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Blades of Avernum Editor
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Deprecated function : implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/ ).
This forum is for discussion of the Blades of Avernum Scenario Editor. Tips, design discussions, sample scripts, and questions are all welcome.
# Topic Topic Starter Posts Last post
921 Cut Scenes Enraged Slith 9 September 26, 2006 08:37
21 BoA Graphics Enraged Slith 4 March 25, 2004 01:43
1053 1st Ever BoA Arena: All Welcome! Enraged Slith 3 April 25, 2008 21:55
1009 are these archived anywhere else? Enraged Slith 4 August 19, 2007 09:10
999 erasing town entrances? Enraged Slith 2 July 06, 2007 20:44
987 A couple of editor errors Enalya 5 May 07, 2007 17:24
674 Elves anyone? Enalya 3 April 08, 2005 04:38
343 How do you people DO it?! Enalya 15 July 18, 2004 10:42
379 Collaboration Request , lol Eldritch_Cadillac 7 July 22, 2004 10:36
374 Bug Report (I think) Eldritch_Cadillac 7 October 11, 2004 02:41
75 Monsters dropping items... Eldiran 11 April 07, 2004 15:46
96 Complaints on the troublesome call names... Eldiran 3 April 12, 2004 13:57
28 A bug in the editor?! Eldiran 3 April 01, 2004 21:14
300 Help with a monster script...? Eldiran 3 June 30, 2004 13:02
735 Underwater Design ef 7 July 04, 2005 22:28
514 walls bug ef 9 September 27, 2004 19:06
497 Add item feature. Eagle1 6 September 10, 2004 12:05
398 Dialogue Problem Dyng 4 July 27, 2004 06:07
335 Ending a scenario Dyng 18 July 11, 2004 17:37
377 Moving Along a Specified Path? Dyng 10 July 21, 2004 14:45
339 new scenario? dram 16 July 18, 2004 06:12
268 newbie dram 5 June 24, 2004 00:39
244 One at a time Drakon Master 7 June 18, 2004 07:19
245 Testing Scenarios Drakon Master 9 June 17, 2004 18:30
254 Is it just me or is this board slowing down? Drakon Master 10 June 20, 2004 11:05