Rebel Without a Cause...

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AuthorTopic: Rebel Without a Cause...
Member # 7921
Profile #0
I chose to be an Infiltrator for my first foray into Geneforge 4. I tried (in vain) to keep myself "on the fence" throughout Chapter 1 so that I could be a double agent, but obviously I didn't do a very good job. I ended up with a strong Rebel reputation which cut me off from many quality rewards and quests for the Shapers. I didn't completely finish all of the areas in the South before heading into the North areas, futher complicating my attempts to talk to the Shapers instead of having to fight them. In fact I got frustrated at the diplomatic approach and toasted any Shaper who stood in my way except General Alwan and his party. I have now gone through all of the areas, and am currently at the point where I am stalling the big fight in the Inner Shaping Hall. I don't want to finish this chapter yet as I still have some little nagging details that I need help with:
1.) I would like to find the Sealed Catacombs so that I can nab the Purified Essence (to make the Cloak of the Shadows (no real reason to get it but I REALLY want it anyway!)
2.) I would like to explore some of the closed off areas that I can't get to. How do I (or can I) open the sealed doors in:
a. Frostwood
b. Quessa-Uss
c. locked room in the Breeding Pits
d. locked rooms in Matala's Workshop

Any hints or help is appreciated!

"Live long and Prosper"
Posts: 22 | Registered: Friday, January 19 2007 08:00
Member # 869
Profile Homepage #1
1.) I would like to find the Sealed Catacombs so that I can nab the Purified Essence (to make the Cloak of the Shadows (no real reason to get it but I REALLY want it anyway!)
You already used the other Purified Essence in the game to make the Impervious Cape? Not really the best strategic decision there, but oh well.

Anyway, the Sealed Catacombs is what's behind that big black door in Monarch's Realm. The key is in the southeast of Northforge Citadel, behind two pylons; the spore control to turn the pylons off is a long way away, in the southwest.

How do I (or can I) open the sealed doors in:
a. Frostwood
There's a lever hidden behind the pillar just to the north of that door.

b. Quessa-Uss
You can't open the doors to the big audience chamber in the middle. I don't think you can get in the room to the east of where you duel Salassar, either, but I could be wrong.

c. locked room in the Breeding Pits
There's a hidden lever on the north wall of that room.

d. locked rooms in Matala's Workshop
Kill the golem (easier said than done!) to get the key to some of them. There's a hidden lever behind a pillar to open the room in the southeast.

[ Friday, January 19, 2007 19:19: Message edited by: Cryptozoology ]

The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure!
Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
Profile #2
Edit - Beaten by Thuryl while writing.

Jeff really likes to hide levers.

1) The Sealed Catacombs requires the Black Key to unlock the door in Monarch's Realm. Go to Northforge Citadel in the southwest corner is a lever hidden behind a pillar. This opens the door to a power spire that controls the electrified field near the Geneforge. Behind the field in a blue jar is the key.

2a) Frostwood - the door is controlled by a hidden lever behind the nearby pillar

2b) Quessa-Uss has some rooms that can't be entered such as the one northeast of the dueling ground, the stairs to the upper level and the doors in the southeast corner that are on the map edge. The doors in the lab with the Unbound can only be accessed between seeing the drakons after learning what is in the lab and before the next meeting with the drakons.

2c) Then locked rooms in the northwest corner of the Breeding pit are opened by levers near them (the west one is partailly hidden by a power spire). The southeast room lever is along the north wall of the room Synergy's help for Breeding Pit .

2d) Matala's Workshop has a door that only unlocks after you defeat Matala. Within that area is another door whose lever is hidden by a pillar near it.

There is also a hidden room in the Boiling Mudpits that is opened by a lever behind a pillar in the northernmost passage near the electric fiedl.

[ Friday, January 19, 2007 19:28: Message edited by: Randomizer ]
Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00
Member # 7921
Profile #3
You guys are awesome! Thanks for the tips. I would not have been able to go as far in this adventure if I had not looked at all of the other postings. I was reluctant to start a new game as I had gone so far, but now think I made a tactical error in choosing an Infiltrator. If I start again, I may chose to go with another character only this time will be more careful when making allies. As I learned in all of the previous Geneforge games, the Shapers can be quite generous despite their sometimes cold indifference to servilles and shaped creatures.

Out of curiosity, which do you find more useful in battles: melee or missile? I have found that I often use Fire-based creatures to back me up while I load up on my melee strength and use the mightiest sword I can get my hands on. Early in the game, it doesn't seem to matter too much, but as my skill points add up, I find that with some battle spells (spines and haste in particular) and a few creatures, I have been quite successful with this tactic.
Posts: 22 | Registered: Friday, January 19 2007 08:00
Member # 869
Profile Homepage #4
The problem with missiles is that since there's no equivalent of Quick Action for them, and there are far more pieces of equipment that boost melee skills than missile skills, their damage kinda sucks and it's harder to hit reliably with them. This is somewhat ameliorated once you get a reaper baton. Investing in missile skills is still worthwhile, to improve your accuracy with crystals if nothing else.

The problem with melee, of course, is that you have to charge into the middle of battle to use it, which means that unless you're good at drawing enemies out one at a time, you're going to get surrounded by enemies and take huge amounts of damage.

[ Friday, January 19, 2007 19:52: Message edited by: Cryptozoology ]

The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure!
Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00
Member # 7921
Profile #5
So true... I have died many times over because I ran smack into the middle of a battle with a whack of enemies that seemed to come out of nowhere! Drawing them out one or two at a time works nicely. I take a big hit in damage, but then run to safety and exit the zone (to recharge in a friendly zone) and then return to pick off a few more.

I found that I discarded my venom and acid batons quite early, as they seemed to inflict only limited damage... at least not as much as the submission or reaper variety. I see that in many of the posted entries, a lot of people use spray crystals, which I like to use, too, because I don't use up my action points as quickly, plus I save my strength. Unfortunately, those crystals don't seem to do much against the stronger creations regardless of the level of missile points.
Posts: 22 | Registered: Friday, January 19 2007 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
Profile #6
You need some missle skills since there are several boss monsters that slow you in melee like Monarch. Also when you cross the Fens you want to destroy exploding creations at a distance and let their friends collect the collateral damage.

Icy crystals can work well on wingbolts when you only face a few, but otherwise they aren't much use by the time you hit Burwood. Stock up on torrent gems for Burwood.
Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00
Member # 7921
Profile #7
Again I thank you for the help! I have successfully opened up the doors in question. I am currently figuring out a way to defeat the Titan and his cronies. Quite a nice little challenge! I have shut off the power spires. Now I just have to whack smack and attack my way through. I guess I could just them all live, but where is the fun in that?
Posts: 22 | Registered: Friday, January 19 2007 08:00