Cursed Halberd

Error message

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AuthorTopic: Cursed Halberd
Member # 5478
Profile #0
It seems I picked up a cursed Halberd in the Nephilim cave at the start of the game. It hits for a lot but seems to have terrible accuracy and I'd rather use swords. How can I get it un-cursed and un-equiped?
Posts: 1 | Registered: Saturday, February 5 2005 08:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #1
I think its possible to drop via the editor, but I'm not 100%. There might be a couple of shops that do that, IIRC, but its been a while since I played it.

I'll put a Spring in your step.
Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 303
Profile #2
By Johnno-'I think its possible to drop via the editor, but I'm not 100%. There might be a couple of shops that do that, IIRC, but its been a while since I played it.'

You are absolutely correct Johnny, tell him what he's won, Bob!
Just go to Caius in Formello and he'll help you out. He's a friend of mine, just mention my name. ;) :cool:

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Posts: 385 | Registered: Tuesday, November 20 2001 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #3
Any healer will remove cursed items, actually. Caius is among them (in E2).

—Alorael, who believes there is a healer in every major town in Exile and in many smaller ones. Pick the closest.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #4
Which game are you talking about? There is a cursed halbred in E3, is there not? Or is that the cursed greatsword in the slime cave?

I'll put a Spring in your step.
Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #5
There are cursed Halberds in every game. I assume it's Exile II as he mentions the fight with Nephilim at the beginning of the game.

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Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Member # 4614
Profile Homepage #6
If you're near the start, I'd recommend going to the healer in Silvar. Much cheaper than some of those other ones.

EDIT: Oh, wait, that's Exile 3 however.

[ Tuesday, September 27, 2005 16:24: Message edited by: WST ben ]

Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 6068
Profile #7
It really doesn't matter what game it's in as long as we yak on and on and on and on and on...

Yes, the only things healers are remotely good for is uncursing items (that you shouldn't have put on before knowing what it is anyway) and raising dead (only if you're one of those "all-natural" players who doesn't save or reload).

Remember, MagicPatrick, never put on unnaturally shiny-looking armor given to you by strangers. You don't know where it's been.

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They fly into my webs!
They are really yummy guys!"
Posts: 209 | Registered: Monday, July 4 2005 07:00
Member # 869
Profile Homepage #8
Originally written by Chief Spider watching The Simpsons:

Yes, the only things healers are remotely good for is uncursing items (that you shouldn't have put on before knowing what it is anyway) and raising dead (only if you're one of those "all-natural" players who doesn't save or reload).
Or if your enire party gets so dumbfounded that you can't cast Restore Mind.

Admittedly, that's happened to me precisely once in my Exile-playing history, and that was in BoE.

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