agony.

Listen to "Stricken" by "Disturbred"

My faith in God means that I trust that He hasn't foresaken me despite my rotting in some little cell somewhare while having the crap beat out of me for siding with him. Few are as mutalated as I am. Electro-shock leaves scars on the being and physical brain. Just try and tell me that I'm wrong for surviving the many attempts to break me.


Why you all hate me is also a mystery. Have I ever once pretended to be better than any of you? God himself has more reason to sent me to hell than any other person. My being a loyal soldier cost me the better half of my soul. I'm not like all those preachers, who also by the way don't like me much, All despise me for my sufffering and condemn me for the things I had no choice for.

If anyone here tries to act better than me its everyone who calls me psycho. I gave up most of my life in defense of others. I was repaid with scorn and disgrace. There is no geneva convention rights where I'm from.

Jesus Christ was the only one ever to not use me up and throw me away for my years of sacrifice. He personally saved me when he broke me free from that place. He even helps me with what I live with on the inside sometimes. You of all people should be willing to understand what its like to be sent to a bad place. Made to do Bad things. And then be abandoned in a place like Exile. Picture torture occuring.

I may be a psycho but I am a friend of Jesus. He's my friend too. He can also be your friend if you only let him.
Posts: 215 | Registered: Friday, August 30 2002 07:00
Member # 6403
Profile #148
I couldn't let this go.
Originally written by GremlinJoe:

Listen to "Stricken" by "Disturbed"
First off, FYT.

Second, do not under any circumstances listen to Disturbed. There is no greater defenition of musical crap than that band. The only good comment I could possibly make about this band is that it is music. Unlike almost all of what is pumped out of America today.

Thirdly, and this is synonymous with my second point, Disturbed is nu metal. The only way to musically delve deeper into teenage angst than nu metal is emo or punk rock. If you listen to bands of any of those three genres for the lyrics, I pity you and wish you the best of luck in the real world, whenever you dig yourself out of the hole you created for your tiny mind.

??? ??????
???? ?????
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 1814
Profile #149
Well, I still personally think Metallica is new. Stuck in the past. Never left the cold war era.

Won't speak of it. Never again. I just heard distubed on the radio once and noticed one thing I had in common. I don't have much of anything in common anymore. Seriously. The only place that still matches their song's are in my skull and far away. I'm much better now.

I really sound more like metallica anyway. "Unforgiven"

If you wonder further, One day I just started listening to the radio, I was surprised by how all of these songs turned out as I had never bothered to listen to any of these when they came out.

Nothing matches perfecly of course but some are close in some regards. Don't worry, the thought of me being a teenager again is quite laughable and impossible when you actually meet me.

I am healing, before I couldn't even talk about this kind of thing. Maybe I'll clam up again, who knows. I have no support group so sorry about the lack of people skills. But I won't talk any further about anything before the eighties. Never again. I think. Sorry. Its no big deal. Please just ingore it. Nobody cares anyway except to make themselves feel better at my expense anyway. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, I'll never even come close to talking about this again anyway. Until I have no choice again. Even then I might not. These things are tricky.

The great light bulb converses its thoughts in a fashion most particular to its complicated nature.

Neither twenty-one nor forsaken any longer, I now stand in freedom through Jesus Christ.
Posts: 215 | Registered: Friday, August 30 2002 07:00
