Avernum 1 Ancient Crypt and assorted randomness

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AuthorTopic: Avernum 1 Ancient Crypt and assorted randomness
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
Profile #0
A few Avernum questions:
-How do I get out of the Ancient Crypt? Does that have to do with what day it is as well?

-Is it possible to get the Dispel Barrier spell (I'm guessing not, since you get it in Fort Dranlon in Exile) or is there some kind of supply of piercing crystals in the unregistered part of the game?

-When I drank the water in the Ancient Crypt, it said I was "thinking faster" or something and gave me some kind of status effect that had a scroll icon. I couldn't figure out what it was. What does that do?

A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi.
Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!"
Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me."
Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00
Member # 54
Profile #1
1. Once you've drunk the water in the Ancient Crypt, you can open the door. You can also open the door with level 3 Unlock Doors.

3. The water makes you temporarily enlightened, which helps with some special encounters, such as the one when you're trying to exit the crypt.

Posts: 726 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #2
Yes, you need to register to reach Fort Dranlon (I think) and definitely to reach the slith book that you need to learn the spell.

There may be a few Piercing Crystals in the demo, but I can't think of anyone who will give you a steady supply. Actually, I don't know if anyone does in all of A1.

—Alorael, who has never paid too much attention to the crystals. By the time they're available he usually has Dispel Barrier.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
Profile #3
Ah, that's cool. Thanks, guys! =)
-Erika_Redmark3, who never paid any attention to crystals either because in Exile you can get Dispel Barrier in the demo half. There's a set of barriers blocking off a corner in a room in the undead cave near Mertis, and there's bound to be something cool there, especially since they're the kind of barriers that you can't go through at all, not just the kind that hurt you.

[ Saturday, August 20, 2005 15:04: Message edited by: erika_redmark3 ]

A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi.
Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!"
Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me."
Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00
Member # 497
Profile #4
There should be enough piercing crystals in the Grim Cavern to take care of the entire dungeon. It may be that one of them is behind a set of magic barriers (along with some other stuff, so the one you use to get there isn't completely wasted), but there is certainly one available, if you know where to look, that gets you in to the final chamber.

Of course, if you wanted to hold off on it and use the crystals elsewhere, that might not be a bad idea. I never had the registration problem, so I would simply wait until I could grab Dispel Barrier and then sell the crystals for decent cash.

Evil comes in many forms. I am but one of them.
Posts: 116 | Registered: Monday, January 7 2002 08:00