chiptruth: kudos for game informer raves
Author | Topic: chiptruth: kudos for game informer raves |
Member # 5723
written Sunday, December 18 2005 14:09
yeah, i WAS suprised to be reading about EXILE on teh ****ing toilet. whoa,. but there was jeff vogel's name in a glossyclassy uplevel gamer 'zine. i focused and well, basically jeff could nopt have been more glowingly priased. and it makes sense. the Might and Magic architecture set a standard, and Jeff Basically took it to the next level while keeping the, uh, magic. and there it was..all over the world. our times... meanwhile: my sig says 'electronic news gathering because it is what we do -- and also because saying 'entertainment now gaming' which we also do would would be a statement of open competition -- which is the foolishness of false synegristic business oing within capitalism./ stpenen covey iis a rich liar -- and whe capitalists who follow his directions say win / win -- they still are curshing SOMEONE and shoving it in a blind spot. synergy means you are NOT competing -- you are simply great and everyone benefits except those starters who are stuidlyy determined to self destruct. what they do is picking who will be aloser and calling it synergistic officeing. true synergy means youare NOT competing with anyone except yourself -- top produce a better product. this separates product champions like steady handed jeff from geek glommers like nolan bushnell, famed and respected inventor of planned obsolescence. chiptruth eng has imply developed a marketing process that 100% eliminates planned obsolescnnece, by acknowledging it and designing systems on a modular level -- to work WITH others and what is coming later -- TRUE design synergy a la bucky fuller coiner of the ****ing TERM -- and so the heartache of the DreamCast (for example) is avoided -- or the useless ness of my segachannel adapter now. that is theplanned obsolescenec that produces boring trite repetitive games -- and jeff avoids that by basically being simple AND compex at teh same time. synergy works, buthe fake sybnergy of those who are greedily ouut to crush SOMEONE -- wel, greed isn't actually good...but that whole generation missed oliver stone's basic point. leaving millions of gordon gekkoes all trying to strangle each other -- and a couple of major game producers putting out uninnovative crap. and we know it. they are lost in those ercetual ordergrids, and the rest of us who slowly innovate are glad. they won't change, and more to the point THEY WON'T GET ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD. so when the peopel who are hungry for cerebral gaming entertainment hat dares go beyond the simple domain of geek -- they will have it. then fo course, sega will suicide itself getting oversopecialised -- the bane of creativity and why even though they had streamlied tech, their library got STALE. synergy never gets stale cause there is always someone who wants to help with a new idea....antisynergy breeds scrooge brains seeking the lwoest common denominator -- stupid peopel who just can't get it throyugh their thick skulls that capitalsim should come second to quality. thsoe are their ignorant value judgmenstnst...and they know that. chiptruth is a TERM that will stand the tenst of time in teh 21st century 0-- as half of it is the half that sneaks up on you and what peopel are desperate for in electronic news gathering. and no, it;s not he chip part. that's teh unavpoidable aspect of this tme when the newspaper and ryupert murdoch type mentality are becoming extinct out of once again, a refusal, unimaginably absurd, to innovate. they can proudly and classically toople, though, and be put out to pasture. new things will happen and they will humbug themselve sout of business a sthe new -- and synergistic, puts them out to pasture while eccknonhg and saying ;ehy, come share?' and they, paranoid with greed, say 'no!' like spoiled ch9l;dren..and gradually age into planned obsolescenc.e which is a nice buit of logic for the money. LOGIC FOR THE MONEY. the chiptruth machine is really just my macintosh, stripped down and customised. ricochet rita is a hotrod, and as i further innovate i go beyond theory. the final copy -- i.e. the fiorst one out of he shop -- will have a tiny peice of ricopchet rita i-- the original mac that jeff goldblum sold me for way mroe than it is worth -- bu tit will be dedicated for peopel who want to have something they can electronic news gather with and walk away with a backpack to go home and listen to media. and play games that i also sold them that aere simple and engaging rather than addictive. engaging rather than addictive. i can sell crack on the street (joked a professional) i won';t be selling crack because the clean fun that peopel get out of playing compelling games when they take breaks from doing ENG is well, more rewarding -- and in the log term, reliable as dusty termnals of nintendo sets indicate, peopel KICK habits. but what is compelling peopel go back to because they want to -- not out of a programmed obsession. aqnd that is the magic of GREEN GUARDIAN and MOLECULE MAN and a bunch of other games that to teh superficail observer and at least one revieer l;ook like the ZORK aarchitecture. (they are. well...Zork Plus.) but I was in school staring at moncrhrom when zork came out and was the ebst. i am way slicker now and so are my teemates... it is taking time and we have no venture capital so we are forced to do things this way. but ut works and it is more fun than uh, selling your soul. and also you have stuff to make games with (meaning soulful insopiration that makes games compelling for all rather than addictive for geeks.) but you know to be fair, i have problems opening up to the unconditional love of others. or something. chip -------------------- you don't have to be a sucker to suck. chiptruth ENG: electronic news gathering equipment Posts: 6 | Registered: Monday, April 18 2005 07:00 |
Member # 5723
written Sunday, December 18 2005 14:10
also: ice cream makes mac hines work better.especially computers. spoon it right in. a message from don't believe EVERY SINGLE THING YOU READ productions and -------------------- you don't have to be a sucker to suck. chiptruth ENG: electronic news gathering equipment Posts: 6 | Registered: Monday, April 18 2005 07:00 |
By Committee
Member # 4233
written Sunday, December 18 2005 14:11
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5450
written Sunday, December 18 2005 14:13
Another reason to help TM build the time machine (see 'Billion Dolar' topic). EDIT: I gather that you are advertising something. Don't. It was painful to read. [ Sunday, December 18, 2005 14:15: Message edited by: Spring ] -------------------- I'll put a Spring in your step. :ph34r: Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, December 18 2005 14:22
Meet Dubya's speech writer. Edit: The "rave" in the title. It is ironic. [ Sunday, December 18, 2005 14:22: Message edited by: An array cat ] -------------------- Encyclopaedia Ermariana • Forum Archives • Forum Statistics • RSS [Topic / Forum] My Blog • Polaris • I eat novels for breakfast. Polaris is dead, long live Polaris. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
written Sunday, December 18 2005 15:06
Agh!!! It burns my eyes! Quick, somebody kill it! -------------------- Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice. I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion. Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00 |
Member # 869
written Sunday, December 18 2005 15:33
I don't know quite what this is, but I'm pretty sure it's unsolicited advertising, which isn't allowed here. ![]() -------------------- The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure! Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |