World building poll

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AuthorTopic: World building poll
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #100
I can imagine situations in which an odd number of teeth in a mammal makes sense if the extra is in the middle, but what use is there for a fifth leg?

—Alorael, who could perhaps see it if it were adapted to be something other than a walking limb. But another leg? Quadrupeds are already pretty stable and have very nice gaits set up.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 8030
Profile Homepage #101
Maybe this fifth leg in question is suitable as a replacement if another is severed, or possibly the leg in question is a super-sensitive appendage used for foraging and whatnot.

Posts: 1384 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #102
horrible destruction and greatly altered the cause of history,

QUOTE] —Alorael, who could perhaps see it if it were adapted to be something other than a walking limb. But another leg? Quadrupeds are already pretty stable and have very nice gaits set up. [/QUOTE]

As Excalibur said, if you have this planet with all these things happening, with all the lava and stuff, you could easily lose a leg, and the fact that the animal could have it to support on their behind when reaching for a fruit or combating another animal.
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Member # 6600
Profile Homepage #103
Meh. Dikiyoba has seen a few dogs with a leg missing or too damaged to walk on. They get around just fine. It's awkward to get around on three legs, but it would also be awkward to get around on four legs if one is in an odd position. And it would be awkward to walk on five legs, for that matter.

Episode 4: Spiderweb Reloaded
Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #104
Where do you put a fifth walking leg so that it can make up for the loss of more than one of the four primary legs? Also, unless external bilateral symmetry is tossed aside, it needs to be either a tale replacement (why?), put somewhere near the head, or protruding from the spine or the front of the torso. None of those positions really seem limb-like.

—Alorael, who has no problem with another appendage. It just doesn't seem plausible for that appendage to be called a limb, which implies that it's the same as the other limbs. All other concerns aside, limbs come in pairs and this thing doesn't.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 8030
Profile Homepage #105
Why did I synonymously correlate appendage with limb? Regardless, it'd take some contemplation to figure out how a spare leg is put into action.

Posts: 1384 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00
Member # 4248
Profile #106
Another slight update: I finally have a working, albeit crude, map of the world. I haven't found a chance to scan it yet, though. I've only got chitterbugs, kuriaiw, and xyrrian mythology left to finish; I decided that rhinos, molds and detailed cultural descriptions can wait. I'll get most of what's left to do done today. This means that if we are to have those Polaris subforums, NOW would be the time to start making them. Aran, Alorael or whoever holds sufficient power, look here please. The structure should be roughly as follows:

World of Warce
Yet another fantasy world being constructed by Polaris citizens!

Subforums: Herbiary, Bestiary, Geography, Cultures, Mythology, Linguistics, History, Short stories

Subforum descriptions:

Herbarium: From greatest trees to small mosses and lichen, all manners of plants and fungi go here. If it's alive and stationary, it likely goes here. This section also includes diseases, in lack of a better place.

Bestiary: From the tiniest insects to large mammalian predators and giant seaserpents, all creatures of the animal kingdom go here. This includes civilized species also. If it's alive and moves, it likely belongs here.

Geography: All manners of maps, weather charts and regional descriptions go here, from small valleys to the greatest of continents.

Cultures: The customs and societies of civilized beings, from single inviduals and families to great empires, are documented here. History of past, current and future interactions between them also belong here.

Mythology: Documents about fairy tales, religious myths and magical traditions of Warce are placed here. Also contains discussions about cosmology and true magic of warce.

Linguistics: for those of you who have enough skill and daring to make new languages for our creatures to speak.

Short stories: If you ever want to write, or already wrote, a free-form narrative taking place in our good world, store it here for further reference.

If anyone comes up with better descriptions for different sections, spit them out.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
