Special Skills.
Author | Topic: Special Skills. |
Member # 7125
written Friday, June 9 2006 11:38
For find herbs and anatomy in A3 you have to go to a vampire who, if you kill some ogres will teach you find Herbs. But if you go to the ogres it will tell you to kill the vampire and you will learn Atanomy. But is there another way to learn the skills without having to kill either or do you have to kill one and never lean the skill? Posts: 130 | Registered: Saturday, May 13 2006 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Friday, June 9 2006 12:52
You can only get the reward from one of the quests, but fear not! You can learn anatomy from someone in Poulsbo for killing giant spies. The spies are located in Poulsbo too. Look for secret doors. —Alorael, who was underwhelmed by Find Herbs but got it for the sake of completeness anyway. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |