Fire near river @ SE Morrows Isle (Rebellion)?

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AuthorTopic: Fire near river @ SE Morrows Isle (Rebellion)?
Member # 2147
Profile #0
Heya, I have a few questions about A Small Rebellion. North of Liam, next to the river, there is what looks like a small fire which I cant get to. How do I get there? Also, where can I get unlock doors level 2 in this scenario? Or do I simply need a certain mage skill and intelligence to unlock some of the more difficult doors? If so, what is it? Also, what is the earliest place where I can get a blessed sling? Thanks!
Posts: 53 | Registered: Friday, October 25 2002 07:00
Member # 14
Profile #1
I've found that unlock doors is a pretty much useless spell in BoA. It won't open a door unless the door is specifically meant to be unlocked by that spell.

Dragyn Bob

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!"-The Divine Comedy
Posts: 1481 | Registered: Thursday, September 27 2001 07:00
Member # 2147
Profile #2
I know that. and Im talking about those specific doors, lol... I know that at least ONE blessed sling is there, and that is pretty much the ultimate weapon for my character...

And that still doesnt answer my question about the fire.... :(

[ Wednesday, June 16, 2004 15:54: Message edited by: GavinFox ]
Posts: 53 | Registered: Friday, October 25 2002 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #3
You're much, much, much better off picking or bashing locks than trying to Unlock Doors them.
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 4484
Profile #4
Yeah, and picking locks gives you Xp, so it's much more interesting.

"Il est interdit de se battre sur le Champ du Massacre; dit-il avant de marquer une pause, le temps de reflechir a la logique de ses propos."

Discworld, The Colour of Magic
Posts: 178 | Registered: Monday, June 7 2004 07:00
Member # 2147
Profile #5
Well, the Unlock Doors is for the magical ones made for it, sillies! And I do pick locks -- got about 16 and gonna get it even higher, heh... anyway, I found it. Now what do I do with that little flame thing behind the trees next to the river??
Posts: 53 | Registered: Friday, October 25 2002 07:00
Member # 869
Profile Homepage #6
Just ramble around through the forest and you'll get there eventually. Remember that you can move diagonally. For one of the forest camps you need sufficient Nature Lore to get in, but I don't think that's the one you're talking about.

The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure!
Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3022
Profile #7
Also, unlock doors are needed for certain 'magical' locks.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Saturday, May 24 2003 07:00
Member # 4552
Profile #8
Well I know one firecamp north of Liam is a basement of giants (or ogres? bah! -stuff to kill-)... some people in a farm around the town ask tou to eliminate them for reward...
maybe you need a certain nature lore skill level to get there.

Seek and destroy! ^_^

Funny how it all falls away... ;_;
Posts: 48 | Registered: Wednesday, June 16 2004 07:00
Member # 4552
Profile #9
What about the blessed sling?
In my mind, it just stinks.

How do you make good use of it?

Funny how it all falls away... ;_;
Posts: 48 | Registered: Wednesday, June 16 2004 07:00
Member # 2147
Profile #10
Oh, my character is a Nephilim Fast on Feet Divinely Touched archer specializing in thrown weapons...

She normally uses her blessed sling, and she uses the only thrown weapon that's better than that in a noticable way -- blessed javalins -- when she REALLY wants to kill things quickly. She's gonna specialize in having lots of AP's so she can kill things quickly!
Posts: 53 | Registered: Friday, October 25 2002 07:00
Member # 4484
Profile #11
Mmmh...okay, but a blessed crossbow does a lot more damages.You don't have infinite munitions, but, heh...

"Il est interdit de se battre sur le Champ du Massacre; dit-il avant de marquer une pause, le temps de reflechir a la logique de ses propos."

Discworld, The Colour of Magic
Posts: 178 | Registered: Monday, June 7 2004 07:00
Member # 2147
Profile #12
Well, the whole idea of this character is to get a HIGH number of AP, and fire a WHOLE LOT... so with fast on feet, haste, divine aid and ultimately, a high level of first strike, a helm of speed, a ring of speed, slippers of speed, and a black dress of speed. *Evil grin* Also, to make this character more "ultimate", could anyone help me figure out the Morog's Scepter question in the other post? Thanks!!
Posts: 53 | Registered: Friday, October 25 2002 07:00
Member # 4484
Profile #13
Okay, I got all the sling stuff!
The Morog's Scepter does 6-30+1-5/level of mage spell skill and 2 levels of dext.It also gives you a +2 bonus in pathfinder.

"Il est interdit de se battre sur le Champ du Massacre; dit-il avant de marquer une pause, le temps de reflechir a la logique de ses propos."

Discworld, The Colour of Magic
Posts: 178 | Registered: Monday, June 7 2004 07:00
Member # 2147
Profile #14
...I know that... now go check my questions in the morog's scepter post... >,>
Posts: 53 | Registered: Friday, October 25 2002 07:00
Member # 4484
Profile #15****ty...I'm just a poor frog-eater...excuse-me...*grumbles*...mhh...gonna suicide...window...

"Il est interdit de se battre sur le Champ du Massacre; dit-il avant de marquer une pause, le temps de reflechir a la logique de ses propos."

Discworld, The Colour of Magic
Posts: 178 | Registered: Monday, June 7 2004 07:00