Infernal Fameing Muffin

Error message

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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
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  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/
AuthorTopic: Infernal Fameing Muffin
Member # 8316
Profile #0
Avernum 1 was dissapointing!
Posts: 15 | Registered: Thursday, March 15 2007 07:00
Member # 1934
Profile Homepage #1
In before the lock!

Seriously, this should be a PM. And don't flame people. [/modding]

You acquire an item: Radio Free Foil
Posts: 1169 | Registered: Monday, September 23 2002 07:00
Member # 8316
Profile #2
Im new so what does that mean! :mad:
Posts: 15 | Registered: Thursday, March 15 2007 07:00
Member # 6600
Profile Homepage #3
From the FAQ linked at the top of the page:

What are private messages?

The administrators of this message board may permit members to send private messages to each other. A private message is not email. Private messages are one-to-one communications that can only be read by the recipient. You can read private messages in your profile section. You can also elect to be notified by email whenever someone sends you a private message (you can set this in your profile). You can also prevent anyone from sending you a private message (also configurable in your profile). Only registered members may send private messages. This option can be disabled by the board administrators.

To send someone a private message, look for the private message icon on a post a person creates. You can send a private message through the person's member profile, or from your Buddy List, if you have added the person to your Buddy List.
Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00
Member # 8316
Profile #4
Yes but HOW IM NEW :confused:
Posts: 15 | Registered: Thursday, March 15 2007 07:00
Member # 7472
Profile Homepage #5
To send someone a private message, look for the private message icon on a post a person creates. You can send a private message through the person's member profile, or from your Buddy List, if you have added the person to your Buddy List.
And saying one of Jeff's games was disappointing just as he logged on probably wasn't such a wise move either.

EDIT: Dang it! Everything's moving too fast!

[ Sunday, March 25, 2007 16:23: Message edited by: Nioca ]

I tried to think of something witty to put here.

Needless to say, I failed.
Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #6
Eh, criticizing Jeff's games is fine, as long as it's within reason. I've openly been critical of A4, and I mod the A4 boards.

I am intrigued at the fact that Iffy is now "fameing," which I can only assume means that he has put out the fire and is now famous instead.

Oh, if only I were a General mod so that I could lock this.

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 8316
Profile #7
Thanks Kelandon
Posts: 15 | Registered: Thursday, March 15 2007 07:00
Member # 6600
Profile Homepage #8
Originally by Narmoth Spear:

Yes but HOW IM NEW :confused:
Well, first you have to enable it for yourself. Go to my profile -> update view profile -> find the question that says "enable private messaging" and choose yes.

Then find one of IFM's posts and click on the message button (assuming he has it turned on as well) at the top of his post. From there, it's just like creating a new topic, only it will be in your profile instead of on the main board.


Edit: Forgot quote.

[ Sunday, March 25, 2007 16:44: Message edited by: Dikiyoba ]
Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00