Exile II: Crystal Souls, the story
Author | Topic: Exile II: Crystal Souls, the story |
Shock Trooper
Member # 258
written Wednesday, February 2 2005 06:49
Exile is a state of being. An Exile is a person who has been expelled from his or her country. To exile someone is to declare that person as undesirable, a person who must leave and can never return. Exile is also a place. It is an enormous network of tunnels and caverns far below the surface world. For years, the Empire, undisputed master of the surface world, has used these caverns as the dumping ground for the unwanted. Men and women, skilled and unskilled, elderly and young children alike, were sent through a one-way teleporter into the caverns below. There, they survived, endured, and formed a society. They waited, and bided their time. They desired to return to the surface. They desired revenge. And they struck back. The Empire made the mistake of sending into Exile several powerful mages who had become too inconvenient to keep around safely. They were a great help in building the nation under the world, and waited for the chance for vengeance. Then, they had their chance. The strongest of them all, Erika, managed to teleport a group of adventurers to the surface, where they assassinated Hawthorne, the powerful and brilliant King of the Empire. The others used their skills to help the Exile army defeat the sinister Slithzerikai, a race of vicious lizard men. Exile was now safe from threats in the underworld. The Empire realized, overnight, what a brood of vipers they had given birth to. There were two reactions. The first was sudden. Nobody else was teleported below. The misfits of the surface were kept in prisons, rather then caves. The second reaction came five years later, after it became clear that Exile was surviving just fine without fresh people from the surface. The Empire invaded. Soldiers, priests, mages, and assassins were teleported into the underworld, slowly at first, then faster. The exiles have waged a vicious guerrilla war against them, but little by little the denizens of the caves are being wiped out. Your band was part of one of the last groups sent into Exile. After Hawthorne was killed, you were hired into the Exile army as adventurers – a small band designed to take care of jobs for small, stealthy groups. You have just arrived at Fort Ganrick. You are there to help the garrison there fight a tribe of Nephilim, fierce, feline humanoids. You are in your quarters. Cecile, the captain here, has told you to go see her after settling in. So do what you can. But remember. Every day, the Empire invaders carve up a little bit more of your home. One by one, your people are being put to the sword. The question – what are you going to do about it? What can you do? Welcome to Exile. How long do you plan on staying? -------------------- ...well I thought it was funney...? didn't you? Posts: 296 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 258
written Wednesday, February 2 2005 07:06
ic Lashmier sighed. The room was too small. He looked about his sparse surrounding. A bed, a desk, a torch set in the wall. All of it showing the marks and signs of man made material. He hated it. But what choice did he have? He had been caught. By a group of men none the less. His group had been ambushed on a routine raid. The men had known that he was coming. The had left a small party in the open and surrounded them with a force that he could not combat. His small detachment of renegade warriors had been slaughtered. He had fought to the end but a blow from a mages fireball had knocked him reeling. He had staggered straight into the main force of the enemy. Beaten nearly unconscious he had no choice but to yield. Now he found himself here, in the company of men. Well, perhaps it was better then the alternative. Eventually his little group would be run down by the others, tracked ands killed like the cave lizards they hunted for food. Then, for the good of their god *he spat at this* they would be ritualistically sacrificed. Then those basted shamans would have their way with him finally. As they did with his wife. He fingered the two rings around his neck under the chain scarf and sighed. Well, there was no hope for it now. Perhaps he could find a way to pay them back. About him as well was a party of men. Some seemed capable of putting up a good enough fight. Perhaps he would yet have a chance of vengeance…perhaps… He sighed again. Gripping the side of the bed, splinters rising under his gauntleted hand, he rolled out of it. He was mildly curious why this world had such large beds. It could hold a full party of six, yet took up the space of a single man. The idea was interesting. Perhaps these exiles had more power then he thought. Of course then they wouldn’t need him now would they? Landing easily on his feet he walked to the dresser and began strapping on his sheaths across his back and at his waist. Behind him someone stirred. oc. Aaaannnnddddd...begin:D And a note...please no one not in the rpg reply here. If you want to send me a pm and I'll get you in, alright. thanks... [ Wednesday, February 02, 2005 07:09: Message edited by: mung ] -------------------- ...well I thought it was funney...? didn't you? Posts: 296 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Member # 4256
written Monday, February 7 2005 05:57
Milton strode into Fort Ganric, flashing his pass to the guards at the entrance. The news about the barriers upset him, he was trapped in this backwater province with nothing to do. His host at the forge had told him about the northern fort having a slight nephil issue, and suggested that he join the group that was assembling to deal with the kitties. Having nothing better to do, Milton had agreed to help the party out and set off to Ganric. He arived slightly later than planned, due to several naps. during the second nap one goblin attempted to rob him but luckily made such a racket scrabbling around in the shale that Milton woke to dispatch him. Peeved at the interuption of his sleep Milton continued on and presently arrived at the fort. After entering the fort Milton went into the captain's office, gave her a cursory greeting, and inquired into the location of his room. The captain informed Milton that he would be rooming with the rest of his party for the duration of his stay at Ganric. She also muttered an apology about some type of expandable bed that was being tested on the party. Milton pondered the bed as walked to his room. Sounded rather fishy to him- a bed made by mages. Approaching the door of the little room in the back hallway, Milton decided that for once he might have a hard time getting to sleep. Perhaps there would be floor space. [ Monday, February 07, 2005 05:58: Message edited by: m's provocation ] Posts: 564 | Registered: Wednesday, April 14 2004 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 258
written Thursday, February 10 2005 11:17
oc. Hehe, that was great:) and apparently the bed has sucked down our two other players...so bear with me as I attempt to find at least someone else to accompany us. ic. Lashmier finished buckling on the rest of his belts and stood looking about the room. The bed was beginning to give of a faint curl of smoke and the air seemed to crackle above it. He wondered, not for the first time, what exactly the mages were thinking when the designed the foul contraption. With a sigh he made his way to the door, taking one more cursory look about the room to make sure he had left nothing. Then, deciding he had taken his life in his own hands long enough by being in the same room as the temporally perverted bed he slowly backed out of the room. As he walked down the short hall outside he brushed shoulders with a man going the opposite direction. Not a small man, he looks well built and able to take care of himself. A thought occurs to Lashmier and he turns to the man. “good, day…err, to say, good morning. I have a slight…problem yet with your language. You too look as if you are of the adventuring profession. Am I to presume that you are indeed a member of the party assembled here for that purpose? If this be so, pleased to meet you.” Lashmier held out his gauntleted hand in the awkward way these humans do of greeting one another. Perhaps this man was indeed one of his fellow adventurers. Better that then the guards at the gate who seemed to trust his as far as they could stick a spear through him. Dark looks and quite mutters followed his every venture into the yard leaving him little reason to depart his quiet solitude. Perhaps things were about to change… -------------------- ...well I thought it was funney...? didn't you? Posts: 296 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Member # 4256
written Monday, February 21 2005 05:54
Cats- Milton loved the things, but when they were huge and coming out of his room he could be slightly suspicious. Looking at the nephilim that seemed to fill the hallway with his aura, Milton felt impressed. He had come to this fort expecting to be the only one on the team that was worth much. Maybe he was wrong. After an awkward greeting he attempted to brush by the kitty and to go into the room, but Lashmier stopped him, telling Milton in the soft voice of the nephilim, "I would.... enter not that room again." Remembering the muttered appology of the captain Milton decided that it would probably be best to follow the advice of Lashmier. He turned and suggested that the two of them go and talk to the captain about the mission that needed to be fufilled. The meeting was brief, accented by the captians obvious disdain of Lashmier, and resulted in some vague orders about killing a kittie chieftan to the east. All well and good, Milton thought,but rather boring. After taking the generic equipment out of the store rooms, and tricking the soldiers to go out of the barracks while Lashmier looted their items, the two set out of the fort. Lashmier immediatly turned to the east, presumably to go to the kitty fort, but Milton stopped him. "Wait, before we go to the fort, I'd like to take care of a small problem I spotted on the way up from Fort Dranlon. There was a small nest of Giant Spiders over a short distance to the west. Why don't we clean them out first so that we can get a small idea of the fighting styles of one another." Nodding, Lashmier silently agreed, and the group set out..... Posts: 564 | Registered: Wednesday, April 14 2004 07:00 |
Member # 3610
written Monday, February 21 2005 08:56
OOC: Sorry, I have to withdraw from this RPG. I am a part of my school's Model United Nations Program. Currently, we are in the running to be the best program in America, and possibly the best since the whole concept of Model UN began. Since I am heading our team to the last major conference right now, I really don't have much extra time. Again, my appologies. - Rob Posts: 129 | Registered: Tuesday, October 28 2003 08:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 258
written Monday, February 21 2005 10:04
O.O.C Ya know you kinda skipped over the first fight with the nemphilim in the fort, cha know:D But we can hit that on the way back when we take a rest, right. :D And yes, I suppose there were supposed to be people joining as well since there are like…5 character CD’s…but hey, who can say…the bed got’em as fas As I’m concerned:D Right now it’s you and me. I’ve got a friend making a her won character and we should have a priest as well. But I’m not sure where we’re going to pick her up though…have to think about that one…wait…scratch that, we’re going back to the fort, we’ll get her then… And Rob, don't worry about it. Ya can still join in later if you want... I.C. A slight smile played across Lashmier’s face. Anyone who knows anything about cats knows their strange affinity with bugs of any sort. This might prove to be entertaining. In any event he had a commendable companion. Humans were generally stupid creatures given to emotions and a bit slow…This man seemed to be capable of at least some abstract thought even if he did look a bit unwieldy in all his armor. Lashmier flexed under his thin covering of chain and plate and enjoyed the freedom from such encumberment. They traveled on the rough dirt path leading from the fort for perhaps thirty to forty minutes (for convenience sake let’s make one step any direction 15 minuets out of town…and perhaps… 15 seconds in town…sound good? Almost seems a bit long in town but that’s alright.) They then turned left across a stretch of rougher cave floor. Skeptically Lashmier observed that they were heading for a small inlet off a bit of river, It was likely that some larger creature would be here, using the stream. But unlikely that any spiders were present. Disappointed He turned to the big man. “Well, seems as if as – A movement from the side and a strange smell caught Lashmer at the same time. Milton raised his hand in warning. ***Your movement has attracted a bunch of huge spiders. Their eight legs propel them swiftly towards you, pedipalps twitching greedily…*** With a growl of amusement Lashmier surveyed the situation. Spiders…rather large ones at that, had come pouring out of the rockwork to surround him and his new companion. He fell into a slight crouch and reached to the hilts of his two cutlass’s and jerked the out. For a moment he stopped. Then jerked them again. The weapons seemed to be stuck fast. With a grunt he pulled hard, feeling bindings snap and the blade slid free trailing wisps of webbing. Ohhhh, this was going to be interesting. He looked back at the big man behind him just as the spiders began to close in…”(at this point several cliché’s ran through my head, among them “you sure know how to show a girl a good time” yet none seemed so appropriate as… :) Do ye’ think we pissed em off?” OC. Good stuff:D Now I’ve got to help my friend with her little character, enjoy:D -------------------- ...well I thought it was funney...? didn't you? Posts: 296 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, February 27 2005 10:29
OOC: Sorry, RL hasn't been too kind lately, so I couldn't post before. Here goes. IC: As the spiders closed in, a bowstring suddenly twanged. Once, twice. Another three times. Three spiders fell to the ground twitching; a fourth hissed in fury or pain as an arrow narrowly grazed its body. Three out of five. Not bad for a beginner. Beginner? The truth was that Mycroft had held a bow exactly twice before in his life, both times for practice. Luck was on his side apparently, for the spiders had been decimated by fully a third of their number. He had planned to remain concealed for a while longer, watching the other two members of what was, supposedly, his party - they had left very early today and apparently not bothered to wake him - but this spider ambush demanded his immediate reaction. It seemed his concealment had paid off however. The spiders, surprised by the sudden onslaught, were slightly disoriented for a few moments. As the other two charged forward to finish the battle, Mycroft briefly hesitated, considering another volley of arrows, but decided against it; he wasn't going to get this lucky again. Instead, he also hefted his short sword and followed the charge. OOC: Writing seems to be a little on the rusty side... [ Sunday, February 27, 2005 12:27: Message edited by: Daryl Mycroft [Arancaytar] ] -------------------- The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki! "Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft. "I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 258
written Sunday, February 27 2005 14:22
ooc. well, good to have ya:D people seem to be popping in and out of here for a bit so we shall see what happens... ic. A sound near Lashmiers ear caused him to jerk sharply to the left, an arrow shaft whizzed past him and buried it’s self into the furry body of one of the encroaching spiders. With an arachnic hiss the thing fell from the rock shelf it had been sitting on and spasmed before curling up into a ball and expiring. Lashmier looked over his shoulder to where a figure could be seen charging after then down a short hill, sword raised at the ready. “Hmm, must’ve been having breakfast…” He turned quickly and sprang forward, did a double take and nearly fell on his arse. Directly ahead of his two spiders reared up, the bloody things could move unexpectedly fast. He pivoted on his right foot launching himself in a cross sweep to the left, both blades slicing, one spider lost a leg, the other two. He lunged forward along the flank of the leftmost spider and sank his blade into the side, just above the leg joints. He hit the ground with a roll and flicked his wrist at the other spider, burying his blade in the things bulbous abdomen. The first spider fell slowly to the left as it’s legs buckled under it. The second spider face planted into the soft soil and moved no more, Lashmiers blade protruding strangely from it’s arse… He pulled the long ketana from his back and went to work on the little crowd of spiders about him. He smashed to the right and the left, his blade falling and riseing, his breath began to labor and his arms tired… Soon there was a small semicircle of crushed bodies and blacking icker about him. The remainder of the spiders seemed to be avoiding the manic warrior as he continued to further desecrate the fallen spiders. “Die you cursed basterds die!” Somewhere in the feral part of his mind the spiders had been connected with that wicked black shadow that had taken his mate from him… The sweat began to stream into his eyes, blinding him so that he swung the huge sword wildly…For some reason situations like this always brought back the images… The want, the need, to tear those people apart…he sat back and let the tears fall from his eyes… Ooc. Well, I’ll admit I’m the first to be surprised. I don’t write with a point I simply write whatever comes up, the character decides it. So apparently our little Lashmier has some troubles of his own… :D -------------------- ...well I thought it was funney...? didn't you? Posts: 296 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Member # 5450
written Monday, February 28 2005 00:00
Hm...what is this? Also, what is o.c etc. I'm intruiged. Sounds good though. EDIT: IN THE INTREST OF CAPTURING MUNG'S ATTENTION TO STOP HIM FROM GETTING ANGRY AGAIN(SORRY ABOUT LAST TIME) I'M DOING THIS IN CAPS. That should get your attention. Sorry but me and writing don't mix. I can't participate in this because I have absolutely no skills in writing. I think it has something to do with my imagination. Not good. Sorry once more, but I will be happpily watching, and as stated above, stating most of my comments in this post. Watch it. It is good. [ Monday, February 28, 2005 23:56: Message edited by: The Sprung Spring ] -------------------- Mugglenet--The ULTIMATE Harry Potter Site. Polaris-- New location. Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Monday, February 28 2005 01:26
OOC: It's called 'roleplay', or RP for short. Every player creates a character by describing him/her in great detail, in a so-called Character Description or CD (check here for my character description); then we write a story with these characters, with every person controlling the action of his/her character (also called 'Playing Character' or PC). OOC and IC stand for Out Of Character, In Character respectively. Out of character describes a remark the player makes as a person, outside of the roleplay. In Character defines a body of text that belongs to the story. The author of this particular roleplay is Mung. I don't know if he still accepts new players, but we're running short right now so I guess he probably will (otherwise we'd have around 3-4 players only). Edit: Come on Mung, don't pick on him. It's not like we have an additional OOC thread. Non-spammy OOC posting does not harm an RP as much as a lack of communication between players does. :) [ Monday, February 28, 2005 10:29: Message edited by: Daryl Mycroft [Arancaytar] ] -------------------- The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki! "Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft. "I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 258
written Monday, February 28 2005 07:23
ooc. New faces are always welcome, as long as you put in a character cd and check with me first... BTW, don't post in the rpg please:D [ Monday, February 28, 2005 08:01: Message edited by: mung ] -------------------- ...well I thought it was funney...? didn't you? Posts: 296 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Member # 4256
written Thursday, March 3 2005 06:36
Milton smiled at his fuzzy companion, "If we haven't we are about to." The numbers of the spiders had stopped increasing, the rocks really hadn't held all that many. Milton, being slightly familiar with the species had kept his weapon ready while approaching the site, and thus wasn't encumbered as his companion. He marveled at the kitties ability to move even when caught up in the thick strands of the spiders web, perhaps Lashmier might prove to be an "interesting" companion. Pushing all reflections aside Milton ran towards the nearest spider ducking a spray of webbing that got shot at him. Several arrows sped by, from an unknown source one of them killing Miltons target. Moving to the next spider, Milton destroyed it easily, but then moved back as a seemingly blind lashmier almost ran him over. Some sort of battle rage seemed to possess the kitty, as he fought the five remaining spiders.Milton leaned on his weapon shaft as Lashmier dispatched the last spider. "Fun, eh? Well we should probably head east now, but first I want to stop by the fort again. A couple choice words need to be said to the captain since she neglected to tell us that we had an extra companion coming along". OOC: I don't remember the message you get after killing the spiders and I don't have access to E2 at the moment. [ Thursday, March 03, 2005 06:47: Message edited by: m's provocation ] Posts: 564 | Registered: Wednesday, April 14 2004 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 258
written Friday, March 4 2005 08:59
ooc. Welp, I don't believe that there is really a message after you beat them...simply "end combat". ic. Lashmier panted for a moment, sinking the point of the large sword deep into the torn earth about him and resting his arm upon it. Swinging his shaggy head from left to right he looked about him. A wave of destruction seemed to emanate from the immediate vicinity around him. A small trickle of black liquid oozed toward him and made a more intimate acquaintance with his toes then we would have preferred. He shook his foot haphazardly and stepped lightly over the bodies. He pulled a relatively soiled cloth from some pocket and rubbed it along the length of his blade, noting a small scratch toward the tip he sighed and slid it into his sheath. He wandered over to the two crumpled bodies of the first spiders. Setting his foot on the body he jerked his sword from one then he picked the other up, spider and all, and knocked it against the wall till the splattered thing sailed off into the air. Cleaning each blade with the cloth he slid them into their respective sheaths, brushing away the strands of cobweb that still clung there. He reached about him clearing away the various other strands and cables that clung to him. Strange, they had not bothered him when he was fighting. At the thought of fighting a flicker of red and black flashed across his imagination and his muscles tightened…he shook his head to clear the images…strange… He moved to rejoin his companion as the other man, the man with the bow, came springing down the hill to join them, sword still raised. His new friend spoke. "Fun, eh?” Said Milton, “Well, we should probably head east now, but first I want to stop by the fort again. A couple choice words need to be said to the captain since she neglected to tell us that we had an extra companion coming along". Lashmier looked at the man running towards him, “Well enough, but seems as if he’s not one of those lack wit’s that seem to pervade this human culture of yours.” Reaching to his shoulder he pulled his bow down and slid an arrow from his quiver discretely just on the off chance that this man wasn’t actually a companion. He was well enough experienced with Exile soldiers who attempted to play themselves of as brigands to infiltrate their group. For this foolishness they often were sent home without their boots as a mockery of the army. Sometimes, in particularly aggravating times, they would be sent home with little need of their boots…and definitely not walking. Yet this man didn’t seem to have the look of one of those buffoons. ooc. If the next poster simply wants to bring us to the fort I can post the intro to the fight on monday, got's to take the weekend off though, need some sleep:D btw, like the new name? :D [ Friday, March 04, 2005 09:20: Message edited by: PencilDragon ] -------------------- ...well I thought it was funney...? didn't you? Posts: 296 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 258
written Tuesday, March 8 2005 07:47
You guys still alive??? -------------------- ...well I thought it was funney...? didn't you? Posts: 296 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |