nifty features: delete saves, annotate journal, key bindings

Error message

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AuthorTopic: nifty features: delete saves, annotate journal, key bindings
Member # 5796
Profile #0
a few features I'd like to see in Geneforge 3 or beyond:

1/ delete saved games:
I like to 'clean house' from time to time, so it would be nice to be able to do this from an 'in-game' ui, rather than deleting the save folders using Finder. The game could even move the folders to the trash folder ~/.Trash (for macs) in case I make a mistake!

2/ annotate journal:
for some quests in G3, I've picked up some clues on places to go to solve a particular quest, but they aren't recorded in the journal. currently, I run 'Stickies' at the same time as G3 and write my notes in there, but it would be nice to be able to mark notes in the quest journal.

3/ key bindings:
on my powerbook, in order to use 'quicksave' I have to press fn+f3, f3 alone just mutes my sound. I'd like to be able to remap that function to cmd+q or something. at the least, I think there should be a keymap.ini file or something, that I can edit by hand to remap my keys! (then later, an in-game UI would be handy).
Posts: 7 | Registered: Monday, May 9 2005 07:00