Which difficulty level do you play at?

Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
AuthorTopic: Which difficulty level do you play at?
Member # 5701
Profile #0
Me = normal difficulty all the time

Anyone out there ratchet down the settings when coming across a particularly difficult zone?
Posts: 64 | Registered: Tuesday, April 12 2005 07:00
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
Profile #1
This should maybe be a poll. I play at Torment all the time. I'm not sure why, since it really only makes a difference for a few tough fights, and on them I end up save-loading enough that all claim to machismo must be lost.

Oh, yeah: it's because I'm so cool. :cool: That's why! :rolleyes:

We're not doing cool. We're doing pretty.
Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00
Member # 5437
Profile #2
Torment, it makes it somewhat more challenging.
Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00
Member # 5567
Profile Homepage #3
First time, Easy or Normal, after Torment.

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apprentice :*little voice* "Sorry..."
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Posts: 576 | Registered: Wednesday, March 2 2005 08:00