Well then.
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Author | Topic: Well then. |
Member # 3260
written Thursday, July 24 2003 08:26
God, it was so long ago that I downloaded the demo version of Exile 3 for windows. Damn, that was some major fun. I remember saving all my money, which I might add was always under threat of being spent as my childish youthful self often wished to do, and staring at the printed Order Form that I longed to send off along with a money order to the blessed isles upon which resided Jeff Vogel. These Isles of course would be America! It was so long ago that I can't really remember when I first played Exile. I know I came in halfway through the series. Crystal Souls was the one which I played first. I believe I was about... 14.. or 15. I'm not certain. 1999-2000 was when I first delved into the caverns underneath the iron-fisted rule of the empire. Sure, 3 years might not seem that long to you people, but for someone who's turning 18 in 4 days, it's a big chunk of his life. Ahem. To the heart of this post. I'm the newest member! Bid me greetings dernit. =) Hi to all of you fans out there. I'll be stopping by occasionally when time permits to check up on things here and lend my oh-so important opinion to whatever raging topics there are broiling about on top of this vast pool of reading entertainment. Back when I first visited the Spiderweb site I don't think there even was a forum. Or if there was, I didn't pay attention. I was too busy staring rapt at the words 'Jeff Vogel'. Anyway, time flies when your typing random nonsensicalities. Mr Vogel, greetings if your reading. Thanks for your wonderful work and creative ideas and the countless hours of effort you've put into your products. That thanks also goes to everyone else involved in the creation of Spiderweb Software games. I felt I had to say that. =) Anyway, I've got to run so take it easy people. Have fun with whatever your doing! Buh bye now. -------------------- Motrax. Gotta love him. Who likes Taco's? Burn you, burn The definition of me: N/A Posts: 7 | Registered: Thursday, July 24 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3117
written Thursday, July 24 2003 08:31
haha, congrats on being the newest member to the forums, must be a big milestone in ur life, huh?? ...and happy soon to be 18th birthday, tell me how life as an adult is... -------------------- If your buddy is trying to hook up with a girl, you may sabotage him only in a manner that gives you no chances of getting any either. -The Code Pahk ya cah in hahvad yahd?? What ah ya? retahded?! Can't figure out the other sex? Check out ladder theory! [URL=http://www.laddertheory.com[/URL] Posts: 114 | Registered: Wednesday, June 18 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3042
written Thursday, July 24 2003 08:58
Welcome to the Spiderweb Software forum . -------------------- The Club of All Chance Forums I was once member #2475, but then my account was deleted because of a bug. Post count=406+whatever it says below. Posts: 402 | Registered: Thursday, May 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3121
written Thursday, July 24 2003 09:10
Yo, hope ya 'njo yer stay an' post alot an' havin' a good time. I'm The Great Mister, by the way, you WILL hate me. No matter what you say. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!1111 -------------------- - WITH LOVE, THE OL' RELIABLE BOYLOVE, TO BE EXACT Posts: 761 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3026
written Thursday, July 24 2003 09:25
That's TGM. He likes making everybody think he's a manic depressive and that everybody hates him. He's finnish. Just play along. I'm Nye. I'm not generally very upbeat or welcoming. The most I can say is hi there. EDIT: Also, considering the last couple of weeks here on Spiderweb, I must say that the first line of your sig is funny as hell. [ Thursday, July 24, 2003 09:28: Message edited by: The Time is Nye ] -------------------- And this was very odd because It was the middle of the night - Lewis Carrol well well well aren't we resilient Oh the fun Most generalizations are, unfortunately, true. Posts: 212 | Registered: Sunday, May 25 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3260
written Thursday, July 24 2003 09:56
Hehe. I've gone back and read a few of the older post. TGM comes up a few times. But wait! I'm supposed to be playing along. O.O Eek. Ahem. *cough* AHH! It's a psychotic wierdo who's after my hybrid bannana's of doom! Please, wont someone save me from this overinflated ego-suffering deranged wacked out son of a monkey's crossbred sister! o.O Did I do it properly? I mean heck, I never rant unless I am trying my best with the goal of giving it my all! Or something. =) And by the way my friend, 'Hi there' is probably more meaingful than a lot of other things people could say. Thanks to you other guys too. ![]() -------------------- Motrax. Gotta love him. Who likes Taco's? Burn you, burn The definition of me: N/A Posts: 7 | Registered: Thursday, July 24 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3121
written Thursday, July 24 2003 11:39
I'm gonna kick the lungs out of you if you do that one more time, thank you. I must approve that the Motrax part IS funny, though. -------------------- - WITH LOVE, THE OL' RELIABLE BOYLOVE, TO BE EXACT Posts: 761 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Thursday, July 24 2003 13:15
Welcome to Spiderweb, Kandrax! Leave your sanity at the door! —Alorael, who would also like to introduce his ever-changing signature. For the record, it's his, and he patented it. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Thursday, July 24 2003 13:34
Remember Arrna who came here and promptly chose the equivalent of Zephyr's name in Quenya? It's not really fair, most of the time the poor newbies don't even know why they're being laughed at. Since nobody seems to be inclined to give poor Kandrax an explanation about why loving Motrax is funny: Motrax (or Sir Motrax of Exile, SMoE for short) has been a member of these boards for a long time, and currently he is under a temporary ban for a reason that should not be brought up here because it might just result in another flame war. Let's just say that he acted rashly and unreasonably. --Arancaytar, who didn't think you could patent board signatures, who's probably going to get sniped for this, and who can't for the life of him figure out how Alo does the long minus bar. [ Thursday, July 24, 2003 13:41: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- "And all should cry, Beware, Beware! His Flashing eyes, his Floating hair!" S. T. Coleridge --- "It is as if everyone had lost their sense Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey. --- Quote of the Week: "I have a high opinion of myself, which makes up for my total lack of intelligence." Anon. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1558
written Thursday, July 24 2003 13:45
—I know how (tee hee). Hello, stranger...oh wait that's me...Kandrax. -------------------- I'm tired of the strain and the pain, ohhh, I'm tired of the strain and the pain. Lair of Blades Wise Forums Desperance Polaris Bash Posts: 1112 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Thursday, July 24 2003 14:00
It's something to do with html code, right? Wait... *goes to check in one of his many html tutorial books* Ah, got it: —Arancaytar, who is dancing in glee and doing ![]() ![]() ![]() -------------------- "And all should cry, Beware, Beware! His Flashing eyes, his Floating hair!" S. T. Coleridge --- "It is as if everyone had lost their sense Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey. --- Quote of the Week: "I have a high opinion of myself, which makes up for my total lack of intelligence." Anon. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Thursday, July 24 2003 14:57
Welcome, Kandrax. If you want any more than that, read my responses on other new member topics =] Now someone explain the long dash thingy... -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3260
written Thursday, July 24 2003 14:58
Thanks Arancaytar (don't reprimand me for the mispelling! If there is any, anyway.) But I'd already figured as much out. I'm not a complete idiot ya know. That's my alter ego, Zarflompenguin. -HE- is the loon. =) [ Thursday, July 24, 2003 14:59: Message edited by: Kandrax ] -------------------- Motrax. Gotta love him. Who likes Taco's? Burn you, burn The definition of me: N/A Posts: 7 | Registered: Thursday, July 24 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Thursday, July 24 2003 15:07
Do you mean the SMoE affair? Wow, a newbie who actually reads through all the old threads after coming here - or have you been around here for long, without posting? And I don't understand this about 'Zarflompenguin' And you actually spelt my name completely right. I don't know what it is with people - they all complain about my name being hard to spell, but nobody's ever made a spelling mistake. ![]() -------------------- "And all should cry, Beware, Beware! His Flashing eyes, his Floating hair!" S. T. Coleridge --- "It is as if everyone had lost their sense Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey. --- Quote of the Week: "I have a high opinion of myself, which makes up for my total lack of intelligence." Anon. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3260
written Thursday, July 24 2003 15:16
Hee. Yes, I read through a few of the old threads just to get a tenuous grip on what was currently the hot gossip in these hallowed halls. And ignore the Zarflompenguin thing. It was just a random spurt of idiotic dribble to take my mind of how friggin cold it is here at this time. That, and the fact that I haven't slept in about 2 days. o.O I kinda tend to get wacky with sleep deprivation. However! I will give a description of the general meaning of it just to pass the time and make my post look all big and such. I said I wasn't an idiot. I said my alter ego (Zarflompenguin) was the idiotic one. Can't put it any simpler than that, my friend. =) -------------------- Motrax. Gotta love him. Who likes Taco's? Burn you, burn The definition of me: N/A Posts: 7 | Registered: Thursday, July 24 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3121
written Friday, July 25 2003 00:08
Arynacintaryh, how's the long bar done? -------------------- - WITH LOVE, THE OL' RELIABLE BOYLOVE, TO BE EXACT Posts: 761 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3190
written Friday, July 25 2003 02:06
Your name isn't hard to spell, Arancaytar -------------------- "Omnipresent, but always late" Posts: 220 | Registered: Tuesday, July 8 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Friday, July 25 2003 02:59
It's "& m d a s h" without the spaces. Here: — -------------------- "And all should cry, Beware, Beware! His Flashing eyes, his Floating hair!" S. T. Coleridge --- "It is as if everyone had lost their sense Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey. --- Quote of the Week: "I have a high opinion of myself, which makes up for my total lack of intelligence." Anon. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
written Friday, July 25 2003 07:14
I thought it was "emdash". Ctrl, m, and dash if you have AllChars. —Imban, who prefers the AllChars method. [ Friday, July 25, 2003 07:15: Message edited by: Imban ] Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3121
written Friday, July 25 2003 08:28
— ? -------------------- - WITH LOVE, THE OL' RELIABLE BOYLOVE, TO BE EXACT Posts: 761 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Friday, July 25 2003 08:50
This is evolving into an outright amusing topic. ![]() —Arancaytar, who has with this post fully satisfied whatever urge he had of repeatedly stealing Alo's signature. ![]() -------------------- "And all should cry, Beware, Beware! His Flashing eyes, his Floating hair!" S. T. Coleridge --- "It is as if everyone had lost their sense Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey. --- Quote of the Week: "I have a high opinion of myself, which makes up for my total lack of intelligence." Anon. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3121
written Friday, July 25 2003 09:01
TELL ME HOW TO DO THE &MDASH OR I'LL &MDASH YOU ALL HARD. THAT IS ALL. -------------------- - WITH LOVE, THE OL' RELIABLE BOYLOVE, TO BE EXACT Posts: 761 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Friday, July 25 2003 09:24
You need a ; right after it. And &mdashing is a cool expression. A mixture of smashing, dashing, and html code. Lol. [ Friday, July 25, 2003 09:26: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- "And all should cry, Beware, Beware! His Flashing eyes, his Floating hair!" S. T. Coleridge --- "It is as if everyone had lost their sense Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey. --- Quote of the Week: "I have a high opinion of myself, which makes up for my total lack of intelligence." Anon. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3121
written Friday, July 25 2003 09:28
Yay. —The Great Mister, who is finally able to abuse Alo' signature. -------------------- - WITH LOVE, THE OL' RELIABLE BOYLOVE, TO BE EXACT Posts: 761 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00 |
Member # 656
written Friday, July 25 2003 09:29
— — — — — — — — — HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [ Friday, July 25, 2003 09:31: Message edited by: Melaw the Mage ] -------------------- *I am not a guest. Posts: 127 | Registered: Wednesday, February 20 2002 08:00 |
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