Exile II Music?

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AuthorTopic: Exile II Music?
Member # 4511
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Sorry to post this here but I actually checked the Exile Series forum and those were empty.

I remember when I first played Exile II, it actually had music, but in the later versions, and the adaptation to Avernum II didn't have it any more. I really did like the music, and I'm kinda wondering why it was removed.. A bug maybe? I never had a problem with it personally.

Vercalos al'Corlin
The Wanderer
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I believe it was removed because Jeff likes to pick his own music when he plays games.
If you would like, I can e-mail you the mp3 and you can listen to it whenever you want.

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mp3? I thought it was all midi?

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Originally written by Andraste:

I believe it was removed because Jeff likes to pick his own music when he plays games.
If you would like, I can e-mail you the mp3 and you can listen to it whenever you want.

That would be appreciated. should I send you a PM or what?

Vercalos al'Corlin
The Wanderer
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You can download all Exie, Avernum and Geneforge music on Tyran's site.

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Ah. Thankee.

Vercalos al'Corlin
The Wanderer
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Cool I will download the A3 dungeon music, it's quite good.

Edit: Ow it's not there...oh well... :rolleyes:

The exile music is very funny it remembers me to the old Age of Empires music...Or prehistorik 2...

[ Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:51: Message edited by: Dark Mage ]
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
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The A3 intro music is there, and no Spiderweb game besides E2 had any music besides an intro.

—Alorael, who still thinks Nethergate and A2 win the music contest. If sidhe and vahnatai got into a fight, who would win?
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 1934
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Originally written by Divine Error:

The A3 intro music is there, and no Spiderweb game besides E2 had any music besides an intro.

Exile 1 does too. Fugue in G minor

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Originally written by Andraste:

Originally written by Divine Error:

The A3 intro music is there, and no Spiderweb game besides E2 had any music besides an intro.

Exile 1 does too. Fugue in G minor

I love that piece of music. I once tried to get it down on paper for a string quartet by listening to the music. At a certain point I stopped, as it was getting a bit boring...

To be honest, I like all Spiderweb music except for Geneforge 1 and 3, and Avernum 4.

[ Thursday, February 22, 2007 23:50: Message edited by: Thralni ]

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To be honest, I like all Spiderweb music except for Geneforge 1 and, and Avernum 4.
The only Spiderweb intros I don't like are the ones to Blades of Avernum and Avernum 3. Geneforge I is actually my favorite opening.

I also like how the intro music in Geneforge III and IV matches up.

[ Thursday, February 22, 2007 07:55: Message edited by: Enraged Slith ]
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
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Originally written by Enraged Slith:

I also like how the intro music in Geneforge III... matches up.
You mean how the shaper is bursting through that entrance with a pair of creation ready for an epic battle accompanied by lighthearted pipes and drums? I don't get it. I similarly don't get why people think piano and electric guitar is appropraite for Avernum 2. Someone explain?

The Geneforge 2 opening screen and music matched perfectly, however. And they set the mood for an epic game as well.

You lose.
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Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:
I similarly don't get why people think piano and electric guitar is appropraite for Avernum 2. Someone explain?[/QB]
Everything is appropriate with an electric guitar. But never vice versa.

??? ??????
???? ?????
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You mean how the shaper is bursting through that entrance with a pair of creation ready for an epic battle accompanied by lighthearted pipes and drums?
No, I'm talking about how the intro music to Geneforge 3 and the intro music to Geneforge 4 are different parts of the same song. They go together.

I agree that the pictures and music don't usually complement each other though. Geneforge 2 and Nethergate did the best job of that.

As for Geneforge 1 and 3, even though the pictures don't match up, I think the music is very Geneforge-esque. It's probably the percussion.
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Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:

You mean how the shaper is bursting through that entrance with a pair of creation ready for an epic battle accompanied by lighthearted pipes and drums?
Considering that the people in front of the shaper are already dead, I'd say it wasn't about an epic battle.

I tried to think of something witty to put here.

Needless to say, I failed.
Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00
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Originally written by Thralni:

I once tried to get it down on paper for a string quartet by listening to the music.
It might be easier to transcribe if you started with the organ score. Or you could accept that the piece works as a string duet.

—Alorael, who now wonders how exactly Tyran recorded all those intros. They sound almost like they were recorded from the computer's speakers.
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I used ResHack to extract the WAV files from the Windows applications and used dbPowerAMP to convert them to MP3.

[ Thursday, February 22, 2007 14:27: Message edited by: Tyran ]

"It's sort of like Star Wars. Except Jeff didn't make Erika shoot first in Avernum 3, nor did he introduce annoying computer-animated aliens." —Arancaytar
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Originally written by When That Was:

Originally written by Thralni:

I once tried to get it down on paper for a string quartet by listening to the music.
It might be easier to transcribe if you started with the organ score. Or you could accept that the piece works as a string duet.

—Alorael, who now wonders how exactly Tyran recorded all those intros. They sound almost like they were recorded from the computer's speakers.

That was not my point. I wanted to write it down by listening. I like these things being hard.

By the way, How can't you like the Avernum 1 and 2 intro pieces? I think they are magnificent, partly because they sound despressing to me.

[ Thursday, February 22, 2007 23:54: Message edited by: Thralni ]

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Law Bringer
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Who has stated a dislike of the A1 and A2 intros? I'm indifferent to A1's, but I think A2's is my second favorite after Nethergate's.

—Alorael, who thinks it goes especially well with Dark Waters. And now he detects a trend in his A2 appreciation and possibly a reason that he's willing to forgive ZKR many of its flaws.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 4511
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Well, the theme to Exile II was the only one that really stuck out to me..

You know, I remember back when I first started playing Exile III, it just kind of felt awesome to see the surface for the first time..

Vercalos al'Corlin
The Wanderer
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Originally written by Vercalos:

You know, I remember back when I first started playing Exile III, it just kind of felt awesome to see the surface for the first time..
Probably because most Spiderweb fans haven't been outdoors in decades either

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Originally written by Scorpius:

Originally written by Vercalos:

You know, I remember back when I first started playing Exile III, it just kind of felt awesome to see the surface for the first time..
Probably because most Spiderweb fans haven't been outdoors in decades either

That was rude.

Vercalos al'Corlin
The Wanderer
Posts: 21 | Registered: Thursday, June 10 2004 07:00
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Originally written by Vercalos:

That was rude.
But likely true :P

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