A3 Trainer Released!
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Author | Topic: A3 Trainer Released! |
Member # 5033
written Tuesday, March 8 2005 22:13
Yet another trainer, created by Yours Truly. Note that the game does not properly recognize character stat modifications. For this reason, they have been removed from this trainer. Instead, take advantage of the 'Unlimited Skill Points' hack, so you can train your characters to their full potential. Enjoy! (P.S. - Roll your mouse over the title!) ![]() Download it here! [3/9/05] Also check out my Geneforge 2 Trainer! [ Tuesday, March 08, 2005 22:24: Message edited by: xixao ] Posts: 80 | Registered: Wednesday, September 29 2004 07:00 |
Member # 4592
written Wednesday, March 9 2005 22:58
Thanks Xixao! Another good reason the play these games again. -------------------- quote:Random Jack Vance Quote Manual Generator Apparatus (Cugel's Saga) Posts: 604 | Registered: Sunday, June 20 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5566
written Thursday, March 10 2005 08:49
before i download it i have a question will it work on mac ???? Posts: 507 | Registered: Tuesday, March 1 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5033
written Thursday, March 10 2005 10:19
I don't own, or intend to own, a Mac, so I honestly can't give you an answer to that question. The best thing to do is download it and see if it works. My best guess would be no. I'm unfamiliar with Mac programming, but I'm 99% certain it will not recognize the functions in my trainers. Sorry. If I could make one for you I would. - Xix - [ Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:20: Message edited by: xixao ] Posts: 80 | Registered: Wednesday, September 29 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5437
written Thursday, March 10 2005 13:05
No, this dose not work on a Mac. Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00 |
Member # 3349
written Thursday, March 10 2005 15:19
Another good job done Xiaxo. -------------------- And everybody say....Yatta! Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 5289
written Thursday, March 10 2005 20:04
Hi xixao, Mac users want your excellent utilities. Which OS you use? I would like to help you to port your utilities to Mac. Please mail me. My address is notosaurai AT yahoo DOT co DOT jp -------------------- Project: BoA Editor Remake on SourceForge.net supports "3D BoA Editor" (Mac and Win), and creates advanced BoA Editor. Posts: 107 | Registered: Tuesday, December 14 2004 08:00 |
Member # 4248
written Friday, March 11 2005 05:07
I don't understand the point of making a A3 trainer. The game, afterall, has its own editor, which can do pretty much those same things. -------------------- I have nothing more to do in this world, so I can go & pester the inhabitants of the next one with a pure concscience. Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5033
written Friday, March 11 2005 08:44
But mine's sexier ;) Posts: 80 | Registered: Wednesday, September 29 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5033
written Friday, March 11 2005 08:46
quote:That would be great. I have a GF2 trainer, too, that desperately needs conversion. If you're familiar with this process, I could really use you. Expect an e-mail later today. Posts: 80 | Registered: Wednesday, September 29 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5566
written Friday, March 11 2005 09:27
quote:yah * dies with happiness * quote:yay * dies with happiness again * EDIT AGAIN: what about this when will this be out ??? ![]() [ Friday, March 11, 2005 10:22: Message edited by: hawk king ] Posts: 507 | Registered: Tuesday, March 1 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5397
written Friday, March 11 2005 11:03
sum guy told me to ask about the gf3 trainer here... How do i use it iv done everything needed but it just stays the same!please help me before i go crazy with curiosity! :confused: Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, January 14 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5566
written Friday, March 11 2005 12:16
quote:that some guy would be me and you'll have to wait till xixao answers because i only use mac so i don't know but it might be a glitch try re downloading it other than that i do not know sorry :( [ Friday, March 11, 2005 12:19: Message edited by: hawk king ] Posts: 507 | Registered: Tuesday, March 1 2005 08:00 |
Member # 3349
written Friday, March 11 2005 12:31
I just have one question Xixao- Why are you asking for money inside the trainer? I mean, no one's forcing you to make them. I'm just kind of wondering... -------------------- And everybody say....Yatta! Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 5566
written Friday, March 11 2005 13:21
quote:he asks for money i wonder if anyone has given any i mean there nothing wrong about asking if he where to say you have to give me money to use my stuff now that'd be different quote: ![]() take a good look at that image and you'll see (1) unlimited exp. (2) unlimited gold (3) god mode (4) unlimited skill points and (5) you daunt have to leave the game to use it [ Friday, March 11, 2005 13:29: Message edited by: hawk king ] Posts: 507 | Registered: Tuesday, March 1 2005 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Friday, March 11 2005 14:34
quote:Since GF3 hasn't been released yet, you probably mean GF2 or Avernum 3. Or are you a cheating beta tester...? —Alorael, who otherwise has nothing to add. Yes, this post probably could have been more useful. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Member # 5033
written Friday, March 11 2005 15:27
Wow. Lots of questions. Lol. Let's see... Hawk King: "what about this when will this be out ???" - The trainer you see in that pic was an incomplete version I started working on for BoA. Unfortunately, not long after posting the screenshot, my hard drive failed and I lost all the work I had done on it. I'll begin a new one this weekend, and hope to have it available to you by mid-next week. "that some guy would be me and you'll have to wait till xixao answers because i only use mac so i don't know but it might be a glitch try re downloading it other than that i do not know sorry" - Now that we have found someone familiar with Mac conversion, you will have your trainers soon, provided he has the time to devote to the project. The One Who Would Be Toenail: "Why are you asking for money inside the trainer? I mean, no one's forcing you to make them. I'm just kind of wondering..." - The exact comment is: 'If you like my trainers, please consider making a donation. These hacks take a long time to construct, and I am generous enough to offer them for free.' You'll find pretty much the same message on any free item you receive. I don't require any money. My programs always were and always will be FREE. Countless people have been generous enough with their time to teach me what I know, and it's only fair that I return the favor by offering my programs for free to others. Some of my teachers I have given money to, others I haven't. My donations were given as a token of appreciation for their hard work. If anyone feels the need to donate out of appreciation, this message is for them. For everyone else, enjoy this FREE program :) Guilt by Transitive Property: "Since GF3 hasn't been released yet, you probably mean GF2 or Avernum 3. Or are you a cheating beta tester...?" - No. Not a beta tester, and no GF3 trainer in the works yet. I think he must have been referring to the GF2 trainer, which I released in the Geneforge 2 section of the forums. When GF3 is released, you can be sure I'll be all over it, putting together another trainer like the ones you find here. I think that's everything. If I missed anyone, sorry. I'll continue to monitor this thread in case anyone needs anything else answered. Take care and happy gaming, - Xix - Posts: 80 | Registered: Wednesday, September 29 2004 07:00 |
Member # 3349
written Friday, March 11 2005 16:28
Okay. I was just wondering. I guess you have a point Hawk King.... -------------------- And everybody say....Yatta! Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 5566
written Friday, March 11 2005 16:33
quote:umm what exactly would that include ??? quote:if you look down you will see i have all the time in the world I'm not sure if i'd be much help though all i know came from my dad he a graphics designer for Cleveland metroparks so i know a bit i would of course be happy to help ![]() [ Friday, March 11, 2005 17:18: Message edited by: hawk king ] Posts: 507 | Registered: Tuesday, March 1 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5590
written Saturday, March 12 2005 14:05
sorry i changed my email on my hawk king account and i couldn't get back in had to make a new one whaaaaaa :( and i was almost a journeyman i feel very sad quote:now I'm the one who said all of this [ Saturday, March 12, 2005 14:10: Message edited by: king of hawks ] -------------------- i am hawk king copyright copyright copyright haha Posts: 29 | Registered: Saturday, March 12 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5033
written Saturday, March 12 2005 14:25
quote:I'm not sure what it would include. I was hoping you could tell me that. I don't know anything about Mac programming, so any details on the program's conversion would have to be given to me. You said you learned everything from your dad. Is that just graphics design? It will take some programming knowledge, I'm sure, to construct a Mac version of the trainers. Does anyone know if programs exist to automate the process? Posts: 80 | Registered: Wednesday, September 29 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5590
written Saturday, March 12 2005 15:48
quote:no not graphics design i have absulutly no interest in graphics design i am learning at a very slow slow slow progress how to program but as i said before i'd be happy to help send me an email at ( h a w k k i n g at myway dot com ) ( spaces used to thwart spanners at used in replacement of @ dot in replacement of . ) -------------------- i am hawk king copyright copyright copyright haha Posts: 29 | Registered: Saturday, March 12 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5033
written Saturday, March 12 2005 19:41
E-mail sent :) Posts: 80 | Registered: Wednesday, September 29 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5590
written Saturday, March 12 2005 19:50
quote:i am currently thinking about that maybe ill ask Notus in fact ill ask him now Notus what would we need ???? i am currently experimenting with things like this in fact iv just had an idea give me the codes you used and ill do an experiment :D [ Saturday, March 12, 2005 19:57: Message edited by: king of hawks ] -------------------- i am hawk king copyright copyright copyright haha Posts: 29 | Registered: Saturday, March 12 2005 08:00 |
Member # 5033
written Sunday, March 13 2005 09:23
[Post removed by author] [ Sunday, March 13, 2005 11:47: Message edited by: xixao ] Posts: 80 | Registered: Wednesday, September 29 2004 07:00 |
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