Might have done somthing out of order (spoilers)

Error message

Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
AuthorTopic: Might have done somthing out of order (spoilers)
Member # 6684
Profile #0
Okay. So I was at the point that I had the quest to find Demonslayer and I had a quest to free the vahatni below Almaria. I chose to to the DS one first (of course! Must have DS!) On the way up past fort emerald I found that crystal box protected by the 8 spheres, quite by accident. I found DS and came back. I then freed the vahatni and went to the castle. Now houghton wants me to open the box. He won't respond to find out if I completed the vahatni quest and he'll get killed in the fight.

My concern is I'm not sure if i can complete the Vahatni quest. And if i don't complete this quest, will it throw anything else off?

Perhaps the box and the quest are tied together and I missed a dialog because of how I did the quests?

Or should i not have let houghton die? Is it possible to save him?

Is this a minor or bad bug? I don't want to have to go backwards too far.
Posts: 23 | Registered: Friday, January 13 2006 08:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #1
Yes, this is a bug. It is discussed in more detail in these two topics. Basically, the upshot of this is that a couple of parts of the game will be a little wacky, but I think it's still finishable.

I hope Jeff knows about this problem. It seems to be coming up regularly. Has anyone e-mailed him about it?

[ Friday, January 13, 2006 15:58: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

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Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 869
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The bug, by the way, is that it isn't supposed to be possible to dispel the barriers in Fort Emerald until the plot requires you to.

The main consequences of triggering this bug are that you can't do any further quests along the Almaria/Ghall-Ihrno plotline (so if Almaria is still hostile at the time you find the box, it'll stay hostile forever). Other than that, the game is perfectly finishable.

(There's no way to save Houghton, by the way, even if you play the game normally. If you keep him alive until the end of the fight, he dies of poisoning from the scratch inflicted on him when the Vahnatai first appeared.)

[ Friday, January 13, 2006 17:14: Message edited by: Thuryl ]

The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure!
Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00
Member # 4362
Profile #3
I'm stuck in a slightly different way. I got to the scree caves
via a passage, not through the Fort Emerald gates. I killed
the dragon, and also got the crystal box. When I went back to the passage, the gate was closed with the wheel on the other side. Contrary to several other people's experience, I cannot dispel the barriers at Fort Emerald. I found the crown symbol scratched in the rock, but there does not seem to be any way of opening the hidden passage that is apparently there. So I seem to be stuck in the scree caves with no way out.

Is there a way? I guess I just want to know if it is possible, I don't want a hint, at least not quite yet.
Posts: 16 | Registered: Friday, May 7 2004 07:00
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #4
Yeah, sounds like you are trapped. I suggest reloading an earlier save and e-mailing Jeff about the problem. Also, I believe you killed a Drake, not a Dragon.

Your flower power is no match for my glower power!
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Board Administrator
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Known issue, which will be fixed. More information at


- Jeff Vogel

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