Profile for +t
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Displayed name | +t |
Member number | 3298 |
Title | BANNED |
Postcount | 23 |
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Registered | Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
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Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3298
written Tuesday, November 2 2004 08:35
quote:From you, as a student of Berkeley University, i have expected something more intellectual answer. But well, now i'll know that if person studying in that University, i shouldn't expect from him much brains. Damn, I begun to be like you in maners and thoughts. For all other: in previous post i was curios not about knowing of logic by Imban (becouse i reckon he knows. Maybe little, but anyway. ), but was it used. And if was, what kind? [quote] Generally copyright law and intellectual property are respected pretty seriously throughout most of the developed world. Yes, you would have to be in a fairly bizarre country for copyright law not to exist or be enforced. [/quote]Again... well i think you now know what i think about you. BTW, i never said that USA is " a fairly bizarre country." or something like that. Why you think that you may say such thing about my country? [quote] ...skipped... What else do you want?[/quote]What else? From this community(especially you) - N O T H I N G. Now I with yours help understanded in the final shape, that i was talking with kids. Not with very smart ones, to be added. And have wasted so many time for nothing. Well now i learned something. For those, who gave me those lessons - thanks. I wish you a lot of luck. PS prosto pizdec, kakie vi vse deystvitel'no tupie.(c) PPS pojaluy deysctvitelno "Idite vi nahuy, poshli vi vse v jopy" (c) Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Tuesday, November 2 2004 08:35
quote:From you, as a student of Berkeley University, i have expected something more intellectual answer. But well, now i'll know that if person studying in that University, i shouldn't expect from him much brains. Damn, I begun to be like you in maners and thoughts. For all other: in previous post i was curios not about knowing of logic by Imban (becouse i reckon he knows. Maybe little, but anyway. ), but was it used. And if was, what kind? [quote] Generally copyright law and intellectual property are respected pretty seriously throughout most of the developed world. Yes, you would have to be in a fairly bizarre country for copyright law not to exist or be enforced. [/quote]Again... well i think you now know what i think about you. BTW, i never said that USA is " a fairly bizarre country." or something like that. Why you think that you may say such thing about my country? [quote] ...skipped... What else do you want?[/quote]What else? From this community(especially you) - N O T H I N G. Now I with yours help understanded in the final shape, that i was talking with kids. Not with very smart ones, to be added. And have wasted so many time for nothing. Well now i learned something. For those, who gave me those lessons - thanks. I wish you a lot of luck. PS prosto pizdec, kakie vi vse deystvitel'no tupie.(c) PPS pojaluy deysctvitelno "Idite vi nahuy, poshli vi vse v jopy" (c) Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3298
written Tuesday, November 2 2004 05:29
I became tired talking with all of you. Have you remember what I asked? Yes,yes please look at top of this thread. Only TWO man posted something in fact mmm how it's in english? "post with valuable information". And what post most of you? Variation of 1 theme "Copyright is divine law. You bad, we good". Now talkng about Imban's post: quote:May I ask you some questions? How old are you? Have you logic? {that isn't kind of offense, i'm realy curious.} If in my country copyright is not law with 0 level priority, and in America it is true(well maybe not 0, but close to it), then my country have no laws? Where is your logic, i'm asking again? About ban. You think that ban is something, that have a sense for me? All of you misunderstanding then 1 thing: you(well most of you, with some exceptions) all have nothing valuable for me. May be for now I too. But all of your's post make me think that you don't wish have anything from me. Well that yours decision. As I thought, it was a mistake to talk here. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Tuesday, November 2 2004 05:29
I became tired talking with all of you. Have you remember what I asked? Yes,yes please look at top of this thread. Only TWO man posted something in fact mmm how it's in english? "post with valuable information". And what post most of you? Variation of 1 theme "Copyright is divine law. You bad, we good". Now talkng about Imban's post: quote:May I ask you some questions? How old are you? Have you logic? {that isn't kind of offense, i'm realy curious.} If in my country copyright is not law with 0 level priority, and in America it is true(well maybe not 0, but close to it), then my country have no laws? Where is your logic, i'm asking again? About ban. You think that ban is something, that have a sense for me? All of you misunderstanding then 1 thing: you(well most of you, with some exceptions) all have nothing valuable for me. May be for now I too. But all of your's post make me think that you don't wish have anything from me. Well that yours decision. As I thought, it was a mistake to talk here. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3298
written Tuesday, November 2 2004 04:56
quote:Thank you! At last something more valuable, than senseless talks about law(s)! But well i'll not use that library. I reckon that what I'll gain from it will be much less that I'll spend... My BoAE will be written in C# with using WinForms - FYI. [ Tuesday, November 02, 2004 04:57: Message edited by: +t ] Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Tuesday, November 2 2004 04:56
quote:Thank you! At last something more valuable, than senseless talks about law(s)! But well i'll not use that library. I reckon that what I'll gain from it will be much less that I'll spend... My BoAE will be written in C# with using WinForms - FYI. [ Tuesday, November 02, 2004 04:57: Message edited by: +t ] Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3298
written Monday, November 1 2004 06:02
quote:Surely we are. Everyone have problems. My work is kind of "understand problem - solve it" for your information. Only God, Nature and deadmans didn't have them. You know why? Yes, you right: because they lifeless. In light of all of that, i consider, that your post IS flame. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Monday, November 1 2004 06:02
quote:Surely we are. Everyone have problems. My work is kind of "understand problem - solve it" for your information. Only God, Nature and deadmans didn't have them. You know why? Yes, you right: because they lifeless. In light of all of that, i consider, that your post IS flame. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3298
written Monday, November 1 2004 04:00
quote:Who said, that i have only demo version? I have a full one. And By the way, MAKING A NEW VERSION OF THE BOA APPLICATION WOULD _NOT_ BE ILLEGAL. Even in USA. Illegal will be spreading such application _and_ earning money for it. I'll not sell my Pocket PC version. May be I'll not even distribute it(or may be will. Anyway, it's illegal for you, and i think you will not use it as "law-abiding citizen". Am i right? :) . Of course i CAN use Jeffs engine. But shurely I'll not do that. His code not only "smells", it is as a matter of fact, "stinks". Well, no one have format specification. Bad. It will take more time create my own. Actually you all was useless for me, but anyway thanks for your time(that, as you americans, call political correctness. isn't it? LOL) Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Monday, November 1 2004 04:00
quote:Who said, that i have only demo version? I have a full one. And By the way, MAKING A NEW VERSION OF THE BOA APPLICATION WOULD _NOT_ BE ILLEGAL. Even in USA. Illegal will be spreading such application _and_ earning money for it. I'll not sell my Pocket PC version. May be I'll not even distribute it(or may be will. Anyway, it's illegal for you, and i think you will not use it as "law-abiding citizen". Am i right? :) . Of course i CAN use Jeffs engine. But shurely I'll not do that. His code not only "smells", it is as a matter of fact, "stinks". Well, no one have format specification. Bad. It will take more time create my own. Actually you all was useless for me, but anyway thanks for your time(that, as you americans, call political correctness. isn't it? LOL) Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3298
written Saturday, October 30 2004 02:49
I knew that my english is poor. But i did'n knew how much. So I'll try say one more time, what i said but in more basic style. 1.0 I'm serching for BoA Scenario File Format. I mean specification(*.txt, *.pdf, ie _document_). 1.1 I CAN get specification from source of BoA. (I can do it even without sourcecode, FYI)But as i said earlier it's REALY time consuming. I don't have enough of free time to do that. And my time is too valuable to do that all day. 1.2 But if there is no specification, I'll spend my time to make it. 2. Using that specification, I'll make my own BoA Editor for Windows. 3. Using that specification, i'll write my own program for Pocket PC, that will be like BoA game itself. I.e. "scenario executor". 3.1 I'LL NOT PORT BOAEditor to Pocket PC. Becouse it's meaningless. 4. I'm REALY DON'T CARE ABOUT COPYRIGHT BY ANY MEANS. PLEASE DON'T POST HERE YOURS THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS LAW. THERE IS ONLY ONE MAN, WHICH THOUGHTS ARE IMPORTANT TO ME, JEFF VOGEL,NAMELY. I'M ASKING OTHERS DO NOT BOTHER. Thank you for your time. Have you Blades of Avernum Scenario File Format Specification? Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Saturday, October 30 2004 02:49
I knew that my english is poor. But i did'n knew how much. So I'll try say one more time, what i said but in more basic style. 1.0 I'm serching for BoA Scenario File Format. I mean specification(*.txt, *.pdf, ie _document_). 1.1 I CAN get specification from source of BoA. (I can do it even without sourcecode, FYI)But as i said earlier it's REALY time consuming. I don't have enough of free time to do that. And my time is too valuable to do that all day. 1.2 But if there is no specification, I'll spend my time to make it. 2. Using that specification, I'll make my own BoA Editor for Windows. 3. Using that specification, i'll write my own program for Pocket PC, that will be like BoA game itself. I.e. "scenario executor". 3.1 I'LL NOT PORT BOAEditor to Pocket PC. Becouse it's meaningless. 4. I'm REALY DON'T CARE ABOUT COPYRIGHT BY ANY MEANS. PLEASE DON'T POST HERE YOURS THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS LAW. THERE IS ONLY ONE MAN, WHICH THOUGHTS ARE IMPORTANT TO ME, JEFF VOGEL,NAMELY. I'M ASKING OTHERS DO NOT BOTHER. Thank you for your time. Have you Blades of Avernum Scenario File Format Specification? Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3298
written Friday, October 29 2004 04:29
Not a whole trilogy(I have played in all Avernums 2-3 times. That enought for me :) ), but only Blades with their Free-to-use scenarios. And by the way, last thing what can stop me to port is copyright. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Friday, October 29 2004 04:29
Not a whole trilogy(I have played in all Avernums 2-3 times. That enought for me :) ), but only Blades with their Free-to-use scenarios. And by the way, last thing what can stop me to port is copyright. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 3298
written Friday, October 29 2004 00:48
I see there peoples skilled enough to make their own Editor. But have anyone(Jeff Vogel, I'm asking you too) subj? I tried to understand it by examining sourcecode. I decided that it'll take too many time(Jeff your source is complitly mess. I still wondering: how do you make your projects to work?) Anyway if i'll get file format, soon there will be another PC version of BoAE. And my be at next spring i'll start port Avernum to Pocket PC. BTW, what do you think about that? I hope you understanded me right. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario File Format in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Friday, October 29 2004 00:48
I see there peoples skilled enough to make their own Editor. But have anyone(Jeff Vogel, I'm asking you too) subj? I tried to understand it by examining sourcecode. I decided that it'll take too many time(Jeff your source is complitly mess. I still wondering: how do you make your projects to work?) Anyway if i'll get file format, soon there will be another PC version of BoAE. And my be at next spring i'll start port Avernum to Pocket PC. BTW, what do you think about that? I hope you understanded me right. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Scenario contest? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Wednesday, March 3 2004 04:10
What is contest for? Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Developer's Update in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Tuesday, March 2 2004 01:42
Hmmm, I successfully translated A1,A2 into Russian(partialy), and think that i'll translate BoA too. I eaven possibly may release translation patches(but not now - my computer isn't working, but i'll repair it soon). Why don't Jeff release versions for other languages? It can be easely done if he will make something like "Translation Studio"( for those, who can't do translation work by resource editor). So users will be able to make "language files", which can be posted in main spidweb's page. It is not hard work to make main BoA programm support multilanguage. Don't hurt me for bad English it's not my native language. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Developer's Update in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 3298
written Monday, March 1 2004 19:41
Will be other languages avialable in BoA(I mean in main program and scenaries)? Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
This could be useful, maybe in General | |
Member # 3298
written Saturday, August 16 2003 09:10
Hmm I think you don't understand me correctly. I DON'T use 'Arcane Teleport' while i'm playing(becouse it's not interesting to cheeting). I'm using it after game was fully ended, and there is some places, which unaccessible in game[ for example Abyss in A2] to investigate them. But anyway using hex editor is much more generic(and interesting) approach, than using *bugs*. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
This could be useful, maybe in General | |
Member # 3298
written Friday, August 15 2003 08:57
Or [as I] you can use a hex editor and instantly teleport to any place ![]() Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Blaster worm! in General | |
Member # 3298
written Thursday, August 14 2003 22:38
Or may be there is no brilliant programmers and reverse engeneers, what use mac? Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
Blaster worm! in General | |
Member # 3298
written Thursday, August 14 2003 08:31
"it attacks every 16th of the month." --- wrong. DDoS _begins_ if there is day =>16th of any month OR in 1th day of all months except SEPT, NOV, OCT, DEC. Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
microsoft XP OS in Tech Support | |
Member # 3298
written Sunday, August 3 2003 07:34
First of all : all music[and graph too] files IN main executable. And all of them *.wav. This means that it's VERY low chance that ALL music files corrupted. This means, that there is your computer configuration problem. Anyway on my WinXP Pro[ p2, 128 RAM, old sound, i740 video chipset] I've never ever have such problem. Last note: there is almost impossible to answer to your question until no one have access to sourcecode. Only Jeff have, but he not too often look for his messageboard . ------ From Russia - with love. Or may be you wish to fight? [ Sunday, August 03, 2003 07:41: Message edited by: +t ] Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |
microsoft XP OS in Tech Support | |
Member # 3298
written Saturday, August 2 2003 07:48
Throw away your WinXP 'home editition' and install Proffessional one. That will save lot of your 'psihealth'. And never buy anything with 'HOME' mark from MS. "be sure to check from the Settings that Sounds are enabled".--rofl [ Saturday, August 02, 2003 07:51: Message edited by: +t ] Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, August 1 2003 07:00 |