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Bunch of questions on special skills and stuff. in Blades of Avernum
Member # 12939
Profile #7
Thanks for the answers folks.
Posts: 2 | Registered: Tuesday, January 1 2008 08:00
Bunch of questions on special skills and stuff. in Blades of Avernum
Member # 12939
Profile #0
New member here. Greetings to all and sundry.

I'm restarting my party from scratch and there's a few things I wanted to know first.
So, my questions:

- Does anyone know exactly what bonuses Slith and Nephil characters get with pole and missile weapons respectively?

- If you disregard the fact that it can lead to further special skills, is the 'blademaster' skill a worthwhile investment? Or to put it another way, is one level of blademaster better then one level in pole and melee weapons?

- Similarly, is one level of 'sharpshooter' skill better then one level of bows and thrown missiles? The description suggests it is.

- Does 'anatomy' increase damage done with missile weapons? The prerequisites (intelligence and melee/pole) suggest that it does not. However, in the real world knowing exactly where an opponent keeps his organs would help you place your arrows to better effect. The skill description isn't quite clear. Anyone know?

- Does 'pathfinder' skill only help the character who has it? Or is it pooled among the whole party like nature lore?

- Is 'lethal blow' worth the skill points? The description says, "When attacking a foe much weaker than you with a melee weapon, this skill gives you a small chance of killing it outright." I mean, if the target is "much weaker" won't my character be able to kill it easily anyway?

- Apart from giving the 'berserk' ability, what exactly does the 'elite warrior' trait do? Is it of any advantage to a character that primarily uses missile weapons?

- There are some items in the game that have things along the lines of "+3 to levels of melee damage." What exactly does this mean?

I am aware that some (all?) of these points been discussed before, however I was unable to find answers for my exact questions. Please refrain from biting the new guy.

:) Cheers.
Posts: 2 | Registered: Tuesday, January 1 2008 08:00