Player Characters

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AuthorTopic: Player Characters
Member # 4552
Profile #0
What kind of adventurers do you usually create and play?
How do they combine to form your party?

Funny how it all falls away... ;_;
Posts: 48 | Registered: Wednesday, June 16 2004 07:00
Member # 4484
Profile #1
Personnaly, I have a Slith soldier, using pole and melee wps, a human archer/thief, a Nephil mage (with some archery pts), and a human priest.Perhaps without archer and two warriors, it can be a more powerfull party, but I really want to try the new Sharpshooter skill :) !
It works well, but I'm gonna give my mage a few priest spell pts, cause you can bless two of your caracters each turn, and repel spirit can be usefull for the DwD scenario...

"Il est interdit de se battre sur le Champ du Massacre; dit-il avant de marquer une pause, le temps de reflechir a la logique de ses propos."

Discworld, The Colour of Magic
Posts: 178 | Registered: Monday, June 7 2004 07:00
Member # 2262
Profile #2
It appears that most people don't like archers--which I think is bizarre. I give everyone some bow skill, even my spell casters. I'd rather they can do some damage without using spell points, even if it is just a bit. My typical party is human, always has an archer (high dex, bow, assasination; builds decent sword, sometimes has high tool use), a priest with some mage levels (and natural mage), a mage with some priest skill (and natural mage), and usuall has another fighter with bow skill and some pole arm, plus a few levels of priest. Eventually, the one trait everyone gets to a fairly high level is strength, just so they can carry stuff. Avernum needs a bag of holding.

I'm going through Avernum 1 for the first time now, and am running a party like above, minus the second fighter.

[ Friday, June 18, 2004 09:25: Message edited by: The Mysterious Mr. Lee ]
Posts: 12 | Registered: Monday, November 18 2002 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3862
Profile #3
Well as in all the Avernum games I play my party consists of a bulked up human warrior which has tons of hardiness, strength, dexterity, and endurance along with sword weaponry. Second is my Nephil Archer with decent melee ability tons of archer but no thrown weapon training and lots of tool use(skill is at 30 at the moment). Third is my human Priest which is Divinely Touched and has lots of alchemy and nature lore. Last is my mage with all of the normal Mage having stuff. This has allowed me to beat everything I have done in Avernum quite easier then any other make-up of a group.

Legends tell that Avernum,
Is a gateway to the underworld,
from which the dead never return,
Well thats a lie because im here now aren't I.
"Never get into a fight with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
Posts: 312 | Registered: Tuesday, January 6 2004 08:00
Member # 4516
Profile #4
I believe in specialists. Though I don't mind giving away few spell points for INT and priest levels for warriors. Having too many archers uses up a lot of arrows which are difficult to find and irritating to buy. However situation gets tricky in mana draining area when you have only one guy with ranged attack.


IF you think you can please yourself by remaining NOBODY then you are wrong.
AS NOBODY is PERFECT and you can't become PERFECT. SO try and become SOMEBODY.

Wallace W.
Posts: 10 | Registered: Friday, June 11 2004 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3022
Profile #5
I like archers. Really, I dunno why, but archery seems much more powerful in BOA than in previous exile/avernum games. My nephil bowman is doing easily 2*100 dam per turn with simple iron arrows (cheaply bought from most places, and dropped by enemy archers) and a blessed bow, with quick strike and the ap boosting trait. And with the crossbow with steel bolts, he can do much more... Add the few points of throw weapons on my warrior (who has lots of missiles from skeleton javeliners), and most stuff don't even manage to get into melee. My spellcasters also have a couple of points in thrown weapons, and a blessed sling apiece - just in case.

Party is currently:

Samus the slith paladin. Spears and enough priest spells to heal decently, and bless, shield and haste. Also 7 points in thrown missiles, and a nice stack of javelins for the initial stages of battle. (Where I try to kill every enemy mage as soon as I can.) Plenty of special skills. He's also my pack rat, and tank.

Actius the nephil assassin. Melee weapons, 20 skill in tools, 10 in bows, and a few in sharpshooter. Lots of nature lore, quick strike, and whatever that trait is called. Always acts first in battle.

Mara the priest/mage.

Zara the mage/alchemist, with just enough priest skill to cast group heal. (Not very imaginative, but, what the hey...)
Posts: 269 | Registered: Saturday, May 24 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #6
For fighters, I make a slith fighter heavy on defensive skills and good with polearms and decent with bows (and woodlore) and a nephil good with swords and bows (and tool use). Between them, I'm able to use any absolutely necessary weapons that scenario designers throw at me, I've got ranged attacks if I need them, I have a tank, and I have the utility skills covered.

My spellcasters are much less interesting. I have a pair of absolutely identical humans with Natural Mage and no other traits. I pump their mage and priest skills exclusively until they cost so much that I have enough skill points left over after raising those skills to raise intelligence as an afterthought. They start out a bit shaky, but they make it easy to toss spells around as much as I want. The only problem is that the lack of arcane lore means I have to revisit books and the like many times before I can get the spells.

—Alorael, who also gives all his Knowledge Brews to the spellcasters. It's a skill point intensive plan, but having hundreds of spell points and all the spells makes it worth it in the end.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 4239
Profile #7
Originally written by The Mysterious Mr. Lee:

Eventually, the one trait everyone gets to a fairly high level is strength, just so they can carry stuff. Avernum needs a bag of holding.

I'm going through Avernum 1 for the first time now, and am running a party like above, minus the second fighter.

This is one of the apparently lesser-known benefits of running a singleton party. I'm playing all three trilogy games for the first time with a singleton, and the only time I really run out of room is when I can't fit all the looted chainmails from Empire elite soldiers and stuff. I find myself buying skill levels just to be able to keep selling items (I got up to level 13 magery in A2!).

So, in A2 I went with a divinely touched, natural mage shaman (dual mage/priest; I raised them equally until I had cloud of blades and then finished my mage before finishing my priest) singleton. It was pretty slow (and hard) early on but well worth it in the end after he started getting some decent health. It was kind of amusing to watch him stomp through Garzhad's palace using Demonslayer and potions more than any magic. (I got my melee skill up to ~10 and had 3-5 each of gymnastics, anatomy, etc)
In Avernum I played with a pretty even mix of melee/mage/priest, though I left off with the priest skill as both magics became too expensive to hold.
I'm playing A3 with a (possibly Slith) fighter/priest.

In the unregistered BoA the only run-through I did was with a mage, priest, and two soldiers. One of them, I think actually my priest, had good tool use; the mage had natural mage (shocking,huh?); and my first fighter had elite warrior. I think that's it.

There are two kinds of game players...those who are newbies, and those who were.
Posts: 322 | Registered: Monday, April 12 2004 07:00
Member # 4484
Profile #8
I don't understand why you give your fighters some archery/thrown wps skills...With the news skills, and the way to get them, (parry, blade,quick strike, anatomy, gym, lethal blow, riposte), it takes a lot of time to have your fighters get them...I've just enter DwD and my fighter doen't have lethal blow, or riposte...So spend points to have him throwing a javelin sometimes...
Also, he's doing melee damage each turn, so WHY?!
Same question with your spells casters:mine use magie each turn, don't need to equip them with some ranged attack wps.At least, my mage uses the Morog's Scepter, who's a nice item :) ...

"Il est interdit de se battre sur le Champ du Massacre; dit-il avant de marquer une pause, le temps de reflechir a la logique de ses propos."

Discworld, The Colour of Magic
Posts: 178 | Registered: Monday, June 7 2004 07:00
Member # 27
Profile #9
My first party consisted of a Defensive Slith Warrior, a very high powered Nephilim Archer, and a Nephilim Priest/Mage, all Divinely Touched. My Slith was a brick wall, he took all the damage for my team and dished out quite a bit as well. He focused on Parry, Riposte, and Blademaster. My archer was the heavy hitter of my group, and I never had to worry about other archers and casters. He easily dished out 2x130 damage per turn with his bow skills. He also doubled in Tool Use. My mage/priest was mainly for support, but occasionally used Cloud of Blades for the tough fights. The benefit of having a Defensive character is that they are practically immune to Cloud of Blades, while it hit the enemy for over 100 damage.

My second party consisted of one Female Ninja type human, and a Female Paladin. Both were divinely touched. Like my earlier defensive Slith, my Ninja used many defensive skills and had tool use. She was also decent with bows. Since the enemies were never able to hit her, I never had to worry about her dying. My Paladin's defense was horrible, and she usually got ripped to shreds. But after warblessing herself she was a fighting machine. She is extremely close to getting lethal blow.

Both these parties beat all of Jeff's scenerios on Torment.
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #10
If your enemies are behind windows, on a different elevation level that you can't reach, or too far to reach with the action points you get in a single turn, a fighter with some skill with bows can turn a wasted turn into some damage. Even a very small number of points help. You can always use throwing skill and slings if you're worried about ammo, but I've never found that to be a problem.

—Alorael, who in fact finds so many arrows that he ends up leaving most of them behind. As you said, his fighters are primarily for melee. They hardly ever use more than a dozen arrows per dungeon crawl.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 4484
Profile #11
Excuse-me people, but you all speak about Alorael, but I don't no who he is...Please, tell me about this Spidweb master...

"Il est interdit de se battre sur le Champ du Massacre; dit-il avant de marquer une pause, le temps de reflechir a la logique de ses propos."

Discworld, The Colour of Magic
Posts: 178 | Registered: Monday, June 7 2004 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #12
Member 335, who posted immediately above you, is Alorael.

He has the most posts of anyone on the boards. (Because he's a dirty spammer. >_>)
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 4484
Profile #13
Thanks, I was lost, please excuse my ignorance...
May He lives forever in our hearts.

"Il est interdit de se battre sur le Champ du Massacre; dit-il avant de marquer une pause, le temps de reflechir a la logique de ses propos."

Discworld, The Colour of Magic
Posts: 178 | Registered: Monday, June 7 2004 07:00
Member # 2210
Profile #14
Here goes.
Human- Divine Elite Warrior-- Focus on melee weapons and defense with some bow skill. Solely a melee killer.
Slith-- Divine with Strong Back-- Focus on Pole weapons-- get tool use for this one as well.
Human-- Strong Will and Scholar Priest with strong nature lore and potions. no initial advantage for scholar I am assuming it will help later.
Nephil-- Natural Mage Fast on Feet-- Shaman. Build up throwing skill with mage skills. Plenty of arcane lore. Superfast mage. Always strikes first.

So far have handled everything. Haven't gone to Za- Khazi run finished DwTD before that. Divine Slith can kill anything when calls on gods.

Wasting your time and mine looking for a good laugh.

Star Bright, Star Light, Oh I Wish I May, I Wish Might, Wish For One Star Tonight.
Posts: 1084 | Registered: Thursday, November 7 2002 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 4445
Profile #15
All right, here we go:
Juwan the Slith warrior, no traits. Lots of Str, Dex, Blademaster, Quick Action, Pole Weap, Defense, and Assassination. He just, well, kills stuff. Occasionally does around 250 damage when blessed.

Josh (My cat's name) the Nephil Archer, no traits Lots of Dex, Bows, actually more strength than Juwan, some parry, some melee, lots of tool use (about 20). Usually does between 100 and 150 a pop with a blessed crossbow and Iron bolts.

Rayneesha the Priest, no traits. Priest Spells, INT, Magery, and Magical Efficiency are pretty much the only skills I bother with.

Creepy the Mage, Natural Mage. Pretty much the same, only with Mage Spells. Oh, and he has Morog's sceptre.

An interesting byproduct of giving my spell casters Magical Efficiency is that they have a lot more endurance, and therefore health, than my fighters. It's weird to see my archer with around 135, while my priest has, like, 220.

Oh, and, all the times I've tried to play without an archer, I've regretted it. It's easy to get them a lot of tool use and keeping them effective in combat. So, when I opt for the second fighter instead, no one can pick locks, and it stinks.

[ Saturday, June 19, 2004 08:47: Message edited by: Prophet_of_Doom ]
Posts: 293 | Registered: Saturday, May 29 2004 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #16
Originally written by Blaspheme:

May He lives forever in our hearts.
Somehow that makes me feel like I'm deceased. It's not an entirely comfortable feeling. Living forever is nice, but I'd rather do it right where I am than as a memory.

—Alorael, who doesn't recommend giving Fast on Feet to casters. You won't get nearly as much mileage from it as you will on a fighter. Going earlier in combat is nice, but it's not worth the experience penalty.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 27
Profile #17
Besides, spells use up 5 ap. Just give casters Quick Strike or the Dress of Speed later. Not only will they attack earlier, but they will have 6 ap instead of 5.

[ Saturday, June 19, 2004 12:53: Message edited by: Styx Obsessed Slith ]
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00