Stealing Items and reputation?

Error message

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AuthorTopic: Stealing Items and reputation?
Member # 8604
Profile #0
Hi everyone,

btw, I'm very new to this game

How does stealing affect your reputation?
Because i opened a chest with NY ('not yours'; i know what it means) items in, and took them.

Anyway my crime was seen by a guard but he didn'attack me or anything so what result is there from stealing..

please advise

Posts: 2 | Registered: Sunday, April 29 2007 07:00
Member # 7032
Profile #1
You can steal 2 items in plain sight before people in an area go hostile. This is per area (a town usually only covers one area) If you plan to steal an item in plain sight, ensure yourself that there are no other items in the area that are worth more.

There may be a few situations where you can consider it, such as the graymold in the healers house near Fort Draco, to more easily fulfill the herbalist quests.

You can steal as much as you like, as long as no one is in your line of sight. Closing doors behind you helps, waiting until wandering townsfolk wander out of sight also helps. There are a lot of items you can steal with enough patience, and relatively few that can't be stolen at all without being seen. (and most of them aren't worth much anyway)

(Yes, I power-gamed through this game from end t end more than once :) )

[ Sunday, April 29, 2007 03:59: Message edited by: SevenMass ]

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Power to (the) Mas(ses)
Posts: 102 | Registered: Friday, April 14 2006 07:00
Member # 8604
Profile #2
tnx for the reply dude
Posts: 2 | Registered: Sunday, April 29 2007 07:00