Board Degeneration

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AuthorTopic: Board Degeneration
Member # 3124
Profile #0
Goodbye. You seem to be right about the sudden degeneration of these boards - over the past week they appear to have just become rubbish. Maybe it is only a coincidence that it coincides with SM coming back.


I too have become disheartened with these boards. I was originally Felwynne. I was going to leave with nothing said so I deliberately messed up my password, but I signed back up as Flavius. I have not been a member long but I enjoy spidweb games, and have most of them. I enjoyed the conversation and the assistance.

And then came Order Mage, Zephyr Tempest, and the others of the "brat pack" and I watched the boards degenerate into grade-school nonsense. Despite the efforts of myself, some other mature members, and the moderators nothing gets any better. Had a been a mod these kids would have been banned weeks ago. I understand patience but c'mon now, there have been some very good people leave these boards just since I came on. I have also noticed a decline in posts from other members that posted more frequently than they do now. I think they are there, lurking, scratching their heads at the nonsense that pervades these boards.

I too have pretty much given up. I think I will stick with rgra and rgrn and some others out on Usenet for, at least, adults are there. It is also a place that Zephyr, Order, and others would never survive. While I understand they are pre-pubescent, young, and foolish there is no excuse for there behavior and no excuse for their continued existence on these boards. I believe they have violated the CoC, but then, as with any other standard, if it is not enforced why have it. Doubt what I am saying? Look at the RP threads that have been ruined. Look at the posts demanding something with the overt threat of continued spamming.

Ditch the brats (so everyone knows, I am in my late 40's and have four kids, so I am not just some kid-hating adult, just one with little patience for bratty conduct--mine paid for it when they got out of hand, discipline people, discipline) and restore the boards to normalcy. These were fun when adults could discuss RPG's and other topics. They have degenerated to childlike idiocy.


[ Monday, June 23, 2003 04:57: Message edited by: Flavius ]

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
Larry Hardiman
Posts: 110 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Member # 2064
Profile #1
Im...Sorry...i did not want this to happen to the boards at all...i am sorry everyone i will never spam agin...Does anyone think i should leave other than Flavius?

Don't expect the expected
expect the unexpected
if you expect the expected
I expect you will remain unexpected.
Posts: 775 | Registered: Friday, October 11 2002 07:00
Member # 3124
Profile #2
In the spirit of fairness, you have attempted to improve. You have shown a willingness to learn and you have gotten better. Zephyr on the other hand (and a few others), does not seem to want to listen nor understand. I am not advocating your departure (or Zephyr's for that matter) but I am advocating a change in behavior; if that change doesn't occur then, yes, a goodbye may be in order.

Take a look at Zephyr's new boards and tell me if they are really what you want. There is an entire thread that is nothing but infantile nonsense. I would hate to see these boards turn into that. Spiderweb makes great games. A new person to spiderweb, that looks at these boards, has got to wonder about the community. The game boards are orderly, but general has become a joke lately.


The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
Larry Hardiman
Posts: 110 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Member # 517
Profile #3
A point. Order Mage is not one I would have included in a list of Spidweb's 'brat pack'. He only has 200 posts, so he's hardly been spamming, and I think we can put up with the odd meaningless post from him, seeing as they are quite rare. (sorry, OM, but you do say pretty stupid things sometimes.) I think, however, that Felawynne may be overreacting a bit to all the spam. Spamming and meaningless posts aren't the same thing, and while the first is detrimental, the second is only irritating. The thing is that while a lot of people are spamming, every irritating post gets classed as spam.

In concluision, no, Order Mage shouldn't go, as he hasn't been spamming.


Let them eat cake!

Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially.
Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00
Member # 2064
Profile #4
Thanks both of you and i know i have posted some really stupid things but i will not spam any more and i will try to help zephyr to get better also.

Don't expect the expected
expect the unexpected
if you expect the expected
I expect you will remain unexpected.
Posts: 775 | Registered: Friday, October 11 2002 07:00
Member # 3124
Profile #5
Order Mage: I was referring to when you first started posting. You have gotten much better. I know you and I have talked (I was Felwynne) and Kyna has talked with you. I am impressed with the way you have become responsible in your posting. We all do say "dumb" things from time to time so you are not alone. The difference between you and others is you try to get better at what you do, some others don't. So, no, I would not say you should leave.

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
Larry Hardiman
Posts: 110 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Member # 2064
Profile #6
Then i shall stay and i will never spam agin!

Don't expect the expected
expect the unexpected
if you expect the expected
I expect you will remain unexpected.
Posts: 775 | Registered: Friday, October 11 2002 07:00
La Canaliste
Member # 21
Profile #7
Hi Felwynne!
I suspect that some of the posters who continually put up simply annoying junk are not able to appreciate that other members are actually human beings capable of being angry, hurt etc.
Whether it's because they are like that in everyday life, or whether it is just because they cannot see other board members, I don't know, and I guess that also varies between them. On the other hand when people just go on being annoying and badly behaved there isn't much point in continuing to tolerate them.
When they do show they are trying to make an effort to get on, and to belong to a community, then congratulations and encouragement to them!

KazeArctica: Oh yes.
KazeArctica: Oh YES
Posts: 93 | Registered: Sunday, September 30 2001 22:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #8
Yes, Order Mage and SM certainly did get better, though SM did kind of back down, but I really do think that the CoC needs to be revised, or at least enforced. There have been many offenses committed on Spiderweb lately, and also in the past, and very few people have been banned, no matter how temporarily. The mods really need to start cracking down, in my opinion.

EDIT: Grammar, spelling, the usual.

[ Monday, June 23, 2003 04:24: Message edited by: iDavid ]

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 3124
Profile #9
Hello Saunders!

I have read many of your posts! I like the way you attempt to encourage etiquette too!

I would think that the anonymity enjoyed in these forums leads to quite a bit of the behavior we witness. It is far easier to shout from a hidden place and cause havoc than to actually do so in front of the crowd, as it were.

I have, as I've said, noted that some members, like Order Mage, have made that attempt to fit in to the community after coaching, prompting, and some mentoring. Unfortunately, some do not respond and continually act inappropriately and when told otherwise, pitch their little fits. I imagine, one in particular, is quite the little handful for Mommy and Daddy, yet I am sure the behavior has been nurtured and created by their inaction too. These are the ones that need to be prompted, nurtured, needled occasionally, and later banned if they do not change. I know I am not the only one annoyed with these shenanigans. Perhaps, I am just more vocal at this point.


The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
Larry Hardiman
Posts: 110 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Member # 2064
Profile #10
I have put up on Zephyrs and my board for him to stop spaming or i will leave his board and ban him from mine.

Don't expect the expected
expect the unexpected
if you expect the expected
I expect you will remain unexpected.
Posts: 775 | Registered: Friday, October 11 2002 07:00
One Thousand Slimy Things
Member # 66
Profile #11
Hmm, although I don't agree with spamming or acting painfully stupid (Zephyr for example), there is nothing wrong with being silly, wild, foolish and crazy. To certain limits of course.
If everyone acted like this...

Person 1: "Hello there George old chap. Fancy a cup of tea?"
Person 2: "Why certainly my dear friend. Slaying a goblin I see."
Person 1: "Yes indeed. Would you be so kind to hold my tea while I smash this bugger."

...the world, and the boards would be very boring.
Besides, isn't foolish, wild etc. the way young 'uns are supposed to act?

Ahh, I feel like ranting. *Sips some coffee*
Oh, this is a good moment to point out Saunders' signerature. And mine. Both are very real things said in very foolish chats.

Felwynne, have you ever met any AOL:ers? You know, I LOV3 BRITNEY SPEERS SH3 IS HOT!1!1!!1!!111 OMG - types? After meeting a few, you'd have to agree that even Zephyr is a shining beacon of intelligence in the darkness. A very dim beacon, but anyways.

To sum it all up, not everyone can be ye olde stick in the mud. You should respect the fools, and the fools should respect the stick-in-the-muds. This is hardly ever the case, but it happens.

Zephyr (and some others) don't count as fools. They are just spammers.

And it is not my fault if I make no sense. I blame the coffee.

KhothMk2: You don't get 72 virgin camels though
Posts: 995 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 3124
Profile #12
Felwynne, have you ever met any AOL:ers? You know, I LOV3 BRITNEY SPEERS SH3 IS HOT!1!1!!1!!111 OMG - types? After meeting a few, you'd have to agree that even Zephyr is a shining beacon of intelligence in the darkness. A very dim beacon, but anyways.

To sum it all up, not everyone can be ye olde stick in the mud. You should respect the fools, and the fools should respect the stick-in-the-muds. This is hardly ever the case, but it happens
Nope. I stay away from AOLers as you've described them. As for Zephyr, his rantings are not in any way to have fun. They are petty demands of an upstart child. I've no problem with fun at all. I enjoy it as much as anyone else. Based upon your premise, indeed Zephyr may be "brighter" but that does not imbue him with any netiquette at all (or even etiquette for that matter).

As for "stick in the mud", that is not what I was advocating at all. Read some of the threads. I especially like every other post in some of the RP threads being Zephyr going on and on about playing even after he'd destroyed the legitimate fun others were having in previous threads. There are others who've splashed these boards with utter nonsense in recent days but it is difficult for me to keep up because they are referred to by other monikers instead of their displayed names. This coupled with a rapid series of profile changes makes it difficult to keep track of who is who.

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
Larry Hardiman
Posts: 110 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #13
Shame, losing a member who has plenty to say. I'd be leaving, but I'm fairly sure that SM can and will be banned. (Alorael just recently posted a topic on the mod board asking for his banning.) After this happens, I might end up leaving, but I'm hoping it will do some good changes to the boards in general, and maybe bring the discussion level of the boards up.

We're all amazed but not amused
By all the things that you said you'd do.
You're much concerned but not involved by
Decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song,
Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong,
'Cause if you really want to hear our views,
You haven't done nothin'.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 3124
Profile #14
I've not truly decided to leave; which is partly why I posted this. I've thought about it though, as you can tell. I like the games and the world behind them. I also use the forum for hints when I get stuck. I even used the forums to get input on whether I should get Exiles or Avernums. I hate seeing it just disintegrate into chaos as it seems to be doing.

I was interested at one time in trying to start a pseudo-RP thread. I say pseudo because it would be more for folks who can't sit by the computer for hours and post all day. But, I watched as the others wound their way into nonsense. Oh well....


[ Monday, June 23, 2003 08:17: Message edited by: Flavius ]

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
Larry Hardiman
Posts: 110 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Member # 2476
Profile #15
Kids are kids. I do not hold that against them. It's only when they are permitted to violate existing rules without having to fear consequences that things get out of hand. I don't think SM would have become really bad, if Zephyr had not been permitted to terrorize the RPs when SM reentered the board. Alec, Imban, TM, Felwynne and others tried to stop him in a concentrated action, but without the administrator's authority to back them, what could they do.

I'm sorry, Drakey, Shaper Master is able to learn if he wants to, but the only language Zephyr understands is force. Not a judging or condemning force, but one that draws a line that he cannot trespass. You did that for Ghost, though he was never so bad as Zephyr has become. We tried to help. Ragnarok has taught Zephyr for weeks via PM. Do you see any positive results?

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #16
SM was banned six hours ago. Hoorj.

I am taking a harder stance in regard to breaking the CoC now, mainly because my faith in SM has not been returned. We let him stay on conditionally dependent on his immediate improvement. He improved, then fell into a swan dive of spamming and useless posting. Hence his re-banning.

Also, Alec, TM, Rosy, and Ror, among others, need to realize that their harassment of members is not appreciated, especially over something like grammar or political views. Their views are their own, and insulting them will not do anything besides anger them and cause a flame war. Also, perfect grammar is not a necessity - coherence is, especially when English is a second language, as is the case for many members here.

Here's to change. *raises proverbial wine glass*

EDIT: ef - SM was banned once before and returned, promising to act better. He did not, and was re-banned. He cannot be taught, as he has proven to us.

[ Monday, June 23, 2003 08:35: Message edited by: Drakefyre ]

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It - We're Everywhere
The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
One Thousand Slimy Things
Member # 66
Profile #17
If someone doesn't know it already, the letters R and P together spell DOOM in these boards.

And I think the spamming is about to end soon. Drakefyre is showing signs of life and violence again. What happens after that, and what will newbies will be like...
That is a risk we have to take.

KhothMk2: You don't get 72 virgin camels though
Posts: 995 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 3124
Profile #18
Thanks Ef!! That is my point exactly! I tried as did many others, to coach and prod Zephyr to reality but it did not work. There is another member on these boards who I did correspond through PM with and has shown marked improvement. He is not quite as defiant as Zephyr though and wants to be part of the community. I had watched as Zephyr just beat others into submission through spamming and further threats of spam. One participant in the RP even mentioned that they were 'forced' to allow Zephyr in. This is bad business. Anyone who has had, or works with kids, should have an idea of what happens when the tantrum works and the child gets their way after the fit--and we have seen it here.

As for the RPs, I think they would be much better if the postings were not quite as rapid. It is very difficult with rapid one line posts to actually role play anything. It is equally difficult with folks that refuse to learn the art of roleplay.

I do think though, that if a threat of punishment has been given, then at some point it should be meted out, if only for a short duration, just to show that the promised threat is real and viable.

I know much of Zephyr's shortcomings in RP are due to youth and inexperience and I can understand failings related to those factors. What irritates is the unwillingness to learn at all.


The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
Larry Hardiman
Posts: 110 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Member # 22
Profile #19
I hate to say it, but I support Drakefyre taking a sterner stance towards spammers and the like. It seems that the board will take a downward spiral towards degeneration if something is not done about spammers.

It is sad that second, third and fourth chances can't be given to spammers - people like SM and Shotts (remember him?) ruined this. But do remember Shadow, now VWM, who completely reformed himself from his old spamming self.

KazeArctica: "Imagine...wangs everywhere...and tentacles. Nothing but wangs and tentacles! And no pants!"
Posts: 2862 | Registered: Tuesday, October 2 2001 07:00
Member # 2476
Profile #20
Rapid posting in RPs is something I'm occasionally very guilty of doing. Due to the fact that your day is my night and I don't need more than three to four hours of sleep. I stop that.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #21
Morgan, my past was obscure/not mentioned until you said that, you know. :P

but then, only the oldbies would know me from back in the ikonboard days, haha.

EDIT: damn requirement for coherence...

[ Monday, June 23, 2003 09:04: Message edited by: Plain Old Wise Man ]

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
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Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #22
I sadly have to agree with Arctic about RPs here. :(

I also wish that tGM would stop thinking that he's hated by everyone who ever lived, or he might start believing it. :P
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 2064
Profile #23
I also support drakey for banning spamers and i think i would have been banned if it wasn't for john and kyna and a few others that helped me get better.

Don't expect the expected
expect the unexpected
if you expect the expected
I expect you will remain unexpected.
Posts: 775 | Registered: Friday, October 11 2002 07:00
One Thousand Slimy Things
Member # 66
Profile #24
VWM deserves a statue really.

Youth and inexperience are not the problem with RPs. DBZ is the problem. And the lack of will to learn to do things properly.

And the "I have a longsword +1, chainmail, small shield and leather boots, brown hair, green eyes and a wang in my pocket" type of introductions.

You have to love that AOL translator.

KhothMk2: You don't get 72 virgin camels though
Posts: 995 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
