Eliza's quest
Author | Topic: Eliza's quest |
Member # 7724
written Friday, December 1 2006 12:41
How do you survive Eliza's quest? (Eliza is the Easternmost shaper controlling the creations in the barrier lands (ch. 2) When I fix her power source, the electric field comes up and I can't escape. How do I get the western door open? SHould I try to destroy what I just fixed? Thanks! Posts: 2 | Registered: Friday, December 1 2006 08:00 |
Member # 5672
written Friday, December 1 2006 12:58
Just stick around for a bit and try to avoid being killed by pylons (if I remember correctly, you are warned if a nearby pylon is charging up). After a while the energy will stabilize and the field holding you mention will disappear. Posts: 48 | Registered: Tuesday, April 5 2005 07:00 |
Member # 1668
written Friday, December 1 2006 13:17
Not that far along in the game, but anyone else out there recognize the origin of Eliza and Shaftoe? wiki -------------------- "Mongo only pawn in game of life" -- Mongo Posts: 75 | Registered: Monday, August 5 2002 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Friday, December 1 2006 14:04
And Moseh, too. I noticed Moseh was an unusual name, but I didn't think Jeff was referencing Stephenson until I found the other two as well. —Alorael, who thinks Eliza and Moseh work fine as funny fantasy names. Shaftoe stands out like a sore digit. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Member # 7264
written Friday, December 1 2006 19:37
Depending on how many creations you have, and I had only 2, after the first power source to the left goes off to the north, just hustle over there and stand behind it close to the corner. Just make sure to hug the wall. I found all the others went off and I remained safe. But how do you get that western door to open? Posts: 1 | Registered: Wednesday, June 28 2006 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Friday, December 1 2006 20:06
The western door opens only after you have killed Eliza. The pylons fire off randomly. They say "Ssss" over the top before they fire off. I hunker down in the lower right corner and only move if the pylon I am by starts going "Ssss." I think they fire off six times before finishing and letting you out of there. -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
written Friday, December 1 2006 20:14
Eliza is the hardest to kill. At least, I think so. -------------------- If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish. Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish. Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
written Friday, December 1 2006 20:51
It depends what you are using and when you do it. Eliza is easier to kill just after you finish her 2 quests, but then the other two go hostile. Eliza's health seem to be higher after repairing or killing Moseh. I guess he wasn't a distraction anymore. With lots of creations as a lifecrafter it's easier to keep attacking her and destroy her summoned creations. With Shaftoe you go after the servant minds while he does nothing and then you only have to concentrate on killing him and staying alive. [ Friday, December 01, 2006 22:03: Message edited by: Randomizer ] Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00 |
Member # 3040
written Friday, December 1 2006 21:02
Shaftoe took me the longest to find the right strategy. I went through a lot of frustration on that fight — eventually hasted battle alphas with spines did the trick (his own melee attacks helped finish him off), along with two cryoas from a distance. I went through lots of save/reloads to figure that one out. The alphas served to distract him and his golem servant, which allowed my lifecrafter to keep out of sight and the cryoas to attack unmolested. I basically had to kill him quickly enough to avoid the huge essence blast attack. I wasn't even worrying about the servant minds there — when trying to kill him quickly enough to avoid the essence blast, there weren't really too many creations to avoid. Eliza was pretty straightforward; I think I used the same alphas + cryoas combo. She just took a little longer to die, as I recall. -------------------- Posts: 508 | Registered: Thursday, May 29 2003 07:00 |
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
written Friday, December 1 2006 22:19
Eliza, all of the times I have killed her, was like chopping down the mightiest tree in the forrest with a herring. You can SPANK Shaftoe with spines and lots of acid / applied damage. Eliza, no matter what you do, she seems to take forever, and can dish out a LOT of hurt while you wittle her down. I don't know if she is hard... But she is tedious. -------------------- If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish. Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish. Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00 |
Member # 6292
written Saturday, December 2 2006 01:25
With Lifecrafters, it is long and tricky work usually. With a buffed Servile or Infiltrator Sluggo, I find both of them relatively easy and quick to dispatch, even on Torment. And Spine Shield is indispensible with Shaftoe in particular. Of course, it helps to turn off Eliza's four power pylons. Two of them take 14 Mechanics to deactivate. -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
written Saturday, December 2 2006 15:42
Shaftoe can be attacked at a distance especially with poison or acid attacks. The problem with going into melee with him is remembering to runaway before his essence attack fries you. For Eliza only one of the pylons is difficulty 14. They range from 10 to 14 and you can avoid the highest one. Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00 |