Profile for Realism.or.Death

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Happy Easter. in General
Member # 1589
Profile #44
and RoD is just a not very active newb who he feels has no right to ask him to remove the sig image.
Yep, postcount creates a clear image of the (a) activity (b) quality.

Scorp, that's an image of a crying baby. No, it doesn't make me a crying baby. For me, it seems like a clear indication that you have nothing intelligent to say, anymore, if we presume that your previous posts were intelligent.

Anyways, let's indeed wrap this up. This 30 minutes has taught me the fact that I should avoid stating my opinions, because my inferior postcount makes me a definite üntermenschen. I'll go back to lurk, for now.
Posts: 21 | Registered: Wednesday, July 24 2002 07:00
Happy Easter. in General
Member # 1589
Profile #40
Tee hee.. Listen, you prissy little sap. You weren't "stating your opinions". You told me to remove it.

And like Ikari said, although post counts aren't important after 100, when someone who barely uses the board starts demanding that people bend to his will for his "convenience", then there's a problem
No, I _asked_ you to remove it. That's why I said "please". I hope that this issue is now settled.

OTOH, you are now _insulting_ me, and say that you have a right to do so, because my postcount is under 100.

It's not about post counts it's about being active, of which RoD is not.

It might surprise you, but some of us do read the posts without replying to them, simply because they think that they don't have anything important to add anymore.

[ Monday, April 21, 2003 11:15: Message edited by: Realism.or.Death ]
Posts: 21 | Registered: Wednesday, July 24 2002 07:00
Happy Easter. in General
Member # 1589
Profile #37
Yes, I'm very sorry for not spamming every thread I've read, I didn't knew it was a requirement here...

No, really, is it?

EDIT: To be more precise, do I get punished if I don't make ~300 posts in the following 5 days? Is the postcount a clear indication of the "coolness" of a poster?

[ Monday, April 21, 2003 11:00: Message edited by: Realism.or.Death ]
Posts: 21 | Registered: Wednesday, July 24 2002 07:00
Happy Easter. in General
Member # 1589
Profile #35
No. Besides, everyone I've spoken to so far likes it. I'm not going to let someone with 16 posts tell me what's "dumb".
(1) Sorry, I didn't knew that many posters appreciate it.
(2) I was, as softly as possible, stating my opinion, I hope you won't mind.
(3) I think that it's really childish to judge someone according to their postcounts. It's just a bloody postcount, not your virtual-penis.
Posts: 21 | Registered: Wednesday, July 24 2002 07:00
Happy Easter. in General
Member # 1589
Profile #30
Vladimir - could you stop using that, um, signature image, please? It looks, quite simply, dumb.
Posts: 21 | Registered: Wednesday, July 24 2002 07:00
Crossfire in General
Member # 1589
Profile #13
5 seconds
I think you're overestimating us... I would be toast within, oh, about 3 seconds, whatever the subject of arguing is...

[ Sunday, April 20, 2003 15:21: Message edited by: Realism.or.Death ]
Posts: 21 | Registered: Wednesday, July 24 2002 07:00