Profile for Locmaar
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Displayed name | Locmaar |
Member number | 6934 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 183 |
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Registered | Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
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Member # 6934
written Monday, December 17 2007 06:03
quote:We mustn't forget, as splendid as your logic sounds, that we can't compare marriages in order to find discrimination, since it isn't marriage that's being discriminated. The individuals who are getting married (or not) are the ones who are being discriminated on feeble grounds. Stillness has stated that he thinks 'practicing homosexuality is bad'. He never answered why. Instead he took it from there trying to prove his point. At first he was eager about proper definitions of words (pumpkin pie vs. sweet potatoe pie) and when that didn't work he refused to respond to other people's comments on that. Then he was shifting goal-posts again, talking marriage and people as if it were the same thing until most people who were willing to argue with him couldn't see through all the smoke he created. It boils down to this: Sex (as in gender) is nothing people decide on, it merits (warrats) no reward. Withholding certain legal (not biological) benefits from people on these grounds is discrimination (and, yes: sexual discrimination is not like racial discrimination, because it isn't racial discrimination. In every other aspect it is just like racial discrimination.) If somebody, e.g. a homophobe Jehova's Witness tries to prove to you that homosexuality is bad without daring to say so from the start, beating around the bush in which he hides his core thesis, it might not be a very good idea to keep debating, after you discovered what he's really after, as if he weren't a homophobe loony. edit: quite a few typos. I hope I squashed them. [ Monday, December 17, 2007 06:07: Message edited by: Locmaar ] -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
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Member # 6934
written Sunday, December 16 2007 22:15
We'll be enjoying time with relatives from different parts of Europe, not having to work for two weeks, not having to get up at six in the morning, seeing friends, splendid meals, and preparation for a New Year's Eve party. I'm really looking forward to all of this. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
The War on Christmas in General | |
Member # 6934
written Sunday, December 16 2007 04:35
quote:There is a lot of hear-say in what you're claiming. Do you actually believe that any opinion is as relevant as others, just because somebody is able to utter it? Or do you acknowledge at all that research, delving into a matter, reading a variety of sources - in short: studying something - possibly grants a more profound basis for an argument than something along the lines: "I've heard that a couple of poor fat people believe the moon is made from blue cheese, whereas I've also heard a couple of rich lean people said it's red cheese. It must be red then." What really troubles me is that you are reffering to the basics of nutrition as some "remote pieces of biology". Judging from your profile you are just a few weeks short of becoming 19 years old. How remote can biology be for you then? I wonder how your interest in astrophysics came to be, if you despise the basics of science so much. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Sunday, December 16 2007 02:06
quote:This is a rather dim view on Italy's political system. It's not a coalition system, but a system where parties have to form alliacnes, because any parties will hardly ever get the absolute majority of the people's votes. Since you need a majority for successful legislation, parties form coalitions. Since their views often are incompatible, the break apart rather quickly. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Sunday, December 16 2007 01:59
quote:I have come to realize the hard way that having more parties (5-7) doesn't help a lot. It's not a lack of ideas either. It's a problem of getting your ideas through to the people against a mighty, global marketing machine. If politics is about nothing else but ecconomics, it won't help people who can't participate. But if you try and point that out, you are being laughed at or called a communist. Among other things, that's what strangles politics. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Sunday, December 16 2007 01:43
quote:Which is because there is no Left to speak of, but a lot of factions who claim content-leadership over liberalism, just like Clinton has. Just another interesting note from 'over here': the party who dub themselves 'liberals' are what you would call neo-cons. They took over the meaning of the word liberal to non-interference with the free market. Edit: having read your last post now, after I have written mine, leads me to believe I shouldn't have bothered in the first place. I'm sorry. Thanks for your valuable time and thank you very much for sharing your vast and rich experience with welfare, the universe and everything else. Thank you, thank you. [ Sunday, December 16, 2007 01:50: Message edited by: Locmaar ] -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Saturday, December 15 2007 06:54
quote:You... you mean it's... it's (shudder)... alive? It's living proof that most problems we are facing in the world today stem from lack of proper education (being able to learn by yourself, critical thinking, getting yourself interested in complex matters and dealing with them, heck, even reading). -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
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Member # 6934
written Saturday, December 15 2007 03:09
I do seem to remember, though, that this information is provided in the manual. But I am not entirely certain. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Saturday, December 15 2007 00:31
quote:So this is why you keep bringing this polygamous thing up. Which father-in-law? quote:Is your uncle fine with being called your wife? Were you locked up? Who legalized your trinity? I feel that you shouldn't be locked up if your 'wives' are consenting adults. Then again, my opinion doesn't count much around your neck of the woods. [ Saturday, December 15, 2007 03:06: Message edited by: Locmaar ] -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Friday, December 14 2007 07:48
quote:You are, I have, you didn't, I'm tired. And I feel discriminated. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Thursday, December 13 2007 20:51
quote::D @ Synergy: Yes, well. But we other people had some sort of discourse, too. And maybe it's about leeting people like Stillness know that their propaganda doesn't grow well in certain places. Keeping up the resistance is important (holding fist to his head). [ Thursday, December 13, 2007 20:58: Message edited by: Locmaar ] -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Thursday, December 13 2007 14:49
quote: quote: quote:Could you possibly explain to me what exactly you mean by 'nonsense'? Or is it - by your own standards - enough to just declare something as nonsense in order not to deal with it? quote:Why? This might shed some light on what you've been saying. [ Thursday, December 13, 2007 14:53: Message edited by: Locmaar ] -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Wednesday, December 12 2007 22:34
quote:Ah, but there's the problem: The confusion is manmade. Stillness wants to misunderstand, since he can then continue to argue from his semantic ivory tower, where no external noises can penetrate his musings. Were he interested in finding out what we are talking about, he would actually comment on the things he's avoiding instead of quoting excerpts and puzzling them together in order to tailor them to his replies. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Wednesday, December 12 2007 22:19
quote:It is what you're doing. You still are. (hence your forum name? I wonder.) Taking words out of context and then receding to a different meaning the combination of letters might carry is precisely what you're doing all the time. Out of curiosity: when you said you'll reciprocate, which meaning of the word did you have in mind? 1. To give or take mutually; interchange. or 2. To move back and forth alternately. Depends on what you had for breakfast, doesn't it? Edit: I forgot. In the handicapped parking dilemma, we need to realize the following premise: The notion is that there are certain things handicapped people have a harder time at, which are considered a vital part of everyday life in society. Aiding them to be able to participate in everyday life is a way of countering this handicap. It is not rewarding them for being different. When my daughter wants to challenge me to a hundred yard dash, it's not discriminating to give her a head start or to run at something far below top speed. She's seven. It's evening the odds. Calling this discrimination is semantically challenged lingo-babble. [ Wednesday, December 12, 2007 22:29: Message edited by: Locmaar ] -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Wednesday, December 12 2007 11:40
Stillness, your tiresome quoting out of context, turning and twisting other people's thoughts around, and then claiming that everybody agreed on your discourse is really annoying. If you would just spend a minute's thought over what other people say, much of this endless strand of trying to prove what a bright guy you are could be avoided. Since you've already heard of semantics, allow me to point out that there are two different meanings of the word discrimination. One is to do with being able to differentiate between things, e.g. pumpkin pie and sweet potatoe pie. This is however not the meaning we are talking about. This is the one that's good (being able to do that is infact good). But semantically as well as pragmatically it has to be treated as a different word, because it means something entirely different. I repeat: this is not the meaning we are talking about. To clarify this once more ( I feel I have to do this, lest we suddenly all have agreed that you were right all along): 1. Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice. 2. The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment. Our discussion is about 1. The second one is not what we are talking about. I assume that we can differentiate between males and females (at least I hope so), so I conclude that we can tell same-sex from different-sex marriages. That's meaning 2 right there, pumpkin. If you don't understand any of this, look it up in a dictionary or a thesaurus (that's by the way not Adam and Eve's steed on which they rode out of Eden). -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
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Member # 6934
written Wednesday, December 12 2007 03:20
quote:I suggest reading 'The Greater Common Good' to illustrate this point. Indeed, the greater good is usually defined by someone and often does not withstand closer scrutiny. I am convinced that discrimination is always wrong, yet it happens. Justification is hard and always wispy. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
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Member # 6934
written Tuesday, December 11 2007 22:47
quote:Take something :P These parking spots have been around for more than 8 years now. But I guess not too many people care about what's happening in Ye Olde Europe much. As far as the study is concerned, it doesn't seem to discern between motivating factors for marriage in the first place. How could it? But there is a difference. Say you got married after high school to your then sweetheart. A couple of children and experiences later both of you begin to realize that, knowing then what you know now, you probably wouldn't have bonded, because when you think about it, you don't really like one another a lot. I'm not convinced that this is a good environment for children to grow up in, just because their parents are married. While statistics can be a good first indicator that something is amiss/wrong you will have to look at a lot of case studies to really get to the core of this. And then again: since there cannot be a significant number of same-sex marriages to be studies in the first place, we can't really conclude anything significant regarding the (now) topic of this conversation. Dikiyoba: Well said! Where is the love, dudes? -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
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Member # 6934
written Tuesday, December 11 2007 09:09
Sounds plenty accurate to me. Well done. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Tuesday, December 11 2007 08:45
quote:It has. It's not. Handicapped parking spots aren't bad. They're supposedly to make up for the handicap, sort of balancing certain factors properly in order not to discriminate. You liking sweet potatoe pie better than pumpkin pie is not only bad but evil. Some could consider it taste, be it bad or good. Finding discrimination even in your taste buds and everywhere else is feeble and certainly on the verge of paranoia. It's not the sense of the word we are talking about anyway. It's a case of making up definitions to prove your point, something you've done before. You aren't willing to talk about how same-sex marriage is discrimination, because you have already decided that it can't be. I can only guess why, but it would seem to be a clear case. Your choice anyway. Society is not homogeneous? That's right. And good. But beside the point. [ Tuesday, December 11, 2007 13:54: Message edited by: Locmaar ] -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Tuesday, December 11 2007 06:15
quote:I don't know how you reached this kind of summary, but it's really nothing more than plain rhetoric. Discrimination is bad. Period. All that's been said is that there might be circumstances where it can become neccessary to discriminate against someone for the better of a vast majority. Nevertheless, it remains bad. In a multiple-person grouping situation we would still have to ensure consenting partners. Other than that, you're absolutely right. It's discriminating and that's bad. However, same-sex marriage would be a good first step in order to tackle the latter problem. In a secular state this absolutely cannot be a religious issue, at least not outside your personal church or place of worship or choose-your-poison. quote:As before, you keep reciting and repeating only what you've been saying all along. It's an inconclusive string of claims, and by no means a summary of the argument, let alone sensible. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Monday, December 10 2007 13:01
quote:And if they do reproduce they might be facing genetic degradation in their offspring(s). Mind you, we should be very careful in talking about incestuous marriage if we are to establish that marriage should be a bond between consenting adults. edit: Two or more consenting adults. [ Monday, December 10, 2007 13:03: Message edited by: Locmaar ] -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Monday, December 10 2007 12:26
quote:There's been many a time when you've stated your belief(s) as something universal enough to be discarded by others. Over here is Germany and it's not for sale just yet. quote: quote:So what? Apart from now knowing what the majority wants and - again - discarding everything anyone's been saying: SO WHAT??! Never you mind 'so what'. You just get yourself a fancy job on a football ground, shifting them posts. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Monday, December 10 2007 11:06
quote:And what might that be? quote:Wrong, actually. Infact, I know (careful: pun!) a couple of couples who got married for exactly this reason: legal privileges (taxes, to be more precise). It's quite common over here, to tell you the truth. quote:Oh, but it's the government executing on society's concerns and views. These concerns and views, by the way, are merely smoke and mirrors we should be cutting through. What you are infact talking about is discrimination. And I ain't sure I want to purchase any of your bridges. Too many of them collapse before I can see them. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
Omaha Mall Shooting in General | |
Member # 6934
written Monday, December 10 2007 09:37
quote:Personally, I don't think it's a very good idea to make this a law - I was making a point. I am actually pretty serious about the blood-transfusion. -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |
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Member # 6934
written Monday, December 10 2007 08:44
quote:Like people don't have to subscribe to a blood transfusion after a car accident (no seat-belt), if their parents say so? -------------------- Always be true to yourself - unless you suck Posts: 183 | Registered: Sunday, March 19 2006 08:00 |