my website
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Author | Topic: my website |
Member # 5435
written Thursday, February 17 2005 15:37
how good my site is Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 29 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=pCOUhqRgkExK"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=pCOUhqRgkExK"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- my web page Posts: 25 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00 |
Member # 869
written Thursday, February 17 2005 15:38
Kindly cease spamming up the forums. -------------------- My BoE Page Bandwagons are fun! Roots Hunted! Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Member # 5435
written Thursday, February 17 2005 15:45
i am very very sorry i was on the topic on my website and i decided to click on new poll and when i was done it made an entirely new topic i by the way didn't know it would do that sorry :( :( -------------------- my web page Posts: 25 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00 |
Member # 1046
written Thursday, February 17 2005 16:29
proper English will help too. and only a mention in your sig is required. please refrain from advertising your fansite in multiple new topics. -------------------- Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want? Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3719
written Thursday, February 17 2005 17:32
Hi, I was one of the many who clicked on the your site sucked option. -------------------- Scandalous Stories, fishing,and great photos Posts: 294 | Registered: Monday, November 24 2003 08:00 |
Member # 4614
written Thursday, February 17 2005 18:06
Oh, come on guys. At least he knows some HTML and the such. Keep practicing, and you'll get better. :) -------------------- -ben4808 For those who love to spam: CSM Forums RIFQ Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00 |
Member # 2238
written Thursday, February 17 2005 18:16
Shaddup. -------------------- The critics agree! Demonslayer is "a five star hit!" raves TIMES Weekly! "I've never heard such thoughtful comments. This man is a genious!" says two-time Nobel Prize winning physicist Erwin Rasputin! Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00 |
Member # 5435
written Thursday, February 17 2005 18:24
to Pwned by cat this topic was made by accident okay fine ill edit edit edit quote: [ Friday, February 18, 2005 07:44: Message edited by: genoforge ] -------------------- my web page Posts: 25 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5435
written Thursday, February 17 2005 18:27
quote:thank you and you are right i only know some html some not a lot im still learning -------------------- my web page Posts: 25 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00 |
Member # 1046
written Thursday, February 17 2005 19:20
instead of posting twice, you can use the Edit button to add to your post. -------------------- Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want? Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2104
written Thursday, February 17 2005 19:27
Yey! There is a point in this thread! We learned, today, how to use the edit button, kiddies! -------------------- —Zxquez Zolohahni I eat blueberries in pie square. Xerch'de/Rate. I miss you, but I haven't met you yet. So special, but it hasn't happened yet. Posts: 549 | Registered: Thursday, October 17 2002 07:00 |
Member # 247
written Thursday, February 17 2005 22:08
Damn Wright tommorow the reply button then the world mwahmwahhah. Oh and his site I voted its bad not that it is but hey Good is such a boring word. -------------------- I stop rubber at 160km/h, five times a week. CANUCKS RESPEK! My Style The Knight Between Posts. Posts: 2395 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00 |
Member # 154
written Friday, February 18 2005 03:16
quote:Actually, some knowledge of HTML can be more harmful than having no knowledge of it at all. Anyway, site ranking: +10 No background music +10 It's readable +10 No marquee +5 The navigation links don't actually look that bad. -10 Spelling and Grammar -10 Inconsistent design -5 References to reality (image) -2 Broken alignment on 'email me' paragraph -1 Broken mailto link +0 No bonus point: email address not obfusicated -------------------- Inconsistently backward. SWOH. IM, PATF, ND. Posts: 612 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Member # 5435
written Friday, February 18 2005 07:40
quote:+10 No background music i dont have enough space for that i dont really like music anyway and i see no point +10 It's readable +10 No marquee +5 The navigation links don't actually look that bad. -10 Spelling and Grammar -10 Inconsistent design -5 References to reality (image) -2 Broken alignment on 'email me' paragraph -1 Broken mailto link i cant get that to work +0 No bonus point: email address not obfusicated ill ad that maybe -------------------- my web page Posts: 25 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00 |
Member # 4614
written Friday, February 18 2005 14:11
That's probably why he gave you a +10. -------------------- -ben4808 For those who love to spam: CSM Forums RIFQ Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Friday, February 18 2005 14:36
more like -20 for spelling/grammar, i can't even tell if it's English or some randomized alien script that happens to use a common alphabet. -------------------- Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want? Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 247
written Friday, February 18 2005 14:44
Well he's certainly gotten people looking at his site. now if only something where being sold hmm. [ Friday, February 18, 2005 14:45: Message edited by: VCH ] -------------------- I stop rubber at 160km/h, five times a week. CANUCKS RESPEK! My Style The Knight Between Posts. Posts: 2395 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00 |
Member # 1851
written Friday, February 18 2005 16:11
Homepage Simple HTML and easy to learn. Anyone who doesn't understand HTML should find a nice site like this and take advantage of it. Also: Those better help, or else... -------------------- "Son--err," her father said, "I mean... Daughter, I give you your first and only sword. Use it for with skill for great villainy." Nanoisms Ooh! Homepage - Blog - Geneforge, +2, +3 - My Elfwood Gallery - WannabeCool Forums So many strange ones around. Don't you think? Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Friday, February 18 2005 17:56
he probably failed English class. -------------------- Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want? Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 4592
written Sunday, February 20 2005 00:36
I had a question about your web page. Who's that guy? (besides the link it sends me to, I mean, him, the guy) And what does he have in his mouth? Any reason why? Try to use Capital letters when needed. It looks weird like that. Black background is okay, but, this may just be me, but I prefer black letters and white background. Anyway, good luck with your page (the link that I.S. gave you is pretty darn good, it should help you). Taking your time to spell check might also be a good idea. Suerte! -------------------- quote:Random Jack Vance Quote Manual Generator Apparatus (Cugel's Saga) Posts: 604 | Registered: Sunday, June 20 2004 07:00 |
Member # 4414
written Sunday, February 20 2005 16:29
Just out of curiosity, how old are you? And, BSC, that guy is apparently his "youth paster," which I have interpreted to mean "youth pastor" rather than "one who pastes youths." [ Sunday, February 20, 2005 16:32: Message edited by: Cavanoskus ] -------------------- AIM/Yahoo IM: Cavanoskus Scary artwork and Bad Poetry The Wildlife Research Team SnakeNetMetalRadio "We, who are about to die, salute you." Posts: 86 | Registered: Friday, May 21 2004 07:00 |
Member # 2104
written Sunday, February 20 2005 16:33
His site looks like a seven year old's, but without the millions of images. So, I guess seven or eight. -------------------- —Zxquez Zolohahni I eat blueberries in pie square. Xerch'de/Rate. I miss you, but I haven't met you yet. So special, but it hasn't happened yet. Posts: 549 | Registered: Thursday, October 17 2002 07:00 |
Member # 4414
written Sunday, February 20 2005 16:44
Oh, my God. Yes, this is a double-post. But I think you will forgive me. This little twerp is ripping off my artwork, by posting it, uncredited, and in pretty darn horrible shape, I might add. Check it out here. The original: Handaxe Dragon Do you see my name on there anywhere? Do you? No? Well, then, that's theft, isn't it? Especially since every bloody image on my site is accompanied by a copyright notice, and the main pages bear the words "ask permission first." And I'm willing to bet your "History of Dragons" is plagiarized as well, considering the fact that it seems to have been written by someone who is actually literate. Edit: JESUS CHRIST! It's in his profile, too! [ Sunday, February 20, 2005 16:52: Message edited by: Cavanoskus ] -------------------- AIM/Yahoo IM: Cavanoskus Scary artwork and Bad Poetry The Wildlife Research Team SnakeNetMetalRadio "We, who are about to die, salute you." Posts: 86 | Registered: Friday, May 21 2004 07:00 |
Member # 1104
written Sunday, February 20 2005 16:57
Homepage Hmm... -------------------- Austrian Alex - Reality Corp. Posts: 1307 | Registered: Tuesday, May 7 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2104
written Sunday, February 20 2005 16:58
Hey! Another art thief! There's too many of them these days. The picture (and what I've seen of your other work) is quite good, by the way. [ Sunday, February 20, 2005 17:00: Message edited by: Millicent, Dear Millicent ] -------------------- —Zxquez Zolohahni I eat blueberries in pie square. Xerch'de/Rate. I miss you, but I haven't met you yet. So special, but it hasn't happened yet. Posts: 549 | Registered: Thursday, October 17 2002 07:00 |
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