Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).
  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/pied-piper.ermarian.net/includes/common.inc).


AuthorTopic: 1
Member # 247
Profile Homepage #0

The Knight Between Posts.
Posts: 2395 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
Profile #1
Now that's coming right to the point.

We're not doing cool. We're doing pretty.
Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00
Member # 7557
Profile #2
If UBB wasent so unstable I'd do a TM spam here.

"I must admit, killing mortals is much easier then killing demons. If you remove a demon's head, all you end up with is something that tries to bite your ankles." -Valen
Noob: lol 1337 lol woot
Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00
Member # 32
Profile #3

Lt. Sullust
Quaere verum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 10374
Profile #4
Originally written by VCH:

Originally written by Lt. Sullust:

Umm...whats that supposed to mean?

If you listen to LakiRA@ all will go well!
Posts: 263 | Registered: Sunday, September 9 2007 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #5

TM: "I want BoA to grow. Evolve where the food ladder has rungs to be reached."

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 5814
Profile #6

It's only an eye, my lord.
Posts: 1115 | Registered: Sunday, May 15 2005 07:00
Member # 32
Profile #7
A brief synopsis,

. + . = ..

.. + . = ...

... + . = !

I'd like to propose

! + ! = !!
!! + ! = !!!
!!! + ! = ?

[ Wednesday, October 10, 2007 08:30: Message edited by: Lt. Sullust ]

Lt. Sullust
Quaere verum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 7557
Profile #8
*Looks around moodily for something to stab*

"I must admit, killing mortals is much easier then killing demons. If you remove a demon's head, all you end up with is something that tries to bite your ankles." -Valen
Noob: lol 1337 lol woot
Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00
Member # 6600
Profile Homepage #9
!!! + ! = ?
As in "? + ? = ??"?


Episode 4: Spiderweb Reloaded
Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00
Member # 32
Profile #10
I think " itself should be an operator as well. However, I don't know what it does...

Lt. Sullust
Quaere verum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 7557
Profile #11
Is there some "Point" to all this? Anyone care to make a "Stab" at explaining?

"I must admit, killing mortals is much easier then killing demons. If you remove a demon's head, all you end up with is something that tries to bite your ankles." -Valen
Noob: lol 1337 lol woot
Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00
Member # 32
Profile #12
We checked our sanity at the door a very long time ago. We don't know how to make a point, or why it would be necessary...

Lt. Sullust
Quaere verum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 5814
Profile #13
Originally written by Dikiyoba:

!!! + ! = ?
As in "? + ? = ??"?

Do not be facetious with us.

It's only an eye, my lord.
Posts: 1115 | Registered: Sunday, May 15 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #14
Ah, but is it reversible? Can

??Be held equivalent to

!!!!!!!!If so, then truly this new maths is hyperbolic!!!!

TM: "I want BoA to grow. Evolve where the food ladder has rungs to be reached."

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 247
Profile Homepage #15
interesting .

The Knight Between Posts.
Posts: 2395 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
Profile #16
prediCtable !

Vogel - "10% off on all of [our] products for the month of October. ... this discount applies to games, CDs, bundles, and even already discounted products."

Synergy, et al - "I don't get it."

Thralni - "a lot of people are ... too weird to be trusted"
Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00
Member # 7557
Profile #17
Moronic-spam-that-takes-up-UBB-space-without-reason-you-should-be-ashamed-of-yourselfs spam.

"I must admit, killing mortals is much easier then killing demons. If you remove a demon's head, all you end up with is something that tries to bite your ankles." -Valen
Noob: lol 1337 lol woot
Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00
Member # 6600
Profile Homepage #18
Originally by Ephesos:

Ah, but is it reversible? Can

??Be held equivalent to

!!!!!!!!If so, then truly this new maths is hyperbolic!!!!
Yes, but the people who do that don't get invited to the parties. :P


Episode 4: Spiderweb Reloaded
Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00
Member # 8014
Profile #19
I don't get it.

Muffins n' Hell|Muffins n' Hell: The Muffins Are Back Again
I have an addiction to Spiderweb games.
I like this image
Iffy= Infernal Flamming Muffin. The y is added to make a word.
Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00
Member # 4574
Profile #20
TM did what I'm about to do on a much larger scale once. Allow me to clear my throat, and hopefully tip this over the brink to envoke the lock...

This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is not a sentence. This is not a sentence. This is not a sentence. This is not a sentence. This is not a sentence. This is not a sentence. This is not a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence. This is a sentence.

GIFTS of the World, Unite!
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
Profile #21
You're going to have to do it on a much larger scale to wake up the mods.

mod ^ mod = admin ?
Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00
Nuke and Pave
Member # 24
Profile Homepage #22
Originally written by Arden grey with horns he was:

Is there some "Point" to all this? Anyone care to make a "Stab" at explaining?
Not only that, but I'll define quotation operator while I am at it:

"point" <=> tniop
"stab" <=> bats

Which means that "? + ? = ??" <=> ?? = ? + ?

And now, to make these numbers easier to write, let's introduce the _ notation:

._ = ???? = !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
._. = ????.
._... + ._. = ._?

Be careful with a word, as you would with a sword,
For it too has the power to kill.
However well placed word, unlike a well placed sword,
Can also have the power to heal.
Posts: 2649 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 8014
Profile #23
Admin+Ed=Everyone banned

Muffins n' Hell|Muffins n' Hell: The Muffins Are Back Again
I have an addiction to Spiderweb games.
I like this image
Iffy= Infernal Flamming Muffin. The y is added to make a word.
Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00
Member # 32
Profile #24
By the end of this, we will all understand that @#$% is nothing more than a simplified version of an extremely long chain of ...

Lt. Sullust
Quaere verum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
